Tuesday, July 07, 2009

KI-Media news updates to return to normal on 08 July 2009

Dear KI-Media Readers,

Because some of our team members are facing difficulties in accessing the Internet, news updates on KI-Media will be reduced between Friday 03 July 2009 and Tuesday 07 July 2009 (Phnom Penh time). A few of our overseas team members have gracefully offered to fill in the void during that period and we sincerely thank them for their offer to help in spite of their busy schedule.

We apologize for this disruption and we look forward to see you again on Wednesday 08 July 2009.

Thank you!

(Some of) KI-Media team members


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Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear K-I ,
Please accept my great appreciation and Top Respect with Best wishes, Health, Happiness and Prosperity to You All , families , friends and The Entire Khmer Nation .
Thank you all so much for being true Nationalist and good Khmer .
One Of The Survivors Of The SIHANOUK Killing Fields

Anonymous said...

លោក ហេង​ស៊យ, you just look marvelous in that pic...ROFL!​ហាស៎ហាស៎ហាស៎!!!


Ponlue said...



Anonymous said...

Yeah Heng Soy looks just like ah PPU.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI team !

We love and thank you very much.

Hot Hot said...

ជូនពរ​ឲ្យ​ក្រុម​លោក​សុខភាព​ល្អ ទទួល​ជោគ​ជ័យ​គ្រប់​ភារៈ​កិច្ច
ប្លុក​ខ្ញុំ​ក៏​ចង់​​មាន​អ្វី​ដែល​លោកមាន​ ចង់​បង្ហាញ​នូវ​​អ្វី​ដែល​ពិត​ៗ

Anonymous said...

Ah Kantorb, 5:53 AM,
Almost the entire nation love the King, and he didn't kill his own people. You fucking kantorb pretender.

Anonymous said...

10:53 AM

Of course, he did!


Anonymous said...

Those overseas members are busy eating shit in those countries...

Anonymous said...

bhaveursefe 1:07 HANOI PHD BUSHIT

Anonymous said...

Mi. Aun PPU,
You were among the KR killers too. Bcus you're Youn agent.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if PPU has dick or pussy after he has sex changes, What should we call PPU?
Mi choss k'ourth PPU t'leum Youn or ah Choss K'ourth PPU t'leum Kmao doch ah Ho.

Anonymous said...

Easy now because if your dicks jump out of your pants, I might to cut them. Again, to make sure those diminutive pricks of yours are in your second-hand pants.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any of you have seen this kind of talk from Hun Sen or if KI dares to post this kind of stuff from Hun Sen.


Anonymous said...

Dear Overseas Shits

U better fuking make ur critics be the constructive ones if u want to gain more support and be able to come back to live in cambodia, or u wil be always the losers and eating shit in the oversea...

Anonymous said...

They always trash my oversea khmer...
but in the other hand,these low life,mother fucker,scum bag,always want $$$$$$ from my oversea people.
When you live too long under ah kwack regime,it is normal that you talk double standard like your master.

Anonymous said...

These low life fuckers are angry because there are no more $$$$ sent to them.
They need only $$$$$, $$$$ and $$$$.

Anonymous said...

they should just shut down this website and die

Anonymous said...

And where else can you go to trash people like you do it here 7:43 PM, ah Hun Sen's sites? In your dream 7:43 PM...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Shut own?
This website is also for you (7:43) to read.
Why die?
Hun Sen's website has nothing to read.

Deth said...

thank all your team spend time on

Anonymous said...

3:30pm Son of bich on the street of Ah Ho chi minh Nom benh. motherfucker son of bitch ....

Anonymous said...

Happy Independence Day, America!

God Bless America!
God Bless Cambodia!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PPU is a faithful Hun Sen's dog.
He wasn't sent from Hanoi for nothing. I can bet this PPU is purely Youn like the rest of his Youn who have nothing good to say about us Khmers even if he says he loves CPP, that's just Youn's tactics.

Anonymous said...

10:52 AM
read the history of cambodia from 1960 to 1975 before you say that king sihanouk didnt get involved in the killing .

Anonymous said...

PPU is not khmer . he is pretending to be khmer so he can bark at opposition parties and whoever criticize the CPP . he is from overseas because he got kicked out of his country.

Anonymous said...

3:30 PM . you are being fooled . we live overseas we are doing much better than you and your dogs CPP supporters. we can go to any country in the world whenever we want to because we can afford it .
can you do that 3:30 pm ?

Anonymous said...

11:43 PM, it's 10:53 AM (my post) not 10:52 AM.
Do you think I am so dumb? History and hundred and hundred papers in Pentagon in State Department and elsewhere I read and I stored them all in my hard drive. I am still creating my Blog and will post all those papers in my Blog soon when I have more time.

I don't believe the King killed his own people even what he said didn't mean he did it. He was a politician just like the rest of politicians on the planet.

Anonymous said...

12:23 AM, will it happen any time soon in your life time? Hurry before Sihanouk dies so he can say something more to incriminate himself, please? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Breaking News from Phnom Penh...


ភរិយា​ ជា​ ស៊ីម ងាប់ហើយ!

ញ៉ែម សឿន ភរិយា​របស់​ ជា ស៊ីម ប្រធាន​គណបក្ស​ប្រជាជន​កម្ពុជា និង​ជា​ប្រធាន​ព្រឹទ្ធសភា​បាន​ងាប់​នៅ​ម៉ោង​បី​ទៀប​ភ្លឺ​ឈាន​ចូល​ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ​ទី​០៣​ឧសភា​នេះ​ហើយ ។ ពិធី​បុណ្យ​សព​កំពុង​ប្រព្រឹត្ត​ទៅ​នៅ​ភូមិ​គ្រឹះ​ ជា ស៊ីម ដោយ​មាន​ការ​ចូលរួម​ពី ​គណបក្ស​នយោបាយ​មួយ​ចំនួន។

Let's Party for 7days and 7 Nights!

Anonymous said...

will not celebrate it for now,i 'll wait till SIHANOUK ngorp sen.

Anonymous said...

12:23 AM
who asked khmer people to join the khmer rouge to fight the government of cambodia in 1970 ? it was sihanouk. who was the head of the khmer rouge while the war was going on between 1970 and 1975 ? it was sihanouk . people blame pol pot and a few other guys ... but if sihanouk wasnt there , khmer rouge wont have the power to defeat the gomernment . sihanouk didnt kill his own people ... but he was one of those who started the war and after they won the war they let the killing start right away from april 17 1975 till vietnamese took over in 1979. thats why they want to put sihanouk on trial along with kiew saphorn , duch and a few more people .
if you think sihanouk is clean .... read cambodia history again from 1960 to 1975.

Anonymous said...

12:23 AM ! you are not dumb but bumber . you want to know khmer history by reading american documents .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Khmer History, Youn History, Siam History... most of them are many falsefied the facts.
There is no such word as a "bumber". Documents or papers are facts, and they are not history written by historians or by biased historains.
Your people don't have to insult me or others, just because I don't believe those were the intentions of the King and his countrymen planned to kill his own people.
Strategies of the leaders to save his nation, every leader would.

2:57 AM,
Do you know the words Khmer say "Monuss Chhleuy"? You fit it.
Don't call suffering upon others, it may fall upon yourself. I sense you are a very miserable person.
Everyone soul has a duty to fullfil, HM the King has his and you have yours, and all of us have ours. We are monuss miean bab, if we have no more bab we won't be again born. Do you see yourself a good or sane person or you will never die? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំសូមជម្រាបជូនអស់លោកឲ្យបានដឹងថា ppu
វាពិតជាយួនមែនហើយ ព្រោះពេលវានិយាយវា
ឡើយ។បើតាមខ្ញុំយល់វាមានខួរក្បាលពីរ PPU
ចាំអញ់ប្រាប់ឯងឲ្យដឹង នៅពេលម៉ែរ របស់ង៉ែង,
អ្ហែងចង់ចុយឲ្យបានស្រួលមែនទែន វាបានហៅ
ក្ដយួនម្នាក់នឹងក្ដអា សែន ញាត់បញ្ចូលក្ដទាំងពីរ
ទៅក្នុងក្ដិតម៉ែឯងធើ រហូតទាល់តែចេញទឹក
វាមានទឹកក្ដពីរមួយរបស់យួន មួយទៀតរបស់

ខ្មែរ ភ្នំសំពៅ

Anonymous said...

2:47 AM,
Are you sure you are on the right month "Oussaphea (August)" and not Kakkada "July"??? Or are you lying???

Please forgive me for being a bit blunt here!!!

A 28-year old Khmner-American
Washington D.C

Anonymous said...

Use Mi Sompeung Doss Koy Pimping Pussy University (PPU) for target. For sure, Khmer will live!

Anonymous said...

2:24 AM
if you don't believe what you see on the paper , why bother to read it ? you said you were not dumb , that meant you were smart , if you were smart why did you go to american documents to find khmer history ? have you found sihanouk's biography yet smart guy ?

Anonymous said...

7:24 AM ! you have been such an idiot . don't come here throw things around and try to be a nice guy . next time you come . just read the news but don't respond to anyone's comment . if you do, you might get insulted because of your idiotic comment .
i am one of those people who servived the Sihanouk - Pol Pot - Kiew Samphorn - Eing Sary - Noun Chea and Ta Mok regime too and i will celebrat whenever i hear those people die .

Anonymous said...

7:24 AM
You said >>>>> Don't call suffering upon others, it may fall upon yourself. I sense you are a very miserable person.
Everyone soul has a duty to fullfil, HM the King has his and you have yours, and all of us have ours. We are monuss miean bab, if we have no more bab we won't be again born. Do you see yourself a good or sane person or you will never die? I don't think so .
what do you want to show ? do you think duch killed thousands of innocent people because he had a duty to fullfil too so we all have to forget about it ? your rhetoric is very absurd . it seems to me like you are trying to be someone you are not .

Anonymous said...

11:53 PM

You better ask your fuking foreign boss for long leave to see what happening in cambodia, how middle class and high class cambodian living rite now. seem like u have low knowledge on that. we, educated people in cambodia, are earning more and living happier in our beloved country, cambodia, than most of ur fuking overseas khmers...
And I know exactly what overseas khmer are, how they are living and eating. nothing beside shitsss...

Anonymous said...

4:39 PM,

It's not that I lower myself to your level or anything, ah Hun Sen and you are living off of begging from the outside world....and the entire world knows that...and you are telling us you're better off than us? Please seek pyschatric help immediately. You may have to go to Vietnam because there is not even a single good Cambodian Doctor in the country...Ah Hun Sen's doctor is also YUON, you know that 4:39 PM?

Anonymous said...

KI, You bring the best current news about Cambodia. You are facing diffeculties in accessing the Internet due to CPP restriction or finance? If the problem is finance, you could set up paypal for donation.

Anonymous said...

8:08 PM

the outside world is neither ur overseas khmers or u, 8:08 PM. Most of u living in those countries without paying tax, this make shame of khmers. Happened to asking a real american friend how they feel about those khmer living in the US, I was shocked and felt shame of myself in the name of khmer for they frankly said that there is no american wanna live near khmer :((. u living in those overseas just to damage the image of khmer.
And u again, 8:08 PM. u always judge those opposing ur bullshit critics and ideas as one of Hun Sen people, I jst want to tell u that such a low brain motherfuker like u will be always the loser.
Also, I am not one HunSen and Youn supporter. I was also educated in those democratic and developped countries. But what make my comments here is because I am fed up with those nonsense comments and behaviours of those overseas khmer! fuk u 8:08 PM

Anonymous said...

8:57 PM
How much u can donate? if only a few dollars, just keep it for ur children's mill! lol

Anonymous said...

9:06 PM,

Before you got deported back to wherever you came from and if you were in America getting education or living here you must have screwed up your life so bad and had gone so far as to turning yourself to become the YUON's slave just like ah HUN SEN, you should have known the 2 sure things in life: death and taxes, right 9:06 PM? From sale taxes to everything else that is in the book....everybody pays some sort of taxes even when one is not working - and that is the part that you are wrong and trying to bad mouth overseas Khmer instead.

Now since we are in the subject of you being YUON's slave, you should have known already that the freaking YUON is holding ah HUN SEN's head and yours on the ground with one foot while YUON hobnobing and kissing the American ass every minute of their life and while you keeping barking for YUON and dragging KHMER to become YUON's slave. So be what you want 9:06 PM, but do not drag Khmer to become YUON's slave....and that is what we are all about - fight for the freedom of all Khmer.

Anonymous said...

If anything it is you 9:06 PM - you, not us, that is a loser. You took the easy way out, to bow down and kiss YUON's feet. Your fabricated story about overseas Khmer giving KHMER a bad name is just that - fabrication. America is the land of all sorts of nationalities from every corner of the world.

If you have anything against KI-Media in particular, you should have gone to every source of info that KI-Media posts here and show them that you are a MAN: lecture them. Quit turning against KHMER because we want to be free.

Now go to a kareoke bar and get yourself drinks and fool around with those Viet bitch prostitutes with the moneys that the outside world has given to you...because you are living off of that and we are absolutely positively sure about it. Please be careful not to contract AIDS...not that I care about you or anything come to think of it!

Anonymous said...

while ki is on holiday, please go to:
and khmerization.blogspot.com/

there you can have update news too.

Anonymous said...

I see not much comment at khmerization.blogspot.com

we should invite PPU to Khmerization, and many others will follow him to drop comments there.

Anonymous said...

No PPU can and will never leave KI-Media, never. He is paid with the outside world money to sabotage KI-Media as long as he lives just like 4:39 and 9:06PM. That's the job a YOUN's slave!

Anonymous said...

9:06 Pm shut the fuk up motherfuker you're addicted with Youn's pussy ..
From mix Chen, Khmer,Youn..

Anonymous said...

10:20 PM & 10:45 PM
And those eating shits overseas khmers.

now i see, those eating shits overseas khmers aren't not only eating shits but also low educated. Their responds are no relevant at all. That is what i dont really like and make me commenting here. They have always liked to accuse, accuse and accuse without any rational references or prove. They have just accused me of being deported and being YOUN slave although I have alreay told them that i was not. ridiculous! 10:20 PM, u better use your brain more when reading before u write ur fuking comment, even a child would know that I refers to working tax in my statement on 9:06 PM. Also, i want to clarify that i am not opposing American and I don't care if YOUN is kissing american ass or not. So please use ur shitty brain to respond better to my comments. it is the low standard comments, irrational accusation and critics that make not only u, the overseas khmers, but also the political party whose members are most overseas khmers, gaining no much support and being always the loser...
It is just my good will for u because I am pity u eating shits, living in the second countries with discriminations.
behave urself, use more constructive comments, ur future will be abit hopeful.

Anonymous said...

12:34 AM
you are such a low life loser who have nothing good to say about others who are better than you . you say people eat shit because you don't like them and call them no education.
your rhetoric and philosophies don't fit educated people . you comment only shows that you are full of hatdred , anger and jealousy .
you need to get some anger management help and learn how to say things toward others .

Anonymous said...

Well 12:34 AM,
Your language says it all... you are very well educated..hahaha, ROFL! The readers will judge for themselves as if they really at all care about what you wrote...Have a happy 4th and bye bye Sucka!

Anonymous said...

9:06 PM
you sounded just like a drug addict . you didnt know what you were talking about because you made it all up so you can say bad things to people who you don't like . all readers are not stupid like you think and they know exactly what kind of a guy you are and why you said such things. you are so pathetic .

Anonymous said...

1:03 AM, 12:58 AM & 12:53 AM

U know, people turning aways the topic are just the losers. Again u are the loser. Ideas are the most important not the language used since not only almost every comments here made by u, the overseas khmers, but also some articles posted in KI Medi were written with those fuking words. Pretending is another bad behavior of such shit eating guys like all of u. And now,seem like u guys have nothing more to argument with me because i just knoched the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

1:37am shut the fuck up motherfucker ,U fuckin asshole need oversea ppls to visit your fuckin asshole otherwise U fuckin asshole will starve to death .

Anonymous said...

1:03 AM, 12:58 AM & 12:53 AM
now u can see one of u guys, 1:55 AM, using very polite words to me...
u pretending scumbag

Anonymous said...

2:02am don't blame me U & hunsenCpp kameoru side to Youn Kro Torp Orp Kro Tin have taught me.

Anonymous said...

2:02am low life

Anonymous said...

2:18 AM 2:12 AM are all losers
losers nothing u can say beside blaming

Anonymous said...

Happy independent's day to all Cambodian people in Cambodia.
To all Hun Sen people please try to have one if you have the willing and courage.

Khmer Young said...

Comment: During war, the people needs military to protect their lives from enemy. During peace, the people needs policemen to protect their lives from thieves and injustice. Vietnam has played both roles in Cambodia. First Vietnam sent their troops to help Cambodian free from a mismanagement regime of Pol Pot. Second, after Vietnam had authority over Cambodia during 1979-1990, Vietnam has successfully installed the system of their policemen to guard Cambodian people. But this strategy is not enough for Vietnam. Vietnam has to ensure that Cambodian people will be gradually assimilated by their policy such as: ensuring the eternal friendship with Cambodian politicians, ensuring long lasting peaceful border zone, ensuring cultural understanding, and ensuring mutual assistance as well as strengthening solidarity etc. Laos people are currently peacefully guarded by the Vietnamese policemen, next step Vietnam has to ensure that Laos people are genuinely Vietnamese. Let study this case during Hun Sen administration, and let take your notes to predict what will be happened after Hun Sen?

Vietnam and Cambodia will hold cultural exchanges for their young people in order to help them understand about the lives, customs and cultural traditions of each other’s country as well as strengthen solidarity and mutual assistance.

This was part of the action plan agreed upon at the fourth meeting of the southern chapter of the Vietnam-Cambodian Friendship Association (VCFA), held in Ho Chi Minh City on July 2.

VCFA Chairman Vu Mao asked the association’s members to pay more attention to boosting economic cooperation between cities, towns, and villages in the two countries.

The Vietnam-Cambodia Business Club, set up by the VCFA in 2008, now has over 60 members, including the military-run mobile phone company Viettel, the Vietnam Rubber Corp. and the Me Linh Group, which have productively invested in Cambodia .

The club plans to open a Vietnamese representative office and build a trade centre in Phnom Penh , Mao said.

In the past, Vietnamese provinces sharing borders with Cambodia have organised a series of cultural and sports activities, free medical check-ups and built schools and clinics for their neighbours.

Anonymous said...

5:23 you are comparing apples to oranges here. Khmers are way better than Laos people. The history of Cambodia tells us that, no matter what happens, Khmers will always stand the test of time and hardships and wars and conflicts. Although we have made mistakes in the past because of our past leaders miscalculated their political strategies but we khmer have always been resilient. No other national in the world has had the tragedy that khmers have. Our ancient monuments and temples are the testament of our past achievements and sacrifice. In contrast, Laos people have no significant historical achievements to demonstrate their strength as a nation. They are weak in term of defending themselves and are lacking in sacrifice. So do not think that Laos is an example for Cambodia. Cambodia will never be a part of vietnam. The viets will never succeed in their plan to control Cambodia. That would have happened already if khmers were laos, but khmers are not them. Being friends to your neighbors is a benefit to Cambodia because of economic reason. Thailand and Vietnam are our neighbors but they are not to stick their heads into Cambodian internal matter or they will have their hands cut off.

Anonymous said...

Sweet talk,but in the reality? Hee hee I think khmer young made more common senses than you, we are all hope your wishes are come true and the Viet hands will cut off from Cambodia .Sathuk sathuk

Anonymous said...

the basic idea of being friends to your neighbors boils down to economic survival including trading, nothing more. it's necessary to do business with your neighboring countries; all countries depends on imports and exports of goods amongst others. YOu think khmer young knows everything about Cambodia inside out? His/her viet's plan formula isn't worth anything.

Anonymous said...

What is business benefit with Viet for Cambodia? How much Cambodia has trade deficit with Viet each year?

Cambodia has been a loser ever since comparing to Viet. While Viet can give hand to their ethnic living in Cambodia, Cambodian government has only damned the Khmer Krom people.

Cambodia needs neighbors as friend, but Viet plans to take more advantage over Cambodia simply like what Khmer Young articulated.

Anonymous said...

12:45 PM
I am just passing by and reading your comment . your jerry shows that you don't know much about khmer and lao history and don't know what to say . to find out if its true or not , why don't you do the research and read more about it ? you act like a smart guy but your rhetoric and theory can't back you up.

Anonymous said...

more to 12:45 PM
your english is not very good either . your spelling and grammar are so terrible .

Anonymous said...

1:37 AM . you said >>>>> And now,seem like u guys have nothing more to argument with me because i just knoched the nail on the head.
1:37 AM ,go back to E S L class and learn more english before you come back here to make anymore momments . to argue or to have an argument with me .. not to argument with me . knoched the nail on the head ? you are so pethetic dude ... don't claim to be better than others

Anonymous said...

7:32 PM

As long as u fuking overseas khmers can understand, it's fine. I dont need the correct spelling and grammar to make comments in this fuking page. and u, u better learn more about international and academic english, dont just stick with the american puzzy.

Anonymous said...

7:32 PM

overseas khmers, especilly those living in US are always proud about their english. They like to correct english of others, but for them, they only know how to speak but not to write the academic engish. Those low brain people think engilsh is everything for they only know english. English is an internal language it varies from place to place. u fuking overseas khmers should know more about this.

Anonymous said...

I apologize for my illiterate and any misinformation to you,but once again I give A+ to khmeryoung ,very good thinking if Noun Khoeun still alive he will give khmer young a hug too,I am speaking Laos,Thai,English just eleven months in ESL class,French ten years full time class,Spanish just start to hang around with them 12 years ago,so all the facts that I have read and spoke to Laos people and Cambodian every days news that is enough for you not to bullshit a bullshitter like me thanks you.
Thanks you for being so ignorant , clumsy and dummy than me ,you are just a nut criticize people by judging people from out side,look at your English you can't even spell Laos ,after question mark,after period give me a break do not pretend to be smart Alex bozo .I gave the jobs to American born 18 of them in 2006 now 7 because worldwide economy down turn ,so next time learn not to mess around with the bullshitter like me ,if you are can't be a piece of shit just shut the fuck and go to farm in your rice field
as your parent did ,do not pretend to be English teacher here.And count it down in fifteen more years NO MORE NOM BEN for your kids to call . Thanks you for your compliments

Anonymous said...

2:16 PM, you relied on the history too much, and you ignore the real documents existed in another sources. Have you found who killed Kennedy yet? Did the historians realy dared to write the killings of Kennedy then went to kill Lee Aswald in the history book? Killing the President and framing on the innocence man like Lee Aswald because he had Russian wife, then kiled him, it got to be people who were powerful in America. And why are Thais' historians scared to write that King Bhumibol shot his own brother for the throne? He did shoot his own brother in the bed in the early morning while no one else but him and his brother. Who dared to enter the King's bedroom? History is not always covered everything. If it did Thais would have not spread to outside world and said Thiland was an empire and was an ancient country for 6000 years.

2:38 PM, you may die before the King whon you accused as the killer of his own people. I said the King did not kill his own people, and he didn't order those bastards to kill his people either.

and 2:55 PM,
Duch abused his power and still you cannot accuse the King of ordering those bastards to kill his own people. Sounds like you are all a group of ex-Youn Rouge.

Anonymous said...

2:16 PM, you relied on the history too much, and you ignore the real documents existed in another sources. Have you found who killed Kennedy yet? Did the historians realy dare to write the killings of Kennedy then went to kill Lee Aswald in the history book? Killing the President and framing on the innocence man like Lee Aswald because he had Russian wife, then kiled him, it got to be people who were powerful in America. And why are Thais' historians scared to write that King Bhumibol shot his own brother for the throne? He did shoot his own brother in the bed in the early morning while no one else but him and his brother. Who dared to enter the King's bedroom? History is not always covered everything. If it did Thais would have not spread to outside world and said Thiland was an empire and was an ancient country for 6000 years.

2:38 PM, you may die before the King whon you accused as the killer of his own people. I said the King did not kill his own people, and he didn't order those bastards to kill his people either.

and 2:55 PM,
Duch abused his power and still you cannot accuse the King of ordering those bastards to kill his own people. Sounds like you are all a group of ex-Youn Rouge.

Anonymous said...

My post is 11:42PM. but I just want to add a few words to 5:23 AM.

Evety Nation it does not have to be at war, she (nation) must have a strong military. Why Vietnamese are too afraid of Khmers to becoming military power, because it will pose danger to them.

The Vietnamese have been in Cambodia since 17th century and they're among Khmers. Some of them are your buddy or you always call them "howdy my Khmer brothers."

The ones who like to flatter you the most though you are wrong, watch out! And some who continue to persecute Khmer King accused him as the killer watch out for them too. They are working hard to fullfil Vietnam's ambitions.

Anonymous said...

Can we borrow N. Korean military?
N. Korea has a million army and powerful weapons.
It's just a hypothetical question. It seems that the Vietnamese troops are among civilian Khmers and are all over in Cambodia already.

To some who try to brag about Isan in Thailand, please know that those people are no longer Khmers, they are more Youn who enter to that area. Your guys already knew about the climate changes and Vietnam will be submerged into the sea, right?

That is why Vietnamese are moving fast to the western region. And you all may know Thailand is #2 World corruption nation after Indonesia. Don't be surprised that Vietnamese agents are in those countries corrupted them with dollars just like they are doing in Cambodia. And China are trying to corrupt Viets with money too.
This world we are witnessing now is full of deceit.

I can bet that those elite Thais are paid by Vietnam to cause troubles to Cambodia, then Viets themselves pretend to protect Cambodia. While Khmers and Thais are fighting, more million Viets enter Cambodia, and Thailand.

SEA cannot avoid WAR, it will be a big war, and Vietnam will fight China until their last breaths.

Anonymous said...

10:04pm scumbag, you need to eat more Youn's pussy.motherfucker cheap brain.....................................................long live khmer oversea!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1:19 AM

Overseas khmers like using such very nice words like u. But i dont really understand. u meant ur mother puzzy? it is fine, i dont care although it's...lol

Anonymous said...

Love all of you smarty pants that come out here on KI-Media to voice your opinion. Rightly or wrongly, please keep up with it...In the end we will prevail in keeping Khmer alive!!!

Smart Alex

Anonymous said...

Kaun Mee Somphoeurng Youn sucking Ah Dick Nail Hun Shit'sdick 1:55am disguises as Kampouchean Nom Bernh.in fact, i kno where you are? motherfucker!!!!son of bitch

Anonymous said...

11:42 PM . you have been reading the the fake documents and claiming to be smart. your philosophies don't fit the reality .
i don't know why some people can't even speak english good but claim to be educated .

Anonymous said...

5:23 the most challenging issue facing cambodia is economics. Cambodia has been through ups and downs, and torn apart by wars and conflicts which made cambodia the condition that she's in right now. It's really important to understand economic issue thats happening. Because the assumption is people think that vietnam or thailand want to take over cambodia, but that's not the case if you understand how important economics is.

Anonymous said...

I'm not 11:42 but to me you are the sicko and annoying person,you just apiece of shit like the others ,who care you do not need to judge some body because of you are no body ,who care? A bout good or bad English writing ,as long as you make senses and help the Country but for you I ma telling you ,that you are just learning the English also the way you are writing,clean your stinking ass first before you go to clean the others people ass. Got it pinchi modre?

Anonymous said...

11:42 PM . you have been reading the the fake documents and claiming to be smart. your philosophies don't fit the reality .
i don't know why some people can't even speak english good but claim to be educated
It suppose to: You have been reading the fake documents and claiming to be smart. Your philosophies don't fit the reality.
I don't know some people can't even speak English good but claim to be educated person. 2;43Am you just fool you self and you are not better than the others .
I hate the people that boast them self and put the others down.
You are just a fagot good at fight with your own Nation but not the neighbors .Go to hell damn you.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI-Media team,

Please accept my personal warmest and deepest gratitude and appreciation for your tireless efforts in contribution to the national and societal improvement through media, with free of charge.

Rest assured of our (both your supporters and protesters) patient waiting... and our forward-looking to your continued noble mission.

We'll try hard collectively. Together we can change! Certainly.

With my best regards, I wish you all good health, happiness, and great success.


Anonymous said...

Gentleman! would you care to refrain yourselve from being abusive to one another, regardless any different views we speak out.

Our neighbours love to see we land ourselve in this turmoil.

Thank you for your understanding.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

9:49 AM

Yes, indeed. Here is the bottom line. If you call yourself Khmer and you wish the other Khmer who has different ideas from you dead, you should consider yourself Khmer no more.

If you can't be civilized and resort to only dialogue in a gentleman way in disputing your difference, stop calling yourself Khmer loving and caring for Khmer because you're not. You're only caring about your own good and beliefs in that way.

Learn to be able to disagree with each other but not kill each other because of that.

If you really want to see Khmer progress, you ought to be smart enough to know unity is the way. Unity comes from ways of understanding and respect. Many of you self-proclaimed educated people lack those aspects understanding and respect.

Think about that.

Anonymous said...

10:50 AM
some people didn't earn respect from others ... even president bush
some people called him stupid on tv . that means , no one has respect from everybody on certain things . don't try to be too nice and humble 10:50 AM because you have feeling just like anyone else and when some people treated you or your family in a bad way , you will say something bad toward that person too because you are not jesus.

Anonymous said...

7:53 AM , what in the world are you trying to say you copycat ?

Let's go Media said...

Dear KI Team,

I still support your activities forever unless you stop. We all Khmer the same why we always argue each other.

Stop fighting for Foriegners's Benefit.

Ok,if you have free time during KI doesn't post anything, please go to www.lg-media.blogspot.com to read sensitive news about Cambodia.

I'm waiting for all you guy there.

Take care

Anonymous said...

People can't be educated without good english...u kidding me scumbag.
Ur english is nothing.


Anonymous said...

Let's petition to have this site closed.

Yup, I'd like to shit all over this site whenever I have the chance. I love every chance I have.


Anonymous said...

7:36 AM ! everything you said up there , you must have been talking about yourself . if you were not annoying why bother to throw things around ? i didn't see anyone mention your name there . don't be so hypocrite 7:36 AM .

Anonymous said...

Good job A Real Khmer!

"People can't be educated without good english" and A Hun Xen's English is nothing so far.

U mean refer to him?

A dog Kbal Yuon Kluon Khmer.


Anonymous said...

12:17 pm
was it a question or a comment you got up there ?

Anonymous said...

Why don't mention your name? U are also hypocrite.


Anonymous said...

I want A Real Khmer to answer.

Anonymous said...

12:41 PM
It is both question and comment.

Anonymous said...

Lets go Media said !
it doesnt mean anything when you fight with people that you can't win or lose . when you fight with people that you can't see , its all for fun .

Anonymous said...

HSS means Hun Sen supporter . is that right ?
HSS , you are better than Hun Sen because Hun Sen can't speak english . i will vote for you if you run against him on the next election .

Anonymous said...

Ki-media team has tremendously sacrificed their time and energy to keep informed to all Khmers around the world.

Thanks ki team

Anonymous said...

All Overseas Khmers who think that english is important.
I think ur english is useless. It can be only used to make comments in this fuking page, blaming each other and arguing with the people u dont even have an idea about them.

Why dont u use ur english to beat Hun Sen?
Why dont u use ur english to become the PM in cambodia?



Anonymous said...

realkhmer !
english is useless ? even at the airport pochentong people speak english to communicate . most of taxi drivers speak some english even they are in cambodia . maybe it's useless for you because you don't have a decent job that you need to communicate in english . what do you do to make a living ?

Anonymous said...

1:19 PM
u see, fuking overseas khmers like u like to look down on others. That is what I detest. U ended ur comment by asking what i do for living. That is the habbit of the fuking overseas khmers. And this behavior gain no support from real khmer people, that's why ur fuking party always lose.
why dont u answer my two questions above huh? u can't?


Anonymous said...

RealKhmer ! I think you ran out of yaba . go get some before it's too late .

Anonymous said...

your ideological came from KhievSomphon or Sihaknuk? Why don't you write in Khmer ,we can read and understand yours also,damn I hate the bird with two heads !

Anonymous said...

1:36 PM & 1:41 PM

blaming and accusing again and again. Nothing interesting.
I dont care for I always expect those fuking words from overseas khmer like u


Anonymous said...

me learn good english here
me want you people to teach me english
me need to take esl classes to improve me english

you help me

YOU PEOPLE are so fucking horribly disgusting and despicable people on the face of this earth when comes to criticizing people, particularly this site founder and its IGNORANT members. The site must be shut down IMMEDIATELY.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

R U Really a Realkhmer Kbal Youn Kloun Khmer pussy ROFL..LOL.
from shut the fuck all Ah HSS//////////////////////////////////////////////

Anonymous said...

2:44 PM
if ur mother or wife comes to cambodia, i''ll make them suck my mega dick...lol.

Anonymous said...

2:34pmShut you mouth up,your fucking garages,the soul of Khmer republic is returned ,and ah PPU choy marai ah youn dog eater will be eliminated from khmer soil , the floating corp ppu will become to be fish food as normal go and die tai hong ah youn criminal nation and fuck you ah ppu.

Anonymous said...

2:56 PM

u are dreaming. wait for ur next life buddy

Anonymous said...

There are many spams and bad people in this comment. But it seems few people or the same people who are using impolite words to discredit ki-media here.

But as I am one of the ki-media fans will not be shaken by those bad people.

ki-media's fan

Let's Go Media said...

Dear all,

Let's go to LG-Media. If you have free time. Stop fighting and arguing by word. No one won or lost. Last time, we all are Khmer the same.

I'm waiting for you all at www.lg-media.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

3:11 PM

u will vanish with those ki-media team soon

Anonymous said...

Dear all,
I'm so glad to hear that you all pay much attention to our country issues.
But I feel regret to see you guys cursing each other like this. I think it's useless and it doesn't improve anything better.

You (especially Ki-Media) should better raise one topic (such as education, corruption etc.) for discussing among us to find solution and the reality. This is the only way to learn from each other.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

If youn every where,and khmer people still think a bout karmar,let youn railroad khmer and step all over khmer that it won't work.
Dear all patriots you know the words in khmer hean see hean song?
kill all youn included ah ppu

Anonymous said...

2:55pm HAh !HAh..Hah..!ur fuckin Mega dick is not my female size ,plz.. keep it for Pouk Mi Sompheng youn cpp ok?especially i want to suck ur mom pussy or ur wife, cuz i want to know how does taste?Mam or Pra Hok haha..hah..hah..then U R Realkhmer or not .sucking before believing.....

Anonymous said...

We DO NOT need a new leader in Cambodia, because Samdach Hun Sen is already the REAL leader.

Let's plan for his next election, so we'll have his leadership and contribution to the Cambodian people until he's a 100 years old.

Long live CPP!
Long Live Cambodia!


Anonymous said...

3:32 PM

ok, u can suck my mega dick

Anonymous said...


dont be so unrealistic. ur Hun Sen can't live up to 100 buddy.

When he lose his power, he'll lose everything even his family. His fate will be just like Suharto


Anonymous said...

3:31pm i strongly support your idea,there's alot of Youn Bodoi who speaking khmer fluently in early 70 in oversea .i can speak 5 languages khmer ,tia chiu ,manderin ,kro top ,hak ka,cantones,some english. that's why i can spy these ppls.

Anonymous said...

3:38pm ur fuckin maga dick is scrap.keep it for Kroum Mi Choum Tach ,Mi choum tieu Youn scambodia cpp.do u kno Y i want to suck ur mom pussy or wife ,cuz you'd said u r Realkhmer.

Anonymous said...

continue from 3:49pm
don't blame me commrade 3:38pm u r trouble maker,not me.

Anonymous said...

4:01 PM

suck ur own mom puzzy, buddy lol

Anonymous said...

4:01 PM
Only if u dare to come to cambodia with ur mother and wife. Come to meet me i will feed them nicely

Anonymous said...

You guys are great, if you dare to say anything. why don't you guys dare put a name and address on it. So, I can easy to find you. lolzzz. I will kill you guys all, don't just talk, let's do it.

Anonymous said...

4:24 PM

my name is Hun Sen, and i think u know my address and working place. dont just talk, come and kill me.
u fuking scambag

Anonymous said...

Don't try to be someone else. if you are a man, put your real name and address on it. You will see what I said :P

Anonymous said...

4:34 PM

go and fuk ur mother then i will believe u

Anonymous said...

My name's Keo Chan. And what's your name, please?

I live in Minneapolis Saint Paul Rochester Long Beach, MN. And where do you live?

Long live CPP!


Anonymous said...

hey RealKhmer
who is the chief of state and what's the population of khmer ? since you were realkhmer i think you can tell me that

Anonymous said...

Khmer culture is based on classes so it is not just Khmer overseas that have the habit of looking down on other Khmer in Cambodia, the Khmer in Cambodia look down on the other Khmer who they think are lesser than them. I am a Khmer kid that has lived in Cambodia and abroad and I'm talking from experience.

Khmer like to look down on other who they think are lesser than them. That is the sad reality. It's just that Khmer overseas feel the opportunity they gained by living in another country gives them the right to be better than the Khmer in Cambodia. Despite what their economic and social status is, some Khmer overseas still think they are better than Khmer in Cambodia even if the reality is they are both economically and socially lesser than the people they look down on.

As long as you people keep thinking so highly of yourself, you'll always be a victim of the age old disease that plagued Khmer society and prevented us as a people from being progressive.

Just because you get a phd, doctoral degree or help built a dozen schools or care for the poor, don't think any less of other people because you don't know them. For all you know, they have done as much if not more than you for the poor but you don't know them so you never find out.

Anonymous said...

4:34 PM
I am a man and here is my address and you are welcome anytime .
14436 valerio St
Van Nuys California . USA
you can bring your whole family if you like to. see you soon cambodian bravo . bubai

Anonymous said...

you don't even need news here. These people have pre-conceived mentality and they can just go on and attack each other's beliefs with any relevant news to be based on.

Just look. No news to discuss but yet they manage to attack other like they have always been doing. Fyi, you're not doing anything constructive for Cambodia, dudes by trying to look tough to the other guys on here. Actually, you're doing Cambodia a disfavor by doing what you're been doing, trying to look tough and better educated, when you could spend that time to do something concrete for the country instead.

Anonymous said...

4:44 PM

Try "www.cia.gov"

Oh, you'll be surprised to find my name and home address there, too. Try it!


Anonymous said...

Well, everyone got confused now. I didn't really mean to kill anyone, I just want you guys to create, to build, or to do something in reality. NOT JUST J KNEAR IN HERE. J DOL NGOB TEAT KOR MEN CHOP DARE.

Got it? thanks ^^

Anonymous said...

Alright, ladies. Now take off your dresses and wash your lipstick and stop bitching. Bitching time is over. It's now time for kitchen work. Hurry up! Go! Go! lol

Anonymous said...

The leadership must effectively serve the country, that's why we elected Samdach Hun Sen to govern and RULE Cambodia, and more importantly -- rest assured, we will rehire him to lead this country in the next national election so Cambodia is not moving backward.


Anonymous said...

www.lg-media.blogspot.com can not be compared with ki-media.blogspot.com the one who likes reading your blog is those who are wealthy and powerful inside Cambodia. But the major Cambodians are poor and being bullied by those elites. ki-meida is the one who can answer the puzzles of the poor.

Anonymous said...

Try "www.cia.gov"

Oh, you'll be surprised to find my name and home address there, too. Try it!


5:04 PM

Pong Kdor Ah PPU si ach!

Anonymous said...

It is quite intriguing and poignant to seeing these son-of-bitches Ah Scum Rainshit arguing over this miniscule shit.

Fuck Ah Scum Rainshit, asshole.

Now, go and fuck yourself to death, asshole!

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

7:18 PM

Why don't you try with the Unied States first, asshole.

Pi Anh: PPu

Anonymous said...

Dear KI:

This is your affable and sociable member who loves to trash your rubbish members.

It is my sincere hope that God will grant me more strenth and wealth to allow me to continue to trash your members.

Until then, I am looking forward to trashing you and your members.

Again, I am anxiously looking forward to kick your ass.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

9:52 PM

Do you have the audacity to hold my balls on your hands, faggot?

You're a bunch of fucking maggot shit.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

The only way effective way to take care of this so call PPU is to ignore IT.

Just try not to response to IT and it will go away. If IT is not getting any response from any of us sooner or later IT will die. Just like giving your kid or spouse the silent treatment.

Just try it!

Anonymous said...

11:49 PM
that's is not a bad idea you got there .

Anonymous said...

hey RealKhmer , Your English and our English is all the same . If English is useless why don't you write khmere here ? We all can read khmer too . Or you just said it because you didn't what else to say ?

Anonymous said...

There are those who still stupidly believe that america and lon nol were the true khmer patriot :) ,
If american plust lon nol did not stage the illegal coup!?? cambodia would still be a beautiful place under the skillfull King sihanouk leadership,read any history and you stupid dog would come to realise that it was america and power hungry sick minded lon nol who stuff up cambodia, period, use your head and think !?? when sihanouk in cambodia , cambodia was in control of her destiny when sihanouk was thrown out by lon nol , cambodia was as good as dead and YES cambodia die and it was sihanoul who bring back cambodia from the death :) what u see the cambodia of today , its because of sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

12:311 Only you who still stupidly believe that their are someone still stupidly believe that America and Lon nol were the true Khmer patriot:)

Only Shihanouk who was stupid and still stupidly believe all Khmer who lived in Phnom Penh in 1970 to 1975 love and supported Lon Nol!

Can Shihanouk's beliving and his posittion with Pol Pot were the motive and meant for him to commit crime of humenity?

Whould Shihanouk dare to answere or be a witness at the khmer rouge Court?

Let conscient answer the question!

But may lightning and sickeness strike the killers!!!

Anonymous said...

12:31 mee ah jkout has never attended school preaching by the book ah Sihaknuk is the real leader of the khmer rouge period.

Anonymous said...

Ah Sihaknuk should be sending to Trapeang kraleung where he killed Preap In there,Ah sdach akateik ah sdach seejo jkuot with youn sperm.

Anonymous said...

Come down boy no body should be guilty before it prove by the court of laws!

Anonymous said...

What court of law you have my dear2:17? Jungle law? hemmmmmmmmmm
Too bad

Anonymous said...

That PPU is a Pesky Perverse Urchin.

Anonymous said...

2:17AM If Sihaknuk facing with the court not to avoid it be honest with you all he is a man ,but in the reality he bullshit you around he scare ,he not gonna tell you the true and what kind of coward people he is ? But kama are exist if he killed one it is one live sin and two million people you can imagine it two million sin so where he going to? The deepest hell that he even think of?

Anonymous said...

To all Khmers around the world, I just want to tell you that I love you all very much. Please stop bad mouth each other because we are family. Instead, we need to be united as one to help rebuilding our beloved homeland together. Despite of our dark history, I am proud to be borned as Khmer as part of your family. May Buddha/God bless you all my brothers and sisters.

Khmer Oversea (not by choice)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

we need to educate our soul at the same time our mind. Educate only the mind is by far not enough. Educate only mind will be even worse that not educate at all. The evidences are clearely witnessed amoong our highly educated khmers. they got more abilities to steal, to plunder, to oppress, to kill... the poor, the needees, the widows, the fatherless, the defenceless.
They have no compassion, mercy, no heart. Their greed become biger. their appetite become endless.

Anonymous said...

See this and hear this " smart, but dishonest people " Did it apply to anyone here? This is the reason why JESUS standS as THE ALMIGHTY GOD AND NO ONE ELSE.

Anonymous said...

3:52 What do you meant by "BAD MOUTH" ?

Stop pointing the corruption?
Stop talking about land grabing?
Stop complain about abuse, rape on the street of Cambodia?
Just stay quiet until thing come and happen to you like in Pol Pot time?

Use your brain Viet!

and 4:03AM by this time use should know that Viet stay behind and supported the corrupted and evil Cambodian to stay in powers!

And yes! we still have alot of good Cambodian with education just keep fighting for justice! Do not lost hope , BOY! and Girld!

Anonymous said...

12:31 AM . if there was no coup again sihanouk in march 18. 1970 , cambodia would be vietnam just like kampucheakrom right now . you have no idea how many thousands vietcong troups were station in every province on the eastside of mekong river . they were there because sihanouk allowed them to stay there . north vietnam used cambodia as a bridge to transport food and amunition to fight south vietnam ( former kampucheakrom )

Anonymous said...

4:15 AM
you made a good point there . i agree with what you just said

Anonymous said...

4:10 good for you but not the others,I respect all God
Thanks you the war of religion and the Politic that is the big war is we are not watch out.

Anonymous said...

ហេ អា​កូនក្រកយួនសាច់ងាប់ (dead meat) ភីភីយូ (PPU) អាឯងមកបៀម ក្ដ ឪ អា​ឯង
ចាក់រុកឆារឆៅ ខ្មែរ រកប្រយោជន៏ឱយ អាយួនស្រកី
នោះ។ កុំធ្វើដូច ម៉ែអាឯងរវល់តែដើរធ្វើសំផឹង​នៅស្រុកខ្មែរ ណា៎អាភីភីយូ (PPU)!​មកផ្ទះយើង​
នៅហាណូយ (Hanoi) បៀមក្ដឪ អាឯងលេងវិញ

ពីអញឪអាភីភីយូ(PPU) ឯង!

Viens PPU, viens ici et succer le "CocK" de ton Papa...d'accord?
Ton Papa, PPU.
Unofficial translation of the above comments in Khmer and French:

[Hey you little susage dead meat PPU, come and suck your Daddy's dick you Son of a bitch, quit going around harassing, trashing and sabotageing Khmer's readers on KI-Media in favor of the The Viet Kantorp, okay? DOn't you know that your mother has been busy prostituting in Cambodia, PPU? PPU, you'd be better off coming to our Hanoi home and suck your Daddy's dick...
From me your Daddy, PPU

Come PPU, come and suck your Papa's dick, agreed?
Your Papa]

Anonymous said...

I have been reading the real papers that historians did not dare to put them down in the history books. What I said were all the facts, but you don't want to admit. About writing plain English to make people here to easy understand, it is not a bad idea at all. I knew you didn't read but you prefered to throw me your irrational arguments, and then you accused me that I claimed to be smart; and not even that you criticized my English which I believe you are not what you claimed to be.

I'm the same poor Med Stu. in the US.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Dear KI,

I am sure WE ALL MISS YOU SO MUCH, please come back faster.

You are a vital source of information. KK

Anonymous said...

3:31 PM
Sorry to disappoint, but I’m here to stay, and I love every moment that I have to trash you and your members. Oh, fuck you! Don’t you dare calling yourselves “patriots,” because you’re not—all of you are fucking pathetic escapees. I’m certainly that you and YOU PEOPL would love to get your hands on me, right? Fuck you!

Don’t fret! We will win the next national election, and you have my words that my PM will be in power until his 100 years old—you have my assurance. Why losing sleep over death, because you and I are only die ONCE. Of course, in the end, we will lose everything, because you can’t take your personal belongings with you when you exit this world. Oh, my PM is destined to be a leader for the next 50 years, and I’m right by his side. May God bless our PM.

Mr. Silent Treatment:
First and foremost, fuck you! Yes, fuck you and screw the rest of your clans—yes, it’s you KI. YOU PEOPLE are worthless than animals—that are the facts—those facts are irrefutable. Again, fucked head, don’t fret about death, such fucked head like yourself—will die HARD just like the rest of your clans. We’ll wait and see how long you’re able to remain silent, since you appear to love to be Mr. Silent Treat. Now, go and fuck yourself, asshole!

11:49 PM
Please do me a favor: go fly a kite, or fuck yourself to death for me.

6:22 AM
Absolutely true that I’m here to stay, and I’m here to give you and your clans shit every chance I have—I just love every moment of it. Also—of course, I will do everything in my power to trash you. YOU PEOPLE are worthless than animals. Yes, you heard me correctly: YOU PEOPLE are cheaper than animals. All these pleasures are mine for trashing you and your clans.

In addition:
Oh! One more thing: YOU PEOPLE are not the kind of species (or my cup of tea) I would affiliate with.

Pi Anh: PPU (your forever superior)

Anonymous said...

6:17 you are stupid to say that. you do not hire hun sen and you are just his slave working for the same vietmaster. Don't claim to be a master when your just a slave.

Anonymous said...

Like CTN television, Deum Ampil newspaper is also part of Hun Sen propaganda mechinery. The owner works for CTN and Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

6.22 a.m.

You're such a fucking sociopath!

Pi Anh: PPU (your forever superior)

Anonymous said...


Also, everyone knows that KI is a "political sociopath " and a poltical apparatus for Ah Scum Rainshit.


Anonymous said...

Check this one video out about a group of Khmer revealing what Kem Sokha has been doing with the money donated to him.


Anonymous said...

1:40 PM

I met his daughter at the San Jose University, at the time she resided at Phuon Im's house; she was a good kid, but had lots of money while schooling. Also, I met Ah Scum Rainshit's duaghter at the Yale's University, too. Nevertheless, both of these bitches were sent to good schools, while other Cambodians' kids are struggling while their fathers conned and swindled -- almost as if a Ponzy scheme -- through fund-raising programs overseas in an effort to so-called supports the unamed "cause."


Anonymous said...

1.40 p.m.

Thanks for the video footage!


Anonymous said...

1:57 youre lying. I could see you're lying through your teeth. You don't know any of them, and I don't think youre allowed to be anywhere near their surroundings.

Anonymous said...

2:05 PM

I'm also with you! Yup, right beside you.

There's a tiny probability you and the rest of your clans know about me, but I know everything and every move you make.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

អាខ្មែរ ភ្នំសំពៅ 7:36 AM

សូមខ្មែរគ្រប់រូបនៅក្នុងប្រទេស កុំអោយ
ពួកអាឆ្កែខ្ញុំកញ្ជះបស្ចឹមប្រទេស មកកាន់កាប់ អំណាចបានឲ្យ​សោះ ។

ពួកអាចុយម្រ៉ាយ កុំមកសាបព្រួសអំពើហឹង្សា
លើខ្មែរ អញកំពុងនៅមើលបក្សពួកអាឯង
ចុយកន្តួយម៉ែអាឯងហ្នឹងណា អាឆ្កួត អាភ្លើ អាឆ្កែបស្ចឹមប្រទេស។

ពី អញ

Anonymous said...

4:14pm motherfucker asshole! i've just got home came back from work,i'm so hungry i want to suck ur fuckin bitch mom pussy.when i go cambodia ,i'll tell My commrade Hunsen to cut off ur dick &ur mom pussy or wife or ur daughter pussy to feed his crocodiles...ROFL..LOL cuz commrade hunsen considers ur fuckin mega dick & ur hole familes no longer usefull for him anymore get it?.hah.hah.hah.....Realkhmer Kynoum Youn....stop lying commrade.

Anonymous said...

2:42 PM

one's own language is a good indicator of the character of the person. If so, you're a very low-life person, judging from the way you talk.

Anonymous said...

3:oopm scumbag,

Anonymous said...

3:20 PM

If pointing out your fault is being a scumbag, yes I am a scumbag lol. A low life like yourself can only curse because you can't hold yourself in a real intellectual civilized conversation. That's why you resorted to indecent language. It is just a sign that you can't cope with other being superior than you and the only way to appease your ego is to curse at them. Nice try, child.

Anonymous said...

R U Realkhmer Kbal Sro Key coconut ? R U Commrade Youn slave?if U all above,i don't care ,watever u say,

former khmerrouge vc communist victim

Anonymous said...

For khmer,not communist Vietcong.

"Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.
Pay no attention to the faults of others,
things done or left undone by others.
Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone."Our Lord Buddha!

Khmer song,Chhloang Pô 1 doeum.



By waiting ki media members,

Anonymous said...

Is this site for SALE? If so, how much?

I'd like to buy this site, and use the proceeds for the poor in Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

ur bloody money can only guy viet buzzy

Anonymous said...

We should turn this partial-and-biased forum site into a Democratic conference for the failed Ah Scum Rainshit's followers for "civility and decorum."


Anonymous said...

4:46 PM

Let me know how much, because I really want to use the proceeds to help the poor.

PPU: potential buyer (owner)

Anonymous said...

PPU's time has come:

Now that PPU has clearly stated his malicious intention, KI-Media can report to have him banned for good or as an owner KI-Media can just delete his comments.

KI-media reader

Anonymous said...

6:27 PM

I want this site vaporized!

PPU: new owner of KI

Anonymous said...

6.27 p.m.

If my days are numbered, everyone will come with me -- I'm afraid --for a new journey into a peaceful world where we can mutually trash Puok Ah Jkuot Scum Rainshit.

Pi Anh: PPU

Anonymous said...

Only people with dickhead is talking about dick all the time

Anonymous said...

This is the best site ever. 197 Hits on this report alone. Every oversea Khmers know this site. You provide the most interesting, and hard to find news about Cambodia. I subscribed to Phnom Penh Post before knowing you site. I will never visit the CPP site again because it is boring, nothing new, but many pictures of Hun Xen and flashing blinkers. This is the only site that no one can put a monetary value over the freedom of expression, liberty and justice for all. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

4:39 are you sure you are no a katop?

If you are not! may you have more brain!

If you are ah katop ot it slave may lightning strike you and your off spring!

lovekhmer009 said...

Dear K-Media,
During your adsense of posting, I really miss you all, and I appreciate with your work because you all are committed to providing all the information to all of us for information. If you don't mind please invite to post some news on your blog, lovekhmer009@gmail.com

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