Thursday, July 09, 2009

Mayarith left RFA to join Soy Sopheap's pro-CPP Deum Ampil Radio

High-profile former RFA reporter accepted to work for Deum Ampil Radio

Source: Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Khmerization

Mr. Mayarith, a former Radio Free Asia's (RFA) reporter has accepted Mr. Soy Sopheap's offer to work for his upcoming Deum Ampil Radio, a few hours after the offer was made on the 5th of July.

Mr. Mayarithh unexpectedly resigned from Radio Free Asia on 2nd of July after serving RFA for more than a decade.

Mr. Soy Sopheap, publisher of Deum Ampil newspaper and the owner of upcoming Deum Ampil Radio, said he will offer the role of Director of Deum Ampil Radio to Mr. Mayarith.

Mr. Soy Sopheap said his radio will be professional, neutral and unbiased toward any political party. The Radio will deliver fast news to the listeners.


Anonymous said...

I don't think this radio station can stay neutral because it's owner is a CPP member and he has been bias toward CPP since he has been in charge of CTN and DAP news paper . Mayarith is one of the best news repoters i have ever seen , will see how he will fit in . is he going to be neutral or be bias to please his new boss ?

Sacrava said...

The Barking Dog has its own day ?
Mayarithy is a double spying agent of CPP.He was an reporter of VOA news during the coup d'etat ,July 1977,an fugitive and he had escaped into US Embassy and then he became an RFA reporter .....
He was the EYES & EARS of CPP to sneak around & spy to those KHMER-Oversea-Patriots.He've got paid from US's Taxpayer & CPP.He becomes a FAT CAT who had cheated the American's Taxpayer for several years by collaborating with Sam Borin & Lord Kem Sos.

Under Lord Kem Sos's ruling , RFA is a CPP's tool propaganda.


How many bones does Mayarith will receive from CPP to bark in Deum Ampil Radio ?
or is he a DEAD MEAT ?

Ung Bunheang
note: to Mayarith,
You sufferings will come out more
cuz you had deposited so evilly sins into your KARMA-ACCONT.You'll trash out like a stray-dog ....Your golden voice is no longer be affective as you'we with RFA.
It's time to pay your GREED !!!!

TVEU La-Or Ban La-Or
Oy Touk Ke Yoeung Tor-Toul

Anonymous said...

This news really angers those CPP opponents.

But those US followers should wake up from the reality that the US empire has reached its high point, and it is the time to slid down just as other empire did in past. the collaps of US supperpower should be much to blaim on the US ineffective foreigh policies and the double standards imposed for the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

It will not be a surprise for "Radio Free Asia" to arrange Mayarith's resignation after his being revealed for his twelve years of spy service in conjunction with its hidden agenda (the remaining persons need to be dismissed too: Kem Sos, Borin Sam, and fictitious person
Peou Ponlok). Please post what we know about all their backgrounds and the specific biases in different interviews. Let's also ponder on the results that Radio Free Asia has achieved for Cambodia: the strenghthening and validating of corrupt dictatorian regime so far.

Together, we will marshall all the proofs from RFA broadcasting and file mass complaints to:

Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)
330 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20237
Tel: (202) 203-4400
Fax: (202) 203-4585
E-mail:, and


Anonymous said...

Soy Sopheap is licking Hun Sen's dick deeply.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Soy Sopheap, publisher of Deum Ampil newspaper and the owner of upcoming Deum Ampil Radio, said he will offer the role of Director of Deum Ampil Radio to Mr. Mayarith.

He will be in good company with Mr. Phay Siphan. They are all Hun Sen and Sok An's slaves.

Anonymous said...

Mayarith is one of the great reporters, highly educated cambodian individual. He will serve the country and his people well.KK

Anonymous said...

How about this KI-Media? Is it Nueteral at all?

Anonymous said...

Mayarith left RFA because he can not work with RFA anymore. He dislikes Kem Sos and Peou Ponlok.

Anonymous said...

Mayarith joins Soy Sopheap to run radio support CPP and Hun Sen. He destroyes his reputation of long career as international reporter and veteran journalist. Soy Sopheap is the mouth piece of Hun Sen. Serving dictator will transform yourself to become second dictator too.

Anonymous said...

hey, smart people reforms and changes when they see fit. it is stupid to stay there if things is no longer beneficial or working. think about that. smarten up for a change already, ok!

Anonymous said...

Dear Compatriots,

Cambodia is at its lowest point of social disharmony. It is difficult to trust someone just to hear what they say, or what they write.

In the future, internationalism will replace Cambodian nationalism. We will not be talking about Khmer or Cambodian anymore. Even all oppositoin parties will be wiped out from national politics, and will exist at the mercy of the CPP.

Cambodia has adopted Singapore and Malaysian ruling strategies. That's why UMNO of Malaysia still run Malaysia for many decades until now. And we are seeing the same thing happening here.

Democrats or intellectuals have not done enough to reform the country.

And finally, we are coming to a point where we can a rat would ask other rats "who dare to put the bell around the cat's neck? "

Reform chance in 2008 is final. Now let's think about earning our living, job, and business.

Kong Moeung

Anonymous said...

Now it is time for Mr. Mayarithh, next I think may be some of KI team. If it is so, what is the real goal of those..............???????

Anonymous said...

Are you talk like American or Like CPP BAYON Radio?
Everything are about great leader Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

8:11 AM . keep on dreaming buddy !
you are being such a fool .

Anonymous said...

yeah ... i think the reason Mayarith left RFA maybe he didn't get along with some of his co-workers. no one know for sure .. but it's a posibility .
anyway , FRA will go on as normal . it started without Myarith so, it's not going to go down without Myarith.

Anonymous said...

KI don't write the news .. they report news they got from other sources . they just pick what to show readers to read.
I think KI has nothing to do with politics or what's going on with those political parties.
talking about being bias , everyone is bias .. more or less .

Anonymous said...

អា ភីភីយូ (PPU) មកបៀម ក្ដ ឪអាឯងលេងភ្លាម
មក អាកូនមីសំផឹងយួនអស់សាច់!


[Translation of the above comment in Khmer:

Ah PPU, come and suck your Dad's dick ASAP, you cock sucker son of a Yuon's bitch.
PPU's Daddy]

«Où bien en francais - ah PPU, viens succer le “Dick“ de ton Papa tout de suite, fils de pute YUON de Hanoi... Ton Papa, PPU»

Anonymous said...

Mayarithh was the Pro-CPP, while he join with FRA, then he brainwashed to afew more people at FRA stattion before Mayarithh get this new position.
A few more people whom Mayarithh brainwashed to join with CPP are Mr. Hat Sassan Kasem, Ms. Moeung Tom, and Lord Kem Sos. This is how Mayarithh layed his egges.

Now, CTN TV Cable in US is also Pro of Hun Sen. Khmer Radio Station broadcast on Sunday at Lowell of Massachusetts also become Hun Sen slaves after the consult started in Lowell, MA.

Dear Readders, I don't think you beleive what I am telling you, but do your homework, or do your own research, then you'll see. Now, all these places are starting to do media biases for Hun Son.

Your Best Secreat Agent

Sacrava said...

More informations inside RFA.
Mr. Hat Sassan Kasem, Ms. Moeung Tum
are the victims under Lord Kem Sos,Som Borin & lieutenant Myarith.
Ung Bunheang