Hun Sen: Some foreigners are spokespersons of the opposition [… even though they tell the truth]
Thursday, July 10, 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
During the national forum on food security and alimentation in which foreign embassy staff participated in, Hun Sen said that he regretted to see the behavior of a number of foreigners who have wrong views and who created frictions between the governments of the two countries involved. On 07 July, Hun Sen said that for a number of friends, before they speak, they should look at the situation first, otherwise, they would become the spokesperson of the crazy opposition and this is very regrettable for them in their position as partners. Hun Sen declared: “I regret very much because some foreigners are becoming the dimwitted spokesperson of the opposition, and they created frictions between the government [of Cambodia] and their government. But they shouldn’t allow themselves to become the spokespersons of any small opposition group.” In the past, Carol Rodley, the US Ambassador to Cambodia, chimed in with the opposition party during last month’s anti-corruption Clean Hand concert when she raised the issue that Cambodia lost up to $500 million in revenue from corruption.
Thursday, July 10, 2009
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
During the national forum on food security and alimentation in which foreign embassy staff participated in, Hun Sen said that he regretted to see the behavior of a number of foreigners who have wrong views and who created frictions between the governments of the two countries involved. On 07 July, Hun Sen said that for a number of friends, before they speak, they should look at the situation first, otherwise, they would become the spokesperson of the crazy opposition and this is very regrettable for them in their position as partners. Hun Sen declared: “I regret very much because some foreigners are becoming the dimwitted spokesperson of the opposition, and they created frictions between the government [of Cambodia] and their government. But they shouldn’t allow themselves to become the spokespersons of any small opposition group.” In the past, Carol Rodley, the US Ambassador to Cambodia, chimed in with the opposition party during last month’s anti-corruption Clean Hand concert when she raised the issue that Cambodia lost up to $500 million in revenue from corruption.
when this moron 's gonna die?
Mee Jkuot Socheata, are you a dimwit? Of coure, you are!
Pi Anh: PPU
as a writer you need to write a bit politely because our Khmer culture told us to respected the elder or the leader so Thai will not look down on us Khmer always like that that's why the country get smaller and smaller and I think you good enough to write some think to express you emotion
not to use swear word or bad word like most Thai did
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
War Crimes
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Extrajudicial Executions
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helecopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official was on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Sold National Resources
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to votes in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.
"Anthony said...
I'd like to congratulate Lt. General Chhom Socheat for being appointed as spokesman for the ministry.
3:15 PM
Anonymous said...
I'd like to congratulate Lt. General Chhom Socheat for being appointed as spokesman for the ministry.
3:17 PM"
To Ah Anthony AKA PPU, American name, who support CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime killing innocent Khmer peoples.
I recall you don't likes KI Media and KI Media reader.
PPU, why don't you ask the CPP to create a web site for you, so you can write bad comments about opposition party and innocent Khmer peoples who is victims of CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime all you want?
It's seem like you dominated KI Media comment section and you don't even likes KI Media and KI Media readers.
Who are you think you are?
On KI Media, you have two identity.
PPU, you are a CPP tool.
Your job is to say good things about criminals (CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime) and bad things about opposition party and innocent Khmer peoples who is victims of CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime.
Ah Anthony AKA PPU, do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.
Yeas, some foriegners are not crazy like him
អា ហ៊ុនសែន វាកាន់តែឆ្កួតខ្លាំងឡើងៗហើយ។ មិនយូរមិនឆាប់ អា ហ៊ុនសែន វានឹងក្លាយជា ម៉ាកូស ឬជា សាដាម ហ៊ូសេន ហើយនៅទីបំផុត អា ហ៊ុនសែន នឹងត្រូវគេព្យួរក ដូច សាដាម ហ៊ូសេន អព្ចឹាង។ ពីមុន អា ហ៊ុនសែន វាគិតតែរករឿងពួកគណបក្សប្រឆាំង តែឥឡូវវាចាបើផ្តើមរករឿងពួកប្រទេសម្ចាស់ជំនួយ ដែលខំអោយលុយដល់រដ្ឋាភិបាលវា។ អា ហ៊ុនសែន វាគិតថាពួកច្រមុះស្រួចមិនហ៊ានធ្វើអីវា ! តាមពិត អាហ៊ុនសែន កំពុងតែជីករណ្តៅកប់ខ្លួនឯងហើយ។ អា ហ៊ុនសែន វានឹកស្មានថានៅលើពិភពលោកនេះមានតែវាម្នាក់គត់ដែលខ្លាំងពូកែ ថាអីឆេះហ្នឹង ក្រឡេកអីឆេះហ្នឹង។ បើអា ហ៊ុនសែន គិតតែដើររករឿងអ្នកដទៃដែលមានទស្សនៈខុសពីវាបែបហ្នឹងវានឹងបង្កើតសត្រូវគ្រប់ទិសទី ហើយមិនយូរមិនឆាប់ វានឹងរកដីកប់ខ្មោចវាមិនបានឡើយ។
ពួកអង្គការ Global Witness ចំជាឆ្កួតមែន ខំត្រេកអរ នៅពេលឮ អាហ៊ុនសែននិយាយថាហាមមិនអោយមានការជីកខ្សាច់តទៅទៀត ជាពិសេសគឺខ្សាច់នៅឆ្នរសមុទ្រខេត្តកោះកុង។ តាមពិត អាហ៊ុនសែន គ្រាន់តែហាមមិនអោយ ក្រុមហ៊ុនតូចៗជីកខ្សាច់តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ តែអាហ៊ុនសែនវាបន្តអនុញ្ញាតអោយក្រុមហ៊ុន លីយ៉ុងផាត់ របស់គណបក្សប្រជាជនជីកយកខ្សាច់តទៅទៀត។ បើមិនជឿទេ សូមអង្គការ Global Witness បញ្ជូនបុគ្កលិកអោយទៅស៊ើបអង្កេតទៅ ប្រាកដជាឃើញជាមិនខាន។
3:42 PM
If you're one of KI's members (readers), you'd better get used to it, because things will get even more uglier and nastier.
some one talk bad a bout Hun Sen in Khmer language He said Hun Sen is stupid so if He is very smart go and fight with Samdach Hun Sen don't just bark to make a bad image to all Khmer
អា ភីភីយូ (PPU) មកបៀម ក្ដ ឪអាឯងលេងភ្លាម
មក អាកូនមីសំផឹងយួនអស់សាច់!
[Translation of the above comment in Khmer:
Ah PPU, come and suck your Dad's dick ASAP, you cock sucker son of a Yuon's bitch.
PPU's Daddy]
«Où bien en francais - ah PPU, viens succer le “Dick“ de ton Papa tout de suite, fils de pute YUON de Hanoi... Ton Papa, PPU»
KI: Your headline comment shows nothing difference from that of CPP's. It's a kind of discrimination. Are you going to be better off if you are a PM?
Khmer is a nation of dignity (at least used to be). If you want to change what is now, you need to change yourself first, be a model of respect and dignity.
Think about it and let change things for the best interest of our Khmer people.
Please, no profanity here.
one eyed hyena is already half blind now whatever brains he has left is starting to rot.
PPU, just Shut Up! your remarks are crap. if you support one party, then support them using their political platform, not praising them.
Khmer roug hun sen was created by Le DunG,Le Duc Anh, same as Khmer Roug Chinese .they're killer
i told you, srp and company are self-proclaimed political group. i wonder whether the khmer people are voting for them? i guess every nation on earth needs an opposition political party to keep gov't in focus. maybe it's not that bad to think about it. god bless.
i don't care. if it's good for cambodia and good for society, go for it!
ah kvak thinks he is perfect and no one can criticize him. shame on you ah kvak .. no one in the world is perfect ( included you )
you are a public person but if you can't take criticism , you need to get out of the public office and let someone else take care of it . there are alot of people out there are smarter than you and more educated .
2:17 AM !
you are afraid of SRP that's why you can't stop talking bad about it . I am not a SRP member but according to what I have seen , every election SRP got more and more support from the people . prove me wrong if you can .
Surya ! I am not a KI member but I think you are the one who need to chage because you have been brainwashed by CPP .
ហេអា ៤:០៦ អាឆ្កួតឡប់ៗ អាខ្ញុំ យួន កន្តប
អាឯងឃើញមានអាគាំងណាត្រួតក្បាល ខ្មែរ
ក្រៅពីអាយួនកន្តប ចូលនៅពេញស្រុកខ្មែរទេ
[Hey SOB Yuon's slave 4:06 AM - have you seen any American controlling ah HUN SEN regime anywhere other than those parasites YUON that already settle in illegally all over the place in Cambodia now? Swear to us on your mother's grave or you'll be hit by lightning, you hear???
អញគរាន់តែចង់បា្រប់ពួកអាគណបក្សប្រជាជនថា អញមិនមែនជាខ្ញុំកញ្ជះអង្គការ Global Winess ខ្មោចយក៍ស្អីឡើយ។ អញគ្រាន់តែចង់បា្រប់ឯងថា បងប្អូនអញធ្វើការអោយក្រុមហ៊ុនលីយ៉ុងផាត់ ដូចនេះអញដឹងច្បាស់ណាស់ពីរឿងជីកខ្សាច់នៅកោះកុងនោះ។គ្មានអង្គការ Global Witness ណា មកបា្រប់អញឡើយ។ អង្គការ Global Witnessមិនដែលអោយក្រមរស្រែងស្អីមកដល់អញឡើយ អញមិនដែលរស់ដោយសារអង្គការនោះឡើយ គឺរស់ដោយសារញើសឈាមនិងកម្លាំងរបស់អញផ្ទាល់ ហើយអញក៏មិនមែនរស់ដោយសារដើរជញ្ជក់ឈាមប្រជារាស្រ្តខ្មែរដូចជាពួកអាហ៊ុនសែនឡើយ។
Please Global Witness go to Koh Kong to conduct investigation there you will see if I said the truth or I just lie.
Пожалушта Global Witness проводeть иследование в Кохконг и вы будете знать правду!
Yes PM!
These foreiners just cause friction and headache to govt.
Why don't they collect the pay cheque and go to the club for fun.
Many govt officials can teach them how to relax and kareoke with young girls.
Just not interfere with foreign aids,and leave the money then every thing should be fine.
Hey! IDIOT! because they do their work for their accontability, scumbag.
so powerful,knowing so much and never turn up in parliament,idiot!.
6:39 PM
Go and fuck yourself, asshole.
Pi Anh: PPU (your superior)
4:06 AM បើមិនយល់ពី ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ ទេស្តាប់មតិយោបល់គេទៅ បើតាមស្តាប់4:06 AM នេះ ជ្រុលនិយមរឺយ៉ាងម៉េច ?បើយើងមានគំនិតស្នេហាជាតិដូចគ្នា ចាំបាច់អីឈ្លោះប្រកែកគ្នា។ បញ្ហាចំពោះមុខនរណាក៏យល់ដែរ សង្គមយើងសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ អ្នកឯងយល់ថាកំពុងតែសុខហើយអី?
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