01 July 2009
By Ratana
Khmer Sthabna
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
During the national fishery day on 01 July 2009 in Kampot province, Hun Sen reacted to opposition leaders and officials who criticized him for his past and present constructions in Cambodia.
Hun Sen said: “… Ah Msier (pejorative for “that guy”) said that there is no prime minister who is doing that, wherever he (PM) goes, he gave out one [construction]. Other PMs are planning in such and such manner, Your Excellency, what you said is very true: [you] cow thief, rice thief... Then, they scolded [me] again for building schools, saying that this is the job of officials from the ministry of education, when I build irrigation dikes, they said that it is the job of the minister of Water Resources, when I build roads, they said that the jobs of the minister of Public Work are being taken away by the prime minister. Oh, aren’t they all the work of the prime minister?...”
Hun Sen added: “Because the population does not listen to them [opposition], that’s why they all vote for the CPP in unison.” He also said: “During the 5th mandate [election], he will act according to request again. It’s too much, if they [opposition] do not help, they should not criticize others.”
Hun Sen reacted by saying also: “Currently, I almost compare all of them [opposition] to animals, even animals know their leaders, and even dogs wag their tail when they are fed, but “Ah nis” (pejorative for “this guy”), they don’t do it at all.” Hun Sen said: “They are biased, biased and they are becoming crazy, if they criticize others, they can do it, but when they are being criticized, they said that their critics violate their freedom rights. When they criticize others, they never stop to think about it. Why is there freedom for you only? Others have freedom also.”
During the national fishery day, Hun Sen also ordered the ending of the sand dredging for export overseas. He also warned all government officials involved that they shouldn’t reap the benefit from the sand dredging operations that could create impact on other issues, and they should not dredge a creek to serve small-scale tourism at the expense of other areas being affected.
Hun Sen added: “I am afraid history will blame me as being the sand seller. From today on, you must stop [sand dredging], even if you don’t stop, I order you to stop. I you dare do it again, I will hit you, nobody has the right [to dredge sand] anymore.” He said that sand dredging is allowed only for local construction, but sand dredging for overseas export is prohibited.
Hun Sen also added: “Sand dredging from the river in Neak Loeung area, and the dredging along other places caused the collapse of almost all river banks belonging to the people. Now, you must stop this sand dredging for overseas export, there will be no [overseas] exporters.” Hun Sen added that, in the past, he spoke with Goh Chok Tong, the former PM of Singapore, to have Singapore come and dredge sands [in Cambodia] for export to Singapore, but they didn’t come. So in order to avoid headaches for the Council of Development of Cambodia (CDC), all sand dredging companies are closed and they shouldn’t violate the law because dredging creates a lot of danger.
Hun Sen added that he agreed with sand dredging at sea, such as in Koh Kong province (in the Peam Krasob area), because in this region, sand dredging operations must take place only in areas where sand is mixed with mud, and the dredgers must discuss with Chan Sarun (the minister of forestry and fishery) and Lim Kean Hor (the minister of water resource) when the dredging operations affect fishes and crabs. What is allowed to be dredged or not must require a clear study prior to the authorization for dredging in that region, in order to avoid the development in one area and causing the destruction in another one. Hun Sen also warned all of his ministers to pay attention because he is not a newcomer-PM, in fact he was a PM way before these ministers became ministers, so these ministers must be careful.
Ah HUn Kh'vang,
Ah Chh'kaer kanh Cheas Chor Yuon, ah me kheatakor reas khmers, ah chor lourk srok oy yuon, ah oy yuon chab bam ph'lanh trei Tonle Sab os, ah Preah Pak ra mouk, Ah Roleay Roub, ah Runreas Banh
Th'ngai onsa ah Erng kaan taer khet chit hoeuy!
What does mean the critics is that the Prime Minister might know to delegate the lower duties to the rank of government member and let them work also. It's good to delegate the duties that could be delegated and keep only the most important job, otherwise the PM will end up to clean the toilet in ministries.
Anythings we don't desire are
always comes forth in front of
us and the most we desirable
are outreached .
A smiling face make all people
happiness and bad words could
make all the feeling said .
Revere Boston .
God bless all Khmer and the
whole world safe and peaceful .
It is noble to donate to the building of schools and other constructions that benefit the population, but what is tacky is the way one uses his/her name to name every building in the whole country.
Regardless, the current government has done a decent job in rebuilding Cambodia. There are still many areas that people want to see real development; i.e. independent courts/judicial system, corruption laws, and freedom of speech.
Mr. Prime Minister,
Your ministers will listen to you when you start empowering EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE and JUDICIAL Branches.
Be a real strong leader who will be remembered by many generations to come!
May all the Khmer Barameys protect true Khmer leaders in their endeavors!
May all the Khmer Barameys protect true Khmer leaders in their endeavours!
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, Mr. Prime Minister! Wake up before you fall deeper into the hell.
If critics were "animals", critics of critics would not be different from "animals", or are they? It is yet to find out whether there is any criticism in the animal world. Probably there isn't.
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
Hun Sen never sound like a leader at all the way he talks . He sounds more like a boy from the countryside who has never been to school . He has no respect for other people who don't agree with him ... he thinks he is always right ...no one can criticise him. That's why everywhere he goes he got thousands of bodyguards to protect him . In my entire life I have seen many khmer leaders but no one ever had thousands of bodyguards like him ... even Sihanouk while he was the King and in charge of the country.
11:21 AM
Because, Hun Sen has more enemies than any khmer leaders in the country. His time is coming soon.
hell in 7 levels are waiting for him! Yumbal sdach Rokar dek nung kteas klanh kampong rong cham Hun Sen!
One eyed hyena!
"Your ministers will listen to you when you start empowering EXECUTIVE, LEGISLATIVE and JUDICIAL Branches."
You've forgotten to include the News media Branch in addition to Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches you alluded.
This is the usual barking of hun sen toward his critics. Old mr hun sen claimed credit for something other people have done. the people built those schools, not you mr hun sen.
12:10 PM
Under whose leadership when these buildings, schools, bridges, roads -- so on and so forth -- were built?
Please let's give our leader credit when due.
HUn sen need a mentor doctor.
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