By Khaou Vireth Vathdey
The end of the history announced by Fukuyama continues endlessly, and the shock of the civilizations of Huntington, is nothing else than the shock of the interests and the weapons, in defiance of any notion of civilization, but thus, the shock, only, prevails there. We are here to the antipodes of the ethics of the responsibility, the moral value of which is not determined by the intentions but by the sociopolitical consequences and the ethics of pure conviction in which the abstract notions of very moral or of duty have a precedence absolved on the possibility of realizing an action or its long-dated results. Indomitable and generous, an immoral rewriting of the history is always possible by the Pharisees, sophists and the casuists in the same mould, through their insidious prism, and the canons of a deleterious archaism, which lean on the denial of existence and on the aporie. Indeed, beyond a historic and political analysis in situ, of the present Thai government, acting more as a synarchy or camarilla to resume a Gaullien vocabulary, than rulers elected democratically do this analysis in an anthropological and civilizational perspective.
Applied to the case of Preah Vihear, this denial of existence or this denegation of the history, by these scholastics, open a spectrum of understanding and explanation which would deserve that we linger there. The Thai ethnocentrism, this avatar of past, but nevertheless recurring and resilient of the humanity, condemns any symbol expressing the past greatness of our late Khmer empire. It crystallizes not above all, greed, jealousies, fears and scorn, but, at first and above all, a denial of existence or nonexistence as parent of the Thai culture, or more exactly Siamese. The vain palinodes, the uttered slanders, the invasions, the deportations, the plunders, the crimes, the confiscation of our knowledge, through a re-appropriation of our culture, the lethal jealousies, the violations of our sovereignty for many centuries, until today even, establish at once, a reject and an attraction, the fear of seeing reappearing the Khmer genius, and probably the mark of a true but unconfessed admiration.
The Khmer intellectual empyrée, in its apogee, ruled over during centuries and influenced many parts of the country, including until the Siamese royal court of former days. This annoying reality, especially in this 21st century, does not stop stressing the contempt of our Thai neighbors, towards their former powerful neighbor, that is, towards themselves especially, very incapable point to understand, but to accept that the genius of people confronts, in what this genius allowed to carry out for the humanity and, that once finished, to restore it to the humanity for the future generations. For that purpose, the Khmer civilization and Khmer genius, throughout its long history, brought to the humanity its most beautiful brilliant works, to humanize the humanity by its understanding of the universe and the harmony, which surrounds it there. The grateful humanity, has declared that this monument called Preah Vihear, dedicated to kings, to princes, to goddesses and to universe, is well and truly the work of the Khmer genius. This legacy is a fact, an indivisible reality of the Khmer genius. That this legacy, is still subject to debate nowadays, is a degradation in the gratitude of a been in love humanity, a peace and a justice, an insult, to the abyssales pain of people tortured by the war and genocide always traumatizing. This insult, demonstrates well the unreliability of an oligarchy denigrator in power.
Strange immature Thailand, the tamed smile of which has an equal whom its turpitude, its duplicity, its certainties obsessed in front of the history and its insensitivity in front of the human tragedy, far, of this plastic smile conveyed by the media of the world. These Pharisees do not deny not any contradiction, they carry them even, while easing it, under a friendliness of surface that a fury almost manslaughter animates, which weighs its weight of ambiguity and is reflected a dangerous and inexorable evolution. These vehemence and hoarded hypocrisies, this paralogisme and this blindness in front of the turned out history, for many centuries and which re-appear sporadically, express more than ever, this overcompensation of their culture, arisen from ours. Indeed, of this précellence of the inconceivable Khmer culture towards today, it is advisable to add, the refusal persisted in understanding the understandable and in accepting the acceptable.
The inanity of this double refusal engenders a paroxystic frustration, a hyperbolism in acts, among which the present events, at once pathetic and even comic, which are daily delivered to us, would not miss to make smile, if there had been no loss of life, and a conflict to become there. The Thai textbooks of history, indicates, in which point the forgery of the history towards their Khmer neighbors turns out to be truncated. In addition, it is very there where is situated the focal. The indoctrination of the whole generations of Thai, concerns the denial, on the spoliation of the knowledges and an apocryphal Khmer history in the name of a certain idea of their nationalism. Nonetheless, the greatness of a nation does not confront in its GDP, its megalopolises, its éxogèneité… only, but also and especially in the way this country reconciles with humility, its past and its present, and consents, that no cause, it was, wholesome for one, does not rest on the denial of others. To cross of this vicious circle in a virtuous circle, no man would satisfy of a sum of shams, an aggregate of good will, either still, the fact of the prince, but an authentic willingness based on human complicity, the intellectual righteousness and the moral integrity.
Reconcile the irreconcilable and to make likely the improbable, so that the likely becomes true, which is our mission before the coming challenges, which the stakes are incommensurably different. Plentiful, honest people, which populate this beautiful and proud country, which the taste of the difference, the sense of the equity, the feeling of the respect, more than the hostility, constitute the base of the contemporary homo-oeconomicus. Listen to their voice too.
By Khaou Vireth Vathdey
Fonder of éponyme cabinet
Preah Vihear : l’histoire d’un déni ou la dénégation de l’histoire.
La fin de l’histoire annoncée par Fukuyama continue à n’en plus finir, et le choc des civilisations de Huntington, n’est rien d’autre que le choc des intérêts et des armes, au mépris de toute notion même de civilisation, mais donc, le choc, seul, y prévaut. Nous voilà aux antipodes de l'éthique de la responsabilité, dont la valeur morale n'est pas déterminée par les intentions mais par les conséquences sociopolitiques et l'éthique de pure conviction dans laquelle les notions abstraites de bien moral ou de devoir ont une préséance absolue sur la possibilité de réaliser une action ou ses résultats à longue échéance. Indomptable et généreuse, l’histoire, de par sa réécriture immorale toujours possible, par les pharisiens, les sophistes et casuistes de tout acabit, à travers leur prisme insidieux, et les canons d’un archaïsme délétère, s’appuie sur le déni d’existence de l’autre, sur une béante aporie. Bien au-delà d’une analyse historico-politique in situ du présent gouvernement thaï, actant plus comme une synarchie ou camarilla pour reprendre un vocabulaire Gaullien, que gouvernants élus démocratiquement, plaçons cette analyse dans une perspective anthropologique et civilisationnelle.
Appliqué au cas de Preah Vihear, ce déni d’existence ou cette dénégation de l’histoire, par ces scolastiques, ouvre un spectre de compréhension et d’explication qui mériterait que l’on s’y attarde. L’ethnocentrisme thaïlandais, cet avatar du passé, mais néanmoins récurrent et résilient de l’humanité, condamne tout symbole exprimant la grandeur passée de notre feu empire Khmer. Il cristallise non pas avant tout, convoitises, jalousies, craintes et mépris, mais, d’abord et avant tout, un déni d’existence ou de non-existence en tant que parent de la culture thaïe, ou plus exactement siamoise. Les vaines palinodies, les infamies proférées, les invasions, les déportations, les pillages, les crimes, les confiscations de notre savoir, à travers une réappropriation de notre culture, les jalousies létales, les violations répétées de notre souveraineté, depuis bien des siècles, jusqu’à aujourd’hui encore, constituent à la fois, ce me semble, un rejet et une attraction, la crainte de voir resurgir le génie khmer, et probablement la marque d’une admiration éprouvée, mais inavouée.
L’empyrée intellectuel khmer, à son apogée, régenta indéniablement, pendant des siècles et influença bien des contrées, y compris jusqu’à la cour royale siamoise d’antan. Cette fâcheuse réalité, surtout en ce 21ème siècle, ne cesse d’accentuer le mépris de nos voisins thaïs, à l’égard de leur ancien puissant voisin, c'est-à-dire, à l’égard d’eux-mêmes surtout, bien incapables non point de comprendre, mais d’accepter que le génie d’un peuple se mesure, à ce que ce génie a permis d’accomplir pour l’humanité et, qu’une fois achevé, de le restituer à l’humanité pour les générations futures. A cet effet, le génie et la civilisation khmers, tout au long de son histoire, apportèrent à l’humanité ses plus belles œuvres, pour humaniser l’humanité par sa compréhension de l’univers et de l’harmonie qui l’y entoure. L’humanité reconnaissante, a déclaré que ce monument dénommé Preah Vihear, dédié aux rois, aux princes, aux déesses et à l’univers, est bel et bien l’œuvre du génie khmer. Ce legs est un fait, une réalité insécable de ce génie. Que ce legs, soit encore sujet à polémique de nos jours, est un avilissement à la gratitude d’une humanité éprise, de paix et de justice, une injure, presqu’une insulte aux afflictions abyssales d’un peuple martyrisé par la guerre et d’un génocide toujours traumatisant. Cet affront, démontre bien, nul n’en doute, la perfidie d’une oligarchie contemptrice au pouvoir.
Étrange immature Thaïlande, dont le sourire apprivoisé n’a d’égal que ses turpitudes, sa duplicité, ses certitudes obnubilées face à l’histoire et son insensibilité face à la tragédie humaine, bien loin, de ce sourire plastique véhiculé par les médias du monde. Ces pharisiens, ne nient aucunement les contradictions, ils les portent même, tout en l’atténuant, sous une aménité de surface qu’anime une fureur presque homicide, qui pèse son poids d’ambiguïté et reflète une évolution dangereuse et inexorable. Ces véhémences et hypocrisies thésaurisées, ce paralogisme et cette cécité face à l’histoire avérée, depuis bien des siècles et qui ressurgissent sporadiquement, expriment plus que jamais, cette surcompensation de leur culture, née de la nôtre. En effet, de cette précellence de la culture khmère inconcevable au regard d’aujourd’hui, il convient d’ajouter, le refus obstiné de comprendre le compréhensible et d’accepter l’acceptable.
L’inanité de ce double refus engendre une frustration paroxystique, un hyperbolisme dans les actes, dont les évènements actuels, à la fois pitoyables et piteux, voire burlesques, qui nous sont livrés quotidiennement, ne manqueraient pas de faire sourire, s’il n’y avait eu morts d’hommes, et un conflit en devenir. Le parcours des manuels d’histoire thaïs, indique, à quel point la falsification de l’histoire à l’égard de leurs voisins khmers s’avère être tronqué. Et, c’est bien là où se situe le focal. L’endoctrinement des générations entières de Thaïlandais, porte sur le déni, les contrevérités, sur la spoliation des savoirs et une histoire apocryphe de leur voisin, au nom d’une certaine idée du nationalisme. Cependant, la grandeur d’une nation ne se mesure point seulement à son PIB, ses mégalopoles, son éxogèneité…mais aussi et surtout à la manière dont ce pays concilie et accepte avec humilité, son passé et son présent, et consent, qu’aucune cause, fut-elle, salutaire pour soi, ne se repose sur le déni d’autrui. Pour passer de ce cercle vicieux à un cercle vertueux, nul ne saurait contenter, d’une somme de faux-semblants, d’un agrégat de bon vouloir, ou bien encore, le fait du prince, mais bien d’une authentique bonne volonté établie sur l’humaine connivence, la probité intellectuelle et l’intégrité morale.
Réconcilier l’inconciliable et rendre probable l’improbable, pour que le vraisemblable devienne vrai, telle est notre mission, avant que d’autres défis ne surviennent, et dont les enjeux sont bien autres. Abondants, les gens honnêtes, qui peuplent ce beau et fier pays, dont le goût du discernement, le sens du juste, le sentiment du respect, plus que de l’inimitié, constituent le soubassement de l’homo œconomicus contemporain. Écoutons aussi leur voix.
Par Khaou Vireth Vathdey
Fondateur du cabinet éponyme
Very good eloquent writing, but on behalf of one of the important leaders in the ministry of defense, Khaou Vireth has his shortcomings of not paving any concrete ideas and feasible backup to the issue of border conflict with Thailand.
I am praising with high class language, but I am disappointed with the lack of feasible possibility in implementing it. This writing compares like the bubbles of the oceans wave.
I suggest H.E.Kaou Vireth has to point out concrete solutions and reliable backups to defend the Cambodian territory land and face with Thailand intelligently.
More than this, the issue of conflict with Thailand is somehow should be in a balanced concern with Vietnam.
More than this, the issue with Thailand is dangerous as the same issue of domestic violation of national constitution, the over control on the judiciary and assembly branch and the embedding of fear inside Cambodian society by the current government led by Hun Sen.
Thailand is encroaching Cambodian border in the same time that Hun Sen and his cabinets are encroaching the national constitution by not complying with the rule of laws. They have relentlessly influenced the judiciary and the assembly institutes.
The current arresting of Hang Chakra, and trial in absentia of Ho Van and Meoung Song with the strong charges, as well as the distorting of lawyer to defend Mu Sochua are the same tragedy like the Khmer Rouge and the border encroachment of Thailand.
It is nice to see one of Cambodian defense ministry officials come out public in defense of Preah Vihear. Though the language in the article is very diplomatic it at least shows that some ministry officials are making noises.
What I hope is that the defense ministry publicly sending a strong message to Thailand that Cambodia will never tolerate territorial violations, even one iota, by Thailand.
well written research facts by a khmer person. thank you. yes, any educated person can see and understand the real evil intention of the thai race (siem kok). they apparently are envious of khmer genuis and believe it or not are afraid that the khmer genuis might and can rise up again, thus they always try to sabotage or suppress that in any way they can. fortunately, the world is not made up of only thailand and their race, so to say. in this modern age era, there are international laws as well as there are many many other countries on the face of the planet which will see that this kind of thai taking advantage of khmer people's suffering or preoccupation with civil war, conflicts, etc and will see to it that what the thai is doing is pure evil, pure envy, pure jealousy, pure hate toward the beautiful khmer race. cambodia and the educated world will never allow the evil thai nation to do this to cambodia again like they used to do during cambodian dark age era. thank god, that was the past and history now. we don't have to look far to understand the khmer psyche about losing lands and territories to these evil people. just look at the map of cambodia today, it is small compared to thailand and vietnam. why? we all know the answer; they stole our lands just like what the thai are trying to do now in the case of preah vihear. old habit dies hard, you know! they will take advantage of cambodia whenever they see the opportunity. and i'm not surprised to learn they they were doing this since the fall of the once expansive khmer power and empire. and if anyone fails to see this, then we all know very well their intention. we are not that stupid, you know! god bless cambodia.
i know, we'll see. what goes around comes around sooner or later. more power to khmer race and god bless my beloved cambodia and ancestral lands of the khmer genuis.
I am happen that we are together defending our nation from the aggressor Siamese and the much less known the Vietnamese. We must be vigilant against the aggressors and invaders. They are taking advantages of our difficulties and exploiting at our weaknesses but no longer we will let them to do that again. We are Khmers and we are warriors for this nation. We are determined to fight for justice inside and out for the future this nation. We survived Khmer Rouge, again, we will survive the Thai aggressor. Cambodia is no longer a nation for taken. Enough is enough...
Oh my God, what sort of language is that?
It is so tedious that only a few would care to decipher what the writer wants to say.
Kuoy Pichet
The language was too flowery. Hardly anyone would care decipher it. But it is good to see a defense ministry official come out and say something about our territorial integrity. This is the first time I've seen a government official writes an article about Cambodian territorial integrity.
Did someone say that the writer is an official from the Defense Ministry? Oh man, I thought the writer was from an old school of philosophy.
6:10AM - Perhaps you find the article below by Khmer Academy a little bit easier to digest.
Preah Vihear – Part I: The Perfect Storm
The Preah Vihear contention has now entering its twelve months old, still it shows no sign of abating down and has all the ingredients to trigger a full scale armed conflict. From the Cambodia’s perspective, Thailand border diplomacy leaves many Khmers perplexed and wondered whether Thai elite really understands or cares about the far reaching consequences of such diplomacy.
In this two-parts essay, the author will present the options on the Cambodia side, and argue from the military and political standpoints that Thai current border diplomacy is not only inconsistent with her long term interests but also has damaging repercussions far beyond what she could have anticipated.
While the arguments are strongly worded and appear to be confrontational, they nonetheless reflect the true situation in any armed conflict. The author does not wish to see both countries embark on the path of war, but fears that the absence of genuine statesmanship and real commitment to solve the current border conflict are dangerously bringing both countries closer to war each day.
By comparison, Cambodia is considerably smaller than Thailand in terms of national GDP, population as well as military size and budget. While Cambodian armed forces are mainly equipped with AK-47 assault riffles, B-40 RPG and a few T-54 Russian tanks, Thai armed forces, on the other hand, are equipped with long range artilleries, powerful battle tanks, state-of-the art fighter jets F-16, fleet of modern destroyers, and advanced Command and Control Communications systems.
Numerically and logistically speaking, several Western military observers are in the opinion that Cambodian armed forces are no match to the Thai counterpart. So is likely the opinion of Thai Supreme Command who may wrongly assess that its present numerical and logistical advantages will deter the Cambodian counterpart. Such assessment is not only flaw, but has also created a false sense of overconfidence and a dangerous bullying attitude which complicates and intensifies the current conflict.
Thai generals may think that in any eventual full scale military conflict, air strikes and artillery shelling will cripple Cambodian resistance, and that battlefields will be restricted and contained to either the border areas or inside Cambodia territory.
Interestingly, this is not how the Cambodia side sees it. Cambodia is well aware of, but not deterred by her current numerical and logistical lacking. Instead, she’s counting on the raising nationalist sentiment of her people as well as the will and the battlefield experiences of her soldiers, most of whom are veteran guerrillas who had fought in the jungles, got used to the hardship and could survive with bare minimum.
Should a war breaks out, the nationalist sentiment will run feverously high, and Cambodia will have no difficulty to mobilize and commit up to one million men to defend the country. These men are not salary soldiers, but warriors who will fight with resolute determination.
Make no mistake. The so-called jungle or guerrilla warfare and tactics from the cold war era will not be the only option available to the Cambodia side, and it would be unwise to assume that battlefields will be restricted to only the border areas.
[continued below]
The world has changed, so has the ugly face of war. An increasing number of today armed conflicts around the globe have taken the new form of urban warfare, where die-hard or rogue elements within military structures do not hesitate to operate outside their chains-of-commands to carry out despicable acts and terrorize civilian population. Tourist industry, public amenities, transport and infrastructure – to name a few – are vulnerable and have all become easy targets.
With the low cost and high availability of information technology gadgets, today urban warfare is highly sophisticated and extremely difficult to prevent. Internet email accounts and blogs, which are seamlessly accessible, have become an effective tool for suicide bombers to plot and coordinate their deadly attacks on civilian targets; various cell phones have been used to remotely trigger explosives in market places; and the list goes on.
The possibility of such attacks or threat, no matter how remote or unlikely it is, can cause a sense of general panic among the local population, scare off the tourists and severely disrupts the economy. Cambodia side really trusts that Thai generals consider such possibility as a serious warning sign on their radar screens. Neither long range artilleries nor F-16 fighter jets can guarantee public security or protection against urban warfare tactics.
Cambodia side does not wish to embark on a destructive path, but can not accept to be held captive or hostage by its neighbour internal politics. The International Community has ruled and unequivocally recognized Cambodia as the sole and legitimate owner of the Preah Vihear temple. As a proud member of the World community, Thailand is obliged to respect that ruling, and it is in her best interest to move on. The military bullying attitude and provocative behaviour on this issue serve no purpose, but damage her own image, to say the least, in the international arena.
July 3rd, 2009.
Thailand breeds hatred and violence will follow... Is this the future they want, they will get it...
Dear Khmers,
The Preach Vihear issue is our recent history with the Siam. Siam means the Land the Theives. Just Keep in mind that Siam sacked Angkor Wat in 1431 and again and again they sacked Banteay Longvek in the 16th century.The siams stole everything such
as:khmer intellectuals,khmer artists,Khmer literature on so on...The presence of the siam troops around PV Temple right now is dangerous. Siam people is very tricky like youn. We gained Angkor Wat back with bloodshed.In these days we do not forget the loss of Banteay Longvek. We must becareful about PV Temple because history repeats itself.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Assassinate Journalists
Assassinate Political Opponents
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.
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