Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reopen Preah Vihear, [Thai] business pleads


The government should consider quickly reopening Phra Viharn national park, the entrance to Preah Vihear temple, to help the ailing economy of the border province of Si Sa Ket, the provincial chamber of commerce chairman, Sriwan Kiatsuranont, said on Wednesday.

Trade and tourism in the northeastern city had suffered severely since the park was closed because of the tensions over the old Preah Vihear temple and surrounding areas, he said.

“The national park is the only tourism selling point of Si Sa Ket and the southern part of the northeast region. The park’s closure has driven tourists away,” he said.

By contrast, Cambodia had continued to open Preah Vihear temple to foreign tourists and local travellers.

The government should reopen the national park as soon as possible.

The park, including Pha Mor E-Daeng cliff, the only entrance to the ancient temple in Cambodia, was ordered closed indefinitely after Thai and Cambodian troops faced off in the disputed area surrounding the world heritage site.


KE said...

It sounds that Thailand's tourism sector is being suffered now particularly for the outbreak of H1N1 and the closure of its National Park near the border because of its aggressive military behavior. In this reason, it reflects that Cambodia has very valuable chances in promoting both national and international tourists to visit the World Heritage Temple of Preah Vihear without depending access from Thailand. Economically, government of Cambodia should invest more development of infrastructures and other resorts nearby the area as well as to consider future closure of access way from Thailand because 1). to avoid further border conflict as it is very sensitive area; 2). to promote the international tourist to travel within Cambodia country, thus a single dollar spent will reflect the share and contribution of economic growth and 3). To help local people to make their living come, thus it will help the RGC toward poverty reduction as well.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Thai government has to rethink about its attitude and behaviors so far that affects people along the border who were originally Khmer. The people inb Sisaket and other provinces should stand up and demand Bangkok government to fulfill their needs, peace and properity.

Eventhough Bangkok tries their best they will not be able to get what they calim but suffers the local people. Thais cannot change the facts of the history.

Anonymous said...

ASShole the Bangkok Post. Move your ass away from my Preach Vihear Temple. Thais people are always thieves because once when tourists came from Siam'side with the tickets of PV temple and Siam language. Recently the Thai government hasn't paid for 2 millions $$$ for the damage to the Cambodian market yet. You come back for more trouble and we do not trust the thieves. Go back to your country and work more hard on rice (or lices) production.

Anonymous said...

NEVER EVER AGAIN open access to Preah Vihear Temple directly from Thai soil. "PERIOD"

Anonymous said...

yes, i encourage the cambodian gov't to rethink new strategy in the case of tourism to our preah vihear temple and more. yes, we should encourage our gov't to look into heavy investment in modern infrastructure building in our entire country because having modern, convenient infrastructure not only cut down traveling time, but encourages more people to travel freely inside cambodia as cambodia has so much to often to visitors, both national and international visitors alike. there are parts of cambodia that nobody gets to see, and thus always interest to see and more. we should be smarter by be open-minded in our thinking. we cannot wait forever to do this as other regional countries did that already. we have to unite for the benefit of our whole country, not just some political group. enough of that already. cambodia and khmer people deserve better time and better opportunity, etc. than in the past. please learn from everybody and not be selfish and share knowledge with our own people to do just that. god bless cambodia. when cambodia benefit, our khmer people will benefit as well. please think about it! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

the thai are pure greedy people. look at the way they do business, they are greedy and full of bitterness and jealousy with cambodia. they obviously don't want tourists to come to cambodia as they want to keep tourists in their country only. yeah right! tourists will go visit cambodia if they want to; thailand is not their boss, you know! welcome to cambodia. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Agree with your comments above100%! Thailand governments only hurts their people more, especially along cambodia/Thai

Anonymous said...

Thai government did not care about all Khmers. Thailand means this country only for the Thais.

Anonymous said...

I wish the Cambodian Government would not open Preah Vihear temploe for tourists until Thai Government reimburse the damage what Thailand did to Cambodian. I wish Cambodian government break relationhip with Thailand peirod. Ah Asshole Thailand

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thais soldier had posted their military base illegally deep inside khmer territory-about 2km on Point# 505 on the top of DANGREK MT. I think Khmer soldier should do something about this right away! by demanding them to withrawal imediately....

Anonymous said...

Just like the bunker! must telling them to get back to where they were or open fire!

Anonymous said...

Why cambodia allowed them to do this again and again? now it's too late to kick them out! unless fighting is happening and pushing them out the same time...

Anonymous said...

Hi all friends,

check the link below, great information about our Khmer to share with the world

Anonymous said...

Tout le monde sait que le pays siamois est l'un des pays producteurs mondiaux de la confrefaçon.
Donc, on ne s'étonne pas que le gouvernement siamois continue à fabriquer son imitation du TEMPLE SACRE PREAH VIHEAR KHMER, un Temple en papier Preah Viharn qui n'a aucune valeur historique.
Comme on entend souvent leur chanson populaire qui dit " Qu'on trouve que KHORNG PLORM à Bangkok".

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

To 4:03 PM,

This site is used for English language written only, not for French language. You read it yourself. If you cannont write in English, ask someone for help. There's no one can read French here, perhaps some!. Please do not write other language in this site beside English. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Who are these people? After they caused a lot of trouble with us and they want to go back to square one. These tricky theives cannot commend us to reopen some business with them. Go away asshole! Enough is enough. Kneeling down,begging in front of your King because he has a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

Remembered the fucken French is the one that splitting Khmer lands! stop using this fucken idiot language...

khmer history said...

French is the one that given Khmer lands away to Vietnam without any agreement from khmer people...