Thursday, July 16, 2009

Revoke Hun Sen's visa: GW

Thursday, 16 July 2009

The Phnom Penh Post

Global witness urges Britain not to let PM in.

Global Witness urged the British government Wednesday to revoke Prime Minister Hun Sen's visa ahead of a planned visit to the country to see his son graduate.

Hun Sen, who has been on an official visit to France where he met French President Nicolas Sarkozy, also planned to travel to Bristol, where his son resides and studies.

But the international watchdog claimed letting Hun Sen in the country would "signify a failure by the Labour government to live up to its commitments to fight corruption and promote development".

"Hun Sen's regime has presided over a process of grand corruption which has seriously undermined poverty alleviation in Cambodia, but Europe and the UK continue to welcome him and his entourage," Global Witness campaigner Eleanor Nichol said in a press statement released Wednesday.

"Meanwhile, gaps in Cambodia's state services are covered by the UK taxpayer through overseas aid."

Europeans react to Hun Sen
Hun Sen's France trip was also condemned by French-Cambodian group Khmer M'Chas Srok, which appealed to President Sarkozy to "remind" his guest of Cambodia's duty to respect its engagements and obligations towards "France and the international community".

Council of Ministers spokesman Phay Siphan called the move "uncivilised" and "undemocratic".

"It's an open society.... They should encourage [Hun Sen] to address corruption, not exclude him," he said.


Anonymous said...

Better still, put him in qurantine. The wild one eyed hyena crazy for power might be contagious for british politicians.

Anonymous said...

agreed with Phay Siphan: Let him speak out or answer the PRESS. A policy or EXCLUSION won't solve the problem.

By the way, this news is completely wrong about the Claim of Preah Vihear's Thai occupation on the 20th century:

Anonymous said...

Good news

Anonymous said...

i think the UK gov't should come to cambodia to see for themselves instead of rely solely on a perhaps biased third party for information on cambodia. you know, using third party like global witness for reliable information is not a good diplomatic way to make friends between countries. the reason for this unreliable source perhaps are based on the organization's history of bias toward everything cambodia for perhaps unknown reason. i think the UK ought to change their way in getting reliable information on cambodia. keep in mind too that people are biased in nature; that's why there are strict code of conduct or code of ethics involved. it is not fair for the majority of naive khmer people who deserve better treatment from abroad. i think a lot of problems or issues in cambodia or in the world community at large are probably due to issues of etiquette more than anything else, really. it is the way people approach others, the way people speak or talk to others, the way people deal with each other, the way people communicate and so forth are the really issue that can complicate matter between states, and not so much political, etc..., not to disregard difference in culture, geography and so on. i think well known colleges and university of the world ought to focus on teaching their students on how to deal with different culture, especially in diplomatic etiquette as well in order to improve the way the world's countries are dealing with each other. it's called mutual respect, hello!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen hun in Action, and has he respect his own citizens?

What sort of repsect do you know of Hunsen?

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Assassinate Journalists
Assassinate Political Opponents
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords

Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

2:02 AM

You are the one will lost, because you don't have the courage to be on the fighting ring.
When you want to win the next election and change the politic situation in Cambodia, first of all you need to prove to the Khmer citizen.

Anonymous said...

2:18 AM!
Your english is not very good and your comment doesn't make sense either .
What in the world are you trying to say ?

Anonymous said...

Good UK you have done on your part to scope the ugliest leader like Hun Sen but not enough just bring the animal control truck for Mr Hun and put him to sleep at the animal shelters because he doesn't deserve to step in UK soil anyway.
Shame on you Hun Sen what go around it comes around tell your brother Hun Neng must has more moral and disciplines while dealing with the world.Shame shame shame on the dog have never sitting in the car.

Anonymous said...

Good news for the dictator leader From Cambodia Hun Sen,I hope USA will treat Mr.Hun Sen ten times in return to his treatment to his citizen.
The totalitarian like Mr.Hun should be demolish.

Anonymous said...

To 1:14 AM

Where have you been?

Maybe you are to busy committing crimes, that's why you don't know what've been going on in Cambodia.

Does Hun Sen respect innocent Khmer peoples?

Why does Hun Sen murder so many innocent Khmer peoples including political opponents, journalists, men, women and children?

I read news from Cambodia and listen to Radio Free Asia everday, you cannot fool me nor the Cambodian peoples.

The Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime call Cambodia; Democratic Kampuchea which is completely opposite.
Cambodia was Communist Kampuchea. 

The CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime said the Global Witness aligations against them are false.

Saying an opposite is an indication that they are a criminals that don't take any responsible for the crimes that they have committed.

You want the British government to come to Cambodia to see for themselves instead of getting information from a third party bias and unreliable source (Global Witness)?
For example during the March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack that was order by Hun Sen, when the British government arrive in Cambodia right now are they going to see the Grenade Attack that had happen more than twelve years ago?
Should the British government ask Hun Sen if he had murder innocent Khmer peoples including political opponents, journalists, men, women and children?
Remember, Hun Sen never admitted the crimes that he had committed.

1:14 AM, I recommend that you do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.

Anonymous said...

I doubt that his trip will include a stop in Spain.

Anonymous said...

Dunt't be so much care about Global Witness, we should feel pity for it, because what the globle witness is trying to do is just for salary. Of course it need to survive and to feed their family, during the globle economic crisis time,so let it say as it dream about. In conclusion, the Global Witness should acknowlege and be grateful to Sam Dach Hun Sen, if there is no Sam Dach, it will not have any news to publish, so if no news, it also no income for dairly life.. Oh God Bless BW!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said: "strict code of conduct or code of ethics involved."

Can you let us know which code of conduct and ethics the hun sen regime is following please?
I think he should be allowed in to the UK. I don't think he should be met by any UK politicians, or granted any treatment above what an ordinary tourist would enjoy.
I DO think the press should cover his visit, and a bit more about his regime in cambodia.
I DO think cambodians, and indeed anyone else with an interest in human rights should protest loudly, and visibly at that graduation ceremony.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

There is a British Embassy in Phnom Penh near Calmette Hospital which give good information for the UK government.

The UK government must not rely on an NGO like Global Witness.

The mas media are some time a source of information but not always reliable.

Please accept, dear Sir, the assurances of my highest respect.



Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

There is a British Embassy in Phnom Penh near Calmette Hospital which give good information for the UK government.

The UK government must not rely on an NGO like Global Witness.

The mas media are some time a source of information but not always reliable.

Please accept, dear Sir, the assurances of my highest respect.



Anonymous said...

To Ah 8:47 AM, you're support CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples, do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.

Anonymous said...

To Ah 8:47 AM

I am WARNING you not to call yourself Khmer.
You can call yourself Khmer Rouge (Khmer Krorhorm), CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime Supporter or Ah PPU etc...etc...
You must NOT call yourself Khmer.
You are not represent all Khmer peoples.
Do you understand?
This is your last WARNING.

Khmer peoples does not support CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.

Only Khmer Rouge support CPP Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime.

Anonymous said...

The decision must not predicated on emotions or opinions, or both; the decision must have merit or it is worthless--and it cannot be decided arbitrarily by an individual group.


Anonymous said...

"I am WARNING you not to call yourself Khmer."

You see, this is the problem right here. In a democracy, people should be able to say whatever. Whether they support the bandits in government or not. Not be intimidated by threats.

But assuming the election was at least somewhat fair, the cambodian people voted for for mr hun to rob them. They took the cup. Now they must drink.

Anonymous said...

Let the one eyed hyena catch the flu and die.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.nick name khmer or ass kisser your comment bunch of shit,your chicken ass kisser to get the jobs like you proving that you have no ball in the real world you might not have your real job if you do not kiss Mr.Prime minister ball or probably people around PM Hun only one eye so why there too much flaw and gap between people and blood sucker government.