Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Sam Rainsy to return back to Cambodia on 1st July

Source: Deum Ampil newspaper
Reported in English by Khmerization

Mr. Sam Rainsy (pictured), president of the self-named Sam Rainsy Party (SRP), will return back to Cambodia on the 1st of July, reports Deum Ampil.

Sources from the SRP said that Mr. Sam Rainsy had left Cambodia on an overseas mission to France and the United States several weeks ago.

During his absence, two of his MPs, Mrs. Mu Sochua and Mr. Ho Vann, were stripped of their parliamentary immunity and both of them had left Cambodia bound for the United States.

An SRP source told Deum Ampil on 3oth June that Mr. Sam Rainsy will arrive in Cambodia at 9 o'clock on the morning of the 1st of July.


Anonymous said...

On s'en moque et on s'enfoue.

Anonymous said...

What is so important about this man ?
Every time Cambodia need help he's nowhere insight. He's not the man for Cambodia. Who cares if he comes and go. What can he do for his country? NOTING PERIOD. He only started trouble for Cambodia.

Mr. Ramsy I advised you to get lost. Cambodia does not need you and so is your party. I repeat you are not the right man for Cambodia.
You are too coward face anything.

Anonymous said...

12:35AM what can he do? He give some some hope!

Hope not only count but needed to survive!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He is on a mission to Europe. He did not run away. See what happened to Mu Sochua and Ho Vann? Hun Sen and his cliques ruled like a dictator and like a communist regime. Sam Rainsy represents a hope to free Cambodia from a dictator's communist yoke.

Anonymous said...

why? is he making trouble again in cambodia? it was so peaceful when he's gone away!

Anonymous said...

Peaceful? Two MPs were stripped of their immunity, a newspaper editor jailed and an NGO activist, Moeung Son, fled the country. Is that peaceful?

A country ruled by a dictator like Hun Sen will never be peaceful.

Anonymous said...

Where was Mr. Sam Rainsy in 1975-1979, when the country needs him? How come Samrainsy help Cambodians! At the mean time this guy still can’t help himself. Do you all think that if Sam Rainsy becomes the next Prime Minister would be better than Hun Sent? No more corruption? Who can guaranty that the new government would be better? Sam Rainsy always uses his words to inflame the nation to against each other. His entire act is full of envy and jealous with Hun Sent .