Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Suggestions for dealing with gang violence

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the article "City authorities ban samurai swords after upswing in violence" (June 22, 2009). Police say the swords, widely available in the capital, are the weapon of choice for student gangs, and have featured in recent brutal attacks.

I do agree with city authorities in prohibiting the sale of samurai swords in Cambodia's markets. Swords have been used to commit crimes and inflict severe or fatal injuries. However, there are six main approaches to respond effectively to gang violence.

First, we must eliminate the culture of impunity that allows rich and powerful people to live outside the law. In the past, Prime Minister Hun Sen has stated that he would leave office if he were unable to deal with gangsters. He also warned that any government official unable to deal effectively with gang violence would be removed from his or her position. So far, I have not seen anyone removed from office on these conditions.

Second, Cambodian youths learn violent behaviour in part from international films and even locally produced comedies.

Third, the prevalence of domestic violence also reinforces violent approaches to conflict resolution.

Fourth, the Kingdom does not have enough recreational outlets or government-sponsored programs and activity centres to provide outlets for young people, particularly in the areas of athletics, art and music.

Fifth, drugs are easily accessible and contribute to a culture of violence, leading rival gangs to fight over territory and profits.

Lastly, there are many donor-funded organisations that focus broadly on education, health and youth leadership. But there are very few NGOs that work exclusively on community safety and youth-oriented violence, particularly among Cambodia's middle- and upper-class youth.

I hope that a balanced approach as outlined above might help the government deal more effectively with gang-related violence and get closer to eliminating violence in Cambodian society.

Tong Sprach
Phnom Penh


Anonymous said...

According to warning of PM, it would be removing government offials as well as those ganster children.

It will never work out because his relatives and closed associates are part of the gansters.
This is only a society of threat,abuses,warning but real action is taken out on the sffering khmers whether politician,journalists..defenseless
poor people.

Anonymous said...

10:22 AM

"It will never work out because his relatives and closed associates are part of the gansters."

Please base your accusation on hard facts instead of rumors. I know that there are some rich and powerful people that think they are outside the laws but maybe you should live in Cambodia for once to understand the whole issue. Many but not all are the types that think they are above the laws. Your mentality of generalization has no place anywhere. Learn not to generalize, buddy.

A good analogy. If any of your siblings is arrested and convicted of felony, can I call you and your whole family the felony family? I don't think you would love that, would you? Why because I'm ignorantly generalizing the issue, much like what you and your kind like to generalize any problem in Cambodia.

It's good that you care enough about Cambodia to make suggestion to improve any particular social problem but don't think that the authority doesn't care about fixing the problem. If they don't, you have no idea how chaotic the streets of Cambodia could be. I lived there in the 90's and I can from the bottom of my heart say today is 100 times better than just 10 years ago. You people would never understand or appreciate how much better Cambodia got because you never lived there in the previous decades to appreciate the present day Cambodia.

One last thing, I'd appreciate it if you become a constructive critics of the government or anyone in Cambodia with the intention of wanting to see a better Cambodia and not for personal or political agenda.

Anonymous said...

KI Media
" the measure to arrest or injail those gangsters members will only worsen the problems. " what the hell u talking about. in america, they dont arrest or injail gangsters huh? and if they do, doest it worsen the problems?
ur fuking comment is weird.


Anonymous said...

Well, look whose runing the f**king country. Hello!
One of this mother f**ker is a deported PPU from the US.

Anonymous said...

He, himself gangster!

Anonymous said...

11:49 AM

dont try to boast ur donation here fuking overseas khmers...
u donate just to have chance to fuk viet puzzy in cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that this shit head Soy Sopheap is also the owner of the "BS" Deum Ampil newspaper. Soy Sopheap and Chum Kosal are Hun Sen servants.

Anonymous said...

10:22 AM

What's your suggestion (s)?


Anonymous said...

12:21 PM

Everyone needs to be somebody's servant, irrespective where you reside, in this world. If you're residing in the United States (or elsewhere), for instance, you must be a servant to someone--just like yourself who are a servant of your leader. Whether you like it or not, this is the fact of life.


Anonymous said...

what about pulic servant in USA,if you really live in states you should know. public servants in USA and elsewhere in developed world serve their citizen.

Does that happen in cambodia?
National and international communities know that officers are more powerful than them, and they up themselve as society persuades them to be.
In contrarary,they do not serve citixens but abuse.

Kaun Khmer

Anonymous said...

អា ភីភីយូ (PPU) មកបៀម ក្ដ ឪអាឯងលេងភ្លាម
មក អាកូនមីសំផឹងយួនអស់សាច់!


Anonymous said...

Hi So Prach (Mr. Vespa). Please do your best. Actually, most of the Youth are leanrning and adapted from their parents. Everyone can observed that, most of the gangster are came from the waelthy family. they comited the violence or crime without pinalty. How can we solve this problem? The authority only arrested poor youth to extorted money from fighitng at the rural area, and never arrested the rich boy who violated the traffic and kill people on the road.

Anonymous said...

11:49 AM
if you want to know what SRP has been doing with the money , why dont you ask SRP ? you asked CTN , is CTN related to or in charge of SRP ?
that's just like asking me what happened to your wife .
not domb but domber .

Anonymous said...

11:49 AM ! i hope are you not stupid enough to write a letter to ask a taxi driver in Phnom Penh where Hun Sen got all that money to buy aiarplanes, mansions, golf course , luxery cars and pay his own private army .

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing your ideas. i know it took a lot of studying and education to understand develop such personal philosophyor view point. i hope cambodia gov't will reform and learn from everybody, especially from smart and wised individuals from all over the world. god bless cambodia.