Thursday, July 09, 2009

Temple, Border Issues Conflated: Official

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
07 July 2009

Bangkok has sought to confuse public opinion over Preah Vihear temple and a contested border, conflating the two issues in the media as a yearlong military standoff drags on, a government official said Monday.

An international court declared in 1962 that Preah Vihear temple, an 11th-Century structure that sits on a towering escarpment over the plains of Preah Vihear province, belonged to Cambodia.

However, Cambodian and Thailand contest nearby border areas, using maps from different periods to delineate their frontiers.

“Do not combine the two issues together, otherwise you fall into a strategy that our Thai friends are making,” Phay Siphan, a spokesman for the Council of Ministers said Monday, as a guest on “Hello VOA.”

His remarks come as Thai officials have sought to have Preah Vihear temple, which was granted World Heritage status last year, jointly managed by the two countries.

Unesco has rejected the proposal, but remarks by senior Thai officials have inflamed longstanding nationalistic animosity among some Thais.

Thailand was seeking to confuse international perception of the issue, Phay Siphan said.

There are currently hundreds of Thai and Cambodian troops heavily armed and entrenched along the border. Clashes since the standoff began, in July 2008, have led to the deaths of at least seven soldiers from both sides.


Anonymous said...

Watch this video clip. It shows how Thai leaders try to its own people about its territory.

Anonymous said...

try as they want, thai(siem) thieves will always fail time and again. cambodia and the entire world are no longer in the dark period, you know! nowadays, we only use the law; we all can see that thailand is violating the international law on border violation. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

maybe thailand should wake up and smell the coffee for once. it probably goes to say a lot about how uneducated and ignorant thai people could be. of course, they try to conceal that to within their own country until they try to steal preah vihear temple and surrounding access areas from cambodia. get lost, thailand! bye bye!!!

Anonymous said...

អា ភីភីយូ (PPU) មកបៀម ក្ដ ឪអាឯងលេងភ្លាម
មក អាកូនមីសំផឹងយួនអស់សាច់!


[Translation of the above comment in Khmer:

Ah PPU, come and suck your Dad's dick ASAP, you cock sucker son of a Yuon's bitch.
PPU's Daddy]

«Où bien en francais - ah PPU, viens succer le “Dick“ de ton Papa tout de suite, fils de pute YUON de Hanoi... Ton Papa, PPU»

Anonymous said...

If Abhishit or Thailand chose to confuse their own people about the history we should create a video clip that describe all the time line about Khmer empire as well. Long time ago there weren't Thai exist in the area now. Almost 99% of Thailand was once part of the Khmer empire. So there!!!

Thailand is a nation of confuse.
Cambodia must make our own history book or video clip that will wake up all Khmer that living in Thailand and YOUN to rise up.

Koun Khmer,

Anonymous said...

True, we must do something really give patriotism to our brother Khmer throughout. If Thailand still claim their fake history, we have all the rights to instigate our brother that living in Thailand to wake up.

Kolabott Khmer,

Anonymous said...

i know, what goes around comes around. we all know siem thugs fabricated their history and distorted their history fiction from facts! yes, maybe khmer people should start doing the same to get the point across to siem thugs! god bless cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Say what may, the Thais are simply meeting their prophecy fate now. In Khmer, we say: "Ah Siem Os Leak"!!

All these problems on Preah Vihear are only emanating from their King and the later would not even make it pass this year of Ox due to poor health and mental stress, mark my words! Again this is prophecy!

Then by Sept 2009, Bangkok would have bloodshed again and Thaksin would still return to power whether in person or by proxy through the Pheu Thai Party, so the Yellow Shirts (backed by their King) would be screwed up again.

By 2012 to 2015, Kingdom of Thailand would cease to exist and become Republic of Thailand and that is the end of the so-called Great Chakri Dynasty kicked out by a Thaksin (ironically the history shown that it was the first Chakry fellow that assassinated the then former King Thaksin to usurpate the throne to be come King, no'w, it's the other way round...)