Thursday, 16 July 2009
Sam Sok
The Phnom Penh Post
Dear Editor,
While browsing through the front page of The Phnom Penh Post online news, an article titled "Thai Web site reignites spat over territory" caught my attention. According to the report, the Thai Web site contains a video claiming part of Cambodia as lost Thai territory. Interestingly, it appears that the Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has shamelessly launched that Web site for political reasons.
It is not new to many Cambodian people that Thailand has been spending a huge amount of time and money in the school system twisting the facts of history in Southeast Asia. Many Cambodian people at home and abroad know that Thai schools have been teaching the students hatred towards the Cambodian people.
Veasna Kuch, a Cambodian immigrant who resides in St Petersburg, Florida, said that he had a dispute with a professor over a Thai history book when he was at the border fighting the Vietnamese invasion during the 1980s. "The professor who taught history at the time was required by the Thai authorities to use a Thai history book from Chulalongkorn University, and the information was not correct", he said. "I know Khmer history, so the Thais were not able to cheat me," he added.
Although, as many of us know, some Thai historians do not agree with Thai history books, the latest political endeavour of the Oxford-educated Abhisit has taken that faulty information to the next level by launching his new Web site. For a short period as the Thai premier, Abhisit has brought more tension, not less. When he made a one-day visit to Cambodia in June 2009, I was hoping that he could strengthen the relationship with Cambodia. But after he returned home, the relationship soon deteriorated when he asked the world heritage body UNESCO to reconsider its decision to formally list the 11th-century Preah Vihear temple in Cambodia.
It seemed that Abhisit had good intentions during the UNESCO meeting in Seville, Spain, also in June 2009. But obviously, while Abhisit's right hand was patting Prime Minister Hun Sen on the back, his left hand was carrying a dagger. He apparently tried to gain supporters in order to distract attention away from his failure by bending the real history.
A politician such as Abhisit who openly manipulates history for his own political purposes goes beyond typical dirty politics. Why would you reinvent history? Let history speak for itself.
Sam Sok
Sam Sok
The Phnom Penh Post
Dear Editor,
While browsing through the front page of The Phnom Penh Post online news, an article titled "Thai Web site reignites spat over territory" caught my attention. According to the report, the Thai Web site contains a video claiming part of Cambodia as lost Thai territory. Interestingly, it appears that the Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has shamelessly launched that Web site for political reasons.
It is not new to many Cambodian people that Thailand has been spending a huge amount of time and money in the school system twisting the facts of history in Southeast Asia. Many Cambodian people at home and abroad know that Thai schools have been teaching the students hatred towards the Cambodian people.
Veasna Kuch, a Cambodian immigrant who resides in St Petersburg, Florida, said that he had a dispute with a professor over a Thai history book when he was at the border fighting the Vietnamese invasion during the 1980s. "The professor who taught history at the time was required by the Thai authorities to use a Thai history book from Chulalongkorn University, and the information was not correct", he said. "I know Khmer history, so the Thais were not able to cheat me," he added.
Although, as many of us know, some Thai historians do not agree with Thai history books, the latest political endeavour of the Oxford-educated Abhisit has taken that faulty information to the next level by launching his new Web site. For a short period as the Thai premier, Abhisit has brought more tension, not less. When he made a one-day visit to Cambodia in June 2009, I was hoping that he could strengthen the relationship with Cambodia. But after he returned home, the relationship soon deteriorated when he asked the world heritage body UNESCO to reconsider its decision to formally list the 11th-century Preah Vihear temple in Cambodia.
It seemed that Abhisit had good intentions during the UNESCO meeting in Seville, Spain, also in June 2009. But obviously, while Abhisit's right hand was patting Prime Minister Hun Sen on the back, his left hand was carrying a dagger. He apparently tried to gain supporters in order to distract attention away from his failure by bending the real history.
A politician such as Abhisit who openly manipulates history for his own political purposes goes beyond typical dirty politics. Why would you reinvent history? Let history speak for itself.
Sam Sok
Great article!
This news is also completely wrong about the Claim of Preah Vihear's Thai occupation on the 20th century:
I for once thought that the Thais are smart. Obviously they’re not. Look how stupid they are with their website “”. They twisted history and lied to the world., and in doing so they damage their own credibility. In its July 2009 edition, National Geographics magazine wrote a splendid article about Angkor which completely contradicts what the Thai academic and professors teach at school.
just found another interesting blog against thailand:
Yet, the content is not available..
Special issue of :National Geogrphic Magazine /July 2009 is 100% in Khmer side. Please buy one copy to save for document.It's about Khmer Empire and Angkor Civilization. In the map, Siam or Thailand does not exist. The magazine is on sale at every stores around the world.
9:12PM - good idea. I went to buy a copy yesterday during my lunch break. I thing everyone should buy a copy. This is a living proof of hour history written by independent schoolars/researchers. It's away to show that the Thais have been lying to its own people and the world for so many years. How can they claim Preah Vihear belong to them? The world now know who is the thief...
we all know that thailand is a twisted country! it's unfortunate that some western nations only look to thailand as ally and friends while they abandon other countries like cambodia. they don't know what they are missing by ignoring cambodia or being biased on cambodia way. then they wonder we are hold grudges againt some country! go figure! it's not fair to the majority of naive khmer people who deserve better treatment from some country in the western hemisphere!
SHALL WE........
Good atatemnet Mr. Sam Sok, Abhi-Shit is not My type of Gov't, your stament is in favourable for all!.
God bless Khmer all!
I think not all Thai politicians are as stupid as Vejjajiva. There are well educated and ill educated Thai politicians. To all of them I suggest that the honor of your country on the international arena depend on how you respond to what the international bodies such as UN, ICJ or UNESCO had ruled on the matter of the conflicts between your country and you neighboring countries. As a civilzed ntion, you shuold show the world how well you are aware of the international laws and regulations and how well you enforced them. To Vejjajiva, as a leader and an Oxford educated, how can you do such a stupid political game like the one on your website "Ilovethailand ", trying to induce you own poeple in error, for your own political sake. Shame on you. I feel sorry for Thai poeple to have a PM like you are.Compare to Hun Sen, you are a loser. Hun Sen gained more and better reputations and continuous success world wide.You see how long he stood in power in Cambodia, and how experianced he is. For him, you are just a baby sucking the finger. Learn from him for the sake of the relationship between Thailand and Cambodia.
Land of the Khmer Empire is like the whole cake. After that Thailand snatched from Khmers by using dirty tricks. After that Khmer just took back a small piece from the whole, But Thailand still claims it is the Thailand's belonging lost..It is shameless!!! They twist the truth, who was the first owner.
Prasat Phnom Rung, Moueng Tam,Hen Phimai,etc. are some of the Khmer beautiful temples that built by the Khmer ancestors, not Thais. These are the strong evidences to show that this territory (Thailand) was belong to Cambodia.
Thais don't have blood to build the wonder temples like Khmers, but destroyers and robbers.
Stupid dumbass Thai-Govt they are in deep shit trouble by lying to the whole world about their fake history, Thailand is shamed, they think the world is dumb to take advantage lying? remembered the whole world understood History better than Thai-dumbass governments....
Stop lied to your people and the world, they've already knew what's going on...
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