Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Thailand claims victory in Seville ... Anupong to redeploy Thai troops in Preah Vihear: Thailand delusion?

Cambodia gets more time to submit Preah Vihear plans

July 1, 2009
The Nation

Cambodia has until February next year to submit its plan for safeguarding and developing the Preah Vihear temple, Natural Resource and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti said yesterday.

The World Heritage Committee's decision initially obligated Cambodia to submit its plan by February this year, following the temple's heritage inscription last July.

However, Phnom Penh has not been able to submit many details of the plan, including a map of buffer zones around the site, owing to its boundary conflict with Thailand.

Fortunately, the delay has given Thailand a chance to campaign for a joint nomination of the Hindu Khmer temple with Cambodia, Suwit said.

The controversial Preah Vihear attracted renewed international attention after Thailand maintained its objection to the temple's inscription, which resulted in an angry outburst from Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and tension at the border.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva did not discuss the campaign for a joint nomination. However, he did say that since Cambodia has more time to submit its plan, it would have an opportunity to follow the World Heritage Committee's decisions and clear up any difficulties along the border.

"We have expressed our concerns to the World Heritage Committee over several sensitive issues because we don't want to have problems or any tension with Cambodia," Abhisit said.

However, acting government spokesman Panitan Watanayagorn interpreted the delay as a victory for Thailand, following Suwit's heavy campaign during the committee's meeting in Spain from June 23 to 30.

He said the delay would give Thailand a chance to seek better understanding from members of the World Heritage Committee.

"The government hoped the World Heritage Committee would allow the two countries to jointly run the temple," Panitan told reporters.

Army chief General Anupong Paochinda said he would redeploy troops to border areas adjacent to the Hindu Khmer temple in accordance with the government's policy to pave the way for a peaceful solution.

"We don't have a timeframe, but it depends on the satisfaction of both countries. We have a common intention not to use force," he said.


Anonymous said...

Please KI Media do not change original words or text. It is to protect the integrity of your postings. If you do, please let your readers know that you do and where.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

bonsoir a tous,

j'appelle tous les patriotes khmers à l'interieur, comme a l'exterieurs du petit cambodge actuel, pour se reunir ensemble dans une discussion pour pouvoir sortir le cambodge de la crise avec le Siam. Doit-on encore négocier avec cette race de voleur qui veut nous saigner a blanc alors que nous nous relevons difficilement de l'apres KR et de l'apres vietnamisation ? quelles solutions pouvons nous trouver pour qu'on nous respecte une bonne fois pour toute en tant que nation ? sommes nous obligé de regler par les armes ? dans ce cas , je pense qu'il y aura beaucouq de morts...alors pour trouver une solution simple efficace et surtout radicale pour eviter encore la misere à un (ou deux) peuple(s) : je propose (avec des amis de Paris de creer un groupuscule avec les khmers islams (integristes) et de pouvoir fomenter des troubles avec leurs freres du sud du Siam, alors on aura le temps d'aller faire un attentat à Bangkok puis de tuer le roi des siamois...qu'en dites-vous ? je prets à mourrir pour notre nation et notre territoire qui s'est retreci en une peaude chagrin....


Anonymous said...

theres gonnaa be conflic also in the states with khmer and thai......we will ravage all thai people and kill them all .........FCUK THAILAND AND ALL THAI PEOPLE.............................I AM NOW DEVOTED TO KILL ALL THAI FUCK THAILAND...........there will be dead thai people and burnt thai restaurant on CNN......... FUCK THAILAND

Anonymous said...

LOL........................thailand is FUCKING RETARDED....STAY OFF THAT YABA DUMB FUCKS

Anonymous said...

thai troops dig in the aree suround the temple ,mean occupyed land cambodia teritery.what khmer to do .khmer don't scare war or dare to life for motherland.

Anonymous said...

Vous n'êtes pas seul, il y a beaucoup d'autres de nos comaptriotes qui ont le même sentiment que vous.
Tous les khmers sont prêts à sacrifier pour défendre le Cambodge.

In solidarity

Anonymous said...

It won't be surprised.

Thai leadership usually historically lie the public. Now, they can't do that anymore because information technology is not the same what was 60 years ago.

Their nature is to cheat, cheat, and cheat. I wonder how long it will exist.

Anonymous said...

I predict the Thais' Mobilized forces will pond wave after wave for 3 consecutive days to make main Hun Sen's forces disarray and take a full control of advance forces just like yuon invader in 7th Jan. 1979, and Install new Government.
The srp prepare to take over and call for a new change.

Anonymous said...

I predict Thailand will be sorry the rest of their life time.If you want to have WAR with The Kingdom of Cambodia.Because Khmer empire kindness to your ancestors and Vietnam too.Without Khmer empire Thailand and Vietnam do not exist,people of Vietnam and Thailand you are the destiny of your Country.

Anonymous said...

if the delay is true, it won't change the fact the preah vihear and surrounding area belongs to cambodia forever. so, don't even dream of ownership, thailand; it's not going to happen. now, as for unesco delay or whatever, we'll have to see until february of next year. february is just around the corner. cambodia has many, many alternative when it come to dealing with thailand on preah vihear or should we say the surrounding access areas to our ancient khmer temple. we will see! i think thailand's request for "joint management or whatever, it is really up to cambodia to decide whether we want thailand or not. remember, it is cambodia's decision, not so much unesco, especially if it is not yet officially listed as world heritage site due to this thai request or whatever. it's not the end of the world, you know. there are many alternative for cambodia to develop our preah vihear temple and areas. thailand better cater to cambodia about that! because we can refuse their request for joint management of our temple. right now, apparently thailand or unesco is letting thailand dictate to them whether to list cambodia's preah vihear as world heritage site or not. again, it doesn't change the fact that preah vihear is a cambodian own temple anyway! understate the reality and the fact, here. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

don't get so excited already, siem; the so-called delay doesn't change the fact that preah vihear temple and surrounding access areas belongs to cambodia forever, not thailand like your thugs' wishful thinking. it's never going to happen as long as there is cambodia on the face of this earth!

Anonymous said...

rebonsoir chers tous,

par ces mots spontanée que vous ecrivez : ceci reflete bien de ce qu'il existe dans l'inconscient des khmers : c'est-à-dire nous sommes tous prets à sacrifier notre vie en donnant du travail et du sang à notre cambodge pour reconstruire un pays nouveau où un jour : tous les khmers retrouveront leur fierté d'appartenir a la race khmere. En effet, nous sommes épuisés d'être traités comme des esclaves du temps moderne, nous avons marre que les pays limitrophes nous prennent pour des idiots, des nuls, des ignorants...des sous-hommes...comme au temps post-angkorien où il n'y avait pas besoin de faire la guerre pour pouvoir vaincre les khmers. En effet il suffisait de monter les khmers = les un contre les autres pour que ces khmers s'entre-tuent jusqu'au dernier avant une intervention militaire etrangere qui se soldera par une amputation d'un morceau de territoire....

Ainsi l'histoire se repete sans cesse : peut-on vivre tranquillement avec des voisins expansionnistes et annexionnistes ? est-ce que mes futurs enfants pourront grandir normalement sur la terre de nos ancetres qui ont construits angkor ? (entre autre), pourront-ils faire leur etude au cambodge comme les autres enfants ?...que nous restera-t-il de nos 180.000 km 2 terrestres ?

la solution est qu'il faut vraiment affaiblir nos voisins qui sont trop puissants : demographiquement, militairement, economiquement et peut-etre culturellement (car nos jeunes khmers ont perdus leur culture ancestral)...Il faut donc que le Siam explose à l'interieur : par exemple : on peut soutenir un opposant qui nous est peut-etre favorable comme Takshin en creant un nouveau parti politique (TNT=thai nique thai)...une sorte de bombe à retardement...

En effet, leur situation interne est tres grave en ce moment, mes tres chers compatriotes :
1/ conflit avec les musulmans au sud (plusieurs milliers de morts par an ?= guerre civile ? ou guerre de liberation de peuple opprimé ?
2/ conflit avec le pauvre Laos (mais peu important)
3/le siam n'ose pas avec les Birmans (car ils ont un souvenir cauchemardesque inconscient de la destruction d'Ayuttaya par ces sauvages birmans...
4/ avec nous : si nous nous laissons faire, on va se faire grignoter, donc il faut se battre pour survivre sinon, c'est nous qui allons disparaitre sur la carte du monde : nous ne pourrons laisser à nos enfants que la honte et la desolation...

En conclusion : il faut agir avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, c'est peut-etre une lutte a mort entre nous et le siam, et on connait les consequences d'apres la prediction de Put Tumnay=angkor retrouvera sa premiere place à suvarnabhumi = ce sera la capitale de l'indochine...

longue vie au cambodge

encore une fois, je suis vraiment content de votre spontanéité...


Anonymous said...

it is Thai tactic to get the delay from PM.The smooth talk and shifting objective to maritime cooperation and economic joint venture are just the games.

Previously,Thai was concerned about area of 4.16 km square which could lead to joint venture on Preah Vihear.Now it is obvious that Thai wants joint registration of Preah Vihear ,to UNESCO world heritages.

political and military assesements have been done diplomatically.

Look out! the maritime agreement is just a step and stone to meet thai greed for oil.

Together with less greed we win.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

yes, it's there delusion again! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

It's so simple, just keep the door closed on the Thai side and let Thai thieves go crazy alone along the UNESCO. Khmer heritage is not a piece of cake share with Thai thieves.

Anonymous said...

I agree! just kept the gate closed on Thailand side and let thai-thieft crying and begging khmer people to buy their products...

Anonymous said...

Anupong Paojinda said he will reduce some troops, i think he's lying, he's buying time only! Thailand is playing a new trick here again, please be more cautious! remembered Thai-thieft still cliams 4.6km is their, they also said they will letting their troops occupy this lands....watchout!

Anonymous said...

Why Thailand worry about 4.6km claims of their?...They should know almost the whole Country is belong to Khmer empire.

Ponlue said...

Don't believe Thai Leaders' propaganda because they just wanted to save the Thailand's face in public. As you know Thai are good on telling a lie.

More, the temple and its surrounding land is shown clearly on the international recognition in the Cambodia's side.

However, we have to be more careful on Thailand's black tactics in its black ambition in the policy of expansionism.

In my own opinion, i think that we should some strategies to show the world that bilateral negotiation does not work because Thailand not respect its agreements, custom and international laws, and then we then would bring the case to UNSC to monitor the whole joint border including maritime boundary.

Ponlue said...

Don't believe Thai Leaders' propaganda because they just wanted to save the Thailand's face in public. As you know Thai are good on telling a lie.

More, the temple and its surrounding land is shown clearly on the international recognition map in the Cambodia's sovereignty.

However, we have to be more careful on Thailand's black tactics in its black ambition in the policy of expansionism.

In my own opinion, i think that we should use some strategies to show the world that bilateral negotiation does not work because Thailand not respect its agreements, custom and international laws, and then we can bring the case to UNSC to monitor the whole joint border between the two countries including maritime boundary.

Anonymous said...

Go down into the hell Siam ! go to the hell if you want 4.6Km around the temple!! Bangkok will become the blood pond ! Stop your abitious Crazy King Abdulyadeth!!!!

Thailand will never be the tourists destination anymore if Abhesip or King of Thailand keep an eye on Great Preah Vihear Temple

Goo too the hell!

Anonymous said...

How can thai cliam 4.6km is belong to them?

More than 20 province in Thailand are belong to Cambodia !! Remember Khmer sorin !! is part of Cambodia people !
Please all Khmer Sorin Get up against with Thailand !!

Anonymous said...

8:58 this is a cheap attempt by thai to break the deal but it's not happening. Cambodia will never agrees to such manipulation. all thais, go build your own temple then you can claim it's yours.

Anonymous said...

Do you understand 20 province in Thailand are belong to Khmer empire?...And during that time you killing many Khmer people also force Khmer Sorin not to Learn their own Language(Khmer language).
Now you want more 4.6km and declare War with Cambodia.Both side will be lose their life and innocent people will lose their life first(Khmer Sorin)...All Khmer Sorin get up against with Government of Thailand!!!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

There were propaganda from Abhisit Vejjajiva's administration
about the listing of Preah Vihear Temple, since it has done since last year.

Therefore, RCAF should study about Thai army, air force, there were everything in their website: Thai Selected the right weapon, right target, properly trained, it will all destroyed.

New Phally

Kraingmeas said...

Dites donc, tous vos appels sont tous "anonymes!". Quelle panique alors!
C'en est pourtant de très noble initiative; car si vous attendiez tous que vos "illustres" personnalités tant du GRC que privés voire retraités le feraient pour la NATION, je crois que ce sera à la manière des banquiers suisses (affaire de paradis fiscaux) qui n'osent plus s'aventurer hors de leur pays de peur de se faire arrêter par les américains.
Formons dons une Fondadtion ou Association pour cette noble CAUSE qui, malheureusement s'effrite davantage de nos jours. Les Thaïs ont compris et saisissent de la situation.