Thursday, 06 August 2009
Meas Sokchea and Sebastian Strangio
The Phnom Penh Post
"Vietnam helped to demolish the Khmer Rouge regime, but they were not honest with their help and sought to turn Cambodia into a colony."An old political player speaks out about communism, justice and the country's current political trajectory.
PEN Sovan played a prominent part of the Cambodian resistance against the Pol Pot regime during the late 1970s. After rising through the political ranks, he was appointed prime minister in May 1981, but was arrested in December and imprisoned in Hanoi for his criticisms of the Vietnamese military occupation. Now a member of the Human Rights Party, Pen Sovan spoke with the Post about his experiences in power and the current political situation.
When you became prime minister in 1981, the country was still ravaged by the rule of the Khmer Rouge. What were your main priorities as leader?
The main goal was to set up a system of law and make sure that the first people who respected the law were the leaders, so that the people had something to follow. The second issue was to create a court system that was recognised by the people as a court that handed down fair justice.
Thirdly, leaders must have a clear idea what their goals are. In my time it was very clear.
You were arrested after just six months in power and imprisoned in Vietnam. What led to this turn of events?
In the past I was always opposed to foreign invaders, including the French colonists, and I had only one wish: I wanted Cambodia to have independence, freedom, democracy, territorial integrity and real sovereignty. When I became a leader in the People's Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea (PRPK), I still continued to fight for the national cause. Since then, I have gotten older, but my ideals have not changed.
"The influence of [KR] doctrine is linked to trends in the current leadership."And why did I quit the political scene? I quit politics for one reason: I did not want to see Vietnam controlling the Cambodian government. Vietnam helped to demolish the Khmer Rouge regime, but they were not honest with their help and sought to turn Cambodia into a colony. When I saw this happening and demanded that Vietnam must respect our independence, freedom, democracy and territorial integrity, they did not respect it and they are still violating this today. My struggles against the Vietnamese influence prompted some politicians who are currently in power and are allowing Vietnam to control Cambodia, to arrest me and imprison me in Hanoi for 10 years and 52 days.
What is your view on the recent crackdown on the government's critics?
The crackdown originates in the fact that the top leaders in Cambodia were influenced by the Khmer Rouge. The Khmer Rouge regime only took the title of "democratic". The influence of this doctrine is linked to trends in the current leadership. They are under the sway of some of the same doctrines, which preached absolute power - not democracy.
King Father Norodom Sihanouk recently said that Hun Sen's government was the "younger brother" of his own rule of the 1950s and 1960s. Do you see any similarities between the two regimes?
I don't think the two governments are very similar. I see the regime led by Samdech Sihanouk as being led by a doctrine of royalism, under which there was a constitution that was implemented fairly. But nowadays, under the government led by Hun Sen, the constitution only exists on paper. It is not implemented for the people, and they do not know what the government has done for them. The government is not aware of the people's needs.
What made you decide to join the Human Rights Party?
Since UNTAC came to Cambodia, I have not joined any party or opposed any party. At that time, there were 20 parties who were strong on verbal commitments to enforce democracy in Cambodia, most of which were from Western countries. But I think they were only good at speaking, and that they could never manage to implement democratic ideals.... We tried to implement external laws in Cambodia, and we could not achieve it.... Khmers did not understand these foreign ideas. That's why I joined with the Human Rights Party. I have seen that [HRP president] Kem Sokha was prominent in the border resistance and has gone in a democratic direction. I have seen that his actions are good, educating people about democracy. I see that the HRP's platform is similar to the ideas I developed after I left communism.
What is your view on the Khmer Rouge tribunal? Do you think the court will achieve justice?
I don't think it will achieve much, for three reasons. Firstly, the head of government does not really want a Khmer Rouge tribunal. The second is that the court has been created 30 years after the Khmer Rouge were overthrown in January 1979, which is much too late. Thirdly, the court has been disturbed by corruption, and the head of government has not allowed investigations of these allegations, so I don't think it will achieve anything.
Good point Mr. Pen Sovann! Only you can see the spread of illegal YOUN in our country. HUN SEN is completely blind. He needs to open his only one eye to see all around.
Khmer Nak Sneha Jeat,
Isn't the term "Youn" proper for Vietnamese? Why are they screaming that "Youn" is a derogative word?
Thais and Laos (not fake Laos) called them "Youn" all the time, and we all should start to call them 'Youn".
No, Youn is not proper...call them the f*cking Youn!! OK, so I have friends are Vietnamese...when I call them Youn, they dont know why the hell it was a derogatory name. It is certainly better than the f*cking Vietcongs. VC bitches! I hope the U.S. come and invade Cambodia and kill a bunch of these Viets at the same time.
Khmer, Thai, and Laotian called ah Yuon.
Mr. Pen Sovann! I wish all our current government leaders have the same national conscience like you.
Be alive forever KHMER!!
Pen Sovann would honestly give some light knowledge of the repeating attempts to assassin Pol Pot, who was secretly behind? why these attempts were intentionally unsuccessful?
Here is a good picture of an honest man. Even though, he did appear to have a stroke, but that 's just external. He will one day go down in the Cambodian history's book just that.
Long Live loke Pen Sovann!!! You are the real Hero for ever but not ah HUN SEN JOY MAAAAAAAAARAI ah jkout Hun Sen ah slup taihong
He is honest for sure. He is not articulate but he speaks what he know and believed in.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leader of the Free Trade Union
Attempted Assassinations on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Attempted Murders on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murders members and activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.
A very honest man, and obviously he is not afraid of getting a lawsuit from the PM.
Okay let ah mad dog Hun Sen do like Pol Pot or what ah Hun Sen did in polpot time ah Hun Sen you burn candle with both ends.
can mr. pen sovan be the adviser? cambodia needs more leadership like him. although a person is physically unable to take office, they can still give advice, you know!
He is right in many ways.
Mr. Pen Sovann is a national defender of Cambodia and her people. I just could not understand why he was lost to the crook Hun Sen. So what can we learn from Mr. Pen Sovann's experience. Play along and keep your real intention hidden, and when the time is right then show your determination. That was what Hun Sen did with the YOUNs. He pretended to play along, and then when the time is right, he said that he was a man of his own self. That was how the crook Hun Sen beat Pen Sovann. Pen Sovann he was too patriotic and not a politician. So in the end he lost to all the crooks. You know what they say, good guys always end up losing. So I guess the lesson is be a pretender...Sorry now I lost track of my thought...what am I talking about again...Oh I don't know.
You can be a pretender all your life... Hun Sen's will come... the bad guy will die at last but his legacy will linger... What is your legacy???
should read: Hun Sen's day will come...
Thank you
Mr Pen Sovann for your comments made in the interview. As it has been acknowledged, your national interest views are honest and realistic.
Along with your past experiences of long struggling for independece made us proud. Though your PMship short lived but your legarcy is still in our heart. Your views have gained international support for the fact that they are clear on cambodian rights and cambodian interests.
Your view regarding differences between sangkum reast niyum and current leadership is quite frank.
In a periods of 9 years, cambodia was leading in the region noticed in1962.Cambodia exported much produces from agriculture, with also booming light factories in many provinces and capital. Securty and safety were stable. Education was improving steadily.
What brought it down was corruption lured and taken over by some ethic chinese and abuses rights ahd previledges of royalist and relatives. This is what cambodia needs now is ethics.
Praise your national views and your health.
Neang Sa
the man speaks out his mind....and I like his frank straight talk....would love to see him one day and ask him more about the KR period....
Yes, if the government knows what people need, they would not throw them out of their homes and let them die like animals. Those land's eviction people were Cambodian. Just who they think they are? Where is the compensation or assistance to their needs? we are talking about simple things as food and water and proper shelter. Those thousands of family were becoming homeless people. Where are they? Where is Mrs. Cambodian red cross's president? Why don't we see her handing out rice or blankets to them? We only saw the SRP activists. Are they dead? They act like nothing happens. Is it?
I think KI should take "5", for Hor Nam Hong, off with due respect. I think it is personal attack to connect him to Vietnamese national. However, KI can judge him by his work to protect Cambodia's interest. I know he is in PPC and of course the top dog is the half-sighted Hun Sen and he is working for this blind man. I hope Hor Mam Hong is not blind.
Cambodia needs everyone who works for all of us as one country without any one's else country interference. We are a country of self-determination; thus, we must work to protect it for our own interest. While Hun Sen is protecting Cambodia's Preah Vihear with Thailand, he turns a blind eye on Vietnamese silent invasion. Cambodian border lines and islands have been moved and taken with no resistance what so ever from Hun Sen government. He is sold for the Vietnamese. If any Cambodians dare to say anything patriotic he would threaten them with guns and coffins. I am astounded to hear a leader in that capacity says such a thing to his people citizens. By any country standard this is equivalent to treason.
Ah PEN SOVAN was a khmer vietming and a communist .He was trained in HANOI to kill his own people in hope that one day yuon will prop him up to be the leader of the puppet regime just like HUN SEN , but he was snubbed instead by yuon and been jailed for 10 years in Hanoi.Stupid like ah PEN SOVAN is a shame for all khmers.
Mr Pen sovann is youn also including opposition,too!
Mr. Pen Sovan is too pretty to be youn's slave. They rather chose a goat face look alike.
Highly respct from all of us oversea to Mr. Pen Savan. We truely need a leader who know how to put the law in order. when the leader is currupted, every offical departments are currupted.That is what eat up the country.
Am not on anyone side just make some true comments so that everyone have a think about it....i know that Vietnamese is looking for away to take over Cambodia and am not happy about that...And we know that Pen Sovan also Trained by Vietnamese as well as Hun Sen...However whatever he said now is just to make himself looking good...He not a hero but just a loser while he well feed in Vietnam for over 10years he came back and do nothing better...He said he waited for many years just to join a looser Politician who cant even manage his own family and try to lead other people...If you guy have a chance study abit about HRP leader...Can he manage his own family well? before wanting to manage other...while he talking about Kon Lok Thom Der Leang Khmern Ban Ka his daughter one of them.
He is right!! Khmer motherland would have been almost eminently vietnamized unless US and UN sanctions and the collapse of USSR. Khmer today is vietnamized to some extent. For example, Khmer cannot deport illegal VN immigrants, challenge border grabbing, and protect Khmer Kampuchea Khrom.
Ah PEN SOVAN was trained and brainwashed by yuon in HANOI.He's yuon.He love and trust yuon.What this motherfucker is doing now is self serve interest.Please, don't believe what he talked now,just judge his past actions.
How much do you know Pen Sovann when you call him Vietcong or Vietmin?
1:18 that's not true. Cambodia is not under viets as you suggested. Cambodia only does business with viets because of economic reason.
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