Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Indochinese Triangle: A showcase of Vietnamese hegemony on Cambodia and Laos

Conference on Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia development triangle


VOV News (Hanoi)

Representatives from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia have gathered at a conference in Vientiane, Laos to discuss measures to strengthen cooperation in developing the triangle region between the three countries.

The implementation of Japanese-funded projects to develop the triangle region is also under discussion.

Last year, the government of Japan announced an aid package of US$20 million to fund some projects in the triangle region, which mostly focused on developing human resources and boosting economic development.

Of the aid package, Vietnam received US$3.5 million, Laos and Cambodia US$7.5 million each and the remaining money was went to research and survey activities.

Participants also dealt with some issues such as the organizing and managing transport services in the East-West Corridor, supporting efforts to overcome the negative impact of the global financial crisis and coping with climate change and calamities in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar.

They proposed that the government of Japan encourage Japanese enterprises to actively partcipate in a cooperative programme with the three countries.


Anonymous said...

that is so outdated thinking as if cambodia and the rest of the world is still in the dark ages! when are they old-fashion folk be replaced by a more younger and vibrant new generation of younger leadership? it makes you wonder! wake up, people! outdated scare tactic don't work anymore in this day and age. the person's thought and thinking here is so evil intented. glad that not everyone is thinking like this person, here! wake up and open you beedy, tiny eyeball and see the world and do think outside of the box for a change already! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Yeah 1:36 AM, you can only be happier when only the Viet takes over the entire Indochina - is that it?

Anonymous said...

Hey dumb ass 1:36 AM,

The world knows the true color of the Viet already, why do you dumb ass still act/play so dumb - dumb ass???