Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Is Duch’s trial making small steps forward or has it come to a standstill?

Phnom Penh (Cambodia). 04/03/2002: Cell numbers in former Khmer Rouge detention centre S-21 (Photo: John Vink/Magnum)


By Stéphanie Gée

The hearing on Monday August 3rd hardly contributed to enlighten the tribunal. The first witness to appear left the feeling of a complete loss of time due to the thinness of his testimony. One failed to understand why some witnesses were called to the stand when they had nothing to say and why the prosecution, who suggested their names, did not attempt to demonstrate the interest in calling them to testify. The former S-21 staff member who succeeded him proved to have a better memory and was subjected to many questions which were thought to have been exhausted already… As for the accused, he relished noting the contradictions in their statements and gladly made reservations, in the lack of evidence proving they belonged to the staff under his direction.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CPP (Corpes of Pol Pot)
PPU (Prosecute People Union)