SRP MP Mu Sochua will visit Minnesota
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Starting at 5PM
Shakopee American legion
1266 East 1st Avenue
Shakopee, MN
Tel. (952) 445-5253
Yun Yann (651) 214-4154
Visot Han (651) 231-5536
Sothearith Ngoun (978) 401-7568
Kim Sophal (651) 399-2046
email: ksites@msn.com
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Starting at 5PM
Shakopee American legion
1266 East 1st Avenue
Shakopee, MN
Tel. (952) 445-5253
Yun Yann (651) 214-4154
Visot Han (651) 231-5536
Sothearith Ngoun (978) 401-7568
Kim Sophal (651) 399-2046
email: ksites@msn.com
somebody got to love her for doing good things for cambodia. god bless.
i think she could be the dragon lady of cambodia. watch out!
What does Mu Sochua has done for the Country?
What she will do for the country is causing troble.
The troblem maker, she casued with Khmer and Khmer. Understand BABY!
AngkorianMan Krama Man
i'm sure people will question: what good have they done for cambodia so far? the answers will reveal much about their ambition and personal character. the process of learning is that one has to keep wondering and be inquisitive about everything! please wake up and be smarter. god bless.
she done shit..and shit...for our beloved cambodia......ash her for a fact...did she ever and ever digg a well for a poor cambodian...from her whole heart...not for her vote....for a real compassion as a cambodian woman.....be real.....
she come to usa...to grapppp..money for hun...and cpp...why wasted....think about preah vihear....is better....than to see her...for nothing....srp deserved for 50 plus 1....srp join cpp for that...now youuuuu got it..."dom ress chisss korrr eng.."
can you guys stop showing her holding that candle................that shit is killing me OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG LOL
that candle just wants to go home already to much drhama in his life..............he just wants to burn in peace..............please let the candle gOOOOOOOOOOO
Hun sen is a big dawgz in cambodia, but there is always a bigger dawgz than him. The crooked and currupted won't lasts.
This women got more nerves and courages than most of us here. What have WE done cambodia, or cambodian?
To AngkorianMan Krama Man 3:59 AM
First of all, you needs to go back to school to learn how to speak and spell English.
You are the trouble make.
Mu Sochua is a victim.
Hun Sen is a career criminal.
What don't you understand?
I am demand that you are not to use Angkorian as your alias.
Because you make Khmer Angkor peoples look bad.
make = maker
To 5:13 AM
Well, I do not want to discuss with you in regarding to English languague. As I said, there's no one is 'Perfect' on this world. Sorry, my English is bad and how about you? I am a Khmer Rouge, I did'nt go to college nor other university that's why I couldn't write well and make you understand my point. 'AnkorianMan' that's my nek name, Angkor Wat area is my homtown. Also, 'Krama Man' is my name as well, because wrap up at home dialy after work thus people here named me as "Krama Man" I like my Khmer tradition and our culture. You get a problem about my name, sorry. People have the right to say, use any name they want. You are Khmer and so do I. And Yes! you are so 'perfect' your English written here. Everyone will see it.
AngkorianMan Krama Man
Again, Mu Sochua is a trouble maker. She causes lot of problem with Samdech Daychu, she should be out of Cambodia and never return. I wish Samdech Daychu chase her out. Now I heard she is on her way to the United States to ask for help. Get out Mu Cochua!
AngkorianMan Krama Man
Krama man please go to wash my brother sisters blood out of your hands I am smelling blood from you ,please I beg you killer
To 6:15 AM
Hah Ha.Ha Ha!
You make me laught real loud. I had already been washed Khmer blood for three years. Sorry folk here I didn't mean to bring it up. It's paintful those who lost their families. But this guy/girl here is too much, she/he likes to bring up the past. Com'on we all Khmer.
AngkorianMan Krama Man
People ask, "What has she done for Cambodia?"
Honestly, there are politicians like Mu Sochua in Cambodia who devote a tremendous amount of their time trying to fight for human rights and the well-being of society as well as greater transparency within the government. It's hard to see such accomplishments occur on a daily basis because you will always have uneducated Khmer Rouge peasants like Hun Sen & the CPP silencing and putting these people down. Hun Sen knows that when Cambodians become more educated and open-minded and want change, it compromises his ability to stay in power.
So what does Hun Sen wants? Cambodia to be filled with uneducated and moral-less people who are too dumb and narrow-minded to see what the fuck is wrong with their country and CPP leaders.
Mu sochua is a sexy lady. she is a trouble girl in Cambodia. She will go to US to Collect Money Back Only.
It is time to look at the big picture: Cambodia and the nations around it and far away.
Before Khmer Rouge, Cambodia was ruled by wicked leaders. After so many warnings, Khmer nation seemed not to repent at all. Because of his great love to his people who are killed, oppressed and enslaved, in his fierce anger against the wickedness of the oppressors, God used Khmer Rouge to punish Cambodia from its wickedness. While the work is still not completely done God used Vietnam to punish in turn and eliminate Khmer Rouge. Vietnam had heeded the warning about its wickedness against Cambodia, had repented and withdrawn from Cambodia for a while, but Vietnam now uses the remnants Khmer Rouge (the current Cambodian regime) to perpetrate its wicked acts against Cambodia and its people and God’s people. The current regime does not seem to hear or to listen to so many warnings against them and to repent. God punishment is bound to come against the nations and people who do not repent and who continue to oppress and kill his people. Repent and God will relent his anger from nations or people, who oppress, kill, steal, and enslave God’s people.
Repent and come to Him, and God will restore back the nations and people.
Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca
Mu Sochua was really a stubborn
woman, I hope, you will have more conscience when you will be back in Cambodia.
New Phally
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leader of the Free Trade Union
Attempted Assassinations on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Attempted Murders on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murders members and activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.
To AngkorianMan Krama Man 3:59 AM,6:09 AM, 6:15 AM,& 6:39 AM.
All what you know is laughing. So if you do not respect women, just respect your mother & wife,they women.
thank you
to KI media team.
Itis Boston or MN? the flyer clearly states Boston, MA.
It is about time that all opposition parties should write to the king to dissolve the Parliament and appoint a caretaker government and call for a snap election. It is now a constitution crisis where the government cannot run the country but only trying destroying opposition parties. Areak Prey
Dear Ms Mu,
Please do not hesitate to finish your story soon. You must follow the example of Prince Sirivudh, Mr. Sam Rainsy, Prince Ranaridh, Mr. Serey Kosal, Mr. Nhek Bun Chhay, ... to ask for an apology and continue your MP role.
You said that there is a kangaroo Court in Cambodia why you still want to go there that is long eel and long marmite.
Please think deeply to this opinion.
Thank you for your kind understanding.
i know, if we talk about equality, cambodia was never equality since even before the KR era. we didn't hear people complaining or whining about that then! i mean, there's no excuse whatever for injustice in cambodia, however, stop whining already because cambodia today is way way better than in the olden day, even going back before the KR time. the KR was the worst, though, especially in brutality, injustice, instilling fear in all people from all walks of life, to say the least. i think cambodia is much better today. i would it people in cambodia some credit for wanting to make a difference. stop being selfish, you know who you are! god bless cambodia.
Disgrace Mu Sochua’s problem all along, is that she is trying to be a politician. She's not, never has been and quite obviously, never will be. She should have just been herself, provide alternative policies and show Khmer people what a great alternative MP opposition she would be. Instead, her foray into being a politician has been a disaster. She comes across as pretending to be something she's not. Now, her political career is on the line and herself also in the hot water.
While the nation is facing complex economic, social and environmental issues disgrace Mu Sochua tried to promote her political stunt, aimed to get media attention. If this wasn’t such a clear demonstration of her selfish pursuit of personal ambition it would be laughable. There is no doubt that Mu Sochua has no real regard for the best interest of the nation. She is driven solely by a desire to become a “Champion of Women” by any means available to her, even if that has the potential to destabilize the country. Even worse she now says that she will appeal her case against Prime Minister Hun Sen to the Appeal court following the announcement of her guilty verdict by the Phnom Penh municipal court.
People of integrity admit their faults, make amends and are judged fairly...Disgrace Mu Sochua is lacking in integrity and common sense and tries to change Cambodia into her own world. As long as Cambodia’s Court doesn’t issue any verdict which is fitted for her political stunt, she will scream for the justice all day long.
Khmer Australian
Appeasement,peaceful demonstration,and all those will not work .Supreme sacrifice or some kind of revolution will do .Go back to past history.:
1-Sihanouk got kick out.
2- LON NOL was defeated.
3- POLPOT was defeated.
4- HUN SEN only time will tell.
Look at the candle that Mu Sochua holds is the same site of her white man's penis and the way she was screaming like she has screamed on the bed when her white man screw her up. Hahaha
Bigger and longer Mu Sochua likes it.
From my observation in this forum,I can tell that Cambodia is a long way to longterm peace and longterm prosperity because we still have so many people acting still like animals by supporting only animals like leadership.
Cambodia can only be prospered if people can respect to each other like brothers and sisters. Each people must value others the same as they value to their personal organs. They must learn to care and share all the benefits from the wealth of the Nation. At present, we have so many robbers leaders who have robbed not only lands, timbers, precious stones, monys. But they robbed even oil resources, mineral such as ions, ore, boxites, etc.. and etc.. They put all lands with minerals deposits into their family names.
They tried to shut up oppositions group who care about collective interests. It is a long way to have good society. My congratulation to Madame Sochua for her determination to stand up against all the evils. Areak Prey
You, Mu Sohau,want to suck the candle? Look at the picture, she wanna suck the penis. please suck my penis.........i will fuck you.
1:16pm Ah kwak Youn dog will eat ur mom's pussy soon. u pls, tell Akwak don't sue me for talking bad about ur mom.hahahahah.
What is the alternative policies you should recommend for our graceful Mu Sochua?
CPP is cornering SRP and all dissents, and Sochua is the first MP who dare stand up to fight back.
She is fighting back for the rule of laws development in Cambodia.
3:18 PM
"CPP is cornering SRP and all dissents, and Sochua is the first MP who dare stand up to fight back."
Bullshit! She didn't think she would have gotten to where she is today when she played her lawsuit game and but has to keep going probably with a little pushing behind closed doors from her boytoys at SRP.
What she has done is actually a demonstration of how "women" is being used by politicians to make their political scores.
First, she said she wants to bring the light on how injustice Cambodian court is. Then, she shifted her position to how she wants to fight for women.
Flip flip flip flop. Fuck her! Obviously, she is a no good woman politician that let her sex to be used so her party can make some points.
SRP has nothing going for a while and this so called drama will wipe some excitement into their tool followers to drop some more dough and renew their support bc the CPP has gotten so much support lately with what they have been able to do, domestically and internationally, especially with the foreign relationship, investment, and Preah Vihear issue.
Her visit is just another political ploy by the SRP to throw excitement into their blind supporters and solicit more money.
Oh hey look, it's the woman that stands up to Hun Sen. Ohhh! Let's get behind her and give her all our savings.
In the end, she'll eat steak dinner with her SRP colleagues while you idiot tools eat from .99 cent mcdonald menu.
It is very unfortunate that a politician like Mu Sochua has twisted the issue to fit her own political agenda without thinking about the interest of the nation. At the end, it is the nation that loses from her selfish and stupid behaviour.
Let’s start from the beginning:
April 4 Hun Sen made a speech in Kampot province, in which he referred to the province’s female MP as a cheung klang,
April 23 Mu Sochua announced her plan to sue Hun Sen for defamation over the comments.
If Mu Sochua can not accepts someone referring to her as “cheung klang”, then she shouldn’t be in politic, period. Instead she chose to go to court for a non-issue, and when it became clear to her that she was losing the case, she offered to drop the case pretending one war veteran begging her to do so. Finally, when her offer was rejected by the PM side, she twisted the issue pretending she was fighting for justice in Cambodia. No, she was not fighting for the people or justice as she was claiming. Mu Sochua was and is fighting for her own stupidity!
Khmer, Thai, and Laotian called ah Yuon.
Focus to all Khmer,
You are not deserve to be Khmer, Khmer Australian, or Khmer American if you are not suppor or donate money to SRP and dares to support the CPP. Despite, we have not write it down in our policy because Hun Sen and CPP can mocking on us but SRP and our supporters will carry this policy until we win the election. In addition, whoever dares to post any topic in this forum which doesn't support SRP, we will use very bad languages to hunt you down. We are the best in using bad languages against Hun Sen and the CPP.
The opposition has no policy to force any Khmer to support, but if any Khmer dares to support the CPP, SRP and its supporters will brand you as Vietnamese.
Sam Rainsy Party (candle light)
Save Repentance People not Claimed People Property
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