Mu Sochua, a Khmer lady has not been doing nothing, because she doesn't keep her fear and injustice feeling in a quiet place. Like Suyi of Burma and Cory of Philippine, Sochua is heading forward for the sustainable and genuine peace, prosperity and democracy of Cambodia.Op-Ed: Cambodian Bright Future
Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr said "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people". Mu Sochua is the prolific current Cambodian democratic leader who is not silencing in front of a dictatorial leader. After the suffering of civil war, Cambodian people are facing with a new type of regime which has visibly emerged as the pseudo-democracy. Hun Sen who is the main leader has never given up his political culture of violence, dictatorship and he has well utilized the brand name of democracy to fool Cambodian people through the biased mass media and patrimonial system. Observers spontaneously stated that the government has stepped backward by silencing the voices of all dissents and opposition. Sam Rainsy Party has been cornered by Hun Sen government. Mu Sochua has to stand up from that corner and many more will stand up with her.

What Cambodian people want to project for their future? Does current stability of Hun Sen government ensure their future sustainable peace and growth? No one know or can predict it rightly. But what we know and can predict correctly is that when the rule of law and democratic principle are not flourished in any land, that land is still under a despotic leader. So Cambodian people wish to stand up or to keep this status quo?
Look at this video clip. Thousand answers are waiting your brilliant voices and participation. We don't see any national news reporters took this video to broadcast in the TV channel for Cambodian people to watch. Cambodian people are currently living under the darkness with one-sided mass media. All good things are repeatedly broadcasting to fool the Cambodian people. But how about corrupted officials, violence, land eviction and this type of video clip? Do Cambodian people have chance to weight their belief?
Mu Sochua dare to face with powerful prime minister Hun Sen in this lawsuit. It is really injustice for her when a victim like her has been easily twisted. When she used her basic rights to protect herself from insulting, that basic rights has badly reversibly affected her, under this pseudo-democratic country.
University professor James Q. Wilson said that "Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression. Without law, liberty also loses its nature and its name, and becomes licentiousness"
Interestingly, Former German naval officer and victim of the Nazis, Martin Niemöller said that "First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out -- because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the communists and I did not speak out -- because I was not a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out --because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak out for me."
Cambodia folk tale of "a fox and a young sheep". Cambodian people are like a young sheep that have been cared by a fox.
The above quotes were beautifully mentioned by Professor Peang-Meth in his weekly articles. He also ended one of his articles very intrigued that "Man can learn, unlearn, and relearn. Encourage man to think freely, to innovate and not to shy away from risks; dare man to read, write and speak without fear; instill in man hope, which specialists define as “energy and ideas that drive people to change their circumstances,” to reach goals, to have motivation, and to seek improvement. This is the road to a better way for Cambodians."
Mu Sochua, a Khmer lady has not been doing nothing, because she doesn't keep her fear and injustice feeling in a quiet place. Like Suyi of Burma and Cory of Philippine, Sochua is heading forward for the sustainable and genuine peace, prosperity and democracy of Cambodia.
KY, your long worthless analysis is so boring like a kindergaten who is just learning how to write and read Ka, kha, kpr khor ngor.
Everyone knows ah Hun Xen is the autocrat and his regime is the autocracy regime, and Mrs Soc Hua is a very educated and smart woman.
Give us Khmers a push forward and stop wining the same thing over and over again.
I love this most, [Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr said "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people".]
Disgrace Mu Sochua’s problem all along, is that she is trying to be a politician. She's not, never has been and quite obviously, never will be. She should have just been herself, provide alternative policies and show Khmer people what a great alternative MP opposition she would be. Instead, her foray into being a politician has been a disaster. She comes across as pretending to be something she's not. Now, her political career is on the line and herself also in the hot water.
While the nation is facing complex economic, social and environmental issues disgrace Mu Sochua tried to promote her political stunt, aimed to get media attention. If this wasn’t such a clear demonstration of her selfish pursuit of personal ambition it would be laughable. There is no doubt that Mu Sochua has no real regard for the best interest of the nation. She is driven solely by a desire to become a “Champion of Women” by any means available to her, even if that has the potential to destabilize the country. Even worse she now says that she will appeal her case against Prime Minister Hun Sen to the Appeal court following the announcement of her guilty verdict by the Phnom Penh municipal court.
People of integrity admit their faults, make amends and are judged fairly...Disgrace Mu Sochua is lacking in integrity and common sense and tries to change Cambodia into her own world. As long as Cambodia’s Court doesn’t issue any verdict which is fitted for her political stunt, she will scream for the justice all day long.
Khmer Australian
Very boring to read your old fart writing again and again...and it is nonsense..very moronic. It flows out from your stupid and puppet mindset.
Yuon know Ah hun sen is lust of power & ignorance.that's why Youn install him to be Yuon slave.
khmauch Australia .
1:58 PM,
To you she is a disgrace woman, but to million innocence Khmers she is their savior.
HS's autocracy shomebody get to say something to HS, since you are a coward. Let others speak their minds, and you can have yours.
Don't you learn something about freespeech while you are now in the foreign land (Aussie)?
Remember with your ugly brown skin, those Whitty do not allow you to set foot in their high posts.
Only White can write fictions, the whole world will buy and read, but the non-White even the real stories will be difficult to sell.
Michael's Jackson changed his skin to White and his beautiful White children are merely genius. Go fogure out why MJ is the King of Pop.
KY tried to inject all delicious herbs he collected from Dr. King, and still he or she cannot sell. Why? No body cares to read, yep they read only title and look at the pictures.
To all Khmer,
If you don't support and donate money to Sam Rainsy Party means you are neither Khmer nor a good citizen. That is our policy to all Khmer inside and outside Cambodia.
Sam Rainsy Party (Candle light)
2:32 PM,
Are you that serious? I think your satire against SRP is not cool.
That poster 2:32 PM is Vietnamese with Khmer ID. His satire to make SRP looks bad.
Hey Aussie boy!
MS. Mu got more balls then you. Your mother must of jump every time your (Aussie) daddy snap his finger.
Ms. Mu, unlike a jackass like you, stood up for her dignitarian rights to protect all women to include your mother. What is so wrong about that?
Shut the f*ck up mate!
2:10 PM
Since when she is the savior of million of innocent people? lol Fucking ridiculous. She can't even save her own ass, can't you see? Now she will be in Minnesota to suck so dick and take some in the ass with her donors. Get it? Donors? They'll donate something alright, their sperms that is.
The only people that think she is of any good are the politicians that know they can exploit her sex to make their political points and the only people that support her and see her as their savior are the washed up Lon Nolists whose regime grumbled and had to flee Cambodia and seeked refuge in other countries. Those incompetent traitor sell out to the Americans can't do shit no more and see Mu Sochua as their puppet child to flex whatever is left on their long dead power hungry heart.
All in all, Sochua ain't no savior. What she has become as this whole shenanigan unfolds is a tool. She allows herself to be used by her boss and political boytoys left and right. That is why you see her changing her decisions and stands so many times. She got some dicks poking behind closed door on what to do.
Savior? lol The only thing she needs to do first is be her own independent person. Take care of your own problems before trying to be anyone's savior. You can't tell people what to do when you yourself has a shit load of problems in your own life, stupid.
Dear Khmer abroad,
Please donate money and support SRP as much as you can. The opposition has no policy to force any Khmer to support te, but if you donate too little, it won't enough to pay our airfare and Hotel at all. Cambodia is too far from USA, Australia and Europe. Moreover, some of our MPs do like gamebling nas.
Sam Rainsy (Candle light)
hey jokers 3;40 and 3;45pm. u r the same poster.
any way, don't worry about mu sochua, worry about ur own self.
i'll send her a few thousand dollars when she comes to my town.
do you need some too?
Hahaha, The opposition has no policy to force any Khmer to support, but if any Khmer dares to support the CPP, SRP and its supporters will brand you as Vietnamese.
Focus to all Khmer,
You are not deserve to be Khmer, Khmer Australian, or Khmer American if you are not suppor or donate money to SRP and dares to support the CPP. Despite, we have not write it down in our policy because Hun Sen and CPP can mocking on us but SRP and our supporters will carry this policy until we win the election. In addition, whoever dares to post any topic in this forum which doesn't support SRP, we will use very bad languages to hunt you down. We are the best in using bad languages against Hun Sen and the CPP.
Sam Rainsy Party (candle light)
I can see how CPP's supporters like 3:40 and 3:45pm are so paranoid seeing Mu Soc Hua stands strong. From Hun Sen to his supporters are trying to attack her with such profanity and vulgar langauges still they cannot stop her.
I bet the autocrat Hun Sen already gave signals to assassinate Mu Soc Hua, and PPU and his death squads will go and do the killings.
PPU said goodbye but new posters like 3:40 and 3:45PM are PPU the same. The PPUs can be Youn with Khmer ID.
Now new PPU begin another cheapest attacks on Mu Soc Hua.
Hi CPP 4:00 PM.
Let's get to the real issues?
Your Youn tactic is so old.
Yep it is true that most CPP's members are working for Youn.
By the way your English SUCKS.
He also ended one of his articles very intrigued that "Man can learn, unlearn, and relearn. Encourage man to think freely, to innovate and not to shy away from risks; dare man to read, write and speak without fear; instill in man hope, which specialists define as “energy and ideas that drive people to change their circumstances,” to reach goals, to have motivation, and to seek improvement. This is the road to a better way for Cambodians."
Cambodia folk tale of "a fox and a young sheep". Cambodian people are like a young sheep that have been cared by a fox.
Those policemen are stupid
No policemen are not stupid, they are trying to survive under Hun Sen's autocracy regime.
4:31pm you have the sign of major depression,go to find the rope and hang your self from the higher tree,you'll fell better if you don't bite the shit blow on my azz.
KY is the only person who wrote and read this article by himself whereas the rest of posters don't care including SRP's supporters.
5:11 PM,
You went too low. What ashame!!!
Well written KY
This evil, backward regime must fall soon.
The cpp is not about law,order, and justice. They are just about power, and their master hanoi.
They don't care about khmer or cambodia. just hanoi, and personal gains.
Mu Sochua dare to face with powerful prime minister Hun Sen in this lawsuit. It is really injustice for her when a victim like her has been easily twisted. When she used her basic rights to protect herself from insulting, that basic rights has badly reversibly affected her, under this pseudo-democratic country.
I want to change your shaky phrase to a simply phrase which is easy to understand.
"Mu Sochua is very brave woman. She dares to face a law suit against the powerful prime minister Hun Sen after she was unjustly attacked by Hun Sen.
When she used her basic rights to defend herself from Hun Sen's unjustly attack, that basic rights turned to punish her. Cambodia is not a democratic society, but a pseudo-democratic country."
Khmers' supporter
I want to change your shaky phrase to a simply phrase which is easy to understand.
"Mu Sochua is a very brave woman. She dares to face a law suit against the powerful prime minister Hun Sen after she was unjustly attacked by Hun Sen.
When she used her basic rights to defend herself from Hun Sen's unjustly attack, that basic rights turned to punish her. Cambodia is not a democratic society, but a pseudo-democratic country."
Khmers' supporter
It is very unfortunate that a politician like Mu Sochua has twisted the issue to fit her own political agenda without thinking about the interest of the nation. At the end, it is the nation that loses from her selfish and stupid behaviour.
Let’s start from the beginning:
April 4 Hun Sen made a speech in Kampot province, in which he referred to the province’s female MP as a cheung klang,
April 23 Mu Sochua announced her plan to sue Hun Sen for defamation over the comments.
If Mu Sochua can not accept someone referring to her as “cheung klang”, then she shouldn’t be in politic, period. Instead she chose to go to court for a non-issue, and when it became clear to her that she was losing the case, she offered to drop the case pretending one war veteran begging her to do so. Finally, when her offer was rejected by the PM side, she twisted the issue pretending she was fighting for justice in Cambodia. No, she was not fighting for the people or justice as she was claiming. Mu Sochua was and is fighting for her own stupidity!
5:54 PM may be KY.
She or he has tried to write big fancy words which is allright. It can be inspired by some Khmers who are anti-Hun Sen or inspired by the writer her or himself. But it can't be inspired by the Americans or the English speaking people.
KY will become a good writer someday if she or he keeps writing and keeps reading other English Journalists write, or can take a journalism class.
The first and foremost rule is don't use so fancy words just to make the post look good, but then force the articles to suffer from trying overeloquency.
Hope KY doesn't take our productive criticism as insultings.
If Mu Socua is stupid, and why do you and your CPP members allow yourselves to suffer from paranoia then keep coming back and keep talking of her name whom you called "stupid?"
What does it make you look? The stupidest.
If I were you I won't repeat the name of a person whom I consider her as a stupid woman or lower than myself.
The problems about you and your CPP is you are so paranoid or worried that the foreigners will judge Hun Sen as a dictator who steals and cheats everybody for his cruel behavior. Mu Sochua is a politician and Hun Sen is also a politician and an autocrat thug.
Don't complain and say you hate Mu Soc Hua then you keep coming and chanting her name for every second.
Look and adjust by using your brain (CPP members and yuon's slaves). hun sen is a man and high dictator post, but only one eye that is why he has been fighting with a woman who represents all women in Cambodia and the world. he (hun sen) was born by the animal, not by his mother's womb. Do you know he (hun sen) killed so many people, even students, intellectuals, journalists, civil servants, opposotion party and so on.
Look at ah stupid Khmer overseas fuckers. I was one of the posters up there but that guy posted after me wasn't me at all but you thought it was the same person. That really goes to show how fucking blind and generalized you dumb fucking brain can't differentiate people. It's wonder why you can't differentiate what it means to be your own person and what it means to be a fucking tool for others to use. Apparently, despite what you queers believe, you are just a bunch of disposable tools that Sam Rainsy use for generating funds to keep his candle lights running. Let's see if Sam Rainsy talks to you pathetic fuckers when you stop giving him money lol.
excerpt from what a Sam Rainsy and one of his overseas supporters go like-
Tool: Mr. Sam Rainsy, my family is kinda facing a hard time with the economy so I can't donate to you anymore for the moment but anyways would you like to come talk to us at this event? It's to rally support for you, sir.
Sam Rainsy: Uhhh!!! you know what it sounds great but I have an appointment with my staff. You know they have people that have money for me so I'll just have to be there with them you know. It's just business, nothing personal. Tell you what! When your business is doing good again and you make good income, give me a call. I'll be happy to come speak to you guys. Well, got to run. Time is money and it's waiting for me ;)
Stupid guy, I'm not involved with any political party in Cambodia even working as neutral guy with white heart and brain with international agency, but what I have seen is as I said....
You got to be so stupid and ignorant to think Hun Sen is right man for Cambodia.
Pouk ah kjom youn kompong veiy khmer slot trong yang sahav prey psey. Ter Thnay ansa pouk vea nov thnay nah tov?
Para jay ah kajjass youn!
Vineas tov ah kajjass youn!
pouk Ah jkae youn hinnayong!
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leader of the Free Trade Union
Attempted Assassinations on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Attempted Murders on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murders members and activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.
at least ms. mu sochua is learning from the women leaders of the world. glad to see that! wish her all the best!
No 5:11 you are the one of bottom line of human being ,I have my own job to do but I spare my value time with my mother land but you show your purple pink attitude I am just telling you the right place to go that is it.
AH Hun Sen Sen must go. Dear friends brothers sisters ,used to live by Thai border speak Thai English go to call Thai to fuck ah Hun Sen up all the way to ah Ho Chimin that all what ah Hun Sen wanted.
hey, speak khmer and english only, no thai or siem, please!
1:30am this is the root that causing some trouble ,if Ah Hun Sen do not treat us as human or the people of Cambodia we need to fuck this dictator prime minister as well,but you know winch choices do we have?
Stop fighting for ah Hun Sen but thinking a bout your own
sad, isn't it? in the name of cambodian politics.
to ah Khmer Australian, or ah khmouth Australian at lease she do something for the country; not just that when se live in states she also work and finished her education how about ah khmouth Australian ang what did you do in Australly probably ah norok ang ha mouth jom te tear see, deak jam te loy welfare pi mouy keour tove mouy keour, that is why ah ang ot dong kakjorl oy, deak jam te jrast orn jong heuy ban chea ot mean
kour, men del kit pi ah ang ot mean avi jrast kal rot mork australly, dol pel ban i jrast mean loy pleach kloun. ah norok oy chom ha mouth teut tove. ka mass ka mout.ros nove jom te ke oy see orn jong ngobe tove broseur cheang i. ha ha ha ha ha
Since you seem to focus on our Cambodia' issues, I believe you want Cambodia and her people to be freed like us all Khmers. But how to free ourselves, please follow very careful on US and China strategies. Because they are superpower nations who have a full impact on small nations like Cambodia.
Please read and follow very careful US-Vietnam friendship;
VIETNAM PLAYS DOUBLED-STRATEGIES: One strategy Vietnam works for the US against China, TWo Vietnam works to take over Cambodia, and Thailand. The Preah Vihear troubes is the Vietnamese strategy.
The problems in Cambodia between Mu Sochua and Hun Sen is GOOD for Vietnam, and while these two are fighting, we Khmers forget to look at Vietnamese whose strategies is to replace Khmers by their own people who speak fluently Khmers and take over Cambodia after the old Khmers will soon retire or die.
I do NOT support Mu Sochua who continues her law suit against Hun Sen, I only support Mu Sochua if she finds the way to go back to work as MP to serve her country and her people, before Vietnamese who speak Khmers will take over her MP.
What Khmer Pride do we have or Mu Sochua will have if we lost our Kingdom to the silence Invasion of Vietnam through new replacement of people from Vietnam who speak fluently Khmers?
stu. of astronomy (UVa)
ah kmouth Khmer Australian, one day she will be a politician, if she do not try right now she will never be but she is trying to get it her day will came don't worry how about ah kwack if he doesn't do anything did he get this day? so same as mu she will get what she want to be just give her times ah ignorant andstupidity ah khmouth Australlian deak jam te ha mouth jrast ler knong nak cro.
You are Youn who speak Khmers and try to divide Khmers.
8:59 PM your ar such a jerk and stupidity you are really mad man how could you come to joint ky for. a lot of people swear at me too but i gave a shit as long as i am who i am, i am really fine or if i need to responded to those people i will be responded nicelly not like you God what wrong with your head is it you are the one with cpp party, you behavior show as one of them. take it easy dude
if she's doing to promote women's rights in cambodia, i'm for it!
Promote women' rights while Youn are taking over MP SEATS?
OK we have two ways to choose.
One way to have a thick face to go back to work as MP before Youn will fill all the positions.
Two way is to fight each others forgetting Youn are in a political strategy well trained in speaking Khmer know everything about Khmers since they are in their country, Vietnam on their ways to take over power after those old Khmers retire or die.
Here are real: a few old nationalist Khmers who are now 60's and 70's were sent to good positions with good offices, but before they're transferred to those offices, they're told to take vacations, but when they returned to their new jobs, they were ordered to rest and retire.
When asked why they were told "You are old and we need new and young minds to do the jobs". Who are those new Khmers? They're from Vietnam, and many of them now are studying at oversea with good scholarships whereas the real Khmers are being dumped.
I do not trust anyone anymore, since Youn speak Khmers better than Khmers, and I don't trust Mu Soc Hua nor Hun Sen or you 5;01am.
Ah.Me Youn kantorb 5:32AM.
Stop your Youn tactics diverting Khmers' attention from Youn who are causing troubes in Cambodia. Those stories every Khmere knew, so stop pretending you are Khmers but dividing Khmers.
May be some Khmers fall into your Youn trap, but we don't.
I can smell Youn tactics of this Youn 12:50 AM who copied and pasted the same post over and over again is also Youn who try to divert our attentions from Youn are coming to replace Khmers in high positions.
5:41 AM,
It is good you are not in power in Cambodia because you are so paranoid that you could be like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge and started killing everyone believing that they are Vietnamese. Take it easy, my friend.
Comparing Mu SocHua to those great women like Suyi and Aquino is too rediculous.
Hun Sen is the Opposition's rival and as politicians, it is normal for the politicians to attack each others. Hun Sen said in his speech "..strong legs.." but he didn't mention her name. Then she made her own interpretaion and run to court and accused Hun Sen of insulting her.
She should have just indirectly said to her supporters like Hun did like to his "Bong Ph'oan Khmers, we are poor and we have no machine gun to defend ourselves from evictions, or she said we have no money to buy food, so we need to keep our legs strong to walk for begging for food and money on the streets. Beggars need to have strong legs to walk far..". If I were her advisor I would have advised her to shot back at Hun Sen like that.
So your comparaison between Mu Sochua and those female leaders is too exggaerated. PM officially elected "Suyi" was elected by majority Burmese people and President Aquino was elected by her own people, whereas Mu SocHua has not been elected to the highgest Office by the majority of Khmer people, and yet she cannot even keep her job. It is because she lacks of political strategy to stand against street talking like Hun Sen."
You need to stop elevating Mu SocHua so high because she is not. You only push her to a sefl destructive like giving up her Seats, a chance to help her country and her people.
This day Pride comes after sucessful. Without that don't dream of "Khmer Pride."
7:07 AM,
You didn't really read my comments. I stop trusting anyone does not mean I would stop working with them or I would use weapons to slaught people. I stop trusting because I met them (Youn) faces to faces and I knew the story.
Inspite of that I still have to work with those people whom I don't trust for the best interest of Cambodia and Khmers. My Khmer pride is not important for me if my Khmers have no country.
Yep at work place I don't trust many employees who are backstabbers, but does not mean I cannot work with them.
Thanks for your stupid reply.
These Hun Xen's monsters are the ghosts of Ho Chi Minh. These monster police are clearly the agents of Hanoi regime.
Cambodia today under the Hun Xen rule is truly a JUNTA.
General Hun Xen of Cambodia = General Than Shwe of Burma
Both are ruthless and bloodthirsty.
Hun Xen is modern day Polpot. Hun Xen is the replica of Polpot. Hun Xen is remnant of Polpot to destroy Khmer Nation.
God Buddha Bless Mrs Mu Sochua. Justice to Mrs. Mu Sochua and the innocent Khmer people.
Doomsday the dictator Hun Xen!!!Doomsday the CPPs!!!Doomsday the Vietcongs influence on Khmer people!!!
Khmer Canadian
Your very short post is very interesting.
You wrote:
I'd be scared to see how paranoid Khmer high rankings are in Cambodia this day. Anti-Hun Sen wish him dead or disappears, but who wil be the next dictator Youn will choose?
Khmer Canadian,
I like your comment.
To Ah Khmer Australian 1:58 PM
You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples, do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.
ah stupidity of 4:37 AM, i am not youn and not try to divided khmer, i feel like you are youn too because you do not give any common excepted say nak nis youn and nak nose youn what is wrong with you brain, just read common a gain and a gain to get to know who is youn who is not. dummer.
eh ah kmer neak srea or ah khmer nak krong ang jas te kit te pon nong te reur responded to (4:37 AM) that is why ah youn vea mok trout srok because your brain start to paranoid, every body is youn to you.
those who support Ah kwak hun sen is drunken with Yuon sperms.hahahah
Why don't you get off and do the fucking job at where you but stop pollutting the forum.
Don't blame poor Khmers who try to survive.
Sooner Sam Rainsy Party will divided into two. One lead By Sohou and one by himself. Another sign of Opposition Division.
Three of them are women, they have the same political belief...and they are fighting with the same opponent: dictator, violence and injustice.
For the high profile of political career, they have just shared different time, space and political position, but they will reach the same goal.
I don't see that her current activity is self-destructive one. Mu Sochua is cornered by Hun Sen. She has to use this opportunity to leverage herself. As you know, what Sochua can do now? To apologize Hun Sen to get back parliamentary immunity or to appeal for genuine reform of the judiciary? It doesn't make sense at all to kneel down for nonsense.
Sochua is a victim!
Mu Sochua was not a victim before the trial, she is now after Hun Sen's court found her guilty.
Mu Sochua's pride or the country and all Khmers' pride?
She lose her MP Seat and who will come to fill that Seat? a new face Khmer born from Vietnam. Have you visited Khmer Assembly and met those faces, the members of Parlement?
The poor people in her district Kampot will suffer without a good leader when we have the junior politicians cannot take a heat from her political rivals. Losing the seat to Khmers is OK but the spies from Vietnam like Phu Kok An, etc.
Mu Soc Hua is not a leader of the country, and you compare her to those great female leaders? You are too exaggerated.
While the country has problems with Vietnamese silent invasion, with Thai the opposition leaders are silent, and Mu Sochua is making headline with her lawsuit.
Ky, your political strategy is a political suicide. Today the world is on a recession, and if we don't fight to keep our jobs or have a thick face we won't have jobs.
A lot of people don't agree with Mu Sochhua and they are SRP's supporters.
How can you tackle with those silent invasion of Vietnamese in Cambodia? To strengthen the rule of laws, to kill those illegal Vietnameses, to invade Vietnam, or to keep this status quo?
Sochua is heading forward now for the rule of law. She is not afraid of jailing. When it is today, you want to go back and cry for that claiming that you said it is a mistake? I hope every one who are reading this, they are not a child. They are grown up!!!
CPP is cornering SRP. If this party doesn't do anything, it will be easily absorbed and assimilated eventually.
From her strength and ideal, Sochua is not different from these two female leaders. They have fought for the same things: genuine peace, democracy and justice.
Grassroots level effort will not work for SRP, if the toproots level such judiciary is just a tool for Hun Sen to inhumanize those he dislike.
Sochua is the victim from Hun Sen's insulting. How many helps SRP extent to those land grabbing farmers/victims, when the court finally judge injustice to them?
Mr. Young.
You are too naive and too emotional.
Vietnamese' activities in Cambodia is considered as a silent invasion and yes it is.
We don't need to discuss openly in an open forum because the Vietnamese spies are everywhere inside and outside Cambodia.
Mu Sochua is not those female great leaders, you can make a headline still she is not. You are too exaggerated with no shame. The readers are not stupid, many see her as an opportunist who used this lawsuit to make her fame.
She is not stupid and so are those her rivals not stupid. She filed a law suit and accused Hun Sen for insulting her and Hun Sen denied and said he didn't mention her name. How can you accused someone who didn't directly speak of your name?
Since Hun Sen owned Cambdia of course he won and on the top of that she lose her Seat and her Khmer pride will go with her while the poor people who looked up to her also lose. New faces will fill the seats. That exactly is called silent invasion of Vietnamese in Cambodia.
GOOD anerlizing Ky
I support your comments all the ways,
May Lord Buddha bless Koun Khmer like you to stand strong for one to all.
You are the best!
Yes, your belief regarding silent Vietnamese invasion through the illegal population is true, and it should not be secret to the world. Vietnamese spies exist everywhere at the same level like Khmer spies is also omnipresent everywhere. We should not be afraid about it.
The secret invasion or silent invasion of Vietnam over Cambodia through their brilliant tactic of using Vietnamese population is not a good sign for the government. Why?
Because all the efforts that government has been doing is just for the final complete annexation of Vietnam. So is it late now for Cambodian government and the CPP to handle it?
Among other mechanisms to tackle with silent invasion of Vietnam is to strengthen the rule of law. Especially, the Cambodian immigration department has to comply with the rule of laws and avoid from taking bribes and corruption. Giving citizenship status to Vietnamese immigrants in an easy way is like committing self-suicide.
Mu Sochua is helping to strengthen the rule of law in Cambodia. Madame Sochua has firmly confirmed that her defamation lawsuit with Hun Sen is not about her personal sexual harassment or dishonoring Hun Sen, but it is one of the episodes about the injustice, biased court and politicized court in Cambodia.
Mu Sochua and Hun Sen have been mutually and collaboratively working for the rule of law in Cambodia.
She has clearly told to the world about her effort. But as you know, in Cambodia if you have good intention to do something for your nation and community, that good intention will return bad or punish to yourself in some way.
Is this just for you?
Eventually, Mu Sochua should be deserved to raise up to those of first lady like Hilary Clinton of US, Suyi of Burma and Cory of Philippine. They are fighting for the same goals: justice, genuine peace and liberal democracy.
It is beneficial for Cambodia as whole.
2:48AM - I agree with your numerous comments with regards Mrs. Mu Sochua; and frankly, I think Mr. Young should take some times off from this blog and see the outside world a bit more ...Below is my view on Mrs. Mu Sochua defamation court case.
It is very unfortunate that a politician like Mu Sochua has twisted the issue to fit her own political agenda without thinking about the interest of the nation. At the end, it is the nation that loses the most from her selfish and stupid behaviour.
Let’s start from the beginning:
April 4 Hun Sen made a speech in Kampot province, in which he referred to the province’s female MP as a cheung klang,
April 23 Mu Sochua announced her plan to sue Hun Sen for defamation over the comments.
If Mu Sochua can not accepts someone referring to her as “cheung klang”, then she shouldn’t be in politic, period. Instead she chose to go to court for a non-issue, and when it became clear to her that she was losing the case, she offered to drop the case pretending one war veteran begging her to do so. Finally, when her offer was rejected by the PM side, she twisted the issue pretending she was fighting for justice in Cambodia. No, she was not fighting for the people or justice as she was claiming. Mu Sochua was and is fighting for her own stupidity!
It is a shameful to read the same message of yours again and again in here, and no one agreed with you.
Mr. Young obtained his brilliant rationale to tell to all Cambodian people and the world about the benefit of the nation that Mrs. Sochua is pursuing. It is very important to strengthen the rule of law in Cambodia, not the rule of Hun Sen. Hun Sen himself cannot be a rule for all Cambodians. His words should not be worshiped because he has his own human flaw.
Mrs.Sochua has sufficient evidence to sue Hun Sen, and the judge can use Hun Sen's speech broadcasting nationwide as the evidence. Hun Sen didn't mention Sochua name directly, but the judge can take Hun Sen's intention in his speech accountable to that. In the same time, this court tried Mr.Sam Rainsy in defamation charge that in that time, Mr. Sam Rainsy didn't mention directly the name of Hun Sen. When the judge unjustly tried Sam Rainsy?
Why the same case, the court and the judge of Phnom Penh decided differently?
Mr.Young seemed bear no political party and special favorite to any leader, but he can see that the judge treated Mrs.Sochua badly.
Mrs.Sochua has done this not for personal gain, but for the justice and the independent court of Cambodia.
Without independent court, Cambodian people are still living under fear and ill treatment. Without practicing the rule of law (the genuine rule of law), Cambodia will be easily swallowed by the secrete invasion of Vietnam.
The Thai army repeatedly encroaches Khmer land, and she has said or done nothing. But when Hun Sen referred to her as “cheung klang”, she took him to court…and you guys, KY included, call her action patriotic, and liken her to Suyi of Burma and Cory of Philippine. I can see why Hun Sen is still running the country…and good luck to all you guys supporting Mu Sochua.
2:49 AM or Mr. Young
Analysing is the same as assuming. You assumed and I and my clan also assumed. Playing politics like playing games, either I will win, you will lose or I will lose you will win, simply just that.
You elevated yourself as you are the best? The best compare to who? to yourself? Come on Mr. Young.
Your analysis is not yet receiving the results, and so mine and my clan's.
The bottom line is, you get to understand that politicians are having their own strategies to deal with the situations, and neither you and I and my group know the real means between them.
Each politician will say everything to please their supporters. Do you and I know if Samrainsy and HusSen may be talking to each others on the phone about what to do next?
If you come here only just to show off your righteousness and looking for a high recognition from some irrational jerks, then be it.
You get to listen others, weither or not you disagree with them.
They too have intelligence to think, though they may be afraid to post in the open forum.
Mu SocHua as much you have tried to elevate her to the level of those female famous world leaders, it is yours, but we disagree.
Now Mu Sochua lose her case to Hun Sen, then she continues to file another complain to put justice on trial, because some of her supporters yelling from outside say GO! How do we know inside of her supporters there are Viet spies in? Causing a fight between Khmers then Khmers forget to focus on the problems we are facing?
Do these people know those thousand innocence Khmers in Kampot are suffering?
I don't care about my Khmer Pride for myself but I care for my Khmer people' pride. I will do everything even having a thick face to get my seat back before my seat will go to new Khmer from Vietnam.
2:49 AM or Mr. Young
Analysing is the same as assuming. You assumed and I and my clan also assumed. Playing politics like playing games, either I will win, you will lose or I will lose you will win, simply just that.
You elevated yourself as you are the best? The best compare to who? to yourself? Come on Mr. Young.
Your analysis is not yet receiving the results, and so mine and my clan's.
The bottom line is, you get to understand that politicians are having their own strategies to deal with the situations, and neither you and I and my group know the real means between them.
Each politician will say everything to please their supporters. Do you and I know if Samrainsy and HusSen may be talking to each others on the phone about what to do next?
If you come here only just to show off your righteousness and looking for a high recognition from some irrational jerks, then be it.
You get to listen others, whether or not you disagree with them.
They too have intelligence to think, though they may be afraid to post in the open forum.
Mu SocHua as much you have tried to elevate her to the level of those female famous world leaders, it is yours, but we disagree.
Now Mu Sochua lose her case to Hun Sen, then she continues to file another complain to put justice on trial, because some of her supporters yelling from outside say GO! How do we know inside of her supporters there are no Viet spies in? Causing a fight between Khmers then Khmers forget to focus on the problems we are facing?
Do these people know those thousand innocence Khmers in Kampot are suffering?
I don't care about my Khmer Pride for myself but I care for my Khmer people' pride. I will do everything even having a thick face to get my seat back before my seat will go to new Khmer from Vietnam.
9:42AM or 9:30am
What is your rationale to say that Vietnamese will take Sochua's parliamentary seat away?
You repeated again and again with that unrealistic thing. Kompot is having pride because of their representative dare to stand up for universal justice, not only for Kompot people.
It is not losing to raise the effort and ideal of Mu Sochua similar to those democratic leaders such as Suyi and Cory.
Khmer should have one!
Mr. Young (11:33AM),
And what is your rational to think that the Vietnamese will not reach into those seats while they have been a continuing presence in Cambodia? A lot of new faces of Ambassadors can speak fluently Vietnamese, Khmer and English and the old ones are gone. The new owner of Angkor Wat and Preah Vihear are Vietnamese (Sok Kong).
And what is the realistic in your definition with respect to our comments? Mu Soc Hua filed a law suit against Hun Sen just because he said "Cheung Klang" without mentioning her name? "Cheung Klang" to us means a tough and strong woman. You said SRP did criticize Hun Sen in the past without mentioning Hun Sen name, and Hun Sen blasted SRP (in your post 8:36 AM). Is this her desire to revenge?
As much as we love our Khmers but to compare Mu SocHua with those great female leaders, like Aquino and Suyi you are exaggerating too much. Mu Soc Hua is not a leader of any nation, she was just a member or MP of Kampot small district.
Khmer should have one is your word, but new Khmers from Vietnam will make decisions.
Three things for you:
When you realized that there are secret Vietnamese invasion inside Cambodia, what are your mechanisms to stop or confront them? Mu Sochua is really hitting on the right head to raise up the issue of injustice lawsuit and biased court in Cambodia. There are many strategies to handle with Vietnamese imperialism policy, but one of them is to strengthen the rule of law and the independent court.
Second, what is loss and gain to raise Mu Sochua as the role model for Cambodian women? She is not different from Cory and Suyi. Her heart is full of compassion and wisdom like those two democratic leaders.
Third, it is not a revenge. It is just my example to show you that "this is the evidence that the Phnom Penh municipal court has taken side, partial and politically motivated".
Fourth, you and I: do we have the same goals: strengthening the rule of law, bringing genuine peace and liberal democracy for Cambodia?
Ky 12;56pm
You don't ask people how would they do to defend themselves against others or enemy in the OPEN FORUM. It is weird, or too naive, very immature mind and a pretentious intellectual, the way you asked your first question.
The fight between Hun Sen and Mu Soc Hua only benefits Vietnam. Khmers are busy fighting while Vietnamese are busy replacing old Khmers to new faces from Vietnam.
I don't see Mu Soc Hua as a role model under this kind of law suit, and comparing her to President Aquinio or to Elected PM Suyi of Burma is too exaggerated. You flatter Mu Soc Hua by constantly praising her law suit against Hun Sen which is not necessary. If I were Mu SocHua I'll shot back at Hun Sen "Thanks for the compliment PM Hun Sen. Without strong legs how could I travel to beg more money? If the PM referred to me, if not I apologise"
It can be possible from my point of views that Mu Sochua used this opportunity to make headlines by suing Hun Sen for just the words "Cheing Klang" or "Tough Strong woman" or can be possible her desires to revenge for Sam Rainsy who lose his case to Hun Sen in France a few months ago, or to take the opportunity to prove that Hun Sen respects no law.
Everything can be possible, even possible that Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy are talking on the phone or possible Mu Soc Hua made a deal without telling her supporters.
Keep in mind her case is weak even if she takes her case to the US court. The words "Cheung Klang" without mentioning her name will not compensate her anything.
Hun Sen has plenty of money to pay the lawyers or could be the US strategies in South East Asia against China, the US may not want Hun Sen turns to be a friend of the Terrorists or closed to China.
If Sarkozy let Hun Sen won in France against Sam Rainsy then he will also win in the US court. The US and European countries are sticked together when come to fight against other race like China. Obama went to Russia, Clinton went to North Korea, Hun Sen was sent to France by who if not by Vietnam? To isolate everyone from China.
We don't have the same goals that I can be certain. I won't put myself in the way of harm, and if I can I will change allegiance. My people' pride is more important than mine.
Bravo 4:12PM.
And to you my compatriot KY, I'm 8:17AM, the guy to whom you thoughtlessly said:"
it is a shameful to read the same message of yours again and again in here, and no one agreed with you."
You have your own opinion, and I respect it although it is quite different from mine and 4:12PM. However, I hope you understand that we are living in a real world where pragmatism, not idealism, is the key to the survival of our nation. Like 4:12PM says, there are a lot of things we don’t know about politicians. We can not simply judge them based on their speeches. Remember George Bush senior when he said during his election campaign: “Read my lips, no tax increases!”, then he raised the tax after he got elected. Remember Bill Clinton when addressed the American people on a televised speech: “No I did not have an improper relationship with Ms. Monica Lewinsky”.
The whole issue with Mu Sochua defamation court case is a major distraction and waste of times for the nation. Vietnam would love to see this kind of distraction last for ever, because we Khmers would fight each other for nothing rather than spending times and efforts to solve real issues.
To these days, I still don’t comprehend why Mu Sochua went to court because she was referred to as Cheung Klang. She was trying to make a mountain ouf of a hill, and now she has a huge regret, except she would not admit it publicly. Sadly, some folks like you don’t see that, and chose instead to praise or elevate her for/to something/someone she is not. May be it is just another way for you to express your cynicism to Hun Sen.
To you and many of people on this blog, Hun Sen is a Vietnamese puppet. Is He? Think about it! Hun Sen is facing China/USA foreign policy in the region, Vietnam from the East, Thailand from the West, his own CPP (Chea Sim/Sar Kheng), SRP, Funcipec, HRP, NGO, recession…etc. He is doing his best, but he can not do every good things he has in mind. Most of the times, he does not have the mean or choises, and he must do what circumstances dictate. Those who criticize him do not understand the enormity of his jobs, and would not last a week if they were in his shoes.
4:12pm and 10:08PM
It seemed you are the same person, but you are very good in disguising. Yes, I do agree with some part of your argument. But major part of them are not, and it is being considered twisting.
Twisting because Mu Sochua was insulted by Hun Sen publicly through his public speech at Kompot and his speech was broadcast nationwide. In his speech was not the word "cheoung klang" only. He made a joke which indicated sexual harassment toward a woman. For instance, he said "a woman exposed her own bra to others but accused others of stripping it of"....that woman is "cheoung klang" and thick face etc.
Do you think all these words are appropriate for Hun Sen to make joke and insult everyone including PM Sochua? It was public, not private at all. Hun Sen is cold blood leader who can twist or inhumanize others, if those persons wake up against him, Hun Sen can use that confronting as the tool to fight back. I think this is good for military strategy to enrage the opponents into anger to easily slap them back. But in democratic country with the rule of law, Hun Sen's rhetoric is not legitimate.
In that moment, Mrs.Sochua had to stand up to show her role model and righteousness and to defend her basic right as everyone do agree to defend their own right from being violated by whoever.
This courage values Sochua with high pride of the nation and she is not different from all democratic leaders of the world including Cory of Philippine and Suyi of Burma. More than this, both Sochua and Hun Sen are fighting for the nation, the strengthening the rule of law, and flourishing the genuine democracy in this nation.
This conflict is not bad or can distort the development of Cambodian nation, but it help leverage the status as a nation state with the rule of law and justice litigation nation.
Cambodia deserves to have leader who are female. The pre-state of Cambodia was led by Neang Neak, a female queen. This legacy remains vital that Khmer women are not jerk like what you are looking down. And man's shoes or woman's shoes are not different from each other when one of them has chance to wear that shoes.
You are a member of KI and you pushed your own article down (not to be seen or read by visitors) by posting new more articles; but at the same time you sent this response accusing 4:12pm is 10:08PM. What ashame!
We already read her case and how Hun Sen made his stupid comments, but still we stand by our previous responses. Mu Sochua charged Hun Sen for sexual harrasement cannot be elevated Mu Soc Hua to be like Cory and Suyi.
Try to be a real intellectual not a pretentious intelelctual, KY.
When you don't see the real faces of posters, don't accuse everyone who is who. Just get to the reall issues and debate.
Fyi: 4:12pm is not 10:08pm, and 4:12PM is not me either, but he (4:12pm) is in my group. I checked all my friends and none of them posted as 10:08pm.
Med Stu.
Med Stu (3:21AM).
I’m 10:08PM. Your comments sound interesting. Are you a group leader? Can you tell us a bit more about your group? Perhaps, we can share some constructive ideas for the well-being of our nation and people.
KY – If you want to be a detective, you should take some training first, especially in the IT area. Don’t be too quick to assume who is who on this blog. Likewise, don’t let your emotion cloud your judgement. That’s what appear to be happening – trying to elevate Mu Sochua to someone she is not. By the way, I have nothing against her. I only wish that she could have been wiser and anticipated the outcome of her lawsuit against Hun Sen. Had she done some due diligent work, she would not be in the situation she is in right now.
3:21AM & 9:17PM
I don't need to be expert in IT to notify you. I just read your thought and writing, I know you have tried best to divert the real issue we have been discussing.
Mu Sochua has well retained to defend her personal fame, dignity and freedom from insulting of others. Through Mu Sochua's effort, the justice will prevail and the perpetrator will know and realize to what extent he/she should make a joke or make a public speech.
Hun Sen has been good in making joke, but his joke is really pejorative and inclusively arrogant towards whom Hun Sen will target. Hun Sen, Mu Sochua, I, you and other Cambodians have shared the same fame and freedom. The fame of not be abused be others, and the freedom of defending ourselves in front of an impartial court system.
Hun Sen and Mu Sochua have well been aware of using their own freedom to defend themselves in front of the court. But the outcome is that the court of Cambodia has twisted the lawsuit to favor Hun Sen and punish Sochua. It happens only in Cambodia that the victim turn to become a perpetrator, and a perpetrator turn to become a saint. Hun Sen is the perpetrator, but the court favored Hun Sen to let him become a saint. Very funny right!
Mu Sochua is not different from Cory of Philippine and Suyi of Burma. Cambodian women are not lower than Philippine and Burmese women.
I hope you understand the weakness and strength of Cambodian women. And Hun Sen should not look down at any weak people or Cambodian women.
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