Monday, August 17, 2009

SRP MP Son Chhay criticizes rise of gasoline price

17 August 2009
Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

On 15 August, SRP MP Son Chhay criticized the government by saying that it does not have a clear policy nor a clear goal to prevent the constant rise of gasoline price in Cambodia. Son Chhay said: “The rise and drop of gasoline price depend on what the prime minister [Hun Xen] says. Sometimes, when he issues a warning then the price would drop. Recently, the prime minister said that the price of gasoline in Europe, France, increases also, then the price [of gasoline] went up further. There must be a strict policy set up, the price increase or drop on the international market varies by $3 to $5 per day, this is not a factor for the gasoline retailers to increase the price anyway way they want.” Son Chhay also said that, when the price of a barrel of oil on the international market fetched $160, the price of gasoline was 5,600 riels ($1.40) per liter, but when the price of a barrel of oil drops by half to less than $70 per barrel, the price of gasoline in Cambodia still remains at 4,200 riels ($1.05) per liter.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is a new god in Cambodia. He rules over everything.

Pray to the real God, if there is one, that the Cambodian god will have mercy on the Khmer nation and thus he can think more for the country rather than for himself and his cronies.

Thes Meas said...

Gasoline price at the highest was 5600riels and now at 4200riels that is a drop of exactly %25 in Cambodia now.
And in the US, gasoline prices at the highest was at $4.11 and now at $3.00 that about %25 dropped.
If you compare prices fluctuation between the US and Cambodia, they both have the same prices fluctuation. And oil prices are determined by international market not by individual country. How could Mr. Son Chhay criticized the government by saying it does not have a clear policy nor a clear goal to prevent the constant rise of gasoline price in Cambodia. He said,"The rise and drop of gasoline price depend on what the prime minister[Hun Sen] says", Is it Mr. Son Chhay stupid or just another stunt of an opposition try to make Cambodia government look bad.

Anonymous said...

Khmer in Australia are calling Mr. Son Chhay that AKork (White skinny bird). He's unpopular in his hometown (Adelaide city) where most of his family are living. They hated him since he ran away from Grandfather Sern San's party to Mr. Eang Moly's party.

MP Son Chhay is similar to disgrace Mu Sochua. He is really good in political stunt but not substantial. When he's MP (SRP)represents Siem Reap province, he always complaint to his friends in Adelaide that he's so tired with Khmer people in Siem Reap, Whenever they came to see him always asking his money. So, last general election, he has ran away from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh electorate.

Actually, people go to ask MP for helping when they are difficulty but MP Son Chhay was tired with Khmer people who voted for him in his place of birth (Siem Reap). What ashamed!!


Anonymous said...

2:15 PM
I don't know what how much does gasoline price in USA. But what I know is that the price in cambodia is high. As I know in USA, if a person spends all his salary to buy petrol, he can get around 1500Litters/month. But In cambodia is lest than 100Liters/month. (Is it good enough in your though?)

Moreover, I live in cambodia and I notice that the price of the petrol decreases so fast everytime after the PM tells them to cut down the price. (tell me who control the gasoline price then???)

Anonymous said...

Answer is Bun ranny who owns Tela!

Anonymous said...

it's easy to crticize, of course, however, also understand that the price of oil is effective or happening worldwide, even in the USA, it is high! it's good to understand this by reading up and learning from all around the world, not just in cambodia, ok! look around the world as well, before be give extreme criticism to cambodia. it's not fair, to say the least!

Thes Meas said...

To 2:15 (anonymous)
You said, you don't know the price of gasoline in the US.
Here are current prices of gasoline around Southeast Asia and US.
US $0.76 per liter
Cambodia $1.05 per liter
Vietnam $0.79 per liter
Thailand $1.09 per liter
Lao $1.09 per liter
Singapore $1.27 per liter

Anonymous said...

i know, look around the world before open the mouth on cambodia. prices are high everywhere. plus, gov't probably can't do anything about it because it's a corporate thing. that's how thing is in an open-market society, the business control the pricing, but gov't can do is to regulate those businesses. that's all.

Anonymous said...

in the USA now, prices slightly differring, depends on the location as the USA is so big. anyway, in california now, the price of gasoline is between $2.80 to $3.50 per gallon in US dollar (note that gasoline is different than liter). i can't remember how many liters to a gasoline. but can someone look it up? (gasoline is bigger than a liter - i have to look up on the metric table, but i don't have one near me now! anyway...

Anonymous said...

i meant to say gallon is bigger than liter, not gasoline. it's a brain fart, thing, here. sorry!

Thes Meas said...

For 5:41AM
One US gallon equal to 3.785 liters

Anonymous said...


are you crazy or stupid, u're really a pro-RGC without looking around even your relatives'living. you really know nothing about economic, if oil price in Thailand is higher than Cambodia, so why the smugler need to import from Thailand? And can u explain at hte highest internation price was US$160 per barrel and in cambodia was US$1.40 per litter but when it drop around US$70 per barrel and in Cambodia was US$1.05 per litter? come on man, tell me and use your dumped brain to explain.

Kasekar Kreykrar

Thes Meas said...

To Kasekar Kreykrar,
First it is easy to explain why smuggler product are cheap, becuase smugglers did not paid taxes on products they smuggled.
Second it is very complicated to explain to you on oil prices versus gasoline prices, becuase it have to do with many complicated elements. But here are some of the elements that dictate gasoline prices:
Crude oil delivery to refinary cost.
Refinary cost
Gas delivery cost
Marketing and distribution cost
And Taxes
Since alot of these steps use petrol to complete the job, you can see cost will be added to gasoline prices.
I know it is very hard for our kaksekar kreykrar to live on high prices, but nothing we or the governmen can do, becuase prices are determined by international markets. Untill we can get crude from our ground then our government can do something on gasoline prices like Venezuela, gasoline prices only $.12 per liter or about 500 riels per liter.

Anonymous said...

To measthes: Nice details. And what I can say about gaso price in Khmer motherland is not in line with international market. The price in Khmer land quickly rises when price in NY or London goes up or when there is Riel depreciation. But when price NY , or London are down or Riel appreciates, the petro price in Cambodia is still up; almost never goes down. What such a business of TOtal, Chevron, Tela, Sokimex, Shell. These oil firms have been enjoying the blessing of the irresponsible RGC with less educated Ph.D leader and the sucking of poor Khmer's hard-earned money. They will keeping sucking Khmers'earning on and on unless they are protested. If they were in US, they would face legal actions. KhOpen,