Photo by: Sovan Philong
Lawmaker Mu Sochua (fourth from left) and supporters, including opposition leader Sam Rainsy (far right), clash with police following her court hearing Tuesday.
- April 4 Hun Sen makes a speech in Kampot province, in which he refers to the province’s female MP as a cheung klang, or “strong leg”, although Mu Sochua was not mentioned by name.
- April 23 Mu Sochua announces her plan to sue Hun Sen for defamation over the comments. Hun Sen’s lawyers say they will countersue.
- May 1 Lawyers for Hun Sen file complaints against SRP lawyer Kong Sam Onn in the Cambodian Bar Association
- June 10 Phnom Penh Municipal Court dismisses Mu Sochua’s lawsuit against the prime minister.
- June 22 Mu Sochua is stripped of her parliamentary immunity by a National Assembly vote.
- July 7 Lawyer Kong Sam Onn resigns from the SRP and apologises to Hun Sen.
- July 24 Mu Sochua appears in court to face the charges.
- August 4 The court finds Mu Sochua guilty of defaming Hun Sen, fining her a total of 16.5 million riels (US$3,937).
Wednesday, 05 August 2009
Meas Sokchea and Sebastian Strangi
The Phnom Penh Post
OPPOSITION lawmaker Mu Sochua was convicted Tuesday of defaming Prime Minister Hun Sen, prompting her to brand the decision as a "political game" that has cast Cambodia's judicial system "into darkness".
In a hearing on Tuesday, which was closed to the press, presiding judge Sem Sakola ordered the Sam Rainsy Party parliamentarian to pay 8.5 million riels (US$2,028) in fines and 8 million riels ($1,909) in compensation to the prime minister.
Speaking to reporters outside the court, Mu Sochua remained defiant, saying the verdict was based on a "politician's order" and would not succeed in silencing her dissent.
"I cannot accept this decision," she said. "It is clear that this decision was based on political interests, not on the law."
The Kampot province lawmaker, who faced the court without legal representation after SRP lawyer Kong Sam Onn resigned his post after facing defamation charges himself and defected to the ruling party in June, said she refused to pay the fines levied by the court and vowed to continue her fight for justice.
She added: "As a national and international principle, all classes of people must be judged by an independent court that is unbiased and not related to any political power."
Despite past suggestions that the SRP would pay the fine on Mu Sochua's behalf, SRP President Sam Rainsy told reporters that the party would "stand behind" her stance on the issue.
The verdict brings to a close a four-month standoff between the two politicians, which began following a speech Hun Sen made in Kampot province on April 4. Mu Sochua alleged that the premier made derogatory references to her, prompting her to file defamation charges against him.
Hun Sen's lawyers countersued, and Mu Sochua's case was dismissed June 10 by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court.
Hun Sen's lawyer Ky Tech did not comment in detail on the verdict but said that if Mu Sochua did not pay her fines within a month, she would face further action.
"If one party does not pay the fine, my party will ask the court to enforce its decision, and if that party still doesn't pay, that party will be forced by the court," he said.
Tuesday's conviction provoked a fresh wave of concerns from rights groups that the government is using the judiciary to suppress outspoken critics.
"This morning's verdict was predictably unjust and shows yet again how the courts are controlled by the government and used as a weapon against its political opponents," Naly Pilorge, director of local rights group Licadho, said in a statement Tuesday.
"This verdict is a significant blow to freedom of expression and will have serious ramifications on the ability of National Assembly members to publicly speak their minds."
Sara Colm, a researcher for New York-based Human Rights Watch, said that Tuesday's verdict was a "big step" backwards, but was only the latest chapter in the government's ongoing attempt to silence its opponents.
"The shrinking of the democratic space in Cambodia goes in cycles, and this is one of the more serious reversals that we've seen," she said.
In the context of the spate of other lawsuits that have been filed against government critics and journalists, together with targeted violence over the years, she said, the verdict would send a "chilling message to people who would otherwise speak out".
Excessive violence

Photo by: Sovan Philong
Anti-riot police clash with opposition party supporters as they attempt to march to Sam Rainsy Party headquarters following SRP lawmaker Mu Sochua's court hearing Tuesday. IN DATES Sochua Saga
- April 4 Hun Sen makes a speech in Kampot province, in which he refers to the province’s female MP as a cheung klang, or “strong leg”, although Mu Sochua was not mentioned by name.
- April 23 Mu Sochua announces her plan to sue Hun Sen for defamation over the comments. Hun Sen’s lawyers say they will countersue.
- May 1 Lawyers for Hun Sen file complaints against SRP lawyer Kong Sam Onn in the Cambodian Bar Association
- June 10 Phnom Penh Municipal Court dismisses Mu Sochua’s lawsuit against the prime minister.
- June 22 Mu Sochua is stripped of her parliamentary immunity by a National Assembly vote.
- July 7 Lawyer Kong Sam Onn resigns from the SRP and apologises to Hun Sen.
- July 24 Mu Sochua appears in court to face the charges.
- August 4 The court finds Mu Sochua guilty of defaming Hun Sen, fining her a total of 16.5 million riels (US$3,937).
Following the verdict, anti-riot police attempted to prevent Mu Sochua, opposition lawmakers and other supporters from marching from the court to the SRP's headquarters on Sothearos Boulevard.
Naly Pilorge said there were at least eight attempts to halt the march, and that officers repeatedly directed cars and motorbikes to drive through the protesters, threatening serious injuries.
The Licadho statement also claimed that two men were arrested during the march, one of whom was kicked in the groin as he was led away by police.
Though the march was unplanned, Naly Pilorge said, the number of police at the court was an indication that the use of force was "deliberate".
Ho Sey Rin, an SRP supporter who joined the march, told the Post he was manhandled by police as they tried to intervene.
"I told the police not to clash with the people's representatives, but they pulled me into their group and choked me until I nearly passed out," he said.
Theary Seng, the former executive director of the Centre for Social Development who also had several run-ins with police, said officers set out to "create chaos" in a bid to break up the march.
"All they know is violence, [so] they wanted to exact violence," she said.
"If the leaders want the people to love and respect them, they should not use violence."
Phnom Penh police Chief Touch Naruth could not be reached for comment Tuesday, but Mok Chito, head of the criminal police department at the Ministry of Interior, said that none of his men were involved in the attempts to block the march.
If HUN SEN try to shut one mouth up there more thousand mouths are opening up to show how Hun Sen the dictator ,killer oppressor vietnam slave the real color that this man not suitable to be a leader of Cambodia.
Bizarre prime minister
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leader of the Free Trade Union
Attempted Assassinations on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Attempted Murders on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murders members and activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Under Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed all of these crimes above within Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government have ever been brought to justice.
When Viet cong and Polpot killed peoples in 1970,Sihanouk bla bla from Pékin.
Real Justice!
When Sihanouk,Polpot and Hun Sen killed 2 214 653 innocent people,they are not guilties.
"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned."Buddha
KHmer don't need this kind of stupidly government. May this cpp evil regime falls and collapse soon.
Hun Sen had done the same Saddam Hussein had done. This is 99% HUN SEN election set up. If he would allow all other parties to have the same privileges or the same rights as him he would have no chance. He can't even allow SRP to have the amount of TV's time or TV's channel, radio campaign as CPP. He limited the rights for SRP. What is not fair are these all propaganda system.
Can HUN SEN think!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luckily that Cambodia is not living in dark age any more. Or we are not in the well that can only see the top circle of the well any more. The world is very communicative. We can see and hear think instantly. The world can also see us within a snap or a blink. HUN SEN can't take advantages any more. If this way back 30 years ago that may be better for him.
The world of justice will be on Ms. Sochau.
Mu Sochua, please stop harassing the government; you’d done enough to cause our government and country look bad. You are an absolutely terrible woman who created problems and problems never stop unless our Cambodian government throw you out and destroy your party. Do you understand? I know now you are in the United States and asking people who love you and believe in you and on your side to help sole your situation. And you will cause trouble with Samdech Deychu again when you return to Cambodia. Mu Sochua, you must get out and don’t come back to my country.
AngkorianMan Krama Man
mr HUn sen is a coward
Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca
If Mu Sochua refuged to pay the fines, don't forget to charge each month of interest. Therefore, the national commite election must not allow Mu Sochua to be a candidate again until she pay off her debt.
New Phally
9:13 PM said "my country".
There are 14 millions Cambodians. Ms. Mu is Cambodian, so Cambodia is her country too.
We support the principles of democracy, not neccessary a person. I used to live under the Khmer Rouge too, and I'm glad that I survived. I know that Hun Sen has done some good things, but also done many terrible things. We just want to have a different person to be be our leader. It doesn't matter how good a person is. If one stays in power for a long time, he becomes a dictator. This is common sense and it happens to many leaders in the world, and Hun Sen is no exception.
Remember that a true democracy brings peace, stability and properity for ALL.
I hope you understand what I'm talking about. Whether you agree or disagree, it is my opinion.
Thank you.
៣ឆ្នាំ៨ខែ២០ថ្ងៃ គេមិនបានឃើញមានលោក
សម រង្សី ឫ អ្នកស្រី មូ សុខហួរ ឫ អ្នកកញ្ញា សៀង សុធារី ឫ ក្រុមអគតិនេះមកជួយស្រែក
ទាមទាររកយុត្តិធម៏ទេ ផ្ទុយទៅវិញពួកនេះកំពុង
សារអ្នកស្រីមូសុខហួរ ម្នាក់ដែលជាអ្នកបាន បង្កឡើងដោយមានចេតនានយោបាយនោះ។
It is very unfortunate that a politician like Mu Sochua has twisted the issue to fit her own political agenda without thinking about the interest of the nation. At the end, it is the nation that loses from her selfish and stupid behaviour.
Let’s start from the beginning:
April 4 Hun Sen made a speech in Kampot province, in which he referred to the province’s female MP as a cheung klang,
April 23 Mu Sochua announced her plan to sue Hun Sen for defamation over the comments.
If Mu Sochua can not accepts someone referring to her as “cheung klang”, then she shouldn’t be in politic, period. Instead she chose to go to court for a non-issue, and when it became clear to her that she was losing the case, she offered to drop the case pretending one war veteran begging her to do so. Finally, when her offer was rejected by the PM side, she twisted the issue pretending she was fighting for justice in Cambodia. No, she was not fighting for the people or justice as she was claiming. Mu Sochua was and is fighting for her own stupidity!
My beloved 9:13PM!
Paradoxically and pathetically speaking to your definably confusing sentence about Mrs. Mu Sochua who makes "country looks bad" without any interpretional conscience of simple knowledge, think twice or thrice, who is really and actually making our beloved miserable country look hellishly bad?
9:55 PM,
Are you out of your mind? What about HUN SEN present during the Pol Pot regime? If POL POT didn't seal the country from the outside world of course there would be many people against POL POT.
What Ms. Mu Sochua done is for the sake of democracy. She didn't hurt or harm HUN SEN. She has all the rights to speak and express.
But HUN SEN is very blind and mad that couldn't understand the word Democracy.
I hope this guy will be gone within this near future.
Khmer Khemara,
Khmer, Thai, and Laotian called ah Yuon.
GO to wash your hand from the Cambodian people blood,wouldn't you?
In this world you ever hear any leaders speak angrily like our Leader Hun Sen? No. Only Hun Sen can make rain and shit like that. Every time he talks he just talks out of his ass. When people talk about him he got very angry. He needs to learn some anger management. I don't know if he goes to school of anger management. Like in USA, if there is a an individual become a leader in any form of institution they must go through how to become a leader. Know how to respect others and control his/her temper. For HUN SEN, I don't think he has been through that profession at all. When he talks he always cursing and biasing toward those organization(s). I wish he knew how to control his anger management.
Justice will overcome that moron.
i think to solve this problem, people need to look into the meaning and true context of the term "defamation" itself. what is defamation and why should it matter? is defamation is form of freedom of expression given one is trying to protect their reputation as well? in the context of law, what is defamation? these, i think, are important questions in order to understand what's going on in cambodia. people have to think and be smart about everything. otherwise, it's ignorant again.
Khmer, Thai, and Laotian called ah Yuon.
9:55 PM,you are the Hun Xen's dog!!you have no brain what you said!!!
You are so crazy man!!!!
You are living in the deep well!!!!
Dictator Hun Xen will take you the same Ah Heng Pov and Ah Hok Londy!!!!
To 10:24 PM
Dumb ass, people like you make me sick.
"If Mu Sochua can not accepts someone referring to her as “cheung klang”, then she shouldn’t be in politic, period."
AH Hun Sen did not just said "cheung klang", this mother fucker insulted Mu Sochua.
Dumb ass, let me teach you a lesson, not all Cambodian peoples are as dumb as you are.
Dumb ass, you're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples, do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.
To 9:13 PM AngkorianMan Krama Man
Ah Khmer Krorhorm, you're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples, do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.
I've wonder if you have any brain cell at all.
Ah New Phally, you're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples, do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.
CPP (Corporation of Pimping Party)
Disgrace Mu Sochua’s problem all along, is that she is trying to be a politician. She's not, never has been and quite obviously, never will be. She should have just been herself, provide alternative policies and show Khmer people what a great alternative MP opposition she would be. Instead, her foray into being a politician has been a disaster. She comes across as pretending to be something she's not. Now, her political career is on the line and herself also in the hot water.
While the nation is facing complex economic, social and environmental issues disgrace Mu Sochua tried to promote her political stunt, aimed to get media attention. If this wasn’t such a clear demonstration of her selfish pursuit of personal ambition it would be laughable. There is no doubt that Mu Sochua has no real regard for the best interest of the nation. She is driven solely by a desire to become a “Champion of Women” by any means available to her, even if that has the potential to destabilize the country. Even worse she now says that she will appeal her case against Prime Minister Hun Sen to the Appeal court following the announcement of her guilty verdict by the Phnom Penh municipal court.
People of integrity admit their faults, make amends and are judged fairly...Disgrace Mu Sochua is lacking in integrity and common sense and tries to change Cambodia into her own world. As long as Cambodia’s Court doesn’t issue any verdict which is fitted for her political stunt, she will scream for the justice all day long.
Khmer Australian
Why KI has a few lunatics who copied and pasted the same shit over and over again?
This Aussie's slave 11;17am is no different than the lunatic who copied and pasted a long shit for years in KI, though no one read.
Focus to all Khmer,
You are not deserve to be Khmer, Khmer Australian, or Khmer American if you are not suppor or donate money to SRP and dares to support the CPP. Despite, we have not write it down in our policy because Hun Sen and CPP can mocking on us but SRP and our supporters will carry this policy until we win the election. In addition, whoever dares to post any topic in this forum which doesn't support SRP, we will use very bad languages to hunt you down. We are the best in using bad languages against Hun Sen and the CPP.
The opposition has no policy to force any Khmer to support, but if any Khmer dares to support the CPP, SRP and its supporters will brand you as Vietnamese.
Sam Rainsy Party (candle light)
You are a sore loser. You can't debate, can't write and you cry like a baby. LOL LOL
KI has soften written people, but if you dare to go to some blogs who are mostly white, you will be chewed and insulted like a a slave. LOL LOL
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