Monday, August 17, 2009

[Thai] Govt lobbies US investors on Watch List

Porntiva: We're keen to protect property rights

Bangkok Post

Thailand is lobbying US investors in Southeast Asia to convince Washington to move the country off the Priority Watch List.

Commerce Minister Porntiva Nakasai told the US-Asean Business Council yesterday Thailand should be removed from the PWL because it was serious about tackling intellectual property violations.

Thailand has set up a committee chaired by the prime minister to oversee policies to promote intellectual property rights, she said.

The US has kept Thailand on the PWL for its violations of intellectual property rights such as the lively trade in bootleg music and films which takes place in tourist centres.

Mrs Porntiva said US investors were interested in Thailand, especially the telecommunications sector and express delivery service industry.

The US-Asean Business Council was held after the annual meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations economic ministers.

US firms joining the talks included APCO Worldwide, Caterpillar, Federal Express, Ford, Intel, Philip Morris, UPS and White & Case.

Chaiya Yimwilai, spokesman for the Asean economic ministers' meeting, said US businessmen had pressured Asean countries to liberalise their service sectors including the telecommunications and logistics industries.

They wanted to make sure the region's target of becoming an Asean Economic Community by 2015 was met, he said.

"The atmosphere was a little tense because of the stance of the US-Asean Business Council," Mr Chaiya said. "US businesses are keener on taking benefits from the region than giving assistance to Asean."

Asean wanted the US to help set up a fund to develop infrastructure here, and draw investment from the US.

The two sides agreed to reduce trade and investment obstacles.

Singapore, Brunei and Cambodia allow foreign firms to take a 100% stake in their logistics sectors. Thailand keeps the foreign holding at 49%.

Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Ponlaboot said Thailand had no plan to amend the Foreign Business Act to allow foreign companies to take a bigger stake. Openings in the logistics sector to foreign investors would be made gradually, he said.


Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

I think, Uncle Sam should keep the same policies toward Thailand, for it violation to neighboring countries territories.

New Phally

Justin Davis said...

I think it's going to take alot more than that to get them off the watch list.

Justin Davis
Freight Quote

Anonymous said...

we all know how the siem thugs is. they want the USA to themself, and while neighboring countries like cambodia were preoccupied with war, etc, they gorge the economic prosperity to themself, however, now in this new era, they get jealous and envy of cambodia when it is our turn to reap the same economic benefit from people all over the world like tourists, investments, etc... it goes to show the evil, greedy attitude of the siem thugs. and we all know this already! like sociology points out, nothing last forever, siem maybe well known in the world then, but we all wondering how long is that going to last, as nothing can last forever, you know! it is khmer's turn to prosper! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

hey thailand isn't the only country in southeast asia, you know. thank god, we have cambodia, etc... i hope the USA will shift their foreign policy to embrace the new friend or even ally cambodia in this new millenium. it's cambodia's turn to prosper from economic development. get lost siem thugs! cambodia don't need you thugs! god bless cambodia.