Monday, August 17, 2009

Thailand sends in naval ships to near the disputed waters with Cambodia

17 August 2009
Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

Following the publication of the information from Thailand reporting that the latter had sent in its troops and battle naval ships near the disputed waters between Cambodia and Thailand, Var Kim Hong, chairman of the government border committee, said that Cambodia is not surprised by the presence of Thai naval ships. Var Kim Hong warned that if Thai naval ships are sent into the overlapping waters or inside Cambodian waters, Cambodia will defend itself. He added that Cambodia is ready to negotiate with Thailand on the border within the overlapping waters. Phay Siphan, spokesman of the Council of Ministers, said that the presence of Thai forces is Thailand’s strategy, however, this situation does not scare Cambodia and it will not change Cambodia’s strategy of maintaining dialogue to defend its territories. Cambodia is an independent and sovereign country, it is also a member of the UN, and it is maintaining its stance of resolving the dispute through lawful and peaceful means.


Anonymous said...

But but but but why choosing to maintain the stance of resolving the dispute through lawful and peaceful means with the Thais for since the one-eyed gangster Hun Sh*t just recently declared that he could order his top general to seize all of Cambodia's capital in just 2 hours long. So why don't Hun Sh*t do the same to the Thais? Lol. I know, while Cambodian people don't fight back, the Thais will sure beat the living hell out of Hun Sh*t because is born of shit, and he will return to hell as sh*t! The bully Hun Sh*t must be taught a lesson and be made to swallow his own threat on the innocent Cambodian people. Why would any leader of a country be ordering the military to seize its own capital? Nowhere on earth, except in Cambodia by Hun Sh*t. Lol.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Now, the Thai is pissing the US off. The US will not stand idly.


Anonymous said...

Now our Khmer strongman seem to wory alot than the Thai jet fighter flew inside our territory, coz we Khmer got nothing to dealt with naval ships battle.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about whatever is going to happene between Khmer and Thai along the border as long as Hun Sen is still in power. A guy has no ability to do anything to solve the problems besides talking tough to his own people who don't agree with his policy . Everytime he talks , his words don't fit the be the leader of anycountry.

Anonymous said...

Hey ah long do you take to wrap up the thai's naval ship??? if you can take only 2 hour to wrap up phnom penh.


Anonymous said...

Hun Xen will send the racing boat from Phnom Penh (for racing season)to face with Thai naval ships.
What would he do this time? He could not swim at all, maybe Viet will help him by sending uncle Ho Chi Minh's history boat to protect the sea border for him.
Just two second Thai naval ships will be disappare, Hun Xen said.

Anonymous said...

Send all your mothers on the rafts to intercept the siam/dogs.

Anonymous said...

Can you see what's happening now, Thai tries to invad again this time is the sea. And Khmer and Khmer keep fighting, we will loss unles we united.

AngkorianKrama Man

Anonymous said...

Thais think they own the world. Everything belongs to them, period.
Cambodia should form a naval blockade and defend their own waters. Do not let any Thai ships through. Thailand always bullying Cambodia. They like to use weapons to intimidate rather than words. This is a manufactured distraction of the Thai people and the world by new Thai government.

Anonymous said...

Sok kong youn hanoi and Hun Xen family dominate gas price.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen, what do you think? If it was a SRP members you will wipe them out in a second, how about Thailand now?

You are the worse PM who cannot defence the nation, STEP OUT looser.

Anonymous said...

we all know the siem way, they only have and want their own way like the fact that when they gave rights to chevron, etc, and cambodia did not protest them, then it's ok. but we it is cambodia's turn to give rights to total, then they bitch about it. what is wrong with this picture? get lost siem thugs! cambodia has the same right as siem country, so, don't bitch and whine about it when it is our turn to grant the same rights to total! it is not not ludicrous and bias and one-sided in your thug-like view, you people are violating cambodia's right as a sovereigned nation, you thugs! now go back to nancho province of china already and leave khmer land alone or we will break all you ugly, stinky teeth, this time around! it's not the dark ages or stone ages, you know! your lame duck gov't should do more to educate your unruly pad thugs, etc..., so they are not so ignorant about international diplomacy, international protocol, international law, etc...there is more to cambodia than your stinky, bad attitude, here, you know! understand! now get lost already!

Anonymous said...

Var Kim Hong said cambodia will defend herself! with what? a wooden fishing canoe? cambodia can't depending on that banana boats from China??

Anonymous said...

Khmer can't even deal with Thai-jet that flew all over cambodia, and now the water is another problems, well, we need to ask French and China for help! i don't see why not? French warship/China warship against Thai-kapik stinky ship!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAH shit head, if Hun Sen cannot defense the nation, it would have been wars since 1979 unlike those stupid corrupted predecessor leaders.