If Cambodians younger generations and patriotic leaders/elitists don't understand the strategy of annexing Cambodia by Vietnam, our future and territorial land will be in the same destiny like Champa, Prey Norkor, Kampuchea Krom and Lao.
Op-Ed: Cambodian Bright Future
It is so shocked that only in the Cambodia in this world that a leader has praised the foreigner of helping their country liberated from this or from that without weighing the truth.
Hun Sen is a politician, but he learned nothing about the trick and treat of politics. He is deserved to be a very good lackey to Vietnam. In this world, academically speaking, is there any one who said "the aggression of Vietnam is to help Cambodia"?
No one.
Only Hun Sen did say this without understanding the cost benefit Vietnam has been investing in Cambodia. For the international relations, political scientists have never seen any country has given something as a "free shit" to another countries. They only work to benefit their own countries. In this matter, Vietnam is kind to Cambodia to liberate Cambodia from Khmer Rouge freely?
Yes, if Hun Sen wants to challenge with me and tell the truth to all Cambodians and the world, let both of us debate on the TV channel together, not only you who is shamelessly admiring foreigner without listening to others or televising others. This is only the act of an ignorant leader and dictatorial characteristic. Cambodia will be easily died by this one-sided mass media.
In century of successful Vietnam in expanding its territorial land, Vietnam has never said that it has invaded Champa, Prey Norkor, Khmer Krom or Lao. It has clearly stated that it helped those people in those territorial land. Those patriotic leaders in those lands have never praised Vietnam of giving free shit at all. But why they accepted that hegemony and domination power because they have no claw or power to rise up to fight against Vietnam. They have been absolutely cornered by Vietnam through a "cold blood" strategy. Vietnam has used a very intellectual strategy to murder those people without bleeding. For instance, any one dare to tell to the world that "Lao is free from Vietnam?". If your answer is yes, it is not different from Kampuchea Krom during last 70 or 80 years, no one said that Kampuchea Krom was under Vietnam. But nowadays, we can see Vietnam's strategy of "kill without bleeding" as important evidence for us to the land of Champa, Prey Norkor, Kampuchea Krom and Lao.
Champa, Prey Norkor, Kampuchea Krom, Lao and next is Cambodia inevitably. This land will be died through two effective tactics of Vietnam:
- 1. Create a puppet government that is working under the supervision of their disguising special advisers and armforce such as the policemen, secret military group, and civil special agents etc. Politically, Vietnam has successful projected a stage for power competition and it helps behind to push up those who are honest to them. This strategy is called "borrowing your knife to temporarily use" or "kchey kombet prer bondos ason".
- 2. Flood Vietnamese population into that land. Currently, Lao land is free land for all Vietnamese to live and enjoy life over there. Lao has the border of land with Vietnam, but Lao has no border of citizenship and territorial power. Every section of the government is co-administered by disguising Vietnamese. Military and policemen in Lao are Vietnamese.

Lao is opening its door for foreign investments such as from the US or China, but where those tax and benefit go to? The powerful leader right? Who are those powerful leaders in Lao? They are disguising Vietnamese as Laos. It is common to see Lao people who are incredibly bi-lingual speaker: they can speak both Lao and Vietnamese fluently. The physical land is Lao but the wealth of the nation and spirit is not Lao.
In the world history of invasion, the real independent countries have never mentioned about their both brutal past and liberation past. Germany has stopped talking about the Nazi brutality and the helping from the alliance led by the US.
A Khmer said in camdisc that "North Korea accused Japan a puppet of the US. North Korea accused South Korea a puppet of the US. Japan and the US accused North Korea a puppet of China or even Russia. The Al-Qaeda accused the US a puppet of Israel. The US accused Al-Qaeda a puppet of Bin Laden. And so on" that this statement is considered naive. No one wants to interfere Cambodia to accuse this country as puppet of Vietnam, but it is from our Cambodian compatriots like me and others who dare to speak out loud that "the history of brutality and invasion should be ended and closed its page". Why? Because, it has not given any good shit to Cambodia at all. More you praise the Vietnam as a liberator, more shit and ignorant of Cambodia's future, more you condemn and accuse the brutality of the Khmer Rouge, more shit and ignorant of Cambodia's future.
Yes, Hun Sen and some other Cambodians are true to claim that "Vietnam liberated Cambodia from Khmer Rouge brutality is the truth or reality"...yes, I do agree...I do agree that this is a truth or reality of shit.
On the other hand, why Hun Sen didn't say that the intervention of the United Nations and the Paris Peace Accord in 1991 helped Cambodia to develop till today?
Hun Sen is under fear of Vietnamese gun or what? Why Hun Sen is praisefully of liberation of January 7, 1979 without elaborating fairly the Paris Peace Accord that has helped Hun Sen and his CPP today, as well as helped Cambodia today develop till today?
All what Hun Sen said is the good a proposal for Cambodia's future or not? It is showing only the darkest spot of Cambodia's future. Currently, Vietnamese population can freely resettle in Cambodia at the same condition like in Lao. I can predict that after Hun Sen died, Cambodia will closely be annexed by Vietnam by using the country name Cambodia to disguise the world.
If Cambodians younger generations and patriotic leaders/elitists don't understand the strategy of annexing Cambodia by Vietnam, our future and territorial land will be in the same destiny like Champa, Prey Norkor, Kampuchea Krom and Lao.
Hun Sen is a politician, but he learned nothing about the trick and treat of politics. He is deserved to be a very good lackey to Vietnam. In this world, academically speaking, is there any one who said "the aggression of Vietnam is to help Cambodia"?
hun sen is a lost case. At the end of the day, khmer will spit on him and his grave.
KY – you write a lot and I appreciate your effort. But at the same time, I have not seen any thing new in your writing. You always argue from the same angle. Would it be time to be more objective in your argument and be an active listener? Here is how I see Hun Sen.
Hun Sen is a Khmer nationalist like you and me. He knows exactly what Youns’ motivations are. He does not need you, me or anyone to remind or educate him about Youns evil intention. But he has to play along, it’s call smart politic. When you are not strong enough or have many enemies (Youns and Siams), you must quietly build your strength and only use direct confrontation as a last resort.
For all these years, he has tried to maintain stability in the country so that nationalists, you included, have times to build our strength, skills, economy, unity, international standing/image and so on. Once we achieve that, then he will be in a good position to assert our independence.
You and the majority of people in this forum have done just the opposite. Instead of debating (and disagreeing on) the real issues, you stubbornly want a quick solution to resolve problems that exist since the decline of Angkor.
Until you guys are smart up, Hun Sen will have no choice but to adopt the same policy/attitude toward Vietnam. Who are we to blame? Ourselves or Hun Sen?
9:55, I can see that your perspectives is somewhat new and imaginary. You can draw out many conclusions that is different from KY but how do you explain about the thousand of hectars of lands that were lost to Vietnam? How about the freedom of Vietnamese soldiers and civilians to come in and stay within Cambodia? Reality hit the people that are living in Cambodia in the face everyday. You can sit and draw as many imaginary conclusions all you want but reality hovers over Srok Khmer like the dark cloud of a giant tornado. The civilians are suffering and no one are listening.
10:12 PM
When we needed the supports from the US Military and the Western World, they disappeared ? Where they were between 1975-78 ?
Are you sure the US Government and the Western World will help us without .... condition ?
We Khmer did not love the Vietnamese Government, but without their military invasion, Cambodia might still run by the oldest Khmer Rouge Regime.
Mr. Hun Sen sent his own son to the West Point Academy and not to Hanoi, because he might not like the Communist system and ......? The PM Mr. Hun Sen did not have a better choice....
10:12 PM
When we needed the supports from the US Military and the Western World, they disappeared ? Where they were between 1975-78 ?
Are you sure the US Government and the Western World will help us without .... condition ?
We Khmer did not love the Vietnamese Government, but without their military invasion, Cambodia might still run by the oldest Khmer Rouge Regime.
Mr. Hun Sen sent his own son to the West Point Academy and not to Hanoi, because he might not like the Communist system and ......? The PM Mr. Hun Sen did not have a better choice....
Apparently, all you morons are playing checker while Hun Sen is playing chess. You have no idea what you're talking about regarding the current Khmer relation to Vietnam. That is all you need to know.
The one that don't talk is the one that knows the most.
Thanks 10:50PM for sharing with us. You don’t need to say more, we understand the situation. Only dummies like KY can not think or grasp beyond what he sees on the window.
Hun Sen relationship with Youn, because Hun need to hold on his power, even he have to hand over our land to Youn government.
We all know in Cambodia our people have no job, no place to for living for the poor family, only some of rich and corruption Hun body that living in the good enviroment.
A quick-and-dirty reply to 10:50 PM's comment and his/her supporter like 11:23 PM is that - the quieter one knows full well that you CPP(ist) arse kissers like 10:50PM and 11:23 PM don't know a fucking shit about ah Viet-indoctrinated HUN SEN and his Viet-indoctrinated counterparts and cronies, period (.) - End of Story!!! Any questions?
When Cambodia becomes Kampuchea Krom in the near future, the rich and corrupted will cry but right now they sing. They never have a good taste from the Youns (Do not spill the master's tea )like the Khmer Kampuchea Krom. Cambodians who live in abroad are worried and we do the best we can thru KI- Media to help Cambodians back home. We cannot wait for the US military comes to rescue us,and they have big problems on health care reform and war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
you ideas about pol pot must be the same too then. The result under pol pot khmer rouge is one of the worst of mankind horrors.
The worst of hun sen regime is building up every days for over two decades and counting. By the time you awake from you imagination, khmer are automatically slaved to youn. Cambodia will be known as something else, perhap " southern saigon " ?
wake up from you lala dream, and start supporting those who support cambodia,cambodian today. Not tomorrow or twenty years later.
Getting freak out already 12:56AM. Cool down dude, you live longer.
To all Khmers, especially 9:55 PM, 10:35 PM..., who ever supports Hun Khvang,
Vietnam did not withdraw her troops from Combodia. It was a show for international cameras only.
Last July 18, 2009, a Khmer citizen at Phnom Thom saw a convoy of Viet tanks toward the borders Khmer-Thai frrom 9:00 PM to 3:oo AM. One tank passed in front of him every 10 minutes. Guess how many ???
Help oueselves first, and the sky will help us !!!
Sihanouk is to blame first, and Hun Sen plus his cronies.
1:14AM- What are you suggesting? Picking up guns and start another war? Thanks God idiot like you does not run the country. You talk like a courageous man, but when the war breaks out, you pack and run away from the country like a chicken, and leave the suffering to those who have no place to go.
You are whining over the last twenty years and it would not surprise me if you waste the next twenty years doing the same, instead of making real contributions. That is your reality.
The murderer Pol Pot called any Khmer, whose opposed his ideology and policy, Yuons. That is exactly what people like the self-pretended righteous KY and his/her gangs are doing in this blog. If you don’t agree with their view, they automatically label you as Youns. This is how KY and his/her gangs plan to save Cambodia from Yuons.
To those whose embraced Somduch C Jo Os Dey Hun Sen and Youn invasion of Cambodia so much, I would be wholeheartly on your side. If and only if:
1) Had your Master Youn not invaded,
controled, and colonised Kampujea Krom for almost four hundred years and had killed millions of Khmer Krom.
2) Had your Uncle Whoe(Ho) not created the Indochinese Communist Federation in 1930's and created the CPP puppets in 1954's and matermind these Khmer farmers to butcher and slaugther more than three million Khmers.
3) Now it time for your Master Youn
to withdraw their troops, their spies from Kampujea, Kampujea Krom,
and annexed Kampujea Krom to the rightful owner thatis the Kingdom of Kampujea.
Otherwise you're on the wrong side of the Khmer history my brothers and sisters.
It is obvious that Cambodian PM prefers to embrace his indochinese friend than cambodians.
Anyone who is against his way is treated as opponent, enemy is in KR term, and eventually will be taken out.
Cambodia experienced killing field.
And now cambodians face removing field.
Same goals with difference strategy.
Any idea?
Neang SA
I have to disagree with your analogy one million percent. It's wrong approach to even think and be that way. Cambodia is a sovereign nation and we have all our rights to defend our country from the invaders whether it is through politics or economics.
Your mindset is poor and submissive to begin with, thus, should not and must not be followed.
The patterns of the Vietnam and Thailand's intentions are crystal clear toward Cambodia. They both are the opportunists. They exploit us at our weaknesses. Vietnam tried before but failed during the Khmer Rouge. They stayed in Cambodia for more than a decade with the intention to colonize or annex Cambodia; if it wasn't for the UN, U.S and the rest of world Cambodia would be part of Vietnam in some ways today. Now they try new approach using politics and market economy simultaneously as a silent invading.
Soft invasion:
Send their people to live in Cambodia, the more the better, and encourage them to be active in politics.
Invest heavily in businesses to one day control Cambodia economy and people. Once they achieve these two goals, Vietnam will one day take over Cambodia internally and politically.
As for now, all those little achieves are made possible by Hun Sen. Because Vietnam knows Hun Sen loves power and they do anything to make sure he is the top dog in Cambodia. So, he can continue to bully and terrorize his own people or do whatever he wants as long as he listen to them. The harder he do it, the better it is for Vietnam because that will do one thing: break our trust for each other.
In case of trouble, Vietnam will back Hun Sen 100 percent.
Do I make any sense 9:55???
First, you must improve your English. I can hardly follow the real meaning of your writing.
Second, before you want to do bigger thing, you must show us you have done small, small things.
and 1:51 AM...just got screwed big time...ROFL!!!
Make sense does not gurantee you know how. I agree with 9:55 PM.
Around the middle of 16th century Vietnam and Thailand controlled Cambodia. Have you read any part of the history that Vietnamese left Cambodia? Only Thais
No Khmers should be blamed but the only Khmers during French ruled. What went wrong with those Khmers? and why French picked the Vietnamese to control over Cambodia and Lao?
Everyone of us sees Cambodia's problems differently, that's why I don't support any party. And the case of Mu SocHua sued Hun Sen should have not been happened in the first place. This silly fight is only benefit Vietnamese. We Khmers have too many problems to solve.
The critics know how to criticise only but they don't know how to run the country or understand that the liberation is a risky phase.
Mister K Young's all articles are pretty much worthless. This person writes redundantly of the problems we all knew about. I read once before but not anymore.
Med Stu.
You guys, I saw your diverse viewpoints in this forum but I knew that deep inside you all concern about our country. Let me share with you that I have been both iside and outside Cambodia. This helps me to open my eyes to see Cambodia from different angles. I know that some of you are outside here. So, if possible, please come down and try to look at the reality that is currently happening. Even most of it is ugly, but it will help you further to position our selves. only then, you can imagine our future better. At the moment, I would say we still have some hope. But that hope depends largely on whether or not Khmers can see our selves clearly and are in the same side. If we unite, we can fight Yuon or whoever try to eat us!!!
I read KY's article with much attention. His vision enlightened me to see the reality happening in Cambodia.
Vietnam planned the stage of power competition for Khmers who are thirst for power. Vietnam will help those who are honest to them to the throne. Hun Sen is a real successful person for Vietnam.
More than this, the new approach of annexing Cambodia of Vietnam is working towards successful like Vietnam is doing in Lao.
Population planting and economic boost are two key strategies of Vietnam to swallow Cambodia.
What vision? Wrong usage. K. Young has no visions for Cambodia, he criticizes dictator Hun Sen's policies and his writing is below average, granting that he has tried to be real intellectuals like Dr. Lao Mong Hai or Dr. Peang.
Khmer people like other people around the globe are too smart this day, they don't need KY to remind them about what has been happening in Cambodia under Hun Sen regime. All they need right this moment is to survive, and they cannot even survive.
Just because many Khmer people are not blabbermouths like K. Young does not mean they are senseless people.
Khmer USA
Khmers or some of you who call yourselves Khmers, when the whole world try to help you and yet you can only see Ah youn the only your ways out, just like trying to hang yourselves and still to be proud of it.you should be ashame to yourselves.
There are four kind of polosick are on this board.
1, Ah Khmers Stopid.
2, Ah Khmers Kboth Cheat.
3, Ah Khmers imposter. (Ah Youn.)
4, The real Khmers who are love Khmers more than their Life.Who feel said or worry when see Khmers
have been robbed or killed by Ah chour youns.
Khmers who can't see the truth, you should not call yourselves Khmer!
Khmer Khet-Keang.
You are in a cathegory (1).
KY got his point that the survival of Cambodia is more than just the food to put into their mouth.
So what else?
- Food of freedom is in need in Cambodia. Hun Sen is not different from Pol Pot because in every speech Hun Sen ranted is full of intimidation and pressure to all weak Cambodian people.
- Bright future which is the hallmark of Mr.Young. I do agree with him that Khmers should not enjoy present contemporary and fake peace and development. Khmers are eagerly looking at the future that has to be free from Vietnam. This is very important. Hun Sen himself has to be aware about this. After his death, he should not allow his life and fame like Chey Chetta II.
From a passer-by
Don't be kidding yourself, but KY needs someone like you to flatter his worthless articles.
If KY has some intelligence he would desire for higher education besides playing with his keyboard while the rest of million Khmers knew what is going on in Cambodia. The readers and the Khmer people are not stupid, they also knew that Cambodia, Laos and KK officially belong to Vietnam on the map made by the French.
K.Y should study the history of Vietnam and understand how Vietnamese were able to free themselves from China who ruled Vietnam for 1000 years if K.Y wants to know the Vietnamese mentalities rather being a pretentious intellectual which he is not. Then study about Thailand and Cambodia, find out when did Viets and Thais ruled Cambodia, especially read the books to udnerstand why Vietnamese are so patriostism and warlike personality. If he does not understand his enemy how can he fight?
Looklike K.Y wants to get rid of Hun Sen and put New Phally, a Vietnamese who has two IDs?
K.Y Vietnamese strategies are going to put new faces when the real old Khmer retire.
Blabbermouth is nothing more than a joker.
1:58 AM,
You are one of those stupid people.
Why is King Sihanouk to be blamed when Youn took Cambodia since middle 16th century and on the French map Cambodia and Loas and KK were officially belong to Youn on the French map? King Sihanouk was not born yet you idiot.
Vietnamese studied about their enemies before they do anything. There are too many books wrote by western authors you can read. One book wrote of Ho Chi Minh disguised himself as a Buddhist Monk and lived in Bangkok, Thailand.
The motivations of Vietnam to expand the territory since after she was freed from China. After thousand years of living under China, the Vietnamese rose, fought against Chinese then they defeated Chinese, and an entire Chinese army was decimated, along too many of their own Vietnamese people when the Vietnamese leaders ordered the Red River dikes broken unleashing a torrent into the valley. The Vietnamese people are known as the most patriots and have the best war strategies against their enemies, they sacrificed their lives for their country, like they sacrificed their lives in Cambodia living among Khmer Rouge to take Cambodia.
And the secret plan by Vietnamese leaders to take western regions may be planned since King Suyavaraman II, who begun to invade Vietnam then failed. Suryavaraman II's foreign campaign were never won, though he was a great builder of most Hindu Temples in his country, Cambodia.
Khmer leaders like Suryavaraman II and the Varaman Kings failed to prepare and protect the country from the future invasions. The Varaman Kings including Jayavaraman VII are to blamed for the destruction of Cambodia. They didn't prepare and teach Khmer people to be prepared for new invasions by new neighbors.
The Vietnamese strategies to take Cambodia, and became Cambodian's saviors were all part of their strategies.
Many Vietnamese who sacrificed their lives along with Cambodians in Cambodia were all the same they did against Chinese. They did it and they killed Pol Pot at the end Pol Pot was to blamed.
stu of astronomy (UVa)
Jayavaraman VII became so famous in Khmer society was that he reformed the governmnet advised by his wives which was great; but he also failed to teach our Khmer people to be prepared for the future calamities. Was his fear of facing the greatest army of Ghingshis Khan that's why Jayavaman VII abandonnend Hindu and embraced Buddhism?
Khmer people were kept in dark and they only taught us to brag about ourselves "Khmers're powerful and warlike personalities with an empire we created". Yes we're powerful but we're spoiled and then stupid.
Sadly our Khmer society collapsed because we were ignorant how to prevent or to fight the enemies.
With those wealth and with all great monuments, why didn't they build a great wall like China or built somethings to protect he country?
Why are we told Varaman Kings were great? We're told to brag about ourselves, but we are so ashamed to know the truth about our ancestors, but the truth can hide no longer, because some nations out there'd kept all the records of all nations.
Next generations received the greatest burden from the Varaman Kings, but there're a few wise men fought to free Khmers like King AngDoung at least from Siam, but some of our Khmers are still extreme ignorant brainwashed by the Youn cursing our own Kings who love the nation as much as them.
Since the middle of 16th century Khmers are never been freed from Youn, do we all know?
It is not Khmers are stupid, it is our past leaders didn't teach us how to learn from our past and how to build or be ready for the future disaster.
They failed us for thousand years and all we have their dead monuments to prove our past empire while every day and night Youn have continued to kill Khmer Krom in Vietnam now Khmers in Cambodia. Youn kill us without a trace and the world applauded Youn including the US, Russia and the same French love to work with them. Check out the FRench embassy in PP, one will find only Youn employees no Khmers..
Khmer Krom in Vietnam are about a little than one million while the more than 20 millions were all burned alive no graves to look for.
Youn live among us, and our people with all mountain educations Khmers have, they trust Youn and work with Youn, either inside or outside Cambodia. We cannot count how many Khmers follow this Youn spy Ly Ngoc Dinh (Diep/Yiep) in LB? Khmers don't know but even they know it was too late or they laughed at their own Khmers and said we are stupid.
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