Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Abhisit blames UNESCO for the worsening of the tensions between Thailand and Cambodia ... not because of Thai greed?

Abhisit hits back over dispute

Sep 29, 2009

BANGKOK - PRIME Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva hit out at his Cambodian counterpart on Tuesday for saying that Thai trespassers would be shot near a disputed temple on their border.

Cambodian premier Hun Sen said on Monday that he had ordered his troops to shoot anyone from neighbouring Thailand who crossed onto land around the 11th century Preah Vihear temple.

Mr Hun Sen's comments came a little over a week after Thai protesters rallied near the ancient temple, the site of clashes that have killed seven soldiers since tensions flared last year.

'Whenever he gives interviews to the foreign media he always has this attitude where he wants to make headlines,' Mr Abhisit told reporters of his opposite number.

He said Mr Hun Sen wanted to 'retaliate' for the Thai protests on September 19. But he insisted that Thailand still wanted to find a 'peaceful' solution to the dispute over the temple through a joint border commission set up by the two countries.

Cambodia and Thailand have been at loggerheads over the land around Preah Vihear for decades, but tensions spilled over into violence last July when the temple was granted UNESCO World Heritage status. The World Court ruled in 1962 that it belonged to Cambodia.

Mr Abhisit said he had raised the issue with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon during the UN General Assembly in New York last week, saying that UNESCO had worsened tensions between Thailand and Cambodia.

He also sought to reassure protesters who rallied at the temple earlier this month and who accused the government of failing to defend its claims over the disputed 4.6 square kilometres of land around Preah Vihear.

'Thai people have nothing to worry about. We will assert our rights,' Mr Abhisit said.

Soldiers from Cambodia and Thailand continue to patrol the area, with the last gunbattle near the temple area in April leaving three people dead. The border between the two countries has never been fully demarcated, in part because it is littered with landmines left over from decades of war in Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

“ …He always has this attitude. ..” my ass. How do you expect Hun Sen to response to you’re your never end greed. You and your gangs always say one thing and do the opposite. Look at your country, who is the boss – the yellow shirt, the military, the parliament, the prime minister, or the King? How can Cambodia negotiate with a country in a politically disfunctional like yours?

Anonymous said...

correction to the above post:

"response to you’re your" should be
"response to your"

Anonymous said...

For those who claim Cambodian land as yours should ask your mothers to go back school to study history again!

Anonymous said...

Yep, blame it all on UNESCO, go-go boy. Now UN knows that Thais are the real trouble makers. Instead solving their domestic problem, they blames Cambodia; and now they blame UNESCO too. What an idiot you are Mr. Abhisit!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia has the rightd to list any of its temple on UNESCO World Heritage status. Its none of the Thai business to say this and that. Also, let history be written about the Thai's cruelty toward the Khmer refugees who escaped the Khmer Rouge killing fields only to be met by the Thais barbaric acts when they dumped thousands of refugee into this land minds infested areas to died.

Anonymous said...

Got to remember this Thai PM used to be an opposition that strongly or extremely cry out for this Preah Vihear Temple issue and the 4.6km2.

Hun Sen must know that this Thai PM is being the one that told the Yellow shirt to storm the Duan Moeung or Suvannaphumi airport.

We must not let this guy rules out the possibility of interfering with our temple.

Don't talk to him HUN SEN, just bring this matter straight to UN.

Anonymous said...

Even UN is not buying Thai's claim!!

"Mr Abhisit said he had raised the issue with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon during the UN General Assembly in New York last week, saying that UNESCO had worsened tensions between Thailand and Cambodia".

How else do they want from Cambodia?
All countries (UN) had already acknowledged that the temple belong to Cambodia.

Shame!! Shame!! Shame!!

Anonymous said...

I'm Thai if Abhisit Vejjajiva failed what he promised to Thai people that he will do whatever to reclaim the Khao Prah Vihan temple people will demand his resignation. And now he had realized that Cambodia is legitimate owner he is looking like a fool that he was convincing Thai people elected him. He had thought he can restore what the previous government duty to reclaim. Like we knew it too that even the pass PM said the temple and the 4.6km2 is belong to Cambodia.

Now he is putting his political career at odd.

Thai Tharmasat University student,

Anonymous said...

Do not blamed UNESCO! you stupid Siamese bastard are greedy, wanted to swallow all khmer lands from day one! Khmer is in 21st century nowaday, so, becareful what you doing...

Anonymous said...

The same thing as Vietnamese Govt bastard...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

11:49 PM,

Now you know that PM Abhisit Avijja/Avijjajiva (dumb/profession-less); is ignorant, regardless of his Oxcart pushing PhD.(not Oxford), greedy and manipulative.

Khao Prah Viharn is the park sitting by the foot of Preah Vihear. It is on your Thai side and has nothing to do or attach to Preah Vihear, the Khmer temple. It's just a name refer to the near by location. Go read yesterday Bangkok Post for their acknowledgement and clarification. So, go ahead negotiate or whatever whith whomever to reclaim your own Khao Prah Viharn park.

Thais want to peacefully negotiate with Khmers to gain more Khmer land. How about Khmers peacefully ask you to walk off ancient Khmer land that you stole, and return it back to khmer?

Khmers cannot manage and enlist the "Khmer temple", Preah Vihear, unilaterally. They have to be done jointly with Thailand. Where the Thais learn all these from? Must be from Oxcart pushing University in Thailand, not Oxford Univ. in England. How about co-chairmanship of everything that Thailand do with Cambodia, including the approval/acknowledgement from Cambodian Government. Or, how about splitting the Thai national income with Cambodia, write a check payable to "the Honorable Government Of Cambodia". This one sounds very good because Thai owe Cambodia rent on the land for at least 600 years. What do we charge land lease in Phnom Penh nowaday? $100, $200, $1,000,... an acre a year?

Anonymous said...

Good one 6:47am!

Anonymous said...

Remembered Thai thief signed with hands and erased with their foots, never ever trusted Thais thief bastard, never!!!!

Anonymous said...

unlike siem thugs, unesco is not ignorant like siem thieves whose only ambition is to steal from cambodia, ok! get your history right and go back to nanchoa province of china already and give back all of old khmer province to cambodia! khmer people want all of our old khmer province you people stole from us during the dark ages back, ok!

Anonymous said...

glad unesco didn't think like siem thugs! at least unesco knows the international law, unlike siem thugs! that's why unesco did not agree with siem thugs! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

go blame yourself, siem thugs. take the pad thugs for example. put them all in jail for violating the international law and for creating problem with cambodia! it's not unesco, it's pad thugs, really!

Anonymous said...

1) Good comment 6:47AM.
2) 11:49AM if you are really Thai do you believe that your right comment would be the strong movement pushing you people to support your comment ("people will demand his resignation")? If it is realiable I would highly appreciate your comment.

Anonymous said...

Ahbulshit is full of BS!!!
Ahbulshit blamed on the UNESCO while American at the UNESCO who helped part Cambodia Preah Vihear to be listed in the UNESCO. But what Ahbulshit doing at the American NY stock exchanged??? Isn't it a Thai thief flip flop character inside Ahbulshit???

Anonymous said...

Abhisit Vejjajiva is using land invasion as a scaped goat because they are going through their political turm oils. So, their government is trying to change the topic by misleading Seim people to focus on other things rather than on him as an incapable Prime Minister and they know it too well that the Temple is belonging to Khmer people but yet they are trying to make trouble to convey the Thai people to focus on something else rather than on him, on the other hand, it is a way of getting their people back on track, like instead of fighting with each why not fight with the Khmer? This is called politic! They are trying to promote love and unity for their own people and stop fighting each other. So, therefore Khmer government needs to learn more about politicians' intention because it could lead into an effective outcome for the whole nation just like Thai government does, so, be smarter my khmer people. Aust

Anonymous said...

6:47am, right on! siem pad thugs is confused with their adjacent park to that of cambodia's prasat preah vihear temple and surround lands! shame on siem pad thugs for not listening to their smart leaders which they helped ousted! shame on siem crooked pad thugs, really! remember, pad thugs are no more than extremists or radical siem thieves and we all know who is behind them, really! this is not the dark ages, really and cambodia not that stupid to see what is going on in siem choatic country. siem can go to hell for a change, now! it's siem's turn to go to hell, soon! bad karma will catch up with them sooner or later, really. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

...UNESCO had worsened tensions between Thailand and Cambodia...

there's nothing to do with UNESCO and Preah Vihear Temple mr. abrey jiva!

by these words u still want Preah Vihear in ya f*ck dirty brain.

Be careful Cambodia!