Thursday, September 17, 2009

Army denies Cambodian teenager killed by Thai military

BANGKOK, Sept 17 (TNA) - A senior Thai Army officer denied a report in a Cambodian newspaper that Thai soldiers shot a Cambodian teenager and burned him alive, saying that the military units along the Thai-Cambodian border denied that such an incident happened.

Lt-Gen Wiboonsak Neephan, commander of the Second Army Region responsible for security affairs along the northeastern border told Thai News Agency that he had inquired every units along Thai-Cambodian border and the officials confirmed that nothing similar to the news report ever occurred and that he did not know why there was such a report in the media.

He affirmed that Thai soldiers would not do such a barbaric act as reported in the Cambodian newspaper and stated he thought that the information could be incorrect.

Gen Wiboonsak affirmed that the Thai-Cambodian Border Peacekeeping Committee is working closely to avoid border disputes and to offer certainty that actions are within the legal framework and agreements.

He added that Thailand and Cambodia had agreement to solve border disputes and the incident should not have happened.

The English-language Phnom Penh Post on Monday quoted Thon Nol, governor of Samrong district in Oddar Meanchey province as saying that a Cambodian teenager named Yon Rith, 16, was arrested and burned alive after Thai armed forces accused him of illegally felling trees.

Another teenager from the same village in Kon Kreal commune, 18-year-old Mao Kleung, was also shot and seriously wounded, he said, but villagers managed to carry him to Cambodian territory, and he is now in an Oddar Meanchey hospital.

Meanwhile, foreign media quoted Cambodian Deputy Foreign Minister Ouch Borith as saying that he had seen evidence proving the incident took place and urged Thailand to investigate what he said was a "brutal and inhumane" act.

Mr Borith said he had seen photographs of the charred body of a boy. He did not provide any evidence Thai soldiers were responsible.

As for the planned rally of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) near the Preah Vihear temple, Gen Wiboonsak said the contested area was dangerous zone and had few accommodations to facilitate the demonstrators.

The PAD “Yellow Shirts” plan to rally at the border province of Si Sa Ket on Saturday to protest against the Cambodian government, urging the Cambodians to withdraw their military and civilians from occupying the 4.6 square kilometre contested zone surrounding the 11th-century temple.

He said the Thai military had provided an area for the protesters to gather and urged the people who joined the rally to demonstrate under the legal framework and to bear in mind safety concerns.

Gen Wiboonsak said he believed the public know about the Thai-Cambodian border disputes and it would depend on cooperation from the public to ease the problems. He added that the public should realise (the importance) oft bilateral relations between Thailand and Cambodia and admitted that the protest may cause difficulty for the border talks.

Meanwhile, a reporter in Si Sa Ket reported that police had set up barricades at Phoomsarol temple in Kantharalak district to block the road to Khao Phra Wihan National Park to inspect vehicles and people who pass the entrance to the park.

The reporter said paramilitary rangers and military personnel from the Suranaree Task Force had also set up barricades with barbed-wire and other obstacles at the Forest Fire Control Unit Office about100 metres from the national park checkpoint and did not allow anyone to enter the park, including media.

Khao Phra Viharn National Park is the Thai gateway to the ancient Preah Vihear Temple.

Twenty PAD members reportedly occupied the border cooperation office near the park checkpoint and security personnel detained them at the office.

In related developments, French news agency Agence France Presse quoted the Cambodian Defence Ministry as saying that Cambodia deployed riot police Thursday at an ancient temple on the disputed border with Thailand where Thai protesters are due to hold a protest at the weekend.

Cambodian defence ministry spokesman Chhum Socheat was quoted saying that 50 police with dogs, batons, and tear gas were deployed at Preah Vihear temple in case the Thai protesters illegally crossed the border to cause problems.


Anonymous said...

Fuck you Ah Thailand you burned Khmer boy, Khmer will after you. You looted the culture, land and other Khmer temples and now you want Preah Vihear Khmer, you can't get it you did other source to hurt Khmer. Fuck you Ah Thai, Ah Thailand. You denied you did not burn alive a Khmer boy.

Ank K man

Anonymous said...

WFA, please enlighten us with facts!

Anonymous said...

Taker take things that not belong.
Hater make people dislike them.
Anger always mad at others people.
Invader take people territories.
Liar always give false information.
Attacker others they don't like.
Never-Ending continous daily basis.
Detonater shoot who not theirs.

Anonymous said...

Their reaction is very much expected! they only know how to.. DENY! DENY! DENY! it's in their blood! yakss... what a shameful nation!


Anonymous said...

I would like to hear from HUN SEN to make some strong ultimatum over this issue.

Anonymous said...

Since the Thais ever admit any of their crimes against humanity?

One day lord buddha will punish this inhuman race. What goes around comes around...

Anonymous said...

Ah Siem is always lie and spint thing around as Ah Hanoi is a thef of Khmer nation.

Khmer soldiers or any person who owns gun should shoot Ah Siem one by one if they step into Khmer territory. After that we denied the same way they denied. Don't let them do whatever they want.

Kill Ah siem citizen if they walk alone in the forest.

Anonymous said...

it's a sign of real reform or real change in cambodia because now we see gov't level is caring for our khmer people. this is a serious allegation. siem are barbaric and must be punished and not allowed this kind of brutality to be committed by siem again. khmer stands up against injustice for our people.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen needs to very patriot about our country. He needs to check himself in front of the mirror to see is he can see things around his surrounding.

We must tell the Thai to find the criminal to face trail.

Anonymous said...

If Thai soldier shot into the air, and how come our people were injured and death at the scene? we had recovered the burned body of the boy at the scene, and Thai army gen. still denied the fact? if khmer people had violated, all Thai has to do is jail them and punish under the law, not shoot and burns people alive?? Thailand is lawless country! and cowards country!

That Thai soldier must bring to justice, by turning the bastard over to cambodian authority...

Anonymous said...

Thailand is cowards with weak army, they only fight with unarms poor people, this is not the first time that Thai black soldier had done to poor khmer people along the border, during 1979 khmer suffer a lot by Thai soldier, i urged our government not to stop press Thai authority to turn in that soldier and punish him under the law...

Friendly neighbors my ass! just shoot and kills the thief as much as you could...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ah kapeek, don't lie. you are lucky that you are dealing with current dump cambodian government. if this is the khmer rouge government, they will blow your kapeek ass all the way back to south of china. i have never forgotten the actions your cruel armies did to my people during 1979 a long thai khmer border. let me refresh your kapeek people memory. the man in his fourty was burried alive, a 13 years old girl was gang raped in the day light( she was left to death in the bush), a group of teenage girls were also gangs raped by the thai army. your army personel was pointing gun at the victim while the other took turn to rape. that was happened a few day apart. can you imagine years of suffering life of khmer people a long the border. don't deny your action. it really happenned. you all claim to be budhist, but your actions are animal.

Anonymous said...

Listen up Ah fucking Thailand:

In 1431, you invaded Khmer territory (Camboja) and looted all Khmer treasure, Preah Kor where the Khmer document kept in its belly. You invaded Camboja three times, you took couple of provinces then we claim back by the French colonized and you tell your people that Khmer took your land. We, Khmer never forget the ancient history. Khmer had a great empire ruled all South East Asia and now present day Thailand and Lao. You twisted the history… you mad and jealous of Cambojian. You killed and burned Khmer boy, we all Cambojian never forget. Man….I wish ALL Khmer stop buying Thai products.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cambodia should given Thailand a WAR! because they way Thailand is doing right now is not friendly neighbors, like they promise to live peacefully with cambodia, Thailand is force us to starting WAR!!!! Khmer is not afraid to go to war with Thai pussy army....

Anonymous said...

If Thai soldier kept shooting and killing our people like this, Khmer should go to WAR with Thailand, we has no choice!! remembered poor khmer people only looking for work, if they violated, just jail them or something! not killed and burns them alive?? i think our government should given Thailand a WAR!! if they really wanted it so bad...

Anonymous said...

By refuse to turns in that Thai soldier, and denied and lied about the fact, thailand is asking for WAR!! Thai army commander gen. is help lying, denying the fact! this is not the first time that had done to a poor and unarms khmer people...who just look for works!

Anonymous said...

យកនឹងអត់ទោសបានឡើយ ចំពោះការបដិសេធ
មិនទទួលខុសត្រូវរបស់មេដឹកនាំទាហ៌ានថៃ រូបនេះ
ព្រោះពលរដ្ឋថៃគ្រប់រូបគេហៅនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្ដីខ្មែរថាជាអ្នក ខឋាន ប្រែថាអ្នក សុំទាន។ជាពិសែសទៅ

Anonymous said...

Khmer army leader should not trust Thailand at all, when they promise to live peacefully as a good neighbors, all fighting errupted alawy started from Thai soldier side, if someone used to lived in refugee camp, you should know how our people were treated, our people were beaten and dragging behind pickup truck like animals and left to death on the street, there's no such thing friendly neighbors...

Anonymous said...

Another thing that Thai villager/Thai soldier had done to Khmer refugees people is, they sold khmer their products, and after that they robbs khmer and re-sell that products, they kept repeated the same thing all day to other, i used to thank khmer rouge soldier that help save my life and other 50 people that time, khmer rouge help guide, guard all of us back to K.I.D Camp safety...

Anonymous said...

No more game for them and don't talk to them. Just burned them alive see how they feel and we going kill them all nowadays.

Anonymous said...

khmer should barbecue ah siem alive, then denied, too, to see how they feel!

Anonymous said...

I wish this Thai army gen got killed instead of other, during fighting errupted, stupid oldfuck is lying his ass up...

Anonymous said...

Thai armies are ultranationalist and cruel, especially to the civilians. many refugees were shot and abused by the armies.

they accused cambodians for escaping from own country, denying the fact that killing of cambodians was perpetrated by own people with abusive power and had still continued,led them to fearful circumstances they no longer trusted own govt.

Dangraek mountain tragedy that involved in dumping cambodian refugees into minefield, and there were plenty of casualties and lost of lives. these illustrated that hatred are always in their soul, and hatred is considered as SIN in buddhism.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

3:04 PM,

You are shortsighted as to blame Thai alone for mistreatment committed by the Thai to the Khmer refugees in 1980's. There were Khmers who killed Khmers that caused Khmers to run to other country. In fact, Khmers are more crual than Thai, otherwise we would not risk our lives running away from Khmers across mine fields to Thailand knowing for fact the Thai are also crual. The choice of such action implied that among the very crual and light crual we chose the light crual.