Friday, September 25, 2009

Border snarl up as Cambodians demand truck payment

September 25, 2009
The Nation

Border snarl up as Cambodians demand truck payment

With no explanation, Cambodian customs officials in Poi Pet have stopped allowing Thai trucks to pass beyond their boundary by just presenting a copy of the truck registration book.

Customs officials there yesterday demanded that the drivers present the original truck registration book and submit a security sum of US$5,000 (Bt167,750) each.

Although the procedures are in line with customs regulations, they have long been relaxed.

For years, trucks from Thai soil could move past the Poi Pet checkpoint by just presenting a copy of the truck registration book.

When the procedures suddenly changed, more than 150 trucks got stuck in front of the Baan Klong Luek permanent checkpoint in Sa Kaeo's Aranyaprathet district on the Thai side.

The tailback stretched back as far as 500 meters since 9 am yesterday, paralysing traffic in nearby areas.

The trucks were supposed to deliver products to Cambodia.

"We have no way to find money to post the $5,000 security sum," a truck driver complained.

Cambodia-Thailand Border Coordination Office official Leem Tek of reportedly told the drivers that some Cambodian customs officials took the move because they were unhappy with Thai officials.

"They drove to Thailand but were asked to present some documents. Upset with the treatment, they have decided to stop being lenient with Thai trucks," Leem Tek said.

Asked why the Cambodian customs officials did not inform the truck drivers in advance, he refused to give any answer and retreated to the Cambodian side.

However, at 12.30pm, Cambodian customs officials agreed to let the trucks pass the Poi Pet checkpoint with just a copy of the truck registration book for one day only.

Although the decision quickly eased traffic congestion in front of the Ban Klong Luek checkpoint yesterday, it raised concern among the drivers about what was to come the next day.


Anonymous said...

Wow, is Cambodian this rich? They charge $5000.00 for each truck trailer? No wonder, nobody want to do business with this government.

Anonymous said...

If they take half of that $5000 I'd agree with it.

But $5000 is way expensive than the USA.

Anonymous said...

If that is the customs regulations, charging $5,000 and reguirement of registration is properly operated by the custom officers. May be this is the first sign of ending curruption. Will see.

Anonymous said...

I am happyyyyyy to hear that Cambodian custom offiers did this because Thai authority also ask all Cambodian tourists to pay security deposit 500$ for just visiting thailand regardless of thai visa was granted. I am sad to hear that at last,Cambodian custom officers let them in. Enough is enough !

Anonymous said...

Your Fools above! Read till you understand fefore you commented!

$,5000 not for charge but for security deposit!

Anonymous said...

Stupid Khmer. They do things not thinking about it. I'm Khmer too, but this isn't right. You can't just set up a new requirement one morning and expect drivers to come up with $5000K. It should go through approval from politicians, not the fucking dumb folks at the border.

Anonymous said...

For the safety of Cambodian people and Cambodia, the $5000.00 dollars security deposity mean nothing! What if these Siem truckers run over Cambodian people and cause damage to personal property and who the fuck is going to pay for it? Even the fucken roads needs to be repaired so that these Siem truckers can drive on it. What if the Siem truckers decided to use the trucks as a weapon and loaded it with explosive to blow up Cambodia?

As far as I am concerned any Siem truckers use Khmer roads and they must pay! And whatever the Siem bastards demand of the Khmer people to do when entering their country and the Khmer officials entitle to do the same! What the Khmer officials are doing here is just a small token for the respect of Cambodian people!

Don't forget that the Siem bastards are still at war with Cambodian people!

Anonymous said...

4;06 AM

Top politicians have taken more money than you think, unless you always have some share from them.
You have been an idiot for so long, thing is changing now.
What a laugh! waiting an approval from corrupt top officials,stupid clown.


Anonymous said...

The Cambodian Custom should not allow Thai truck driver to drive in Cambodia, because in Thailand they drive on the left side of the street and in Cambodia, we drive on the right side of the street.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 5:08AM!

The rule of the road is different from country to country! The fact that Thailand is still at war with Cambodia and these Siem truckers could be part of Siem military reconnaissance! These siem truckers must not allow to come into Cambodia!

The solution is to create a warehouse or a drop off point in a neutral zone or a white zone where Cambodian truckers can pick the load and move it to Cambodian side! This way more jobs will be created for Cambodian truckers and give some peace of mind to Cambodian population as a whole!

Is there any Cambodian truckers dare to enter Thailand? Not! And why the Siem truckers should have more right to enter Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

The Cambodians can set up a pay toll on the road. Then they can use the money later to fix the roads.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Very good idea and a good point! If our idiots governments this smart our people and country would be peaceful...

Anonymous said...

fucking siem charged 16 khmer for they claimed logging in their soil. that aren't right!

Anonymous said...

You are motherfucker just known how to complan,but you fucker never
do anything for people bitch.If Khmer people known your motherfucker wrote these comment down they won't let you write motherfucker.I told all Khmer people go in Ki-Media and they gonna fuck you up motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agreed with the officers customs but don't forget on the other side, the vietnamese get in our motherland freely, so we should do any thing as well. Now they try to teach vietnamese language to the khmer deputies and soon they will order the school do so. How can we stop it ? Wake up, wake up Bang Pa-onn Khmer !!! Help our lovely coutry,

khmer in france

Bang Rajan said...

I know that they are following procedures. But they were allowing the truckers to pass by everyday and suddenly they requested for $5000. Come on, just use some brains. I dont think that the truckers have that much. At the end of the day, the truckers still managed to go through. Well, Thais go into Cambodia to make business and Khmers come to Thailand to make prostitution. Come on Thailand, we are on the right side and we should not give up to the Khmers. They dont deserve our Phra Viharn. Song Phra Jaroen!!!!