Thursday, September 17, 2009

Brothers decline to complain about biting chief monk

Monk Kiet Chan Thouch (Photo: DAP news)

Sep 17, 2009

Phnom Penh - Monks at a leading pagoda in southern Cambodia have decided not to file a complaint against their chief monk after accusing him of attacking and biting them last weekend, local media reported.

Monks at Wat Leu in Preah Sihanouk province said head monk Kiet Chan Thouch had attacked them in a drunken tirade.

One monk at the temple told the Phnom Penh Post newspaper that he feared for his safety if he complained.

'[The chief monk] regards himself as king of monks in this province, and he is not afraid of authority,' said clergyman Mao Sam Oeun. 'If I complain, I will die.'

The assault allegations were backed up by another monk at the temple, 76-year-old Koa Suon, who said Kiet Chan Thouch bit and threatened him. But he too refused to complain, saying the principles of monkhood preclude anger at others.

The chief monk declined to comment when asked by the newspaper about the accusations, saying only that he did not want 'to be vindictive.'

A provincial official at the Ministry of Religion told the newspaper that the chief monk had denied the allegations. The official said he was now waiting for the victims to file a formal complaint.

'If they do not complain, we don't know what we can do because we have [investigated] and cannot find any evidence,' the official said.


Anonymous said...

Those fucking king of monk(ey)s are not abide by the law of religion... some of them sing karaoke and have sex with girl at night...

Anonymous said...

anyone knows his email? I wanna send this monk a playmate site to him i.m sure he wants to jerk off! or perhaps rape another white woman just like one young monk did in phnom sam peou.

Islam man.

Anonymous said...

He's the monk of my interest!


Anonymous said...


"Mneal Avisor euy ri neak bam-phlang Sasna Toathakut,kmean neakna leuy kraov pi kaun chao Toathakut."

Anonymous said...


baabkamm! baabkamm!

Anonymous said...

Bite like dog

Anonymous said...

~The Ten Commandments~

1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not make unto these any graven image.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4. Remember the subbath to keep it holy.
5. Honour thy father and they mother.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10. Thou shalt not covet.

God bless Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

From look at the picture shown, his face and smile are devil expression hidding behind the bald head and yellow robe.
And your action brought me to say this word. YOU ARE A MONK-EY.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen must condemn this monkey monk!

He is looking with guilty already.

This monk is drunken monk!!

Anonymous said...

What do he wear over the yello rob?

Evil decoration?

Anonymous said...

Master Monk Fu will be held in Phnom Penh this weekend to raise fund for Monk Fu to stay sober. There will be variety of shaolin drunken master show. Please do not miss this opportunity once a year folk.

Your donation will be appreciated.
Those fund are for these individual monk to attend one these meeting: AA (alcohol analysis) AM (anger management) SE (sex education).

sattu, sattu

Anonymous said...

Monks got drunk and fighting and biting.Oh man.What can we do? .Now it's almost PHCHUM BEN.But hey,monk is human,and human got PISS.

Anonymous said...

who said he is drunkard monk...ey?? he just drink traditional medicine wine, a little over dose to treat his stomach upset like some others monk used modern medicine to cure their pain after surgery or headache which these medication contain codein help to kill the pain and cause addicted as opium.Sometime, it is used to make cocaine, also. But in the case of the monk above, since he is a master he might use remi martin or hennessy to make his medication effective and taste better since Cambodian traditional medicine contain a lot of Bondol Pech.

Sick Furthermore

khmer ordinary said...

Do you know Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggart? What did these two pastors do?

The word GOD formerly refers to the supreme being which is invisible. The existsence of Jesus Christ is about 545 years after the Buddha.

Buddhist monks are ordinary human beings; your Christian pastors are also ordynaly human beings. Both commit bab sometimes. We respect the good; we disrepect the bad.

I told you once before: People write books. Books do not exist by themselves. Some ideas are universally correct. They don't need to be Buddhism, Christianity, or Islamism. If some ideas of the later mean the same or very similar to those of the former, then the later copied the former.

Here is what Asoka, the Indian King 200 years after the Buddha, said, "One should not honour only one's own religion and condemn the religions of others, but one should honour the others' religions for this or that reason. So doing, one helps one's own religion to grow and render service to the religions of others too. In acting otherwise one dig the grave of one's own religion and also does harm to others' religions. Whosoever honours his own religion and condemns others' religions does so indeed through devotion to his own religion, thinking I will glorify my own religion. But in contrary, in so doing he injures his own religion more gravely."

If one is good from within, one has no need to bring rice and rice-pot to go looking for another god.

Anonymous said...

11:59 PM Absolutely outstanding!

Remi Martin, Johnny Walker, nor Hennessy X-O I want to join him.

Anonymous said...

លោកសង្ឃ គៀត ចន្ទ័ធុច ផឹកសុរាខុសច្បាប់ វិន័យ តើលោក ទេព វង្ស មានផែនការដោះស្រាយយ៉ាងណា? លោកវង្សឯងត្រូវតែដោះស្រាយ មិនដោះស្រាយទេ មានន័យថា បក្សពួកតែមួយ។

Anonymous said...

Just take a close look at this fucken drunkard monk face! this is the corrupted monk that people kept sending the money to feed him...

Anonymous said...

Yeay Chee, Ta ah char, and the rest of khmer oversea kept sending the money to feed these drunkard monks, drank expensive concac Henessey, ridding luxury car lexus, Tv to watch porns at night, had sex with young vietnamese girls inside the dome...what's happend to our religions? and cultural...?

Anonymous said...

Because of Hun Sen lawless rules.
He is the one showing an example to our Khmer citizens. Every time he had a speech and have to smoke clipping his lip. His head would bend side way thinking, afterward he (sigh) what am I going to drink after this speech tonight? He has numerous of items in his villa you name them. If his wife murmur too much he would join this drunken monk master.

Anonymous said...

11;59 and 12;19 I agree with u I will join too.

Anonymous said...

8:13 AM I'm all in!

Anonymous said...

This fucken monk really drunkard, just look at his face...

Anonymous said...

Look at him. He is also a little fat. He must have a good time with free food and drink.

What a useless piece of shit!