Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Cambodia provides land for retired armed forces: PM

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Monday the government will provide land for families of retired armed forces including military police, police, and soldiers for planting agricultural corps.

"It will be a big system of social safety and welfare for retired armed forces and we want to transfer the non production forces to the production forces because they have land for planting agricultural crops to survive as pension," he said at the ceremony of releasing the final result of 2008 population census.

"With the land, those armed forces will not be fallen into poor after they retired from the positions," he said, adding that we need at least 30,000 or 40,000 hectares of land for those armed forces.

"Those plots of lands will come from the economic concession land which private side did not follow the contract and were taken back by government to be transferred into social concession land for armed forces," Hun Sen said, adding that Ministry of Economy and Finance will organize the project with the legal regulations.

Khieu Kanarith, government spokesman and information minister said that the retired armed forces will not be allowed to sell, transfer or rented those land but they have to plant agricultural crops for their living conditions.

The soldier families will get a plot of land about a hectare or two hectares.


Anonymous said...

What about cleans/running water and electricity for the people in the rural area dumbfuck..?

Anonymous said...

Cambodian government should offer a subsidy to the poors in the rural area, so people have cleans water and afordable electricity for their needed...

Anonymous said...

Dreams on fool! there's corrupted provincial gov'ts all over entire country, especially Battambang province, people in the suburbs area don't have enough water, they're depending on rains water, you have to pay the corrupted provincial official for waters...

Srok Ek Phnom residents...

Anonymous said...

It's funny how nothing good the Cambodian government does can be seen good to you pussies.

May I ask what have you done yourself to help the country, huh?, ah fuckers that talk like you're built Angkor but never spent a goddamn penny to help. People like you deserve to have your mouths sew shut because the less of you talk, the more peaceful it gets everywhere you bitches start bitching.

Anonymous said...

thank you for taking care of our veterans, cambodia. yes, gov't assistance don't necessarily have to be in monetary form, it could be given land titlement to live and provide other types of assistance like building roadways, irrigation canal for grow crops, etc... i think it's better to teach people how to fish than just giving them fish, you see my point! please don't keep cambodia isolated any longer, give more veterans lands along to border areas, not only it acts as a deterrance for greedy neighbors to steal our lands, veterans and soldiers can still help to protect our border lands by living and owning lands there. think about it. give people a boost to get started, then they will benefit the country in return, really. one has to think in long terms benefit to the entire nation of cambodia. wake up, cambodia! god bless cambodia.