Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cambodia seeks re-arrests

Sep 17, 2009

PHNOM PENH - THE Cambodian government has asked judicial authorities to re-arrest 270 criminal suspects who have been released by courts around the country, according to a letter seen by AFP on Thursday.

The government cabinet letter dated September 11 requested the Supreme Council of the Magistracy's disciplinary body to 'investigate irregular cases committed by judges and prosecutors'.

'The release of 270 (suspects) in criminal cases is a subject the disciplinary council must clearly examine and investigate to have (them) charged and re-arrested,' said the letter.

The letter went on to ask Cambodia's ministry of justice to inform courts around the country to severely punish those who repeatedly commit crimes.

Cambodia has been trying to reform its judicial system, but activists accuse court officials of being widely corrupt.


Anonymous said...

Whatever.... as long Hun Sen still in power there will never be true judicial system. This is only an act, pretend to take action for justice becasue that corrupted system has reached internationally. Especially to U.S.

In my opinion of knowing how Cambodin government is, only the poor pitty criminal will get effect by this fake actions. The rich and the high rank government officals will and still live above the law.

Everyone agree/disagree?

Anonymous said...

...this may include MEE Mu Sochua also.

ANK K man

Anonymous said...

Everyone agree/disagree?

9:44 PM

Very very good point!

son of a farmer said...

Me kinda agree with ANK K Boy, if ye spiritually, mentally, psychologically, or poliSickally oppose Samdech Hun SenVarman, ye art undeniably the criminal of CPP, therefore I am precisely a criminal, two!

Anonymous said...

Arrest the drunken monk!!!

Anonymous said...

also arrest HochiMonk Tep Vong

Anonymous said...

Re-arrest Suspected criminal who have been released by courts!

Are Ah Hun Xen want to extorte more money from people or some kind of thread that say he can arest people at any time?

WHAT a bout of those corrupted judges? (270 cases?) are they not arrested for corruption or helping the criminal free?

What the fuck with your PhD ah Kwack?

Anonymous said...

9:44 PM

True justice? lol what a noob. There is no true justice or truth for that matter. It's all subjective. That is why you have diversity among mankind. Learn that, junior.

Anonymous said...

2:06Am don't be an evil! there is good and bad except your mother is a dog!

Anonymous said...

Please also arrest illegal vietnamese too if your government is not currupted. LOL

Anonymous said...

Do you say PhD from Hanoi do not understand what is right from wrong?

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

The Cambodia government are reforming the judicial system by allowing three Ministry such as Interior, justice, defense to examine , evaluate, analysis the case. There are very good opportunity for me to serve Cambodian People as Secretary of State for Ministry of Interior.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

good luck 3:16! make sure your cleage not harm you out of jealosy!

Anonymous said...

New Phally is a self promoted idiot. don't know right from wrong.

Anonymous said...

" I " now pronounce to the world that New Phally is a " jackAss " . LOL

Anonymous said...

"I" now pronounce to the world that Hun Xen is a "GoatAss" too! LOL