Monday, September 21, 2009

Cambodian King returns home from China

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 20 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni returned home on Sunday from Beijing, China.

Cambodian Senate President Chea Sim, Prime Minister Hun Sen and other government officials, and royal family members as well as Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Zhang Jinfeng welcomed King Sihamoni at the Phnom Penh International Airport.

Sihamoni, along with former King Norodom Sihanouk and former Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk, left for Beijing on Sept. 3 for his father's medical checkup.

During his stay in China, Sihamoni met with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping on Sept. 16.

Sihamoni was crowned King in 2004 from his father Norodom Sihanouk who had maintained close relations with China.


Anonymous said...

Who care about this stupid king. He's the one destroy Cambodia and it people. He is dying, let him be judge by god. He deserve to go to countless level of hell.

Anonymous said...

For ting mong king ..That's all he can do ...his ass back and forth to china...rubber stamp king is useless...waste of national budget! xihanouk can only produce the offspring like ah rith, ah muni, ah pung etc.. etc... to be a burden of our beloved country cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

Siam bandit 12:48 AM, tell your disease king Bhumibol with syndrome malignant cancer to stop committed crimes against humanities, he should allow Siam people thieve to acknowledge fact in history.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

New Phally only tries to do his job with his swollen ass banged by the King.

Good Luck

Anonymous said...

12:48Am and 1:06Am.
Are you for real?
A few of you don't care but million of my Khmers inside Cambodia and outside Cambodia care.
FYI, you are not having anything to solve besides barking like dogs.
This Khmer King keeps China as a good friend of Cambodia in the time China is powerful nation means he is a real deal while you are just creatures below the trash.
If you are Khmers' enemy we are familiar this kid of satire from the eastern of Cambodia; and you know whom I referred to.

Anonymous said...

I meant 'If you are Khmers' enemy we are familiar with this kind of satire from the eastern of Cambodia; and you know whom I referred to.'
Correct' 2:05Am

Anonymous said...

If these posters 12:48 AM,1:06 AM and 1:41 AM are Vietnamese, they are interested only to divide Khmers; but if they are Khmers, they are psychopaths. Don't expect these below trash like 12:48 AM,1:06 AM and 1:41 AM would udnerstand the cold war.

Anonymous said...

2 215 574 innocent khmer Ghosts have come during Pchhum Ben,finding something to eat but PD was absent.

Anonymous said...

Ah Gnorp Sihanouk ! Ah Sihanouk !Ah Choy his mother ! Ah Sihanouk ! Ah leuth khdeth Mi Monique ! Ah Sihanouk! ah Khbâth cheat khmer ! Ah Sihanouk ! Ah Ban yôk dey Kampuchea Krom tov lôk ôy Yuon. Ah Sihanouk ! Ah Khnhom Yuon ! Ah Sihanouk ! Ah Beam Khdâr Ah khvak Khmer krâhâm. Ah Sihanouk,
Ah Èng nis Thauk teap nas !
PiAnh Father of CPP and PPU !

Anonymous said...

Ah PD come back! his servant(Male of course) ready to bang him in the butt in the P#lace.

Anonymous said...

Who is jumkourt 2;32am again?
Not ah youn jumkourt Ly Ngoc dinh and his student Hin Sithan KR or some psychopaths, aren't they?
These psychopaths are nothing more than creature below trash.

Anonymous said...

Another chapter of the low life people like 2;34am barking.

Anonymous said...

Pi Agnh Ah runtass bangh 2:36AM ,dék cham lit teuk kdor Ah Tmil Sihanouk.
Ah Gnorp Sihanouk ! Ah Sihanouk !Ah Choy his mother ! Ah Sihanouk ! Ah leuth khdeth Mi Monique ! Ah Sihanouk! ah Khbâth cheat khmer ! Ah Sihanouk ! Ah Ban yôk dey Kampuchea Krom tov lôk ôy Yuon. Ah Sihanouk ! Ah Khnhom Yuon ! Ah Sihanouk ! Ah Beam Khdâr Ah khvak Khmer krâhâm. Ah Sihanouk,
Ah Èng nis Thauk teap nas !
PiAnh Father of CPP and PPU !

Anonymous said...

Yes I can understand what you mean Khmerrr

Anonymous said...

what a joke for some of you who believe the existence of ah ting mong is the khmer unity! Ah trah ngaul just PD in the place and makes you think khmer unification!

Anonymous said...

PM Hun Sen is not stupid! everyone has it's own agenda! in front they kow tow to Sihamoni, inside of each of them and that goes to Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, the Vietnamese, they all know that they could make or break this king anytime, so wait until Sihanouk dies and the monarchy will be gone.... after all what is it for? as all of you said it's useless.

Anonymous said...

And what is your definition of unification 2:56 Am and 4:26Am?
Are you Buddhist or an atheist?
Are you Vietnamese or Thai or ??

Anonymous said...

4:26 AM,
If you are so smart in the world politics, then why are you here barking? You should be one of the people who can help to make decisions to help the nation.

And 2:56 AM,
Who are you fighting with online? Certainly not with the King. He is Khmer King and you are just a low class below trash. You are
fighting for Rainsy and Mu Sochua?
A few of your thugs are barking online will do SRP no good. Your low class fighting won't help them but destroy them.

Anonymous said...

To 4:30 AM

Definition of unification is Marriage of convenience while Sihanouk is alive.

Buddhist or Atheist: Buddhist, Christian and "Realist"

Vietnamese or Thai: None of them but I am a Cambodian at heart who like most Cambodians nationalist can see further than the end of their noses.

Anything else?

Anonymous said...

So what is marriage of convinience while Sihanouk alive?

You cannot identify yourself as you are a Buddhist or Atheist or else. Is it because you are afraid of your religion background could hurt your preaching?

I am not sure what is exactly a Cambodian nationalist. Are you a nationalist like a group of extremist PAD or a nationalist online?

Anonymous said...

To 4:47 from 4:26

I am not fighting on line but I just shared my humble opinion with everyone and there are certainly others intellectual Cambodians that can help Cambodia including Sam Rainsy and his party along with Cambodian who lived overseas but because of Hun Sen cheated the election or else we might be able to chip in? and about the royal family of Cambodia, it's a joke, I went to school with most of them! another if I am a class below thrash, they are it inspecteur clouseau?

Anonymous said...

It is OK you don't want to reveal your faith but it is not OK to claim that you are a nationalist like some of those nationalist Cambodians you claimed they are.
There are the kind of nationalists. The ones who wrecked the nation like PAD, and there are nationalists who learned to adopt or adapt with the problems occured surrounding the nation.
If you can read the minds of those people you went to school with, you would have not been here barking online, you would be part of the system to help to solve the problems not part of the barkers.

Anonymous said...

To 5:02 from 4:26

Read my lines again concerning my religion, it's there after the semi column.

Mariage de convenience: because Sihanouk can deliver a "Coup de Grace" by dementi to the whole world regarding who's running the country currently, who's behind the killing fields, etc...etc....and as I advocate in the past that Sihanouk can leave a good name for himself and for the Cambodian monarchy if only he tells the truth to the world, a man with his influence and prestige! but he chose not to in exchange for his son to become the current king etc....etc....

Sam Raingsy is courteous to the King and to Sihanouk as well but as a courtesy not as a mariage de convenience but he knows deep down that anything can happen once Sihanouk pass away.

and that is the big picture, my friend.

In case you want to know my nom de guerre: Defend & Resist

Anonymous said...

To 5:24

I don't think you are keen enough, you need to pay attention to my lines everything is there including why I could not go back to Cambodia to help as most of others Cambodians overseas -

Read my comments at 5:10 and hopefuly you decipher the answer to your questions

Anonymous said...

fuck your mouth! Don't fuck with my king motherfucker.If you are not Khmer people don't fuck with my king ok asshole.i know you are always fuck with your mom and your sister,I believe you are motherfucker never care about your relative.

Anonymous said...

5:10 AM,
No true Cambodian Nationalists by nature would try to be part of the bashers. Those true nationalists are the people who are trying to work to solve the problems in Cambodia either they are with Rainsy's party or in CPP's party.

The bashers have never tasted of the real nationalists have been struggled, but they only know one thing is how to trash others.

Anonymous said...

From 5:10

Read my lines/lips over and you will find out which party I am leaning on! whereas 5:46 you need to go practice your french elsewhere maybe in Hanoi?

Anonymous said...

5:46am you are the one who bang the king everynite! that's why you called him my king and besides your old king is the real motherfucxker and ask ah sdach TA chkuot robos ah eing teuv ...he will tell you how to fuck your mother ...ah dang keuv ach robos puok ah sdach ach!

Anonymous said...


Yes I read all about it.
I am never bragging I'm keen, I go after you because of you wrote a lot of bragging about yourself.
Are you accusing King Sihanouk of killing his own people? What did you advocate in the past? What kind of your advocacy with respect to King Sihanouk's strategies siding with China?
You spoke for Sam Rainsy. Are you Rainsy yourself?

Anonymous said...

You can add me to your "A class below trash" list.
What is a f**king king without power?
Why is he still breathing? He should be dead already. WTF!
To KI-Media, please discontinue your posting of this useless/powerless dethrone king's condition or his whereabouts. Your next posting would be "The dethrone king is dead" followed by Horay! Horay!

Anonymous said...

5:55 AM,
I wrote English not French, but you are falling too fast to trash.

Anonymous said...

The King of Cambodia only reigns not rules. He is just a symbol of a nation. Are you desiring that the King of Cambodia should be an abosolute King like in Thailand?

Anonymous said...

6:08 We all waiting just like you to see that headline! everybody can't wait to see this stupid king gone to hell!

Anonymous said...

How many "We" in your extreme groups? I just checked about 40 visitors, certainly not all of these 41.

Anonymous said...

to 6:08

I am not as educated or as clean as Mr. Sam Rainsy and I never bragged about myself au contraire, I give credit to countless of Cambodians (Khmer Kampuchea Krom included)

I didn't thrash Sihanouk but like others Cambodians intellectual, they know the truth.

I don't blame China or Vietnam as much as much as I blamed our leaders in the past or present or future? who is incompetent or has no conscience?

Anonymous said...

5:30AM whote
""Read my lines again concerning my religion, it's there after the semi column.

Mariage de convenience: because Sihanouk can deliver a "Coup de Grace" by dementi to the whole world regarding who's running the country currently, who's behind the killing fields, etc...etc....and as I advocate in the past that Sihanouk can leave a good name for himself and for the Cambodian monarchy if only he tells the truth to the world, a man with his influence and prestige! but he chose not to in exchange for his son to become the current king etc....etc....

Sam Raingsy is courteous to the King and to Sihanouk as well but as a courtesy not as a mariage de convenience but he knows deep down that anything can happen once Sihanouk pass away.

and that is the big picture, my friend.

In case you want to know my nom de guerre: Defend & Resist""

If this poster 5:30AM is Rainsy or his wife Saumura, for example, they are not WEAK and BAD politicians.

Anonymous said...

He can't do either one. Thank God for that.
Khmer people die and suffer enough during his reigns of terror. He should speed up his passing very soon, so the Cambodian people can be a peace.
6:14, let us all celebrates when this time come. Lol!

Anonymous said...

To 6:28
comments at 5:30 is from me starting since 4:26 a.m. and I am not Mr. Rainsy or Mrs Saumura

Anonymous said...

For Ah Pleu 5:46 AM. You must read these phrases below for know the real history of royal members :
1/- Norodom Sothearot fuck with his sister Norodom Phagnagnam.
2/- Norodom Yukanthor fuck with his sister Norodom Malika.
These 4 persons are issu from the same father and the same mother who are the King Norodom, and his wife, Khun Cham Iem Bosseba :1840-1925.
3/- Le prince Phoumarin fuch with his sister Thnâm Vong.They are the Grand-Parents of Prince Sisowath Yutheavong.
4/- Norodom Sihanouk fuch with his two Tantes named Princesse Daung and Princesse Maûng.
Ah Pleu 5:46 AM ! Do you understand this real history ? Ah Pleu 5:46 AM ?
Pi Anh Father of CPP and PPU !

Anonymous said...

6:25 AM,
How many of those intellectuals you claimed to know who knew the truth? And what're the truth? From books by few writers?

Do you believe me that there Khmer Krom whose parents Vietnamese-Khmers don't want anything to do with Khmers and some are like parasites?

You said you don't blame Vietnam or China for a weak and small Cambodia who's abused by the powerful neighbors, but you rather blamed the Khmer leaders in the past, present and or future who has no concience.

Started from the past history during which Kings? and who will be the future leaders of Cambodia you have in mind?

Do you know King Suryavaraman II attacked Vietnam more than one time but failed? Why did he attack Vietnam? My opinion he wanted to protect Cambodia from future troubles by the Vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

Correct' my post 6;27am.
If this poster 5:30AM is Rainsy or his wife Saumura, for example, they are WEAK and BAD politicians.

Anonymous said...

6:39 am,
Do you believe that decent people would read your trash and would give weight for that trash? The minute they read the first line, they already made up their minds that you are a real sick in the head.

Irrational poster like you don't expect to get your messagea cross.

Anonymous said...

6:39 Bravo! That's what we called Knowledgeable person who knows the Fact'''the whole day the khmer Royal can think of is fuck fuck and as a result they screw their own blood ...this INCEST is very shameful!

Anonymous said...

Correction to 6:45 am.
Irrational poster like you don't expect to get your message across.

Anonymous said...

everybody read 6:39 comments and agreed about ah sdach Ta's incest and we all knew that! we have no respect to this Animals...

Anonymous said...

6:39AM and 6:47 AM,
About human incest issue.
Do you know for a fact that your family members never done the incest? Incest is part of human behaviors and in Buddhism is part of Karma. It has happened since in the past until today in everywhere one earth.
Don't call for it because Karma will hit you and your family member like a lightening.

Anonymous said...

Karma is not prejudice against royal family in the world or commoners either. Our life this life is carried from our past life according to the Buddha's teachings. Humans are having Karma, and you won't want to share with us if you fuck your own son or daughter. To me who is a Buddhist, I put it as bad karma from the past life.

Anonymous said...

Now You Admitted you have INCEST like Ah Sdach TA...We know now why you believed in him and Bow your head under his foot and plug the PD king! Haha...ciao! Adieu this is my last post, I have no time to communicate with the Animal like you!

Anonymous said...

You are too evil. I wrote according what I read from Lord Buddha's teachings called Karma. It is not a confession.
You are cursed by your own bad Karma, and your family members will someday face this incest problems.

Anonymous said...

And what do you call yourself 7:00am going around cursing posters? You are an animal and absolute evil, trash below trash.

Anonymous said...

To 6:39
I said that I don't blame China or Vietnam as much due to most KHMERS know the history of Vietnam and Thailand in the past and our kings went to ask for help either Vietnam or Thailand, in order to remain or in order to win the throne and in exchange our neighbors devours us little by little and now we have Samdech Hun Sen who's not from Royal blood but he's the same as he let the Vietnamese people immigrate to Cambodia at will? I don't need to go further, you all know the rest of the story and that is why I said I blame the leaders more despite history shown. talk to you again in 5 hours

Anonymous said...

Blaming can't solve the problems. Hun Sen was in power because of the Vietnamese, so why not blaming the Vietnamese? I blame the Vietnamese. Why are the Vietnamese not part of the problems in Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

2:05 AM,

I, a Khmer human being, count as one, thus without me it can't be a million. So please, quit being stupid as to say "million" cares about Sihanouk, okay? Hopefully his urn will be protected 24/7, or ...

[Recomptes bien ton nombre de soi-disant Sihanoukiste, 2:05 AM. Je ne fais pas, et je ne ferai jamais parti de ce vaut rien et foutu prince au nom de Sihanouk, d’accord? Son urne funéraire devra être protégée 24/7 sinon...]

[អាចំកួត ២:០៥អេអិម, បើខ្វះតែមួយ (១) ក៏
រាប់ថា មួយ(១)​លាន មិនកើតដែរ! ខ្មែររង
គ្រោះរាប់លាននាក់ជឿថា ធាតុ(កោដ្ធ) ដាក់
ឆ្អឹង សីហនុ នឹងត្រូវគេការពារ ២៤ម៉ោងទាំងថ្ងៃ
ទាំងយប់ បើពុំនោះសោតទេ....]

Anonymous said...

Only fools care about the reckless King Sihanouk. He is one of the real destroyers of Cambodia, among Hun Sen and Pol Pot.

Anonymous said...

Here is to a Lout 6:39 AM,

In the world history why all the world monarchy married each others, you have to understand the problems.

All Chakry family married to their own halve-sisters to secure their throne. All Thai Kings had at least 4 queens whom were all their halve-sisters.

Monarchy in Europe married with their own family members only. Monarchy of Egyptians married with their closest family members. Today may be Saudi Arabia royal family members are stil practicing this incest.

Not only the monarchy families who married their members, the commoners are worse. Father kidnapped his own daughter for 24 years under the dungeon, and Father married his own daughter in Australia; and million more we don't know about.

Yep you may be born from your mother and your grand father who knows? Or if you have children, your son amy be fucking your daughter behind your back who knows? That's right bad karma for laughing at others will fall upon you.

If you want to make good arguments how much you hate King Sihanouk, you'd better find something else, not this stupid arguments to make yur stupid points.

Anonymous said...

7:14AM and 7:20 AM,
I prefer to be part of the Khmer people whom you insulted as they are fools.

I respect King Sihanouk and Khmer monarchy.

Med Stu.

Anonymous said...

7:35 AM, you must be one of an incest too eh? Or better yet related to those worthless royal families?

No wonder...ROFLMAO!!!

Anonymous said...

7:39 AM,

You must be foot doctor to be eh? no wonder why you keep shooting yourself in the foot!!! ....damned..what a waste..Med ass!!!

Anonymous said...

angry people in here should save their energy and get in the field in cambodia and defend the it. Not cursing in here. Its useless! REsult " nothing " !

Anonymous said...

If I am why did I write the facts from the history I read? You wrote based on hatred but I wrote based on the history I read. I have not heard about my family incest, it could be from the past hundred years I didn't know about. But I am not here to condemn humans' karma, as you do. I only warn you to be afraid of karma. Karma does not care you are not a believer, it will fall upon you and your family members.

Anonymous said...

7:45 AM,
I am still a student in Med school and haven't decided to be a foot doctor yet.

I am expressing my support to the monarchy of my country.

Med Stu.

Anonymous said...

Oh fuck you and your Karma and shit mentality, okay 7:48AM? The Viet is all over the place in Cambodia finishing Khmer people off and keep moving IN...why don't you use your Karma magic to stop them huh, dumb ass???

Anonymous said...

The reckless King Sihanouk has done more destrution than construction to Cambodia. It's OK for you a Med. Stu. to pick on yourself as one of the fools. You are not just a regular fool. Since you are a Med. Stu., you are more a fool than the other fools.
Stay being a fool!

Anonymous said...

7:52 AM...hmmmm are you by any chance the Stu. of Atronomy, UVa too? Damned....too many pretenders here on KI-Media!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you Buddhist? What do you mena by using Karma magic to stop the Youn?

Anonymous said...

Well, I should suggest that Med Stu. have her head examined or a CAT scan as soon as possible before it's too late...

Anonymous said...


Why are you afraid of the guy in UVa? Stop guessing who is who?

Anonymous said...

7:59 AM must be student in Medical School somewhere in Hanoi...obviously!!!

Anonymous said...

8;01am. that is a he not a she.
Take it easy, people already made up their minds whom they support. Definitely not with the irrational people like you.

Anonymous said...

These irrational posters like 8;05am can't recruit anyone besides their thugs. Yeahh to them everyone against them are from hanoi schools. Yep not bad hanoi school located in the US.

Anonymous said...

Is there a UVa In Hanoi? Anybody? Because there is no record of a Cambodian Stu. of Astronomy here at UVa ....

Anonymous said...

How do you know there aren't Kaun Khmer-American in UVa? Are you that real???

Boy, the guy isn't here and why are you so jealous and pissed off?

Anonymous said...

Be careful of little that you know 8:14 AM....a word of warning.

Anonymous said...

Med St. = Stu. of Astronomy UVa

Anonymous said...

Looking for terrorists? Certainly not in KI. If IP then public computer cannot tell you who is.

Anonymous said...


2:32 you're Yuon or Siamese Back off!

Anonymous said...

And 8:21 AM is YUON pretending to be Khmer...

Anonymous said...

I am 7:55AM. Yes, I am, but I am not the one who wrote about Karma magic on this blog. Of course Karma exist. Buddhism consists no "Karma magic" as you just said. When it come to talking about magic, it's not real Buddhism; it's Promanh's.

Anonymous said...

Never care much about the king families. They have no meaning to me.

Anonymous said...

8:23 AM,
You hate King Sihanouk. 8:21 AM is Kaun Khmer.

Anonymous said...

8:29 AM,
Not to you, but to others the monarchy means very much. You fight to destroy the monarchy and they fight to keep.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right...LMAO! and you are "Angry Kaun Khmer"....yeah, and the the word "Hate" is coming out of your mouth..not the other's...LMAO!!!

Khmer ordinary said...

I am 7:55AM to 7:59AM,
Here is my last comment relating to Buddhism:

Do you know Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggart? What did these two pastors do?

The word GOD formerly refers to the supreme being which is invisible. The existsence of Jesus Christ is about 545 years after the Buddha.

Buddhist monks are ordinary human beings; your Christian pastors are also ordynaly human beings. Both commit bab sometimes. We respect the good; we disrepect the bad.

I told you once before: People write books. Books do not exist by themselves. Some ideas are universally correct. They don't need to be Buddhism, Christianity, or Islamism. If some ideas of the later mean the same or very similar to those of the former, then the later copied the former.

Here is what Asoka, the Indian King 200 years after the Buddha, said, "One should not honour only one's own religion and condemn the religions of others, but one should honour the others' religions for this or that reason. So doing, one helps one's own religion to grow and render service to the religions of others too. In acting otherwise one dig the grave of one's own religion and also does harm to others' religions. Whosoever honours his own religion and condemns others' religions does so indeed through devotion to his own religion, thinking I will glorify my own religion. But in contrary, in so doing he injures his own religion more gravely."

If one is good from within, one has no need to bring rice and rice-pot to go looking for another god.

Anonymous said...

Alright 8:33 AM, now bow down to the bottom of my foot, I am the King!

Anonymous said...

Who the hell are you 8:17 AM?
KI's sick members? What? Because posters don't hate Sihanouk like you do? FUCK YOU. Saying ah Kvack Hun Sen is a dictator? How about you fucking dictatorship attitude threatening posters? So what are you going to do to fuck posters?

Anonymous said...

How often do you have to keep writing that same kind of shit here on KI-Media again and again (copy and paste), 8:35 AM? Give up! People don't give a shit about what you have been writing there...Don't you get it???

Anonymous said...

Come to
This KI Blog is only for intellectual pretenders.

Has all NEWS.

Anonymous said...

don't read it, will ya? Perhaps it touches on your weakness, ha?

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, If you were a real intellectual, what the heck are you doing here on KI-Media huh 8:44 AM? Just happen to pass by...??? Don't surf drunk Mr. Intellectual!

Anonymous said...

They called themselves Khmer Intelligence?

Yep come to be part of real intelligent people at

You are free to express and to support anyone you like.
KI belongs to braggarts, intellectual pretenders.

Anonymous said...

8:50 AM...just answer 1st 8:50AM's question please, you jack ass?

Anonymous said...

At Left handside under REUTERS, you can read all NEWS from around the WORLD. You can join our debate with real intelligent people. This KI is only for the braggarts and for extremists who cannot debate.

COME and JOIN US. I don't want to see real intelligent people waste time in this Blog.

Anonymous said...

I think "intelligence" here means "information about enemy's country", according to the 2nd meaning of this word in Longman Dictionary.

Anonymous said...

Is that all you got 9:00 AM? Write to KI-Media under your real name or a credible nick of some sort and see what you got...until then you ain't no better than anybody on this planet called earth, got that? Thanks for passing by...and surf safely please!

Anonymous said...

Drudgereport is one of the best blog in the world. There is no guarantee no bashing, but it certainly has no braggarts like in KI.

Anonymous said...

come to incest subject moni(Ah Kteuy)+Monica seems to be a good match since this is the result of Ah Sdach Ta 'sin for screwing his aunts!....but the problem ah PD Kteuy dont know how to fuck!

Anonymous said...

Now look at this poster 9 39am. Is it enuf to prove that some KI's visitors are pretty sick?
This 9 39am is no doubt is pretty sick. Drudgereport does not have like this.

Anonymous said...

9 39am,
Are you jealous of someone who didn't fuck you instead of his aunt? This kind of jealousy is understandable.

Anonymous said...

9:37 AM,

Just listen to many times have you mentioned the word "braggarts"?...What does it make you? Just for the mere fact that you don't like KI-Media and you think that the readers here are all intellectual pretenders? I can just say the same thing to you all (like 9:46 AM for instance)...and that is - you are all sick too, evidentially...How's that for a tit for tat huh???

Come by if you want to and leave if you must...


Anonymous said...

P.s. If you all have anything at all serious to say, write to KI-Media. I am pretty sure they will publish it just like they did mine and that of a boat load more of folks around the world!!! You've got nothing to lose but your prejudice perhaps?


Anonymous said...

Long Live Our King!

Anonymous said...

fukkin full of idiot in here cambodia has to many of you that why we almost whip out ,anyway what has the king ever done wrong? he only the symbol of cambodia no power no nothing and why are you guy keep talking shit about him? i'm so glade that most idiot from here are living abroad. don't step your feet in cambodia if you hate the place that gave birth to you so much.

Anonymous said...

What the king not doing wrong?
He is blind ,deaf and ignore all the duties he suppose to do .
Cambodia in the critical dangerous time why this king shut the fuck up,does he have balls ? He can't do his job just go to die in Peking China instead wasting our tax money,and living free Like Sihaknuk insulted somdach Choun Nath DEKSEE DEKSEE DOING NOTHING ,KDOR PEN PEN KODAI ,NOW what is this royal and king doing shit? Just go to die there with out ah sdach klao srok khmer ot toin ro leay te.

Anonymous said...

Why is he wrong?
How could he is blind to becoming a friend of a greater China who is today invading Vietnam? What duties do you think the King supposed to do for a small country with no army?
When you said "critical dangerous time", did you also include the time of Youn-Siam started to control Cambodia 500 years ago?
Why do you think the King does not do his job if he is at Beijing? No body can stay in Beijing besides being diplomats, only the King of Cambodia.

He wasted no tax money, but he is paid salary for his duty, his occupation as he is King, just like other monarchy in the world. King of Thailand, or Queen Elizabeth are paid more than Khmer King who is paid so little for a big duties in China.

To you every one you hate are doing shit, but to a nation, he is a symbol of a Khmer nation.

Without that symbol, Cambodia will be no longer a Khmer nation, but something else.
Your wishes to destroy Khmer Nation won't come true, because you are so evil and so blind for not understanding what is a Khmer nation.

About Samdach Choun Nath. He was a head of Monks, a great scholar, and he represented Khmer Buddhism; however, when he tried to be a politician, then something was wrong with him.

Politicians and Dala Lama (religious leader) don't mix. If they can be mixed, Dala Lama didn't lose Tibet to China. If Tibet had a strong government or at least had a strong protector like India, China would not have dared to take her away. Samdach Choun Nath's job can only advise peace no war; and offers the offering ceremony; but when comes to face an unavoidable war from other nations posed upon Cambodia, Samdach Choun Nath had no duties on that subject. If he tried to do politics, he failed Buddha, then how could he be good monk leader?

You made comments are dull and based on your stupidty not based on facts.

Anonymous said...

I meant "and can offer the blessing ceremony". this correction for 7;51pm

Anonymous said...

Your King is the "symbol" of destruction to Khmer nation. Actually this King should never be mentioned again. Just forget that irresposible damn King.

Anonymous said...

7:51AM read your own comment if you betray yourself! just like you fuck your mother or your aunts!
May lightning strike the evils!!!

Anonymous said...

7:51 you such an idiot! with or without King does not matter China needs to invest and exploit cambodia! China knows damn well if they dont come to cambodia the others will set their foot! Being friend with China does not require ah sdach kteuy. HE's a Ting Mong everybody knows that! except you Frog! he cannot talk he ''so timid!

Anonymous said...

you dont have to be friend with china. china needs cambodia! China have been known supporting any regime (including the bloody regime of POL POT as well) as long as their interest is concerned. Ah kteuy Do nothing Except DEK SEE DEK SEE and Jerk Off

Anonymous said...

12:04! come on guy you say he dek see ! when he was travelling you complain TOO!

Ah me rok reung!

Anonymous said...

Si-Ah-Nuke is Cambodia symbol of Suffering and treason's. Let's hang him like Saddam.

Anonymous said...

If Sihamoni had done so many wrong things. How about ranarith as King? Bet all of you are going to throw up day and night until you die.

Anonymous said...

None of them four(Seehanook,Monique monica Vietcong daughter,Seehamonee queer king,Rannorith sexual exploiter play boy in low class) deserved to be the king of Cambodia . Our mother land should be republic and have USA as our back bone or allies.
That is it

Anonymous said...

Sihamoni pictures are posted a lot street corner in Cambodia. Is this to remind the Cambodians and the world that we have the gay prince?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MAKE IT A LONG PD(SUCKS) your servant everyday ah sdach kteuy!

Anonymous said...

How can all of you said that. He got weinee like the rest of us here. Our King Sihamoni is 55 years old folk. What is he thinking? Don't forget he alone in the palace, he might have 10 wives. 5 on the left and 5 on the right, I don't know which one he choose. Mine I used my left 5 it work 3 times a day. I don't need viagra or extenze at all, I'm telling the truth I roll everyday.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia must have done good deeds recently to have such a good gentleman like our new King to be our King.
These irrational extremists hate our Khmer King so much because they want Thai Crown Prince, Maha Vajiralongkorn to be their King. The ugly Maha Vajiralongkorn infected with aid disease, the playboy killer.
Why don't you click this link to see how Sia O, the next Thai King and his Queen at the pool party?

Med Stu.