Monday, September 21, 2009

Cambodian scholars ask Thai "Yellow Shirts" to respect international laws

(Photo: DAP)

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian historians and scholars have appealed to the Thai "Yellow Shirts" protesters to stop demanding the land of 4.6 square kilometers near the 11th-century Khmer Preah Vihear temple, the website of DAP News said on Monday.

"Those Thai protesters have confused the history and their demands are incorrect," IV Chan, a deputy chairman and historian of the Royal Academy of Cambodia (RAC) was quoted by DAP Cambodia news as saying.

"We also requested those Thai protesters to respect international border treaty between Siam ( Thailand) and French colony (representative of Cambodia) in 1904-1907 and the verdict of international court which claimed in 1962 that Preah Vihear temple belongs to Cambodia."

"There is no overlapping area at the area and both countries have boundary line for over 100 years," he said.

Additionally, Kim Saron, a senior member of history and culture affairs department of RAC said that Cambodia and Thailand have already established the committee of Khmer-Thai culture and they have met each other for several times to write important documents of the two countries.

"Those Thai extremists have to know about their history and culture, and should also know the cultures and histories of neighboring countries like Cambodia," Kim added.

A group of Thai protesters from People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), also called "Yellow Shirts," held a rally near Preah Vihear Temple at the weekend to protest the mishandling of Thai governments over the disputed border area with Cambodia, and planned to move into the are that is claimed by Thailand to hold the protest rally at the areas.

Cambodian and Thai armed forces have tightened security at border near the temple to prevent any rally protests.

The two neighboring countries share a nearly 800-kilometer-longcommon border and they have never fully demarcated their land border.

The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) approved Cambodia's bid to list Preah Vihear Temple as the World Heritage Site, in July 2008. Since then, the temple and its adjacent area have become the sites of border conflict between Cambodia and Thailand.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Khmer Historian MR Iv Chhan who argumented to the border issue between Khmer and Thai. During Khmer was very weak in the civil war and if this temple ,Preah Vihear, belong really to Thailand why they did not captured it easy, Why just now?. The world know that the Temple Preah Vihear is the property of Khmer, not Thai at all. In fact, Thai are trying to manipulate their real history where are they from? Who were Khmer?

Talking to the border issue between Khmer and Vietnam, Mr Iv Chhan know exactly but unfortunately he has no permition to give his own argument for this issue, not only him know this history but all Khmers.

Khmer son

Anonymous said...

Let Ah Siam (Thailand) believe the history to himself. We, Cambodian know that Thai had been twisted and taught history lie to their generation a long time. My wife is Thai she says in Thailand, Thai has been taught Thai history wrong, but she still has to believe what she seen, especialy lot of Khmer templs in Thailand, formerly Khmer land.

Angkorian Krama MAn

Anonymous said...

The cpp offical afraid to bring up historical fact and mapping due to vietnam dictation and oppression over this issue. It not only affects thailand, but vietnam also.

Now this subject is brought up, but does not includes vietnam. Why? Ask the cpp.

Anonymous said...

An idiot 9:18 PM,

Because we are having just the boarder isse crise with Thailand for now. Do you understand Ah?

Concerning this issue, there is no need to bring up Vietnam for now.

Respect the Cambodian People Party you will be alive.

Angkoria Krama Man

Anonymous said...


"Respect Khmer Territorial Integrity and then we respect yours".

Thais already took Surin, Sisaket, and others of Khmer,and Vietnam already took Kampuchea Krom (southern Vietnam), hence both Thais and Viets MUST LEAVE CAMBODIA ALONE!!!

Khmer cannot afford to lose any more territories and lands to foreigners such as to Vietnam and Thailand.

Khmer Angkor.

Anonymous said...

ah krama man,

you are so tough online.
your mouth is full of shit like hun sen.

Anonymous said...

stupid khmer rouge monkey krama- shit- man' mind is barbaric

Anonymous said...

All Of your guys are my monky face and Chea Noy Each other.

Anonymous said...

yes, agreed totally with our khmer scholars. khmer and siem have legal borderlines for more than 100 years now, and for them to all of a sudden claim that these borderlines are overlapped is a thug-like intention of theirs. it makes no sense for pad thugs, which we all know extremists, to claim that cambodia take their lands when in actuality, siem are the one using their unilateral map which they illegally draw up without international agreement from cambodia and while cambodia was having civil conflict, suffering, etc. due to civil war and its after math, etc... that is not right! it makes so sense at all, to say the least! if anyone lost lands and territories, it was cambodia and khmer people, whose empire once contained all of siem, liev and the mekong delta area of vietnam which these ancient enemies of khmer people stole from cambodia. and for siem extremists to claim that they lost their lands to cambodia is ignorant and greedy of them, really! study history and you will see the truth!

Anonymous said...

Angkoria Krama Man,

I don't think you are the former Khmer Rouge, instead you are the Viet or brainwashed by the Viet. I call tell you, in KR regime Khmer had no lose the territory like today but the graved mistake for them is the Killing field. At that Khmer Rouge were the nationalists.

If you don'z know more about Khmer and Vietnam history, then I must ask for yourselft where was Champa? What is the political events during Chhay Chhetha II. Why we have Kampuchea Krom?


Anonymous said...

To 2:12 AM,

I have been honestly telling you that I was a former Khmer Rouge soldier and on my previous posted, if you are a new comer, you probably didn’t know me well yet. I cam out and beg you guy in this Ki-Media news that not to criticism with the current government which mean you should respect Samdech Deychu and families, the country and support the Cambodian People Party is better then other party. You and your families will be alive.

The history of Cambodia, I do understand perfectly well, I don’t have to describe to you. I am 55 years old; I’m old enough to know everything. I stayed in the jungle for many years until Angkar occupied over Cambodia on 17 April 1975 then I automatically became a soldier. …When Vietnam invaded 1979, I ran to Thailand and got a beautiful Thai girl, we had been together for six years then I came to my hometown Srok Phdak, Siam Reap.

Note: if you post long sentence like a book, I don’t have time to read it all. Thanks
Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

Angkorian Krama Man,
If you really a Khmer and was born in Srok Phdak in Siem Reap, then you know exactlly where Phum Prey Chhrok in Srok Pouk is, overthere is my birthplace. As Khmer I have respected to your old and your experiences in the Khmer war but most of your comments on this blogger was bashed keently from the communities.


Anonymous said...

Hey pal...I know exactly where Phum Prey Chhrok, in Srok pouk is, I have ridden Motor through Phum a couple of times. Mind is Srok Phdak and I some families in Varin also. Three more hours I'll be off my duty, I'm tired.

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

To 4:11 AM,
If we came from the same province then we can speak more with each other but with high Khmer moral like the other in this blogger.


Anonymous said...

The INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITIES UNESCO already acknowledged that Preah Vihear belong to cambodia, but The thai government failed again and again to controll their people. Should an event of big problem occur, the fault should be upon the thai government.
This is the time for cambodian government to take full advantages when the thai mis-behaved like these current riots.

Anonymous said...

Attention all,

please don't pay any attention to krama man angor-aiy

He is not "grup-tirk". He been drop too many times when he was a baby. So pay him no mind. For he is mentally handicapped.


Anonymous said...

hey, for your information, a lot of countries disappeared during the dark ages. even great civilization come and go throughout world history. please learn world history, to include both western civilization and eastern civilization. in sociology, it is known and shown that great civilization do come and go; nothing last forever. same can be said of decline as well i.e. no decline can last forever as well. that is so true in the case of cambodia, our great days will come again just around the corner, really! god bless cambodia.