Thursday, September 17, 2009

Congressmen fear for speakers’ fate

Left to right: Mu Sochua, Dr. Pung Chiv Kek, Moeun Tola (Photo: SRP North America)

Thursday, 17 September 2009
Meas Sokchea and James O’toole
The Phnom Penh Post

Advise US Embassy to offer ‘island of freedom’ to Lantos commission witnesses.
REPRESENTATIVES from the US Congress sent a letter to the US Embassy in Phnom Penh urging the protection of three Cambodians who testified in Washington, as the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sought to downplay the significance of the US hearing.

Last Thursday, Sam Rainsy Party parliamentarian Mu Sochua testified with Licadho rights group president Kek Galabru and Community Legal Education Centre labour programme head Moeun Tola in front of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, a US congressional body that monitors human rights norms around the world. All three witnesses offered fierce criticisms of the government, with Mu Sochua testifying that Cambodian democracy is “experiencing an alarming free fall”.

On Tuesday, two members of the Tom Lantos commission sent a letter to US Ambassador Carol Rodley urging her to monitor the safety of the three witnesses when they return home to Cambodia.

“The US Embassy should represent an island of freedom in a country such as Cambodia, where dissidents and human rights defenders often face threats and discrimination by the government and government-controlled security forces,” US congressmen James Moran and Frank Wolf wrote.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs secretary of state Ouch Borith dismissed concern for the safety of Mu Sochua and the other witnesses on Wednesday as overblown, comparing them to other prominent figures associated with the opposition.

Have we ever arrested [SRP head] Sam Rainsy?” Ouch Borith asked. “Sam Rainsy is a leading party representative, and he always wants to speak badly about Cambodia when he travels abroad.... As for [Mu Sochua’s] return to Cambodia, don’t worry about this.”

Ouch Borith went on to dispute Mu Sochua’s characterisation of a meeting she had with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last Friday. On Sunday, Mu Sochua told the Post that Clinton expressed interest in sending a US State Department delegation to Cambodia later this year, and “made it very clear that she does not wish to see further deterioration” in the Kingdom’s rights situation.

Ouch Borith said that during a recent meeting with Carol Rodley, the US ambassador clarified to him that the meeting between Clinton and Mu Sochua “was not official – it took place outside [Clinton’s] office”.

To the issue of the US delegation, Ouch Borith said Clinton “didn’t respond at all”.

US Embassy spokesman John Johnson confirmed in an email on Wednesday that Clinton “did meet briefly with Mu Sochua to discuss the current situation in Cambodia” but did not offer further details regarding the meeting.


Anonymous said...

Fear for speakers' fate? lol Yea, since when is the US Congress concerned about anyone but their own people. US Congress is the laughing stock of Washington. Their role is to check the power of their president but where the fuck was the US Congress's concern when Nixon did the secret bombing of Cambodia? The fuckers didn't even know what the fuck was going on or did they and just keep quiet because it was in their best interest?

a quarter million people probably died because of the bombings. What the fuck do I care about these few selfish cynical political bitches and hoes!? Are these motherfuckers' lives more important than ordinary Cambodian that your bombs killed, Congressmen? These guys are supposed to be pleading for justice right? Find some justice for my dead Khmer people from your bombings first, sir and madam.

Anonymous said...

US congress failed to stop all the illegal wars their past presidents started yet they're so righteous to be so concerned about these three monkeys? So letting wars happen in Iraq, Vietnam, etc.. that kills million isn't their concern but these three people's lives are? Isn't that a Washington politics? Be our puppets and slaves and your lives be looked after. Be on the opposite side of us and we'll kill you by the million.

These three Cambodian are fucking selfish politicians that only concern about their career. If they care about Cambodia, they should have raised up real fucking issues like the bombings of Cambodia and what the US's plan is to repay for that.

Anonymous said...

If everyone just do the right thing according to the laws and the nature of right and wrong. No one need to worry or argue about any of these stuff.

These people are not " grown up adult "

Anonymous said...

To eliminate fear equates to eliminate source of threat

in this case, the so-called weak hun shit's army can be removed with a point of a finger from Washinton. and what are you going to do about it, punk?

It is our ignorance that we are facing current threats such North Korea.

Anonymous said...

Your mother fucker xihanouk allowed the communist vietcongs to use Cambodian territory to fight the war, that's why Cambodia got bombed. The communist xihanouk and his communist china and khmer rouge killed millions of their own cambodian family, including yours. wake up those who support the communist and royal family. Scambodia is destroyed by the communist ruler, motherfucker xihanouk. The second khmer rouge group who rule cambodia today are also supported by motherfucker xihanouk, china and yuon.

Anonymous said...

US has a right to concern about these three people safety because Hun Sen and his cronies has a track record of killing the innocent people. If you don't want people to tell you what to do, stop begging for donation. When you are unable to lead the country and have to beg for help, you have to accept the criticism. Therefore, all of you CPP supporters stop bitching because what they are saying is true about Hun Sen and the CPP.

Anonymous said...

Hey MEE Mu Sochua, if Ghang scare of acid attack do not come to Cambodia, stay there. Yes! Ghang have no fear of jail beause Ghang have White man can help protect Ghang at any time.

Mu Sochua, you are a US citizen, you should’t be involved doing and politic, criticism in Cambodia. All Khmer abroad who are US citizen or other foreign citizen when visiting Cambodia, I suggest you do not get involve with any politic against the Cambodian People Party, the Kingdom of Cambodia. Only Khmer citizen can do, solve any problem for the people of Kingdom of Cambodia. Would some of you forward my message to Mu Sochua?

(NOTE: if you post long sentence like a book, I don’t have time to read it. Thanks)

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Krama Man,

Open your small brain, Mrs. Mu Sochua do politic in Cambodia because she love her people. She could sit her ass in the AC living a good life in the US, but unlike you she sacrifice her life and her family to help her people. If the CPP just doing their job helping the Cambodian people like they should we would have this conversation. You low life CPP support need to stop sucking from the poor and have compassion for your people.

Anonymous said...

To 9:30 and 9:31 PM,

Sorry guy if you hate me tha's fine, I don't care. But Mu Sochua can't find a good decent paying job in the US, also she wants to have a job in Cambodia and made prepare things for her at her home in Phnom Penh. I understand that she loves her country; however, she should not against the Cambodian government. Why can she just work regularly like other people her in Cambodia? And leave the politic alone. By doing this because MEE Fucking Mu Sochua wanted to be famouse and proud of herself. Once again PAL, she doesn't help Cambodia, she helps herself. Do you understand Pal?

(NOTE: if you post long sentence like a book, I don’t have time to read it. Thanks)

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

Mr. Krama Man, my brother you need to stop believing that people who speak the truth about your CPP government is against the Cambodian people as a whole. I agree that not all of the CPP people is corrupted, but most of them are. If you love Khmer, Kudo to you; however, you need to think it over that these people tell the world about Khmer issue because they care for our people NOT hate.

Anonymous said...

KI Media,
US Embassy spokesman John Johnson confirmed in an email on Wednesday that Clinton “did meet briefly with Mu Sochua to discuss the current situation in Cambodia”

Should Ouch Borith get charnge for defamation and disinformation when he said Mrs. Mu and Sec. Clinton only met at the walking path and do not discuss the Cambodian current situation such as corruptions.

Poor citizen will get charge for such even when they are apeaking the truth. High rank government official have the right to mislead and lie their guts off all the time.

Anonymous said...

Mu Sochua has the rights to seek outside help since Cambodia Kangaroo court of Hun Sen cannot find justice for her. If Hun Sen supporters don't want other countries to interfere in Cambodia internal affairs tell Hun Sen to stop begging from other countries.

Anonymous said...

Mu Sochua has the right to seek help fro the cosignators to Paris accord whos promise demoncracy and real freedom to the people of Cambodia!

The communist and the dicktator are the traitors!

Anonymous said...

You mother fuckers ah Khmerouge! Will we never let you do any thing stupid against!

We Khmer oversea will alway keep watch over Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

ah chhkuot 5:57PM,
Stop barking.Your fucking leader allowed the communist yuon to build the trail known as HO CHI MING trail inside your fucking country to attack a sovereign state ,that's why the trail had to be bombed.Don't you understand that motherfucker?.

Anonymous said...

keep smiling and keep shing I'll be by your side forever more....

Anonymous said...

Don't mind Krama Man. He was and is still one of the Khmer Rouge, and half-retarded. If a Khmer Rouge believe in bon and bab, they didn't kille innocent people. Let him bark as loud and much as he can when he has time to bark, because if his work bear no fruit for Hun Sen, he will hange Krama Man. Then you will miss him because you don't any one to argue with.

Anonymous said...

i think if she has fear, it is only her own fear. nobody is oppressing or suppressing khmer people's democracy, freedom, rights, etc... so don't make it sounds like the entire nation of people are at stake like this. treat it as an individual or isolated case, because it is more like a personal conflict of this person, not the entire nation. it is ignorant to stereotype this or politicized this as victims of the entire nation of cambodia. just not true!

Anonymous said...

Krama Man, I pity you very much for being a frog in the pond. It is very regretful that you can read and write but unable to use your brain to think for yourself. Having said that, I should not have blamed you, because after all you truely are a frog in a pond. God bless you my brother...

Anonymous said...

1:03Am are you sure if you not ah Kweack family ot tugs?

Anonymous said...

Hey! Actually who barks who first? If you would leave Cambodia alone then there’s no one is barked. You live abroad you are the one who do the barking and begging around for help to fight with Cambodian People Party and to have Samdech Akek Mha Sena Pethey Hun Sen Verman step down. You cannot break the CPP MAN. Understand? Also, I openly admit that I was a Khmer Rouge cadre and so Samdech.
You can say all you wish that I am a frog, dog or cat. My friend if I could find you in'll be...

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

"you'll be..." what? kill us? My brother, you are just proving my point. Your kind is very barberic and it is shameful to call yourself Khmer. Due to your limited thinking, you are willing to kill those that disagree with you. Your limited education and lack of ethic and moral is what cause our country to be so poor and corrupted. Again, God bless you my brother and I will pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Angkorian Krama Man,

You are some where in Lowell, MA. I will hunt you down to clean up Khmer society.

Silver Bullet owner.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To 2:24 AM Silver Bullet Onver

Oh…Ha Ha…Ha..Lowell, MA? I wish I live in the US, making lot of money. Hey! Pal..when you visit Cambodia you may find me in Siam Reap. How does it sound? I’ll take you to eat at a nice restaurant and then we’ll go to see country. Right? I am tough Man you can’t beat me.

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

Krama Man, how can you afford a laptop and internet connection with your salary? Do you make a lot of money from corruption (sucking poor cambodian blood)? I bet you do, just like your bosses do, otherwise you wouldn't mention about nice restaurants, right?

Anonymous said...

To 3:26 AM

Look son! You should know now in Cambodia, we have everything like where you lived. Cambodian people here learning English and some speak perfect English like you in the US. Cambodian people aren’t stupid as to some of the people who posted in this Ki Media Khmer news. I won’t tell you about my job, I am fluently with computer and English language even I don’t live abroad. Com on son let be friend, stop getting mad with Khmer. Most the people here knew that I was a Khmer Rouge cadre, and they like me a lot, I get nothing harm to them. Everybody hate Khmer Rouge but when they meet me in person then they start to like me a lot. I don’t know.

Note: please do not post long sentence. Thanks

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

Brother Krama man, you need to stop feeling so negative toward Khmer over sea. Forget about a few bad one who is just trying to put out as a show to get under your skin. The truth, Khmer over sea just like you, we love and have so much compassion for our people in srok Khmer very much because we are brothers. You see, most of us left our country not by choice rather due to our unfortunate destiney. You are very lucky my brother to be able to grow up and live in our homeland, but for most of us like myself we would never be able to get those loss time back. For almost 30 years living away on a foreign land, not one day I forget about my real home and my people. Matter of fact, I wish to go back and die in srok Khmer eventually. Please stop and think before you are labeling and speaking of hatred because we are family. Regardless of our political affiliation, we should not be devided and rather be united because we all are descendant from the lost empire of Angkorian age. Therefore, if I would to go visit Cambodia in the near future I will give you a huge and tell you that I love you very much before I take you to a nice restaurant.

With Great Love
Khmer Over Sea

Anonymous said...

Some folks don't believe me: Krama Man or ah Krohorm Kor is ans was a Khmer Rouge still. You can't tell a Khmer Rouge not to hate Khmer not rouge.

Anonymous said...

4:34 am, I disagree with you my brother. Not all Khmer Rouge are killers and not all killers are Khmer Rouge. People can change that is what make us different from animals. We should not be speaking of hatred among each other for this is the reason why where we are today. We need to heal our suffering through love and compassion not utter with hate. The death of 1.7 million is enough reason for us to stop and divide up our family. Therefore, regardless of our political affiliation we need to be united and help rebuilding our country. May God/Buddha bless my people.

With Great love...

Anonymous said...

"Never be humble to haughty; never be haughty to the humble." "Not all Khmer Rouge are killers and not all killer are Khmer Rouge," I agree. But some people won't change and choose death instead. People like ah Hun Sen won't change. Only death will change a guy like that. The same thing in Krama Man's case. Do you think ah Duch change?

Anonymous said...

. . .if given another chance, ah Duch will doublekill.

Anonymous said...

Krama Man, I'm 3:26AM. I don't doubt that they have everything in Cambodia and that's not my question either. My question to you is "how can you afford a laptop and internet connection? Do you make your money through corruption, like all your bosses do?" Is that clear enough? Am I short to the point that you always want? Can you give a straight answer? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Rouge cadre of Siem Reap

Ah Angkorian Krama Man I lived in all my life across the street from Poly, LBC. Remembered that day I gave you we are going to meet at McBride Park around the corner of my house. It about Remembrance of Khmer Rouge Victim testimony.

Anonymous said...

Eh ah joy maray Angkorian Krama Man
if ah hang krounber mij min stop it. ah pleuh ah la ngeur ah kabal ot kour. ah Angkorian Krama Man ignorant man out from my mother fucker land.

Anonymous said...

oh ah Angkorian Krama Man

3:04 AM i afraid you take me to stripe off and kill. no thank you why i saying this by looking at you Hun boss.

Anonymous said...

may i suggest srp and group protest to siem and youn instead for abusing ordinary khmer people and khmer krom. that is doing khmer people a noble service indeed. stop picking on khmer people in cambodia for a change, ok!

Anonymous said...

3:04 AM

How tough? You said 55 years old and still talking trash. Ah Angkorian Krama Man on the other hand I think you flirting with women too much while you working 3rd shift. It supposed to protect and serve our country my friend. Is that what from the past to the blast? NOTE: He still working on it. HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

toAngkorian Krama Man, if you can find us in srok khmer then you will be what ? ah khmer ot kour, i know you are khmer rought and will never stop the way you are, you should go to duch trail.

Anonymous said...

look at a choymaraiy krama man, a niss vea chenh chongkom yaeak dak srey... ah chkeh komsak nhii

Anonymous said...


From: Khmer-Oversea your dumb ass

Anonymous said...

To a dandruff dog krama man.
Your comments have stated they have everything in Cambodia right?
Here is my question,Is they have every things in Cambodia why do the rich and CPP high rank send their kid to study abroad?
Why most of khmer stars(singers ,movies) they hide out not to return when they came to perform abroad?
Why Ho5 Hong ,fat leeches CPP and the old king go to physical check up abroad?
Please answer my questions if you are good as you claimed?

Anonymous said...

Well, let get back to work I just got back from the place where incident was and completed the report. Oh boy it’s been a bad day at work and it’s been raining hard here also. Cambodia has more potential everything in comparing to our neighbor, but it’s not 100% like the US. Those folks who have visited Cambodia, you know it looks like I don’t have to provide you a description like a book. The reason why Cambodian movies star, KARAOKE singers to visit abroad and never return, that’s their choice, some return and they said they didn’t like it there because they would have to work so hard for living and it’s so boring. Also, Cambodia has good physicians and good nurses as well but not like the US, people rather go to another country for their routine check up, there’s nothing wrong with that because they get the money. If you mean to live in Cambodia, you would do the same as the people here unless you are wealthy. Once again Pal, some of you still keep talking about Khmer Rouge, as I told you plenty of time on previous post that I was a Khmer Rouge cadre, and my home town is in Siam Reap province, I have never killed anyone. Am I clear now? Are there any more questions that you would like to know about me? I think this too long sentence for you folks.

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

9:39 PM Khmer Rouge cadre of Siem Reap

I lived across the street from La Lune I met alot them there. I don't to speculated about their drama, their story is long you don't want know. They seemed to like it here more unless their visa expire. Look at Chorm Nimol still singing at Paradise even though her band still touring around the globe she loves it here.

Anonymous said...

10:13 PM,

I don't quite understand who you met at the La Lune? What's long story? What is the deal my friend?
Please clarify. I wish I could ride Motor to meet you thee a minute, however, I get to disguise myself due to my job duty. Sorry Friend!

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

Angkorian Krama Man,
From what I heard from your previous comments, you were not only former Khmer Rouge Cadre you were also a former Khmer Rouge soldier. History and facts showed that Khmer Rouge soldiers had no mercy in killing their own people and, as Khmer Rouge soldier, you claimed that you had never killed anyone? I really don't think that Khmer people will buy your story.

Anonymous said...

To 11:11PM,

Actually I was just a soldier, I am sorry I miss wrote my word got confuse sometime. I won’t repeat your question again. I am tired of this…I’d been honestly telling your folks here so I could share my comments. All of you jump to the conclusion that Khmer Rouge…Khmer Rouge…Khmer Rouge..Khmer Rouge killed millions of people. Who will help solve your problem? Nothing right? there’s nothing you can do. Com on it’s over thirty years now, you should stop fighting Khmer and Khmer. Do you understand?

Ankrian Krama Man