Time Magazine (USA)

Royal Seal of Approval
In 1965, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia's head of state, asserted the nation's opposition to the U.S.-backed government in South Vietnam by allowing North Vietnamese guerrillas to set up bases within Cambodia's borders. The North Vietnamese had an alliance with a Cambodian Marxist insurgency group, the Khmer Rouge, whose top brass Sihanouk is pictured here with in 1973. (AFP)
Losing Control
A Cambodian soldier holds a .45 to the head of a Khmer Rouge suspect in 1973. When Sihanouk was forced out of power in a coup, the new Prime Minister, General Lon Nol, sent the army to fight the North Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Fighting two enemies proved to be too much for Cambodia's army. As Civil War raged from 1970 to 1975, the army gradually lost territory as Khmer Rouge increased its control in the countryside. (Bettmann / Corbis)
Coming Apocalypse
Survivors sift through rubble after the Khmer Rouge bombed Phnom Penh, the capital city, on January 1, 1975. Four months later, the party took the city, on April 17, 1975, and began their mission of returning Cambodia to an agrarian society, emptying the cities and forcing their countrymen into agricultural labor. (Christine Spengler / Sygma / Corbis)
Day One, Year Zero
Khmer Rouge fighters celebrate as they enter Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975. Prince Sihanouk, the party's early ally, resigned in 1976, paving the way for the now notorious Khmer Rouge founder and leader, Pol Pot, to become prime minister. The country was renamed Kampuchea, and it was the start Year Zero — the beginning of a new history for Cambodia written by Pol Pot. (Claude Juvenal / AFP / Getty Images) [KI-Media note: The fighters shown on this photo were not actual Khmer Rouger soldiers]
Left Behind
Days before the occupation of the capital, thousands of Cambodians gather behind a school perimeter fence near the American embassy to watch the final evacuation of U.S. and foreign nationals. (Roland Neveu / OnAsia)
Death Sentence
A prisoner gets her mug shot taken. At prisons like Phnom Penh's infamous Tuol Sleng, prisoners were painstakingly documented before being sent to their deaths in mass graves later to be come known as the "killing fields." Hundreds of thousands of intellectuals were tortured and executed under the Khmer Rouge; others starved or died from disease or exhaustion. In total, an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians died between 1975 and 1979. (GAMMA / Eyedea Presse)
Pol Pot's Utopia
An undated photograph shows forced laborers digging canals in Kampong Cham province, part of the massive agrarian infrastructure the Khmer Rouge planned for the country. (AFP / Getty Images)
A New Occupier
Fed up with cross-border raids by Khmer Rouge, Vietnam invaded Cambodia on Dec. 25, 1978. By Jan. 7, shown here, Vietnamese troops had occupied Phnom Penh. The Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia lasted for 10 years. (Bettmann / Corbis)
Fearless Leader
The Vietnamese overthrew Pol Pot, too, driving the leader to the Thai border where he continued to head the Khmer Rouge in the jungles. (Kyodo News / AP)
Purging the Western Curse
The Khmer Rouge sought to rid Cambodia of all Western influences that distracted its people from their agrarian calling. Cars, abandoned and forbidden, were stacked up alongside the road. (John Bryson / Time Life Pictures / Getty)
A Bloody Landscape
An exhumed mass grave, pictured in 1981, in the Cambodian countryside reveals the skeletons of those executed and buried together under Pol Pot's regime. (David A. Harvey / National Geographic / Getty Images)
The Resistance
Khmer Rouge guerrillas in the jungle of western Cambodia as they attempt to halt advancing Vietnamese forces on Feb. 15, 1981. (Alex Bowie / Getty Images)
Running for Cover
Cambodian refugees, pictured in January 1985, at a refugee camp, near the Thai-Cambodian Border. Some 60,000 people fled to the south as fighting increased between Khmer-Vietnamese troops and the FNLPK (Khmer People's National Liberation Front), one of the three groups making up the anti-communist resistance. (Alain Nogues / Corbis Sygma)
Out from Under the Iron Curtain
Without backing from the Soviet Union, Vietnam could no longer afford to keep its troops in a state of indefinite occupation in Cambodia. In September 1989, Vietnamese troops withdrew from Phnom Penh. (Jacques Langevin / Corbis Sygma)

A Tearful Reunion
A family greets each other in August 1989 after being separated during years of war and occupation. (Michael Freeman / Corbis)
Return the Old Guard
The 1991 Paris Peace Accord that followed Vietnam's withdrawal mandated democratic elections and a ceasefire, but was not fully respected by Khmer Rouge guerrillas. U.N. transitional authority shared power with representatives of various factions, and Prince Sihanouk, shown here at center making his way back the Royal Palace in November 1991, was reinstated as Head of State. (Jacques Langevin / Corbis Sygma)
U.N.-run elections in May 1993 resulted in a shaky coalition between Sihanouk's son, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, and Hun Sen, a former Khmer Rouge guerrilla pictured here at a political rally before the elections. The country was once again named the Kingdom of Cambodia. Hun Sen remains Prime Minister today. (Romeo Cacad / AFP / Getty Images)
The Banality of Evil
Pol Pot continued to lead the Khmer Rouge party from rural Cambodia until July 1997 when he was arrested. In a show trial, Pol Pot, known as Brother No. 1, was denounced by his own followers and sentenced to house arrest in his jungle home. The press gathered there when he died less than a year later at age 73 on April 15, 1998, never having faced charges. (Jason Bleibtreu / Corbis Sygma)
A New Chapter
Finally agreeing to abandon their fight, the remaining Khmer Rouge soldiers fighters surrendered on Feb. 9, 1999, and donned new uniforms of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces during an integration ceremony in Anlong Veng near the Thai-Cambodian border. (Ou Neakiry / AP)
Documenting the Aftermath
Contact sheets showing pictures of what is believed to be former prisoners of the S-21 prison, also known as Tuol Sleng, where over 15,000 people lost their lives. Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, was detained for his role as chief of the torture center in 1999. (David Hogsholt / Getty Images)
The World Watches, and Waits, for Justice
A long delayed U.N.-backed tribunal to bring the leaders of the genocide to justice began in 2009. On Feb. 17, Duch's trial began. He is the first of five defendants scheduled for trial. (John Vink / Magnum Photos)
In 1965, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia's head of state, asserted the nation's opposition to the U.S.-backed government in South Vietnam by allowing North Vietnamese guerrillas to set up bases within Cambodia's borders. The North Vietnamese had an alliance with a Cambodian Marxist insurgency group, the Khmer Rouge, whose top brass Sihanouk is pictured here with in 1973. (AFP)

A Cambodian soldier holds a .45 to the head of a Khmer Rouge suspect in 1973. When Sihanouk was forced out of power in a coup, the new Prime Minister, General Lon Nol, sent the army to fight the North Vietnamese and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. Fighting two enemies proved to be too much for Cambodia's army. As Civil War raged from 1970 to 1975, the army gradually lost territory as Khmer Rouge increased its control in the countryside. (Bettmann / Corbis)

Survivors sift through rubble after the Khmer Rouge bombed Phnom Penh, the capital city, on January 1, 1975. Four months later, the party took the city, on April 17, 1975, and began their mission of returning Cambodia to an agrarian society, emptying the cities and forcing their countrymen into agricultural labor. (Christine Spengler / Sygma / Corbis)

Khmer Rouge fighters celebrate as they enter Phnom Penh on April 17, 1975. Prince Sihanouk, the party's early ally, resigned in 1976, paving the way for the now notorious Khmer Rouge founder and leader, Pol Pot, to become prime minister. The country was renamed Kampuchea, and it was the start Year Zero — the beginning of a new history for Cambodia written by Pol Pot. (Claude Juvenal / AFP / Getty Images) [KI-Media note: The fighters shown on this photo were not actual Khmer Rouger soldiers]

Days before the occupation of the capital, thousands of Cambodians gather behind a school perimeter fence near the American embassy to watch the final evacuation of U.S. and foreign nationals. (Roland Neveu / OnAsia)

A prisoner gets her mug shot taken. At prisons like Phnom Penh's infamous Tuol Sleng, prisoners were painstakingly documented before being sent to their deaths in mass graves later to be come known as the "killing fields." Hundreds of thousands of intellectuals were tortured and executed under the Khmer Rouge; others starved or died from disease or exhaustion. In total, an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians died between 1975 and 1979. (GAMMA / Eyedea Presse)

An undated photograph shows forced laborers digging canals in Kampong Cham province, part of the massive agrarian infrastructure the Khmer Rouge planned for the country. (AFP / Getty Images)

Fed up with cross-border raids by Khmer Rouge, Vietnam invaded Cambodia on Dec. 25, 1978. By Jan. 7, shown here, Vietnamese troops had occupied Phnom Penh. The Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia lasted for 10 years. (Bettmann / Corbis)

The Vietnamese overthrew Pol Pot, too, driving the leader to the Thai border where he continued to head the Khmer Rouge in the jungles. (Kyodo News / AP)

The Khmer Rouge sought to rid Cambodia of all Western influences that distracted its people from their agrarian calling. Cars, abandoned and forbidden, were stacked up alongside the road. (John Bryson / Time Life Pictures / Getty)

An exhumed mass grave, pictured in 1981, in the Cambodian countryside reveals the skeletons of those executed and buried together under Pol Pot's regime. (David A. Harvey / National Geographic / Getty Images)

Khmer Rouge guerrillas in the jungle of western Cambodia as they attempt to halt advancing Vietnamese forces on Feb. 15, 1981. (Alex Bowie / Getty Images)

Cambodian refugees, pictured in January 1985, at a refugee camp, near the Thai-Cambodian Border. Some 60,000 people fled to the south as fighting increased between Khmer-Vietnamese troops and the FNLPK (Khmer People's National Liberation Front), one of the three groups making up the anti-communist resistance. (Alain Nogues / Corbis Sygma)

Without backing from the Soviet Union, Vietnam could no longer afford to keep its troops in a state of indefinite occupation in Cambodia. In September 1989, Vietnamese troops withdrew from Phnom Penh. (Jacques Langevin / Corbis Sygma)

A Tearful Reunion
A family greets each other in August 1989 after being separated during years of war and occupation. (Michael Freeman / Corbis)

The 1991 Paris Peace Accord that followed Vietnam's withdrawal mandated democratic elections and a ceasefire, but was not fully respected by Khmer Rouge guerrillas. U.N. transitional authority shared power with representatives of various factions, and Prince Sihanouk, shown here at center making his way back the Royal Palace in November 1991, was reinstated as Head of State. (Jacques Langevin / Corbis Sygma)

U.N.-run elections in May 1993 resulted in a shaky coalition between Sihanouk's son, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, and Hun Sen, a former Khmer Rouge guerrilla pictured here at a political rally before the elections. The country was once again named the Kingdom of Cambodia. Hun Sen remains Prime Minister today. (Romeo Cacad / AFP / Getty Images)

Pol Pot continued to lead the Khmer Rouge party from rural Cambodia until July 1997 when he was arrested. In a show trial, Pol Pot, known as Brother No. 1, was denounced by his own followers and sentenced to house arrest in his jungle home. The press gathered there when he died less than a year later at age 73 on April 15, 1998, never having faced charges. (Jason Bleibtreu / Corbis Sygma)

Finally agreeing to abandon their fight, the remaining Khmer Rouge soldiers fighters surrendered on Feb. 9, 1999, and donned new uniforms of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces during an integration ceremony in Anlong Veng near the Thai-Cambodian border. (Ou Neakiry / AP)

Contact sheets showing pictures of what is believed to be former prisoners of the S-21 prison, also known as Tuol Sleng, where over 15,000 people lost their lives. Kaing Guek Eav, better known as Duch, was detained for his role as chief of the torture center in 1999. (David Hogsholt / Getty Images)

A long delayed U.N.-backed tribunal to bring the leaders of the genocide to justice began in 2009. On Feb. 17, Duch's trial began. He is the first of five defendants scheduled for trial. (John Vink / Magnum Photos)
Drag Sihanouk from Beijing to the khmer rouge court now.
Great Time-Line
This is typical of how Barang tell the story.
Do they mention what side America was supporting? Do they mention it even once?
1973 was an important year not only for Sihanouk. That's the year Nixon and Mao made their agreement.
The timeline of Vietnam's invasion only makes sense if you understand the role of the U.S. and China.
European authors don't care. Barang Journalists recycle the same half-truths again and again. And then they are surprised that nobody in Cambodia can trust the opinion of Yale University.
It doen't take away the fact that Sihanouk sided with the KR to regain power and revenge. is thata role for the King who should look for the best interest of his people instead of his personal vendetta? Of course the cold war and the superpowers US; russia and china played a major role in the destruction of indochina and allowed the pawns ( sihanouk, lon nol and the kr )to self destruct the nation.
bring the dog sihanouk at the tribunal ..
he is a treater khmer.
this son of the bitch in the royal family is really yourn slave
die for all royal family
there were other factors contributing to the fall of Lon Nol regime: CORRUPTION and RELATIVISM.
7:30 PM
Sihaprahok messed up the whole country.
HaHaHa,ECCC do you see the photo?We are victims,we knew the killers that killed our people.They are:Sihanouk,Mith Monique,samamith Ieng Sary,Ah Nuon chhea,Ah Kiev Samphârn,Ah Duch....Ho,Mao.
Yes sir,it all started with Sihanouk,Polpot,Ho chiminh or Vietcong and also Mao.
What a dumb brain you have! You compare the today political situation to that of Pol Pot? Think it over, ah Lngeu. I don't want to write it long because I'm afraid ah Krama Man might not read it. Do you not really know why the Khmer Rouge killed the innocent Khmer or do you pretend not to know it? I don't know how old you are. If you are just a small kid, get to the side and keep sucking your finger, OK?
It was jealousy and hatred that motivated Pol Pot and his clique to liberately planned the killing. They even killed Hou Nim, Hu Yum, their revolutionary comrades. . .
correction= to deliberately planned
I told you this coward tiger his father is MOA his cousin is HO and his brother is ILL.
Kill him first before any body.
Ok, I am a barrang, I am no journalist, but I have a question:
In the article ther is written:
"In 1965, Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia's head of state, asserted the nation's opposition to the U.S.-backed government in South Vietnam by allowing North Vietnamese guerrillas to set up bases within Cambodia's borders."
My question is: Did the north vietnamese promise to Sihanouk and the Khmer Rouge to give back Khmer Krom to Cambodia as an reward for the Cambodians for this help?
Thanks in advance
Greets from Germany
It's not the Europeans who report this story this way, it's the Americans. So the half-truth is the half without the U. S.'s part in all this.
10:39 PM, you are so right. How convenient that they (the US) don't see themselves in all of these. But more and more facts are now being revealed and more people are aware and realize.
9:17 PM
Bravo! See real Khmer stand up....
There're no real informations that the N. Vietnamese promised to King Sihanouk and the Khmer Rouge to give back Khmer Krom anything, but there're real actions below:
-the French employed the Vietnamese to administrate Cambodia and Laos, and that the French were cheated by the Vietnamese. A huge swathes of Laos, Cambodia and Kampuchea Krom were officially incorporated into Vietnam on French maps. The French had done nothing to protect Cambodia but to erase her from the maps. That was before Sihanouk was born.
-the Vietnamese Phan Bội Châu went to Japan in 1905 and in Thailand in 1908 to settle a base of resistance to oust France from Indochina. He was considered as Ho Chi Minh's spiritual father for his struggle. He was one of the first vietnamese leaders who had asked help from Japan and Thailand to free Indochina from France in exchange the "temprorary control Indochina" by Japan and the partition of Cambodia between Vietnam and Thailand.
-the Vietnamese created Communism (Viet Rouge) then created Khmer Rouge and Laos Communist (Laos Rouge) since in 1900's. The Vietnamese silently occupied Cambodia through French and they sent their own people then made them Khmers. They brainwashed Khmers to kill their own Khmers. They told them that peasants were prolitarians that they did not have to be transformed, except the rich and intellectuals. Pol Pot, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hun Sen..were created by Communist Vietnam.
-the communist of China reprimanded Cambodia for flirting with the US.
-the Ho Chi Minh's army helped by Mao and Stalin to intensify the Viet Minh offensive against the French in Indochina.
-the refusal to respect Cambodia territory (neutral proposal) by Ho Chi Minh (in 500 pages telegrams between US and UK).
-the Stalin's approval to Ho Chi Minh with China supervised over Ho Chi Minh to take Cambodia and Laos. Chinese legitimized their revolution by winning Stalin's approval, and because Stalin did not trust Ho Chi Minh (cheating French), Chinese was approved by Stalin to train and help Ho Chi Minh, and Stalin provided back up support, though Soviet was not directly involved.
-Khmer leaders such as Sihanouk, Lon Nol sacrificed their lives and their names to free Cambodia from the Vietnamese who used their strategy of liberation as a pretext
to openly take Cambodia even the French already gave Cambodia, Laos and Kampuchea Krom to Vietnam.
Khmer leaders are no blind, they had no other choices but to cross the bridge even they had to hold hands with the devil Vietnamese; if one side survives Khmers will survive.
Why are you here and try to ask the question like you didn't remember why Cambodia remains miserable by the Vietnamese, the favorite light skin people of the French?
[Alors écoutes èspèce “French Fries” à 10:20 PM là:
Il n’avait rien à voir où à faire avec Khmer Krom; Ce très très sale vaut rien appelé Sihanouk avait simplement et pûrement vendu le Pays au Vietcong. Point final!]
Listen and listen good you French Fries @10:20PM there:
There had nothing to do with "Khmer Krom" or anything of that nature. This filthy and dirty worthless power hungry known as Sihanouk simply and categorically sold Cambodia out to the VietCong. And that was the beginning of the end for Cambodia. Period!
ហេ អាបារាំងឆ្កួតខ្ញុំយួន!
វាគ្មានស្អីទាក់ទងនឹងរឿង កម្ពុជាក្រោម នោះទេ។
ការពឹតគឺ ស្ដេចចំកួត សីហនុ ទេដែលវាជាអ្នកលក់
គឹត ហង្សា
Correct' to 12;03am.
Why are you here and trying to ask the question like you didn't remember why Cambodia remains miserable by the Vietnamese, the favorite light skin people of the French?
12:07 AM,
Your comment "This filthy and dirty worthless power hungry known as Sihanouk simply and categorically sold Cambodia out to the VietCong. And that was the beginning of the end for Cambodia. Period" is not corrected.
You're misinformed or misunderstood. Please read my post at 12:03 AM.
Thank you
អាបារាំងមួយនេះ @១0:២០PM មឹនមែនខ្ញុំយួនទេ
គឺវា ឈ្លក់ឆ្កួតនឹង កណ្ដួយ យួនណា៎!!!
If this poster 12:07/12;25am is a group of amekhmer or Khmer extremists in France, they cannot make a rational. Don't bother!!!
What do you mean by "is not corrected", (watch your English)12:17 AM? Had Sihanouk not sold Khmer eartern border land to the Viet to be utilised as Ho CHi Minch trail, Khmer would have never been in this deep shit!!!
Agree to disagree
Kith Hangsa
1st 12:32 AM,
By no means, am part of those you mentioned. Born and raised Khmer and multilingual. If that was all you can say, get the fuck out of here....asshole, Quel con alors!!!
And I bet អាឆ្កួត ១២:៣២ AM ឯងប្រហែល
12:32 AM.
My typo. I should have written carefully as "is not a correct reason".
No, I disagree with your reasons. King Sihanouk is Khmer and he had no reasons to sell his country to the enemy. You may be able to convince the irrational people, but I disagree.
My post 12;51AM to Kith Hangsa.
12:38 AM,
Being a multilingual person does not mean you can be a rational person.
មកដល់ អ្នកនិយាយម៉ោង 7:30PM.
ចូលឯងកុំនិយាយច្រើនពេក សំដីឯងបញ្ជាក់
ថាឯងជាមនុស្សអគតិ ជាមនុស្សល្ងង់ផុតលេខ
សំដីឯងនិយាយ ជាសំដីរបស់ចៅហ្វាយឯងសុទ្ធសាធ
តើឯងដែលស្តាប់ អាស៊ីសេរី វីអូអេឬអានព៍ត
ក៏មិនច្បាស់ ស្គាល់សហរដ្ឌអាមេរិកក៏មិនច្បាស់។
ទើបម្នាក់ៗ ធ្លាក់ខ្លួនក្រគ្រប់គ្នា។ចូលឯងឈប់ជឿរ
ចៅហ្វាយអាក្រក់របស់ឯងទៀតទៅ ហើយខំពន្យល់ចៅហ្វាយឯងអោយឈប់ជាន់ក
សប្បាយ សុខសាន្ត រីកចំរើន នោះរាស្ត្រនៅបរទេសនឹងមតិពិភពលោក
ឈប់ថ្កោលទោសពួកឯងទៀតហើយ នេះជាគំនិតប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ។
Ah chhkuot 12:03AM,
Kampuchea krom was lost in 1947 to yuon ,while idiot SIHANOUK was a king .And he did not do a shit about that except making babies.
@12:07 AM
you write:
"Listen and listen good you French Fries @10:20PM there:
There had nothing to do with "Khmer Krom" or anything of that nature. This filthy and dirty worthless power hungry known as Sihanouk simply and categorically sold Cambodia out to the VietCong. And that was the beginning of the end for Cambodia. Period!"
Hey you funny guy, I am not French!
As I wrote before, I am German!
Why should Sihanouk sell Cambodia to the Vietnamese Commies for nothing?
That´s not logical at all!
The French gave Khmer Krom to South Vietnam in 1946 (?), why should the Khmer help the North Vietnamese against the US and the South Vietnamese without anything to get back from them later?
From one source I read, Sihanouk was
brought back from China when Lon Nol's government was seen as helpless of any hope in defeating the KR forces. The hope was in reinstating him as the leader again before any hope would vanish from the Cambodian people. He was brought into S. Vietnam and was seen by some Khmer people. But due to the US policy, Kissinger didn't want him to be reinstated. After
all, the US deposed him from his
position and installed Lon Nol.
Sihanouk was walking a tight rope
with the Viet Cong using Cambodia
as an escape from US war-game.
If Cambodia had enough man power
to resist VC, I think we would have
done so. From what I know of Sihanouk,I think his heart was
for the preservation of the Khmer
people and not their destruction.
2:22 AM,
I am not Jkourt neither you, but what I wrote are facts from a lot of history books and from my rational stand points. You are too irrational, and your reason is nothing near the truth.
Sihanouk chea mé kheatakor samlab reastr Khmer.
I just ingored 2:32 and 2:38 AM. Screw him!
As for Angry Kaun Khmer - who are you angry at? Hopefully at that worthless Sihanouk for having sold Khmer land to the Viet and to this day still supports that one-eyed gangster Hun Sen.
If that is the case, my hat off to you otherwise keep on being angry at the world if you are tired of living, okay?
@ 2:48 AM
Thanks for your answer!
I still have to read a lot about these developments in South East Asia after WW 2.
Always thought that the KR were "made by Mao´s China" and the Cambodians were the enemies of the Vietnamese, especially after loosing Khmer Krom in 1947.
So Lon Nol was installed by the US?
It is not so easy to find the real truth ;)
Hi Hom,
I think Khmer leaders like King Sihanouk and Gen Lon Nol did what need to be survived. Like someone said if one side (Chinese faction(Sihanouk) or Pro-US(Lon Nol)) survives Khmers will survive.
I belive these two leaders were in one gaol to free Cambodia from the Vietnamese who have occupied Cambodia for about 500 years. The infiltration into the Vietnamese faction (like peasants or prolitarians of Hun Sen..) by the Chinese faction led by Sihanouk was to free Cambodia. You are right if Khmers had army and enough power to resist, they would.
3:15/3:17 AM,
I am angry at the irrational beings like both of you who failed to see what I saw.
I don't want your hat off to please me, because I can tell you that I am against your irrational reasons.
IF the Americans reported this story not the Europeans, then in short I have to say "American Officials're to learn to LIE".
If you still don't believe it, just watch the American politicians. They lie and keep lying.
5:58 PM
The factors that contributed to the fall of Lon Nol regime were not only corruption and nepotism, it was also the infiltration by the Vietnamese who made themselves Khmers or Khmer Krom in his army.
12:093 AM,
Khmer won't survive boy!,
Instead all Khmer swill be Indochinese citizen before the end of this 21st century.
Khmers will be Viet slaves in their ancestors' lands.
3:58 AM,
Cambodia has been under Vietnamese indirectly controlled for about 500 years, it has to take at least 250 years to be freed, and that has to be all Khmers to free her not only the leaders alone.
The weak and small will die, but the strong and small could survive.
Khmers will not be anyone' slaves if we work hard to earn it, unless you are pessimist.
To world readers to know the facts about life. If N. Vietnamese joined with the US, Cambodia, KKK or SVN and Laos may be saved but not guarantee. Since NVN joined with Soviet/China, now a biggest threat against Vietnam is China starts her annexation of Vietnam by cut off water first and human migrations.
The reason behnd why Vietnamese had to capture Saigon so fast because China was going to take it, either China will return it to Sihanouk or not, but it will pose a dangerous threat to Vietnam.
Jacque Izzi, Italian (husband) + Vietnam Wife = Manette + Monique
Mr. Um (husband) + Pom Peang(wife) = Police Um Manorin + Police Um Santhan
Sinuk being more left to Right, such as his close associate to Sukano, Chu En Lay, Ho chi Minh ect..
Sinuk could make Cambodia a non aligned nation, not pro East or West if he was not taking side with leftist so much, specially the pro elite communist associate with him know how to kiss his butt.
Thai leaders in past history were so smart to get rid of U.S, British, France colony, Japan... why not Sinuk if he's so good.
You could not rewrite history,
there is many in library around the globe have been written leardership failure about Sihanouk;
Now Sinuk made Hun to the top due to Hun & Sinuk sibling policy defend his monarchy not Cambodia, the demagogy politic destroying Cambodia again to pro Left, communist.
AKK @3:42 AM,
Either you are a pretender or a person that cannot put down your thinking into English:
Look at "The Rise and Fall of the Khmer Rouge" here on KI-Media. What do you see - Must Sihanouk join Khmer Rouge to save Cambodia from the Viet (like you said)? or is it that Sihanouk himself was being revengeful (because he got his ass kicked by the legitimate Khmer Assembly back then?
You are confused as to who's who and who's being irrational! Do more research and learn more...it's a whole lot more than just what you have ASSUMED....And please don't just cut and paste while you are pretending to be able to write English, please?
Later old man...
Kith Hangsa
I am so proud to be yuon.We are the master race for sure .We literally started from nothing ,now we have got everything.And who know in the next 50 years our border may extend all the way to THAILAND ,OH! i am so proud of all our leaders from all generations .Our beloved leaders were so brilliant.I love HO CHI MING city,i love all all the delta territory formerlly kampuchea krom the most fertile land on earth and most of all the phu koc island or the cambot called it KOH TRAL.To all cambot ,we still want to be your friend hahahaha.
Men write histories. There are many biased historians, and there are many propagandas carried by the haters like yourself.
-Kith Hangsa.
What irrational arguments you have tried to make. Don't try to guess behind your computer and pretend to know who I am or how old I am.
My English writing is not a problem, it is you who do a lot of bragging about yourself. Besides, I am not here to be a braggart as you are, I write what I knew. There're no cut & paste, I made my own views after I read what I learned from what I searched; and I don't rely on the sources found by KI. KI was created by a group irrational extremists just like you.
Either you are Vietnamese or Khmer, you are just a troll.
yes, indeed it did. a royal seal of approval gave the stupid KR regime a boost, then. we and the entire world are awared of this fact. however, i also think that every khmer people, including the former king, etc, did not expect the KR regime to get out of control like they did such as killing its own people, destroying the cambodia and everything it stood for. the KR turned it around and tricked the entire nation. the whole nation was trapped and helpless under the stupid, backward vision of the abrutal KR regime. i think in the beginning, the retired king did not know this either. we all were tricked by the KR because later they put the entire royal family under house arrest and almost killed them all as well if they had not escaped to china in the neck of time. well, the reality of that time was cambodia was lawless, thus, there was no justice and so forth. everyone suffered as a result. do learn from this important historical lesson of our history, though. god bless cambodia.
The same attacks by outsiders like Thais, Viets,... and by Khmer extremists. Thais' Queen was so ugly, she had to run to England to have a plastic surgery. Viets used the strategies fabricating a story that Queen Monineath was a daughter of Youn and then they fabricated another story that Pom Peang was Viet, then they said Pom Peang was Khmer but she adopted her two younger daughters... bla bla.. to divert Khmer attentions from the national matter.
And there are bastard racist Khmers who are Buddhists continue to carry their same evil propagandas just like you 4;52am.
Yeahh no one could rewrite history but many coud have falesified the histories; because we have too many fucking scholars and writers make decisions who should be who or who should be what?
The history must be corrected if we found it to be wrong.
Let new generations rewrite the history that Mahidol didn't shoot himself on the head, it was his brother Bhumibol did it.
There are too many crimes made by some historians. They didn't write the facts, indeed they had falsifies numerous histories. Do you know the famous General who defeated Hitler named George Patton was assasinated by the US Intelligence after the war was over and they wrote he was killed by car accident? This world is so fucking liar by humans.
In that last photo, it should be noted that whoever made the caption is totally incorrect with their knowledge of the event that is depicted. In that photo, it WASN'T the Khmer Rouge bombing. This photo depicts the aftermath of United States B-52 planes unloading 20 tons of bombs over the small town of Neak Leung in their miscalculated attempt to destroy communist insurgents on August 1973.
The realty reveal that many professional scholars and historian could not be wrong about history they are ashamed to be judged of bad credential Historian, they love prestige and dignity than moneys; in fact a few I agreed could be fabricated of hatred but they can not fooled around with one who want the truth.
Indeed how about the history of 1991 Paris agreement, UNTAC election 1993, the victory of FUNCINPEC.
Even though I am not a supporter a Monarchy regime; I rather close my eye to see Sinuk succeed to chase Youn from taking KoK Tral, Phu QUOC... or the 1980, 81, 82 agreement between youn and CPP losing Cambodia lands.
Sinouk and Ranarith can send Hun & youn go to hell 1993, because UNTAC on his side , FUNCINPEC victory election. Hun prepared luggages to east side already. I think sinuk could save his face that time may be, instead his dreaming Monarchy and a skillful flattering of Youn making them to come back.
Was that the history or legend ?
Do you know, your guys are never going to stop blaming King Sihanouk? If you guys can figure out how to defeat the enemy within without army, then you all shall be annointed to lead the country.
Didn't the Vietnamese communist suppose to brainwash the Khmer peasants to kill their own people? Those were parts of their strategies, if not why the peasants are in power until today.
I am sure he knew how the savage Khmer peasants can be, that's why the Vietnamese brainwashed them easily.
With China helped Sihanouk had to be inside their group to may be could free Cambodia. Lon Nol was given a chance but his regime was too corrupted. Not only that his whole family members were thugs. He gave all power to his mafia brother Lon Non to run the show and in his army how many Vietnamese spies were with?
Do your guys still refuse to know that Vietnamese still quietly occupied Cambodia for 500 years?
Your guys are too exaggerated about yourself. What a BS?
7:00 AM, your own views suck big time..ROFLMAO! Don't quit your daytime job yet, okay?
History would not write about ACORN who was paid to commit crimes like fake voters for Obama to win. Because the historains are many White and they are afraid to be accused of racist. Thais wrote their own history that is not consistent with Cambodia history.
Your analysis is your opinion but not facts.
The facts are with the ones who designed the strategies not the soldiers not you or any body.
Dude 8:23AM.
You are a real irrational braggart. How can a bilingual person be so irrational and so stupid? You haven't gotten anything right to nail me besides bragging about yourself, being young being a smart-alecky dude.
Correct' 8:31 am.
Historians would not write about ACORN who was paid to commit crimes like fake voters for Obama to win. Because the historians are many White and they are afraid to be accused of racist. Thais wrote their own history that is not consistent with Cambodia history.
Your analysis is your opinion but not facts.
The facts are with the ones who designed the strategies not the soldiers not you or any body.
Why some people like to brag about themselves? Bragging in person is not too bad but bragging on the internet when we cannot see each others?
I think they like to brag because they are not secured about themselves or they see themselves better than everybody or they have to belittle others to make themselves feel better or they are miserable or too arrogant people, looking for attentions which they may never have had.
10:16am you too brag about your ego on here. So it's not just some people who brag, your included.
This is proves that Sihanouk was/is
the Khmer Rouge Leader. The head of the killing fields. KRT catch Sihanouk to stand trail now. His Regime killed as much 2.5 millions.
Ms. Pom Peang was an assistant secretary in Saigon in the earlier year 1940, she married Mr. Um with two children, Mr. Um Manorin and Mr. Um Santhan.
Mr. Jacque Izzi married Ms. Diep, Viet lady whose children: Manette and Monique.
The fact was when Izzi wife and Pom Peang husband died. Later they two, Mr. Izzi & Ms. Pom Peang remarried, indeed they did not have children together.
Look at the mirror reflecting yourself, your mind set claim to be score yourself on top, so call rational or fact.
The debate like this shall be evaluated by independent professional outsider, not you or me.
You lift yourself up, if you are still alive another 10 and 20 years
you will see the consequences of the two sibling: Brother Sinuk and Hun will be fall into the Indochinese federation, of course you will be happy because your logic, your fact, will not be fact instead just to please your boos; in contrary I will be please if Cambodia become a great respectful country.
Prove what? These pictures can prove Sihanouk's guilts?
Well, you got me to believe that your people are savage worse than animals.
Are you Buddhist who may believe in bad Karma or bab?
This same story fabricated by you and your evil extremists is getting so old and so sick.
Now you claimed to be a psychic to know the consequences of others? How about your own evil action?
What a respectful country Cambodia can be if you and your radical extremists are too evils as them in Cambodia?
Looklike the good God or Lord Buddha raised Peang's daughter to be a mother of Khmer nation and her son now Khmer King isn't stopping the evils like you to be afraid how powerful the almighty can be.
The funny thing is I heard this rumor a while back saying Pome Peang was a Vietnamese.
Now they changed story and said Pome Peang was not Youn and was not the mother of her 2 daughters?
Khmers are very evil racist most of them are. They never accepted another Khmers who are not ugly and stupid like them.
Look at Mu Sochua as an example. How many ugly and stupid Khmers claimed that Mu Sochua was a Vietnamese? Many of them and one of them is the crazy Chau Bury in Camdisc. They had no records to prove who are Khmers and who are Youn, but they just hate Khmers who look better and smarter than them; they keep spreading the dirt.
Don't let these miserable evils ruin your life.
No kidding, I even heard some Khmer racists said Dr. Peang Gafa and Dr. Lao Mong Hay are Youn. The I say Pol Pot disease is still contagious among Khmer racists.
No kidding, I even heard some Khmer racists said Dr. Peang Gafa and Dr. Lao Mong Hay are Youn. I say Pol Pot disease is still contagious among Khmer racists.
Mu sochua have to do something for white guy ok.And destroy all khmer and khmer country ok.And you should be number one of khmer history.
Um Manorin was a Cambodian National Police in the earlier 60 and on, he adopted Sinuk plan to help Hanoi secretely transported red chinese weapons from Sihanouk ville port to HO chi Minh trail.
Sinuk consistently claimed Cambodia as Neutral and non aligned nation...Sic
Un santhan, Manorin sibling was then a police chief in Srok Tbaung Khmum,Kg Cham, Mr. Santhan was responsible to carry on with one high rank army officer for this mission to the border for Vietcong.
Khmer army officer Colonel Les Kasem, Khmer islam, he was not happy about that but keep shut up or will be in prison.
We learned from mistake then correct it and move on to liberate our country from repeating the dark side history of fail policly: Breathe through Chinese & youn.
Indeed we could not chase Chinese or Youn or Western. Just like Borrowing Moneys from the bank to invest one day for Break Even making Cambodia depending on ourself Economically or politically. We trying not to be the clown of youn or Chinese or any Western one more.
You are Khmers Servant not the power of the guns on their head;
You treated Khmer people the way you want to be treated. Thanks.
Every time the extremists like
12;35am or lunatic Sacrava's army make their comments I am pooped.
We are Khmer around the worldwide inside and outside join hand together to use our weapons: Media, Internet, spreadword..... skillfully.
We know Viet spying everwhere in Cambodia, European, U.S, Asia; they
use brainwashing, money, power, to lure those greedy inside Khmer community, students abroad for their group interest, not Cambodia nation, They can go up but they will go down.
God will bless Cambodia to have a good leader to serve cambodia best interest.
12:40 and 1:05 AM are the ones that are part of the Viet/Yuon spy clique for ah HUN SEN and his cronies.
we have their IP addresses now!!!
Don't lie.
And shut the fuck up ah lop 12:40 and 1:05.Nobody is going to cause trouble between khmers and khmere.What did you smoke lately?.
You are getting too paranoid for nothing. How many WE in the world in your list? From what we have observed you have only a few crazy old farts including yourself sketching your toons without sleeping.
I cannot find who posted at 3:40am? Do you mean the crazy one @ 3:48am? Lol. looking for IP and then what? The same Sacrava's army and claimed to know we the Khmers around the world?
I'm pooped too. LOL
The past of ours country keep it the history,, we can make a comment or do a analyse,but we can not returne its.The big deal now,for all the khmer people should have a conscience ours monther land going to disparate,How to preserve the Cambodia in future , dont disparated like the Champa.
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