Saturday, September 19, 2009

Duck Shot (aka Tea Banh) and Baby Hun (aka "General" Hun Manet) visit the US

Tea Banh (L) and Hun Manet (R), the general-son of Cambodia's Strongman Hun Sen. Local newspaper reported that the inexperienced young general will accompany Tea Banh to the US

US, Cambodia Defense Chiefs To Meet

By Taing Sarada, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
18 September 2009

The Cambodian defense minister will meet with the US secretary of defense later this month, in the first such high-level meeting since the 1970s, officials said.

Gen. Tea Banh will meet with Robert Gates to strengthen relations between the two militaries, including an exercise for multi-national peacekeeping operations, Tea Banh told VOA Khmer by phone.

“The most important thing is we need to talk to each other, to understand each other on some points that we will complete together,” he said.

Tea Banh will lead a delegation from Sept. 18 to Sept. 23, according to the Cambodian Embassy.

That delegation will include the deputy commander of the Royal Gendarmerie, Veat Tha, and deputy director of peace operations, Tat Chantha, among other high-ranking military officers.

The visit comes amid warming relations between the two militaries, including the addition of a military attachés this year and cooperation on crimes such as human and drug trafficking.

The US has provided direct military aid since 2006. In September, the US provided more than $6 million in military equipment to the armed forces.


Anonymous said...

It is very encouraging to see the dialogue between the US and the Cambodian's government. Hopefully these kind of dialogue would lead to influence true Democracy in our country. Despite my little respect for Prime Minister on his "Iron Fist" pertaining to Human Right violation, he does has some good point about embracing the international super power country like the US. In additional, I am hoping that his educated son would be a better leader than his father would ever be. Unlike his father, Hun Manet Phd. is legit. God bless Cambodia.

Khmer ordinary said...

PhD or not PhD is not the important case in being a good leader of a country. Most modern American presidents have only BA degrees, but they can lead the country towards properity for hundreds of years. Very well-educated people sometimes leads the coun try go to hell, as we experienced it already. How many PhDs were there in the Khmer Rouge revolutionary? And recently, We ahve seen that one PhD (Ranarith) is just dumb fool, because he possesses no patriotism but personal pleasure like his father. For want of permanent absolute power, Hun Maneth can be the same as his father too. It can't be predicted.

The most important character we need in a leader is his patriotism. Without patriotism, a leader will become a dictator like Pol Pot, Hun Sen. People like Pol Pot and Hun Sen don't fit to be Khmer leaders, because a leader must have sympathy, kindness, mercy and compassion towards his people. Pol Pot and Hun Sen have none of these qualities because they do not believe in Buddhism. The despotic rulers will never share fortune, freedom and happiness with his people. They collect them all as theirs.

Anonymous said...

US Foreingn Policy has to sleep with Yuon-Hanoi, to oppose China.
China is the creditor of Uncle Sam.
I like to see how far the US,Debtor,does confront to China ?
Yuon-Hanoi is not stupid to play US'policy;no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Duck shot? More like Dickhead. there is not duck tobe shot at. Mr dickhead tea banh is another viet puppet serving his vietboss

Anonymous said...

it's good that top, influential people of cambodia are meeting with the US gov't officials and so forth. be grateful that khmer leaders are now starting to wake up and smell the coffee and see and learn from the entire world, etc... may god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Ah Chhkai Ban(Tea Ban= Moun Ban=Chhkai Ban) has youn's brain!!!!

Chhkai Ban is the PhD from Hanoi and he was never in the school!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

Hun Manet was the first Cambodian to graduate from west point, we were proude on you, continue to serve your country. He was a greater son of our PM Samdech Deycho Hun Sen.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Rouge supporters

Ah PPU aka Ah Anthony
Ah New Phally
Ah Khmer-Australian
Ah Krama Man
Ah Thana
Ah Thes Meas
Ah Mercedez Benz (Identity Thief) 

You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Please do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.

Anonymous said...

This two are khmer killer. Do your research. They have no qualifiacation. They got their position- appointed by Hun Xen. Not because of true ability.

Think about it? General Tea Banh-I bet he don't even passed 6 grade math. I bet he don't even know how to use computer. How can he operate all this high tech weapon controls. Everyone in America or anywhere other than Cambodia know how much qualification needed for this position. To make it short this two idiot are a million miles away from qualifying for General position.

This is why Cambodia is what it is today. They rule not lead! They keep appointing position to their close associates instead of true qualified ability.

Tea Banh is as bad or even worst than Hok Londy.

Hun Manet is a new Hun Xen ruller. We should not trust any of the CPP period!

Anonymous said...

to 5:17 AM, am agree with you, but education is much better than non educated at lease ranarith, use all professional behavior and words chosing to speech to puplic compare to hun none educated i do not understand what cabages language he talking about? unprofessionalism. no brain to stand up from viet and thai. his son probably the same way as he did because cabages language from his parents had tought him all his life, so he won't change much also get job easy by his dad no not qualify for leader.we need some one really struggle and fight to what they want to be, these person like mu is ready to lead.