Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hor 5 Hong's ministry of Foreign Affairs sends "compliments" to Thai embassy for the killing of a Cambodian teenager by Thai troops?

Click on the images to zoom in
Above are images from the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFAIC) website as of 17 September 2009 showing the title of the complaint (not "compliments") letter sent to the Thai embassy in Phnom Penh in regards to the barbaric live burning and killing of a Cambodian teenager by Thai troops. Such sloppiness by the MFAIC is inexcusable as it can make Cambodia the laughing stock of the world.

The MFAIC can afford to send Ouch Borith to give out nonsense press conference, but it can't even put to use this secretary of state to check what nonsense its own website is actually displaying!

Click here to see this major scandal by Hor 5 Hong's ministry.


Anonymous said...

Everyone knows Hor 5 Hong don't care about Cambodia. He is a true Viet! I don't remember which news artical, but he claimed and proud to be a Vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

this is so embarassing and an affront to Khmer and the burnt alive teenager....can't they spell or they are just being careless or don't care?

Anonymous said...

You can't expect too much from the incompetent CeePeePee.
Look at their PM, for example. Lol!

Anonymous said...

Let every bodies say; Ah Hor 5 Hong...Ah Hor 5Hong.....

Ah idiot Hor 5 Hong..........and son on. He is a stupid mother fucker I had ever seen. Nothing he can do for Cambodia except follow ah Hun Sen order, and he is too fucking old for this job. Now Thailand had changes several their ministers to deal with this low class Hor but this Hor still can't not solved any broblem for
Cambodia. Let get id off of this idiot Hor. Let get rid off of this idiot Hor......................

Anonymous said...

What? The killers got complimented? This is plain ingnorant, two different words with different meanings.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this is my own mistake alone.. don't think so much..

I'm the one who flied that page on that day, i saw only the first two sentences and start flying it.

Please, forgive me...!!! for, it is the first time I tried it.

Anonymous said...

Those mother fucker in the Foreign Affairs are uneducated people. They do not have a ny high education such as Kanharith, Ouch Bunrith etc has only high school diploma.

Cambodia is ruled by the non -intellectual monkeys.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is a gross negligence on the Cambodian government, period! Hahah. What stupidity! Now the whole world will know that the Cambodian officials are the dumbest in the world of spelling and writing. Lol. Actually, the Americans in the 60's also considered Cambodian officials as dummies who knew nothing or didn't understand anything. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Who is the idiot who wrote that message? The word "complaint" is not event appropriate. The correct word should be "protest".

Not only that idiot should be fired. Minister Hor should also be fired for his lacking of due deligent. Every official statement or message should be proof read by at least two qualified people prior to making it public.

Anonymous said...

I was right, the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge government are so dumb.

Anonymous said...

The word should be "condemn or denounce" the barbaric act of Thai soldiers.

Anonymous said...

It’s scandalous. This is the first time I see an official statement issued by the ministry of foreign affairs. Although I am not a diplomat, I find the statement was poorly written. I am not surprised if Thai ambassador and his staff are laughing at us right now – is this the best Cambodian ministry of foreign affairs can write?

What a disgrace for the nation!

Anonymous said...

This is very ashamed, indeed. Person who write this text should be fired.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

shit, what a F$%^&g blunder!

Anonymous said...

The word should be "PROTEST" not complaint, stupid Hor 5 Hong mother fucker!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Huynh Kvack have 200 advisor's that he'd never use for his public speech. How about lend Whore5 Hong a couple of them so this will never happen again.
On a serious note, the victims father should add Whore5 Hong to his list of vengeance.

Anonymous said...

Ah 10:48, ah konjeas YOUN. Lol. Bontech teat ah YOUN romlope prohong kdet ah chkourt eng heuy, ah pler. Ah pler eng bontech teach jbass jear ronteas banch kbarl baek heuy piprous ah Hun Sen niyeay thar brawsen vear kohock nous jbass jear ronteas banch kbarl ah CeePeePee heuy, ah lop merl men jear. Ah ot barn kar. Can't speak and read and can't write, ah jong kourt. Lol.

Anonymous said...

The CPP employs people not because they are capable profesionals but because they are cronies and personal relatives.

Anonymous said...

What do you all expect from a bunch of low educated people who have been appointed by Viet and refused to step down after they loss the election ? That letter didn't just contain the mispelling word , it also contains some words that should't have been used because they were not strong enough to fit the action that have been done by Thai Army.
Truck Driver

Anonymous said...

That is so shameful to have people that lack of qualification working to represent us.

Almost HUN SEN (CPP) has no knowledge background.

Anonymous said...

Very shameful for such careless mistake on serious issue like this especially from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs representing the country. This mistake is reflecting the leadership of the CPP government and the Cambodian people as a whole. Furthermore, this incompetent poor character individual who wrote this letter does not respect the victim and his family. Good bless Cambodia..

Anonymous said...

Oh! come on guy! no thing can be mistake free!

Anonymous said...

By the way it's just English not in Khmer or Viename!

Ihave PhD you know ? from Hanoi!

Anonymous said...

There should be the "protest words!" when our people were shot and burns alive! not complaint?? you complaint about had no jobs, raising taxes, corrupted gov't, bad roads, more income etc...

Anonymous said...

You complaint when you needed more income, but when our people shot at injured, burned alive, you should "PROTEST!" not using the complaint????????dumbfuck stupid ass Foreign Affair mother fucker!!