Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Hun Sen, Researcher in Row Over Indictments

(Photo: Khmer Sthabna)

By Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
07 September 2009

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday warned a leading Khmer Rouge researcher not to implicate him as an obstacle to further indictments of former regime leaders at the UN-backed tribunal.

Hun Sen called on Youk Chhang, a prominent researcher and head of the Documentation Center of Cambodia, to send a letter of explanation, following media reports where the researcher called on the tribunal to make a decision counter to Hun Sen’s political wishes.

The Pre-Trial Chamber of the tribunal announced last week it would allow investigations of more suspects to continue, ending a nine-month decision-making process that put the international and national prosecutors at odds.

Hun Sen has warned more indictments could plunge the country back into war. Critics say the Cambodian judges at the tribunal have followed this political logic in decision-making outside the purview of the law.

The chamber allowed the possibility of indictments to move forward after it failed to reach a super-majority—a provision under the rules of the court—to disallow the international prosecution’s motion. The potential indictments will now be forwarded to the investigating judges.

“We have allowed the court to decide on the additional former Khmer Rouge cadre following the majority,” Hun Sen said Monday.

“If the court wants to charge more former senior Khmer Rouge cadres, the court must show the reasons to Prime Minister Hun Sen,” the premier said referring to himself in the third person. “Hun Sen only protects the peace of the nation. I do not affect to the court issue.”

“Now, if you try the former Khmer Rouge leaders without thinking of peace and national reconciliation, war will happen again, killing 200,000 to 300,000 more, and who will be responsible for this?” he said. “I changed my life for the whole Cambodia. I will not allow anyone to destroy it, and this nation and people also will not allow anyone to bring instability, not only Cambodian, but also foreigner.”

Youk Chhang said in a letter to Hun Sen Monday he had “no intention” of pushing for more charges in statements he made at a seminar. The Documentation Center of Cambodia has spent years collecting evidence of Khmer Rouge atrocities, and is the repository of much of the nation’s history during the period.


Anonymous said...

Bullshit Hun Sen,

Only you and you alone who will create that civil war for saving your skin and your cronies.

Your civil war will be against who???

Anonymous said...

Country stability my ass, Hun Viet,

You oppressed khmer people
you plondered khmer resources of all kinds
You do and will do more land grabbings.
You ran more Human Rights violations.

Damned you!

I don't support KRT said...

The threat of civil war by Hun Sen is only a threat, but it will never happen.

First, Hun Sen is very rich.
Two, if the civil war starts, the US/UN will be accused by Hun Sen for causing an instability in Cambodia.

Then it will give China a full scale to rescue Cambodia through the sea which the Vietnamese won't want it to happen, because the Vietnamese secret army are also in Koh Kong and along Cambodia sea border security. No civil war, and stop worrying about it.

It is going to have a deal between the US and Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

So Hun Sen will kill 200,000-300,000 more Khmers if the court decides to bring more Khmer Rouge leaders to justice? How many has he killed so far?

Anonymous said...

UN won't let HUN SEN cause any war in Camabodia. If he is about to make one UN will hunt him down just like Saddam Hussein. He can't kept on threatening ordinary Cambodian every time. UN will not let him does whatever he wants or wanted. He must face trial. All Cambodia wanted justice and longer for justice!!!

UN court must trial those Khmer Rouge leaders include HUN SEN.

Justice must prevail!!!

Anonymous said...

8:08 AM,
Hun Sen's civil war will be against the opposition that's what he implies.

Anonymous said...

Yes, war against who!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh stop barking imbecile prime minister. No one is going to take up arms to protect the Khmer Rouge criminals. The scenario that you predict could only happen whem you make it happen.

Anonymous said...

There will be no fucking civil war .Don't use this excuse to protect the criminal.The court need the main culprit to answer all the questions as to why he had misled those innocents to join the khmer rouge .There will not be any closure if that culprit still get away with it.

Anonymous said...

I can see that a guilty picture of HUN SEN. He is very scare now!!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:23 AM,
The UN cannot haunt any body, only the US and China could.
Don't speculate too far.
It will have a deal. The US wants to influence SEA, but China already controls all water.

Anonymous said...

There are secrets about other Khmer Rouge leaders will be called to face trial. Those are:

Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Khiev Samphan
Ieng Sary
Meas Muth

Anonymous said...

UN will ask US to go in grab HUN SEN...

Anonymous said...

Look at HUN SEN face, he is very guilty. When individual had a guilty conscious he will be deeply scared.

Like this saying said. You can run but you can't hide.

Anonymous said...

8:28 AM,

You missed Hor Nam Hong. He is in that list as well.

Anonymous said...

And Keat Chhon!!!

Anonymous said...

Youk Chhang will be the next victim on Hun Xen's shit list.

Anonymous said...

You all are getting so excited for nothing. This trial is the pressure that the US put on Hun Sen to not sleeping with China.

The US does not care who the hell you and I are, it does care to influence SEA only.

The US cannot go and grab Hun Sen if China says NO. It has to have a deal.

Anonymous said...


You are dreaming. Samdach Obama has all kind of shits in his pant right now in USA and he has no time to screw around with Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

These people think it is so easy to get in and grab dictators like Hun Sen or Than Shwe.
If it was so easy as these people said the US and UK would have gone to grab Than Shwe already.

Anonymous said...

If your sam ach OB is busy his Boss Nancy Pelocy and her Dem are not busy, b.c they know how to screw.

Anonymous said...

Obama does not know or understand SEA, it is Hillary's job and her US gov't who wants SEA to abandon China.

Anonymous said...

Than Shwe is a different subject. HUN SEN was a former KR. He related to mass killing. So, US or UN must go in and grab HUN SEN.

Anonymous said...

US insisted already that they wanted to grab HUN SEN.

Anonymous said...


Why do you underestimate my Lord Obama that he does not know or understand SEA? Do you really mean that he should report to Hillay? He should but too bad he won the election.

Anonymous said...

Dear All,
We must not be too pessimisted.
Each person has their up and down in life. For those who has flied too high will head downward with hard landing. Therefore, we must allow others to take their turn to their opportunity if we want ourself to land safely. Hun Sen will face the same destiny like many other monsters of the world who have stolen wealth from their countrymen. Look at all monsters oof the world, which one has survived until his death in old age?
Mao ste Tung was not that bad. His regime was hijacked by his wife Qang Qing, Lim Piao and the gang of 4. Those people in China have already punished by their people under the leadership of Deng Xiao Ping already.
So time will tell when all monsters of our country will go at the same fate like many others in other countries.
Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Do you think China will let it happen? Or did China make a deal with the US ok go ahead? Enlight me bcus I am stupid about China vs. US.

Anonymous said...

Guys silent,
Our Pap Areak Prey gives a speech.

Sit down 'n listen will ya? You see guillotines?

Anonymous said...

Haha.. I'll tell pap who ur, dude.

Anonymous said...

I think HS want WAR against his Viet Agents who are know in cambodia in everywhere...good lucks!

Anonymous said...

Our Pap now is 'n love with Mao. He said "Mao ste Tung was not that bad. His regime was hijacked by his wife Qang Qing, Lim Piao and the gang of 4." He blamed the wife of Mao. Men I tell you, Karma is never good for us humans.

For MORE Than 30 million Chinese people died in the record by Mao's great leap forward, but how about not in the record? May be 100millions, I included the baby girls were killed since birth.
Mao killed 1/100 of Chinese population.

Anonymous said...

9:04 AM,
You claimed that the US wants to grab Hun Sen, then Mu Sochua and Rainsy'd better run.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lib 9;05am. Yep OB is being used by the White supremacy, that's why they put him in WH, and he has to listen to them (white). It was the only way the Dem can beat Rep was to put the black man in WH, easy for them to use him as a race bating. Most decision are from the White and he listens to them.

Eh it is good that you can have someone you can worship. Happy dude.

Anonymous said...

His gesture indicates that there are a few more big killers including himself.

Anonymous said...

The ECCC must indictment these six khmer Rouge killers and put them on trial such as NORODOM SIHANOUK, HENG SAMRIN, CHEA SIM, HUN SEN, HO NAM HONG and KEAT CHHON.

Small Khmer Victims

Anonymous said...

This is a pretext of possible civil war again:
if some of current leaders of phnom penh indicted, then the secret messages from PPenh will be sent to Khmer
Rouge strongholds in Anglong Veng and Pailin to create fake under pretext arm struggle resistances to stir up the unrest and under top secret run by a special group in P Penh. Yes it can turn ugly war but a short one, then someone in P penh will declare in front of International community stated that I have been telling you all along that Khmer Rouge pick up arms struggle. And demand the Khmer Rouge trail Court to drop its indictment. Then the Court has no choice from seeing manipulating war will decide to end the indictment. Then the Khmer Rouge leaders in these two strongholds will get mesages from phnomp enh again to cease their struggle. This is a game plan of P Penh secret group.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen, was a former Khmer Rouge commander in the communist regime.
Now Hun Sen and it clans are in the death raw.

Anonymous said...

This is a pretext of possible civil war again:
if some of current leaders of phnom penh indicted, then the secret messages from PPenh will be sent to Khmer
Rouge strongholds in Anglong Veng and Pailin to create fake under pretext arm struggle resistances to stir up the unrest and under top secret run by a special group in P Penh. Yes it can turn ugly war but a short one, then someone in P penh will declare in front of International community stated that I have been telling you all along that Khmer Rouge pick up arms struggle. And demand the Khmer Rouge trail Court to drop its indictment. Then the Court has no choice from seeing manipulating war will decide to end the indictment. Then the Khmer Rouge leaders in these two strongholds will get mesages from phnomp enh again to cease their struggle. This is a game plan of P Penh secret group.

Anonymous said...

Dear Poster 9.26AM,
I like to bring your attention to that chinese citizen of 1.34 bilions people are not a sleepy citizen. They are very active and daring people. They have fough for their freedom, their democracy system and their lifestyle.
Now you see the majority chinese people have archieved their goal to change their lives in their home country. Usually. we found chinese people were looking for living in foreign countries for better lifestyle. But now the trend is in opposite. many Chinese from overseas have returned to their home country for better lifestyle and better living condition. You find every city in China has changed into a very modern city with good raods, good shopping centres, good public transportation system, good schools and good healthcare. At present hundred of thousands of foreign young people have turned into China for their education.
Chinese people have lost so many lives during cultural revolution created by Qang Qing and Liam Piao from 1967-1972 and later by the collaboration of Qang Qing and guanf of 4 from 1972-1978. Therefore China was at the dark days from 1967-1978. Mr Deng Xiao Ping has fully liberated China from gang of 4 in 1978 and has then opened China up to the outside world. But from 1978, China has changed many generations of leadership to promote developments and reforms.
-From 1978-1985 Deng Xiao Ping and his group.
-From 1985-1987 Hu Yao Bang and his group
-From 1987-1989 Zhang Jiyang and his group.
-From 1989-2002 Zhang Jimen and his group.
-From 2002-now Hu Jintao and his group
Now China has promoted a new leader ( Mr Xie ) to replace Hu Jintao in the near future.
How about Cambodia? we can only see the same face of the same monkys haven't we from 1979?

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

idiot khmer. wonder why we are going to be poor forever.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hin Sithan 9;44am
It should be must indict not must indictment.
Good you are small now and you were small KR.

Anonymous said...

Pap Areak Prey,
Don't bother it, we can read the history at somewhere else if we want to. Thx.

Anonymous said...

U.S has no interest to grab HUN SEN or THAN SWE as long as these two clowns did not hurt U.S interest.Those two are such a small fish to worry about.Furthermore,don't worry about U.S want to compete with China over Cambodia.It's just nonsense.What U.S want is an honest election and a real democratic Cambodia for the khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Prime minister shitting his pants ,hallucinating ,confusing and uses the wrong defend words.
Do good deserved good,and do bad what do you scare for?

Anonymous said...

And why is the in South Eas Asia, if not for competing with China? And why China's dams have anything to do with the US? Care to explain?

Cambodia is one of South East Asia nation, if you forgot. Gaza is also a small land, still US has to concern about her.

I agree that Cambodia should has a free and fair election, and Hun Sen should respect the law, but for you to belittle Cambodia and called her such a small fish is rediculous. You are not a native American and don't try to speak for the US gov't belitteling Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

And why is the US in South East Asia, if not for competing with China? And why China's dams have anything to do with the US? Care to explain?

Cambodia is one of South East Asia nation, if you forgot. Gaza is also a small land, still US has to concern about her.

I agree that Cambodia should has a free and fair election, and Hun Sen should respect the law, but for you to belittle Cambodia and called her such a small fish is rediculous. You are not a native American and don't try to speak for the US gov't belitteling Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Areak Prey
9:54 AM

You are good at reading history book. Can you elaborate more, from the fall of the Khmer Rouge in 1979, who saved the Khmer Rouge and installed them at the UN.

Where were the democrats during the 1980s and 1990s. What did they do to fight the Khmer Rouge.

I would be grateful to get some lesson from you.

Sincerely you,

Khmer Angkor

Anonymous said...

There are 3 groups:

Pro-US (Pro-SRP): want a trial and get rid of Hun Sen and put Rainsy or Mu Sochua.

Pro-Hun Sen Govt't. Ask them I cannot speak for them.

Pro-bi-partisanship (with both US/China); me and I don't care about the trial or anyone can get rid of Hun Sen I still don't care. I just want to see my country in peace and my people have a better life with freedom.

Anonymous said...

If Mu Sochua becomes a Prime Minster is better than Hun Sen and Rainsy.

She a US educated Khmer woman and Cambodia should be run by the woman instead of man.

One thing though, she can have Khmer bodyguards, because some of them are Youn spies though they may be Khmers. I think she should have both American male/female soldiers to protect her.

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer Angkor,
I wouldn't called Vietnamese invasion as a savior of Cambodian people at all. I was one of the victims in the khmer rouge and my life was also 90% death. Each day the khmer Rouge have looked at me when would be my turn.
As you know that Vietnamese,Pol Pot group and Hun Sen are the same. They didn't have any good interest to help Cambodian at all.
Both groups of Pol Pot and Hun Sen have killed Cambodians people.
-Pol Pot group wanted to turn Cambodia into Khmer Loeu lifestyle. Everyone has to live in collectivity and be proletaria ( no property).
-Hun Sen and his group wanted to be riched by stealing people properties since 1975. When they forced us out from the cities, they started to steal our belonging and have starved us to death so that we cannot revenge on them.
The friction between Hun Sen group and his bosses and Pol Pot group was between idology different.
All of them have killed Cambodian citizen from 1975-1979. The different is that Hun Sen group have killed ordinary people and Pol Pot group have killed all former government and former Khmer Rouge leaders in S-21.
THe different between Pol Pot and Vietnamese is also about their own interest. Vietnamese wanted to put Cambodia under federation of Indochina so that vietnam can control Cambodia through their large forces and large population. So none of them has any good intention to help Cambodia at all.
The survival of Cambodian people from 1979 was from God. God has saved Cambodian people by letting Vietnamese invasion to topple their ennemy and put their small ally in power. THe reason for USA and China won't accepte representation of Hun Sen to UN from 1979-1993 was to protect Cambodia from exitinction into vietnamese. In international recognisation of Hun Sen regime from 1979-1993 was to allow Vietnamese to have roots in Cambodia for ever. Therefore we call them peal and peal.
As a Nation we must stand on our own legs and be prouded when our citizen can live in prosperity and in harmony and with high income.
As a Cambodian people, I have only wished our people to live in integrity with pride and hope that Cambodia can be a better place for our younger generation to live in with good security and good social support.
Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Corrct' to my post 11;13am
She is a US educated Khmer woman..
she cant' have Khmer bodyguards..

Anonymous said...

Another war is much better than the condition we're currently living. Or better yet, another revolution will hopefully, this time, cleanse the dirty leaders with newer ones.

Anonymous said...


You are a smart ASS and you wanted to correct Khmer people's spelling in English. How do you know that 9:44AM is Hin Sithan?

Anonymous said...


Who want a another war? Another revolution? That is stupid!

Anonymous said...

if any khmer claims that the viets had saved cambodia, that individual khmer is still in the abyss.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure, what some of you here have a great or crazy idea. The Khmer people in Cambodia don't want another war. They are happy with these little peace-freedom, than a war.
Please remember, not only some of you, but myself have lost all my family member under the Khmer Rouge regime. I am lucky to be the only one surviver, because I live outside of Cambodia since 1970.

Thes Meas said...

For over three years, the people of Cambodia suffered and millions dead under the Khmer rough regime, the United Nation knew everything about what was going on inside Cambodia, and they did nothing to to save Cambodians, and after the fall of Khmer rough in 1979, they left UN seat for the Khmer rough and recognized the Khmer rough the legitimate government of Cambodia.
So the United Nation should be the one that is on trials, becuase they knew what was going on in Cambodia at that time and did not do anything to help, but supported the Khmer rough instead. Cambodia now in peace and UN is now try to stir up Cambodia. It is sad for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

hahha. Ah Hun Sen always wants the truth, but he can't handle the truth. Who will start the civil war if Ah Hun Sen controls all the guns already? Let me give you the examples: Rannaridth did it, and ah Hun Sen bombed the living shit out of him. Yasith Chhun did it and his troops got bombed the hell out. Ah Hun Sen even arrested the Battambang based militia men. So now Ah Hun Sen has all the power. Didn't ah Hun Sen say that he could order his dogs to take over Phnom Penh in just 2 hours. Lol. So Ah Hun Sen is the one who will start the war and why does ah Hun Sen need to do that? All the people ever want is the truth so why does ah Hun Sen still obstructing the truth? The Court is out of Ah Hun Sen's power anyway. So why is ah Hun Sen interferring with the Court for?

Anonymous said...

To Measthes,
The Khmer Rouge click is still controlling Cambodia as we speak, so what are you talking about? Do you know that the Khmer Rouge Hun Sen and his CPP clique still celebrate the their Khmer Rouge foundation? Lol. I say, we must get all of these Khmer Rouge to court to find justice. Get Measthes first since the person supports the Khmer Rouge ruling Cambodia as we speak. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Ah chomkuot 10:27AM,read my posting one more time.I said HUN SEN and THAN SWE are the small fish .I did not belittle Cambodia.What kind of drug are you using asshole?

Anonymous said...

The leader of Cambodia is now in akward position as pressure mounts, and he will be in trouble if the the FBI in the Department of Justice makes decision to open the grenade attacks. Again, if the Cambodian leader makes wrong move, he'll be end up like the late Iraqi leader Saddam.

Anonymous said...

12:04 PM

You're entitled to accuse and oppress the innocent KHMER people, but when you're fucking with the UN, you're fucking with the wrong entity. That said, you should weigh your response carefully, because your boss is now in a hot water.

Your boss is nearly coming to an end of his age.

Anonymous said...

It sounds ridiculous to hear H S said a civil war would break out if more people in charge of genocide were indicted. Meas Muth interviewed by media said he would not be afraid of the charge by ECCC and did not say he would stage a civil war. H S merely is an irresponsible man who wants to cover up Khmer history, which will linger endlessly unless justice for the vitims is found. KhOpen,

Anonymous said...

meas thes was a former kr!

Anonymous said...

The US simply will not allow the UN body to undermine the US national interests in Cambodia, and if in doubt, remember the US multi-million dollar Embassy compound in Cambodia. The embassy must represent something, and it will certain do everything in its power to prevent another civil war. In other words, the US will ignore Hun Sen's criticism, and will appease him in any way as it can for the sake of the national security interest for the US.

Anonymous said...

Can you please stop stipulating or imagining about international politics, just simply focus on implementation of our common goal called National Constitution where every political party should stick to, for our national growth and strenght before looking into horizon.

i hope cambodian leaders stop turning themselve into prophets.
Nothing is classy about stipulaing of international politics, where cambodians still struggling to feed themselve.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Crimes Against Humanity
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Assault and Battery

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leader of the Free Trade Union
Attempted Assassinations on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Attempted Murders on Chea Vichea and Sam Rainsy
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murders members and activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and others military official on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leader of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice. 

Anonymous said...

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed under age child sex.
Svay Sitha is a senior government official from Cambodian People's Party.
Svay Sitha had a sexual relationship with Tat Marina, she was only 16 years old.
Source: Human Rights Watch

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed acid attack.
"On December 5, 1999, Tat Marina, age 16, was severely disfigured in an acid attack in Phnom Penh. The attack was allegedly committed by Khun Sophal, the wife of a senior government official, Svay Sitha, because she was angry her husband had a sexual relationship with Tat Marina. Neither Khun Sophal nor those suspected of being her accomplices in the attack were brought to justice. Intense media publicity compelled the Phnom Penh Municipal Court to issue an arrest warrant for Khun Sophal for attempted murder, but the police claimed that they could not locate her, although journalists reported that she was living at home as usual."
Source: Human Rights Watch

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed torture and murder.
"On the night of January 16, 2003, a street youth named Prak Sitha was beaten to death at the Ministry of Interior (MOI) headquarters after he was arrested and detained by off-duty MOI officers on suspicion of theft. His body - bearing numerous injuries to the head, torso, arms, and legs - was dumped at a Phnom Penh pagoda the following morning by ministry officers, in violation of police regulations regarding deaths in custody. No criminal charges were filed in connection with this death. In December 2004, the case was cited by the UN secretary-general's special representative for human rights in Cambodia - who stated that Prak Sitha died at the ministry "following beatings by a known police officer" - as an example of a "consistent and continuing pattern of impunity" in Cambodia."
Source: Human Rights Watch

Hun Sen's personal Bodyguards Unit (Brigade 70) is a terrorist organization.
Hing Bunheang is a March 30, 1997 Grenade Attack suspect identified by the FBI.
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed murder, again.
"On September 4, 2008, Mean Sokchea, a RCAF major working in Brigade 70, shot dead 21-year-old waitress Put Samphors at a restaurant in Kandal province. Mean Sokchea, in a drunken stupor, fired his gun and apparently mistakenly hit Put Samphors in the stomach. She was taken to a hospital but later died of her wounds. Mean Sokchea was detained by the police overnight but was then released, allegedly after intervention by Hing Bun Heang. Put Samphor's family received US$2,700 from Mean Sokchea, and the police told them that their daughter was shot while authorities were chasing robbers."
Source: Human Rights Watch

Anonymous said...

by Bruce Sharp

On July 7, 1997, Hun Sen, the leader of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP), overthrew Prime Minister Norodom Ranariddh in a brutal, bloody coup. Two days of fighting left at least 58 people dead and hundreds wounded. Ranariddh's forces were overwhelmed.

The atmosphere in the weeks prior to the coup was one of optimism. Rumors surfaced that Pol Pot, the head of the hated Khmer Rouge, had been captured, and would be turned over to the government to stand trial. The Khmer Rouge were defeated, consumed in the end by their own violence and infighting. But in a bitter twist of fate, killers have become a sought-after commodity in Cambodia. The remaining Khmer Rouge were a prize. Ranariddh, whose soldiers had been battlefield allies of the Khmer Rouge throughout most of the Eighties, seemed poised to absorb them into his ranks. Hun Sen, fearing the effect that this might have on his attempts to consolidate his power, moved to crush Ranarridh before the Khmer Rouge could join him.

In the days leading up to the coup, Hun Sen protested loudly that the Khmer Rouge were murderers, and that they should have no place in Cambodian politics. This is a admirable sentiment. But it is rather odd to hear it from Hun Sen, who is himself a former Khmer Rouge soldier. His defection from the Khmer Rouge came only when one of the many purges conducted by the Khmer Rouge came to focus on his own ranks. One can only assume that he had no particular objection to genocide, so long as it was not directed at him personally.

In the days following Ranariddh's overthrow, Hun Sen's soldiers hunted down supporters of Ranariddh's FUNCINPEC party. Several of the victims were apparently tortured before being murdered; four of the bodyguards of Nhiek Bun Chhay, Ranariddh's top military commander, were found with their eyes gouged out. (Nhiek Bun Chhay narrowly escaped.) Former Interior Minister Ho Sok was shot in the head while in the custody of Hun Sen's military. Chau Sambath, an intelligence expert for Ranariddh, was "shot while trying to escape" according to one CPP account, and "committed suicide" according to another. The United Nations, meanwhile, reported that several persons imprisoned in the wake of the coup had been tortured; they were beaten, forced to drink sewer water, and some had their fingers crushed in metal clamps. Thirty detainees were held in an unlit, unventilated cell roughly six feet wide by twenty feet long. In a haunting echo of the Khmer Rouge years, the CPP denied that FUNCINPEC supporters had been killed. They had, according to the CPP, been sent for "re-education." In the aftermath of these incidents, Amnesty International has issued an appeal to embassies in Cambodia to provide shelter to Royalist party members. Hun Sen's soldiers, meanwhile, celebrated their victory with a looting spree throughout much of Phnom Penh. Even hospitals were not spared. Soldiers stole medicine, beds, and blankets, leaving nothing behind for the care of the wounded. When the UN Human Rights office publicized the killings and torture, Hun Sen called for the replacement of the UN staff and demanded an apology from the UN.

Anonymous said...

Some scholars have promoted the idea that the core of the Cambodian People's Party was formed from the ranks of "good Khmer Rouge" -- a noble, caring group of kind-hearted revolutionaries who were oppressed by the evil "Pol Pot - Ieng Sary clique."

Anyone who believes that this is so should be reminded that Hun Sen initially acquired the role of "co-Prime Minister" only because he threatened renewed civil war when he lost the UN-sponsored elections in 1993. (For details, see Alan Knight's essay on Hun Sen and Democracy.) Those who still harbor lingering doubts should recall the Easter Sunday grenade attack on pro-democracy protesters in Phnom Penh, an assault that killed at least 18 people and wounded as many as 100 more. After the incident, Hun Sen suggested that opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who arranged the demonstration (and whose bodyguard was killed in the attack), should be arrested. When he finished blaming the victims, he suggested that the Khmer Rouge were responsible. In a sense, he is probably correct: When Hun Sen looks in the mirror, a Khmer Rouge stares back.

The 1998 elections were intended to bestow the mantle of legitimacy on Hun Sen. But the elections were a farce. (See the 1998 Human Rights Watch Report on Cambodia for a detailed description of the conditions in Cambodia leading up to the supposedly "fair" election.) The international community seemed to have exhausted its patience with Cambodia, and clearly intended to wash their hands of the entire matter. Observers rushed to declare the elections "legitimate" even before the votes were counted. After the failure of the UN to enforce the results of the previous election, and the muted reaction to the 1997 coup, one suspects the rest of the world simply decided to declare victory and go home.

After decades of war and violence, the Khmer Rouge are gone. The Khmer Rouge were brutal, stupid despots. Hun Sen is a brutal, intelligent one. In an article in the Salt Lake Tribune, noted Cambodia scholar Stephen Heder described Hun Sen in a single sentence: "He is both a competent political administrator and a ruthless political criminal."

Surely, the people of Cambodia deserve better.
Author: Bruce Sharp  

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Rouge supporters

Ah New Phally
Ah Khmer-Australian
Ah Angkorian Krama Man
Ah Thana
Ah Thes Meas

You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Please do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia will achieve stability and peace is when the trial of the former Khmer Rouge leaders are completely abandoned.

Anonymous said...

Time to shut up big mouth and bring all the big head to trial.

after the fact that he was khmer rouge. he still want to big, powerfull, and aka strongman.

now, let see how if big mouth can get away from trial.

Anonymous said...

What goes up must comes down!!

HUN SEN can smell his dooms is near.
HUN SEN is following Saddam Hussein hell hole.

HUN SEN is being judged by the innocent that got killed by his hands.

He must face trial if he doesn't want to face this trial he will surely can't avoid the after life trial.

Satan is awaiting for HUN SEN to go down to face hell trial.

Anonymous said...

UN will ask the US to bring HUN SEN to face trial....

Anonymous said...

You messed with the BEST or you die like the REST. I'm warning you people (Hun Sen). Don't make me repeated myself again got it.
Angriest day of his life he ever had.

Anonymous said...

what's go up, must come down. therefore, the best must rip in the near future!

Anonymous said...

9:07 am (Areak Prey) for once I agree with you that "We must not be too pessimisted." minus the Chinese history part.

Anonymous said...

Hi 4:31 PM (Bruce Sharp), I have googled but not found much on notes from Stephen Heder. Do you by any chance still have links to them? I just want to read up. Thanks

Anonymous said...

please listen to khmer people point of view, too, you know.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Khmer's points of view can not be ignored, but at the same time we got to know and listen from all sides. Just to be fair minded.

4:31 PM, if you are not comfortable in disseminating the links, that's fine too. May be here is not the right place and media.

Anonymous said...

best of the best.......


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Khmer Rouge victims will never be at eased, if the Khmer Tribunal stops. The Cambodian civil will NEVER happen again even if Hun Sen wants to erect one. The international community and the United Nations will NEVER allow it to happen…..everyone will step in and Hun Sen will be hung just like his counterpart, Saddam Hussein. He can only lie to people in Cambodia…THE WAYS THAT SIHANOUK USED TO LIE TO CAMBODIAN PEOPLE…..but he cannot lie to the International Community, the United Nations, and Cambodian overseas. Because they are too smart to buy into Hun Sen’s stupid, pointless, and barbaric political lyrics….such as that…..! That era has long been gone and vanished.

Hey Folks! Democracy in Cambodia is an Elephant on eggs. Do whatever it takes to stop Saddam Hun Insane from attaining his political wishes.

Hun Sen’s boss, the Viet. Cong will NEVER allow him to create a civil war in Cambodia because the Viet Cong will not let Ho Chi Minh’s dream of control Cambodia die in vain. Hun Sen is the Viet Cong’s bull dog is being used by the Viet Cong to secure their grip on Cambodia. It is too big of a price to let go and NON-NEGOTIATABLE BY his boss the Viet Cong.

Hun Sen’S IMPLICATION is an obstacle to further indictments of the former Khmer Rouge leaders at the UN-backed tribunal. Because Hun Sen and as well as many more former Khmer Rouge leaders in his political party and Cambodian National Army mainly in his bodyguard unit.

If Hun Sen continues to obstruct the tribunal, Cambodia will NEVER be a peaceful nation. The Cambodian Kangaroo judges have followed this stupid and barbaric political lyric…what a joke!

Anonymous said...

Khmer Rouge victims will never be at eased, if the Khmer Tribunal stops. The Cambodian civil will NEVER happen again even if Hun Sen wants to erect one. The international community and the United Nations will NEVER allow it to happen…..everyone will step in and Hun Sen will be hung just like his counterpart, Saddam Hussein. He can only lie to people in Cambodia…THE WAYS THAT SIHANOUK USED TO LIE TO CAMBODIAN PEOPLE…..but he cannot lie to the International Community, the United Nations, and Cambodian overseas. Because they are too smart to buy into Hun Sen’s stupid, pointless, and barbaric political lyrics….such as that…..! That era has long been gone and vanished.

Hey Folks! Democracy in Cambodia is an Elephant on eggs. Do whatever it takes to stop Saddam Hun Insane from attaining his political wishes.

Hun Sen’s boss, the Viet. Cong will NEVER allow him to create a civil war in Cambodia because the Viet Cong will not let Ho Chi Minh’s dream of control Cambodia die in vain. Hun Sen is the Viet Cong’s bull dog is being used by the Viet Cong to secure their grip on Cambodia. It is too big of a price to let go and NON-NEGOTIATABLE BY his boss the Viet Cong.

Hun Sen’S IMPLICATION is an obstacle to further indictments of the former Khmer Rouge leaders at the UN-backed tribunal. Because Hun Sen and as well as many more former Khmer Rouge leaders in his political party and Cambodian National Army mainly in his bodyguard unit.

If Hun Sen continues to obstruct the tribunal, Cambodia will NEVER be a peaceful nation. The Cambodian Kangaroo judges have followed this stupid and barbaric political lyric…what a joke!

Anonymous said...

Who on earth would wants to use a National Army to go after a woman.....except this Saddam Hun Insane....a barbaric Dick....Alligator like Hun Shit.

Anonymous said...

Meul ah chkouth Hun Sen tove poe ah ngleu.....!