Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hun Sen's temple comments 'retaliation': Abhisit

Hun Sen's temple comments 'retaliation', says PM

September 30, 2009
The Nation
"This is the nature of small countries when dealing with a bigger partner," Thai Government deputy secretary-general Panitan Wattanayagorn comparing Cambodia's relations with Thailand to that of Venezuela to the United States
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva yesterday hit out at his Cambodian counterpart, Hun Sen, for saying Thai trespassers would be shot if they entered into an area along the common border disputed by the two countries.

"Whenever he gives interviews to the foreign media he always has this attitude where he wants to make headlines," Abhisit told reporters yesterday, one day after Hun Sen made the challenging statement.

Hun Sen said on Monday he had ordered his troops to shoot anyone from neighbouring Thailand who crossed onto land around the 11th century Preah Vihear temple.

Hun Sen's comments came about a week after hundreds of People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) rallied near the temple area, demanding Thai troops take back the 4.6 square kilometre overlapping claimed areas near the ancient temple.

This heavily militarised area was the site of clashes that have killed seven soldiers since tensions flared last year. Abhisit suspected Hun Sen's statement was to "retaliate" for the September 19 protest.

However, the Thai prime minister maintained that Thailand is committed to finding a peaceful solution to the dispute through the joint border commission set up by the two countries.

Cambodia and Thailand have been at loggerheads over the land around Preah Vihear for decades, but tensions spilled into violence last July when leaders on both sides politicised the dispute.

Abhisit confirmed the issue was raised with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the UN General Assembly in New York last week.

Government deputy secretary-general, Panitan Wattanayagorn, blamed Unesco for heightening the tension by granting the temple a World Heritage status at a time when political crisis was still boiling.

"This is the nature of small countries when dealing with a bigger partner," said Panitan, comparing Cambodia's relations with Thailand to that of Venezuela to the United States.

Abhisit urged the public not to let Hun Sen's statement get the better of them.

Army chief, General Anupong Paochinda declined to comment, saying border issues should be the responsibility of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Commission for the Demarcation of Land Boundaries.

He said the two countries have agreed in principle that force would not be used. Thai troops on the border, however, said Cambodian troops were laying fresh landmines along the disputed areas and close to routes where they make regular patrols.


Anonymous said...

If Thailand really wants war so bad, cambodia will offer comforts and keep Thai-greedy warms all year around, cambodia has alot of BM-21,BM-22 blankets + 155mm canons artillery, if Thai-greedy still not have enough of that, will change the menu...

Anonymous said...

If Thais people crossing illegally into khmer, we must jails them up to 100 year terms in prison, and don't forget to chins their neck not their legs...

Anonymous said...

Ah Thai PM better watch out. Hun Xen will retaliate your ass, ah Abhisit that don't know your own history. Hun Xen get support from Khmer people 100% for this comment.

Anonymous said...

Fucken Stupid Thai PM had blamed UNESCO about Preah Vihea Temple? they are the one that to blamed for, because their greeds, wanted to cheat all along...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Thailand cheater, drawn your own map and lied to your own people, stupid Abhisit Fags mother fucker...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You're right 5:07PM. Every dollar that Cambodia will spend on war, it will cost Thailand at least 10 dollars. The greedy Thai know it very well. That's why the coward Thais will not never go to the real war against us. They 're only try to bully us. Mr. Hun Sen, please play hard ball with the greedy Thais. Don't back down.

Anonymous said...

Thailand is ashamed, they got no where else to go, beside bothering cambodian with their internal problems, Thailand is not mature country anymore, Thailand had lied about the truth to their people for several decades....


Anonymous said...

hey, pad thugs, go protest in bangcock and don't come near cambodia. we'll shot you creeps for invading us!

Anonymous said...

Much smaller north Vietnamese troops gave so much traumatic experiences to US superpower that they ended up building VN memorial wall in Washington DC.

Thailand trying to compare themselves much stronger is not imperative and ungrounded. Thailand will need nuclear weapons in their arsenals. F-16 or even more advanced fighters can't guarrantee militarily if cambodian troops are very high moral, determined,dscipline,and good ground stratergies.

Example: Compare to Taliban militants, US troops have been stucked with no end in sight in Afghanistan. Approx 20,000 rugged armed but fierce and determined Taliban militants against 70,000 heavy armed and far more modern weapons of Weatern coalition troops.

Anonymous said...

siem thieves is bullying cambodia again saying they are bigger or whatever in terms of country. it's like picking on singapore and all other small nations of the world out there! what the fuck is wrong with siem thugs?

Anonymous said...

We need to hit them hard and hit where it hurts the most. Their murderer King is dying and their country will be chaotic.

Anonymous said...

my question to the Thais politicians is this: why Cambodia needs Thailand's approval when Preah Vihear is Cambodia's property? You siams got rocks in your have no common sense of rights and wrongs.....on International stage you talk sweet and diplomatic....but behind you act as have the thief mentality......I don't support war but it looks like only war can solve this issue with you Thais politicians and simply don't know your own history.....shame on you Abhisit.

Anonymous said...

"Abhisit confirmed the issue was raised with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the UN General Assembly in New York last week."


Anonymous said...

of course, this is a retaliation because siem pad thugs pushes it! maybe the ineffective siem gov't was supporting pad thug and allowed them to do this for siem poltical gain by using cambodia! we all know this. this is not the dark ages, you now!

Anonymous said...

The economist magazine said this month that the PAD is the Thailand's rowdy royalist.
Whatever the PAD claimed is totally WRONG!!!

Anonymous said...

Abhisit Vejjajiva is using land invasion as a scaped goat because they are going through their political turm oils. So, their government is trying to change the topic by misleading Seim people to focus on other things rather than on him as an incapable Prime Minister and they know it too well that the Temple is belonging to Khmer people but yet they are trying to make trouble to convey the Thai people to focus on something else rather than on him, on the other hand, it is a way of getting their people back on track, like instead of fighting with each why not fight with the Khmer? This is called politic! They are trying to promote love and unity for their own people and stop fighting each other. So, therefore Khmer government needs to learn more about politicians' intention because it could lead into an effective outcome for the whole nation just like Thai government does. Aust

Anonymous said...

PM Hun Sen forget the fact that we Khmers have more to lose since there are thousand of thousand of poor Khmers who are in Thailand illegally as workers or beggars. Does Hun Sen think that Thai don't retaliate if we kill one or more of the Thai trespassers?

Anonymous said...

...and also if the incidents do happen all Casino's along Khmer-Thai border will have no Thai customers due to border closing. Thai government used border closing tactic before and it succeed in making Hun Sen paid the $50 Mil. owed the Thai for the cost of the damage to its Embassy and businesses caused by Khmer riots. The border closing at that time costs Hun Sen and his cronies Millions and Millions of dollars in revenue. I bet Hun Sen don't want to repeat the same mistake again. He used threats against the Thai many times but, somehow, they never translated into action.

Anonymous said...

hey, whatever lame excuses siem thugs have, it doesn't make them right to try to steal from cambodia, ok! so, stop showing us political tones, here. we're not stupid, really! we can read and analyze your thug-like intention of siem, of course! now go back to nanchoa province of china and give back all of old khmer provinces you thugs stole from us during the dark ages, ok! china is waiting of siem there!

True Khmer said...

Yes, it is a nature of a small country when dealing with a bigger partner.

But it is a nature of thief to a real owner.



You will meet a Waterloo!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Hun Sen is try to play game with Suthep so that way Suthep can bring more money for him or give hun sen a back rub to calm him down than Hun Sen said you know how rub my back Suthep say
only can do that so it's okay to let my soldier burn more young men and old men Hun Sen said Why not?so thay way i can use as a political reason to fool my stupid khmer.