Saturday, September 26, 2009

It takes two to play the political fear game

The high-ranking gov't official (L) who hates criticisms vs the outspoken gov't critics (R)

Friday, 25 September 2009
By Victoria Khiev
Letter to The Phnom Penh Post

Dear Editor,

This letter is in response to the situation that is currently playing out in Cambodia politics. I would like to play devil’s advocate since a Post reader, Chansokhy Anhaouy, made his argument for the Khmer government (September 23, see below). The so-called “fear” that Sam Rainsy Party parliamentarian Mu Sochua has stirred up within Cambodia against its government is the same type of political game that the current government has played in the past. I don’t place blame on one side over the other because in politics (anywhere around the world), whatever resources and network one has, he/she will utilise it the best way he/she can. In the case of MP Mu Sochua, she is simply taking steps she knows will help and work to garner the attention Cambodia needs. To say that she is the only one with a political agenda is like the pot calling the kettle black.

As a not-too-long-ago example, back in the 2008 national election, I recall the fear stir-up that was ubiquitous in Cambodia’s headlines, with one known high-ranking official at the centre of power grandstanding over the situation between Thailand and Cambodia. If that wasn’t propaganda, then I believe we’re all in a state of denial. Not to refer to the Cambodian-Thai conflict as unreal or made-up, but the strong nationalism that was created during that time was apparent. That was also created in fear – the same type of fear mentioned by reader Chansokhy Anhaouy in his letter to the editor. A game can’t be resumed unless both sides are in play. Here, both sides are certainly in play.

The reader previously said that those people who recently met with US congressmen to speak about their situation did have the right to do it and were “free to travel to perform their roles as opposition parties”. Correct.

They also have foreign citizenship and a party to back them up. They wouldn’t have gone to the US if they didn’t have an issue with the current Cambodian government. If their actions indicated democratic ways, then I can conclude that democracy in Cambodia is very selective because the average Khmer person wouldn’t dare speak out against the ruling party or the government. If this reader says it’s false that Cambodians can do what they can, then can he explain why the US has given so many Khmer citizens political asylum? What does that signify to the rest of the world?

One other thing is that many Khmers simply don’t get themselves involved in politics at all because they fear what can be done to them. They would rather be ignorant of laws and even their rights as citizens – not that knowing them would help. The average person would never put him/herself and/or their families in a position where they would be the target of violent threats and persecution.

Mu Sochua has done what any clever person would have done, knowing that her own government wouldn’t take any other positions besides those of the Khmer premier. If one’s government will not listen or even adhere to the complete ideas of democracy that its country claims to have, that person is stuck with nowhere to seek help and has lost faith in those leaders who were sworn to protect the people and their birthrights. What type of democracy is it where a country’s own people are trapped in their nation and have become mute in fear of being threatened by high-ranking officials who, by the way, do not wish for any dissent or criticism? Cambodia shouldn’t be about only words on a piece of paper that claims to be democratic. Let’s execute real actions and stick to a non-selective process of law for all citizens to convey what an actual democratic nation is. That is fair, my friends.

Victoria Khiev
Rhode Island, USA

Government critics have their own agendas

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

By Chansokhy Anhaouy
Letter to The Phnom Penh Post

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your article “Congressmen fear for speakers’ fate”, written by Meas Sokchea and James O’Toole (September 17). Cambodia has an elected government that was voted in by the majority of the people of Cambodia. For both men to listen to a one-sided camp (opposition groups whose interest is to win the next election) and come back with such a suggestion as stated in this article is unacceptable. What are the agendas of these opposition groups?

James Moran and Frank Wolf have obviously abused their own power on this issue. As outsiders, both congressmen should not dictate change by helping to create an assumption that Cambodia is a fear state, such as to say that if you have spoken out against the Cambodian government, you should seek protection. It sounds to me like an infant’s game in politics.

I am a man who lives in Canada, but Cambodia is my birth country. It is still my home. I am aware of the situation there, its cultural, social and political situation. Any changes, whether they be cultural, social or political development, should be given time and addressed with constructive criticism, not with fear.

Sam Rainsy Party parliamentarian Mu Sochua, Licadho rights group president Kek Galabru and Community Legal Education Centre labour programme head Moeun Tola, who testified in front of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, are all doing things to serve their personal interests, endeavours and/or goals.

They are not necessarily doing what is best for the majority of the people and the good of the country.

It is obvious that in the business of politics, they have the political knowledge to use the Western media and mobilise international friends to support their causes.

But one should not give them full credit for what they do and should not make them be seen as stars.

Finally, I would like to remind both congressmen that it is because Cambodia is a monarchist liberal democratic country that the people whom they met can speak out and are free to travel to where they wish and perform their roles as opposition parties and groups similar to where we live in the West. This is the democratic way.

To be noted also, Canada is an educated and well-developed country with no history of genocide; and yet, large-scale corruption by banks and governments is a daily occurrence, and the human rights of our First Nations people and other minority groups are being violated daily. How is this a fair game?

Chansokhy Anhaouy
Vancouver, BC, Canada


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mu has much less fear than Hun Sen does. One can easily tell that by just take a glance at Hun Sen's personal bodyguards that suck in more than $600,000 every month of the national budget.

Anonymous said...

it's a lot more then $600K. He have over 4,000 bodyguards. It's more like over a $1M. This is all corruptions! Missed used the international aids for his own private benefits! This is one of the reason why our country and people still poor.

Anonymous said...

Don't be stupid and try to against Khmer government you won't win baby!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 7:09AM,
Then I change my raw calculation to: $600x4,000=$2,400,000/month. This is the amount Hun Sen has stolen from the national budget. If Khmer people have a good leader who cares about the welfare of his own people, this amount of money can be managed and allocated as the supplental income for the unable elderly up to: $2,400,000:$20/month=120,000 people. But unfortuanately Khmer people have an absolute dictator as their oppressor who has no moral qualities: sympathy, kindness, and compassion, as a leader.

Anonymous said...

Dear writer

Thank you Victoria for your comment in relation to response to P.Penh post.

You mentioned that denial has prolonged this ignorant acts,subsequently badly affect cambodians for so long.

Exerting FEAR by any mean is only child play,and should no longer be tolerated.

I believe ground works should be fulfilled to satisfy the needs of cambodians to whom many are in desperate needs for basic living.
Acceptance not financial aids alone, but resources of managements conformed to human rights ultimately required.

Please work together to implenent our national constitution with mature outlook of democracy.

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Interesting article sweetheart, and you’re right it takes two to tango. However, I would disagree with you on a number of points. First, I don’t think you’re quite correct when you said: “ One other thing is that many Khmers simply don’t get themselves involved in politics at all because they fear what can be done to them.”. Many Khmers including me are not involved in politics not because of fear but because we dislike politics and we don’t trust politicians. More and more Khmers start to realize that they don’t have to be in politics to contribute to the nation well-being. In fact there are more things that we, as an ordinary citizen, can do to help the nation without getting involved in politics.

Second, I think you overstated with your comment: “Mu Sochua has done what any clever person would have done.” If you had followed the Mu Sochua-Hun Sen incident from the very beginning, you would have a different opinion.

Finally, I don’t condone the government actions on a lot issues, but that being said, I don’t praise the opposition either. It is very easy for the opposition to blame the government for all the wrong things, but the question is can they (the opposition) do better? So far they have not been able to prove their worthiness beyond their political statements.

Khmer ordinary said...

It's ricdiculous indeed that there are too many one-star, two-star, and three-star generals in a small country like Cambodia. It's about fifteen times more than in the 60's and 70's. This excludes Hun Sen's personal bodyguars.

Why Hun Sen promoted his officers, some of whom are not ecademically trained, to a ridiculous number?

1- He promoted the other officers, so he can promote his own son without being criticized by them.

2-When his son reaches the rank of a three-star general, he will become a military commander-in-chief of the country.

3-When his son become a commander-in-chief, Hun Sen will slowly turn Cambodia into a military-ruled country.

4-When Cambodia become a military-ruled country, Hun Sen families and his clique will be the sole owners of our motherland.

There is no doubt about why Hun Sen has too many bodyguards to protect him: it's because he wants to stay in stolen power until he fulfils his plan. Hus Sen has extravagantly spent the national budget for the above purpose, and this is a real waste of it.

To stop this blind mad dog from fulfilling his goal, which is not at all for the interest of the country nor benificial to Khmer people, all freedom-loving Khmers living inside and outside of the country must be unite and resolute in our endeavour to peacefully challenge to Hun Sen's betryal step before it's too late.

Up with the people!
Down with the dictator!

Khmer ordinary said...

Three/fourth of Hun Sen's plan has been accomplished. And here is what Hun Sen needs to fulfil the rest: To make Cambodia become a military-ruled country, Hun Sen will promote Hun Maneth to be the military commander-in-chief. If in the near future the opposition party completely lose its voice, and if Hun Maneth fully succeeds as commander-in-chief with the help of Yuons, then the Hun Sen's offsprings will be solely the owner of Cambodia.

To stop Hun Sen from fulfilling his plan, the freedom-loving Khmers, excluding Hun Sen's some dandruffed dogs, must be resolute in their endeavour to pursue social justice, democracy, and freedom for their beloved defenseless compatriots.

Anonymous said...

7:59 AM,
I guess one will never know what the opposition can do if the current gov't always retained it's absolute power.
If giving the benefit, i think any party can provide a better living standards for our people. Thanks to Huynh Sen, Cambodia is many light years behind the rest of the world.
Are you still satisfy with that?

Anonymous said...

yes, cambodia needs critics as to set it in motive. i mean, someone has gotten to do it so cambodia can have a better future. i'm sure every nation on the planet has their critics, so cambodia is no exception. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

people may not see it now, but history will point out the works these activists are doing now in order to set make a better future for cambodia and our khmer people and citizens, really. god bless her and her works to make cambodia a better country for all to enjoy later, really!

Anonymous said...

$2.5M a month is alot of money if put into right used. Like healthcares and educations.

$12,000,000x12month= $150,000,000/year

This is only one scandle for his personal bodyguards. Imagine the total corruptions, Hun Xen stole from our national budget.... mabe into BILLIONS!

Anonymous said...

Where is the good radio stations in Cambodia has? Shut down all the stations for opposition party,shut every one up but not Hun Sen mouth pieces especially your self,none of your stations are good bias station youn and Hun mouth pieces,none of them fair and balances,people in abroad they are not dumb even they do not speak the languages ,but you and your government are dumb and not accepted the reality.

Anonymous said...

correction to 11:43

Anonymous said...

all of you are fucking tools. Mu Sochua ain't go fucking savior. She is just another fucking political puppet. You fucking tools keep on letting yourself played by these politicians from any side. Politics is for people that want power. Non-politicians got more things done without having to trick people like these fucking politicians.

I'm sick of this bitch Mu sochua or whatever the fuck her name is. She is using "democracy" as stepping stone to her political career. Fuck her and all the politicians. Politicians create more problems than they help solve. I can't believe how you people keep eating shit out of her ass. If you want to suck ass to some woman, pick a more qualified one at least. Pick someone who doesn't care only about their political careers. Haven't you idiots learn enough from Sihanouk? Something you old fucks should have learned is not to trust politicians. Yet, many of you are still willingy opening your mouth when these guys are sticking their hair smelly ass dicks in your face. If you're that really stupid, keep sucking the politician's dicks, man. You're really doing great service for your country by sucking your favorite politician's dick.

Anonymous said...

"To be noted also, Canada is an educated and well-developed country with no history of genocide; and yet, large-scale corruption by banks and governments is a daily occurrence, and the human rights of our First Nations people and other minority groups are being violated daily."

Come on, Chansokhy Anhaouy! Your above statement is quite an exaggeration of the reality of Canada, a country of which I am also a citizen.

To say that the human rights of the First Nations people and those of other minority groups are being violated daily is truly nonsensical.

You must be kidding me if you try to tell me that the human right condition and corruption problems in Canada are just a little bit better than those of Cambodia.

Deep down in your heart, do you really believe what you have written about the state of human rights and corruption in Canada?

You and I, we must be living in different countries with the same name!

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with many things Chansokhy raised up here.

- Fear has been tremendously created by the CPP

- Democracy maturity is not about traveling around the country freely, but about freedom of expression and fair treatment in front of the law.

Chansokhy has learned nothing in Canada.

Anonymous said...

Those two letters are such boring , I don't see alot of interenting things in there .

Anonymous said...

1:02 PM,

Wow! It looks like you are the only smart Cambodian around and most of us on this forum are stupid.

I thought smart people at least have some manner and know how to be nice with their language, but I guess I was wrong. I thought their parents taught them well how to behave in good manner with words and acts. Again I was wrong.

Sorry for having been stupid, Mr. intelligent 1:02 PM

One of the idiotic KI readers

Anonymous said...

will this shit going on about these two ever earn cambodia anything? fuck all i guese, toughten up and get over it!!! i'm sure alot of people get sick of this useless crap.

Anonymous said...

That is not over ,the fair games are not played yet,still alot good things to hear

Anonymous said...

1:02 AM is the stupidest online news reader that i have ever seen. if that's his real attitute , i feel sorry for his wife and family .

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen worth the whole country. This is mine, that is mine. Money over power get it.

Anonymous said...

cpp is the criminal communist. Why Khmer people keep talking about for what. 2 millions were killed is not enough. If they think communist was bad, criminal and why not now. The present communist is not better.
Khmer people will die slowly from this criminal. And who will live in Cambodia or Indo-China is Yuon.
Do all of you get in by now. Communist! Communist! Communist!; they are all communist.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, 9:39PM.
Both groups of Khmer communists, the Pol Pot's and the Hun Sen's, are immorally evil deep to the bone.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice. 

Anonymous said...

shut the the fuck Up all khmers oversee husen supporters motherfucker! Why don't U bring ur family ,relative to live with hun sen regime.
shame ! shame ! to hssss motherfucker! go back to live w hs regime.

Anonymous said...

Let's called them Communist People Party!

Anonymous said...

of course, now they all talking! of course, it takes two to tangle, really! wake up, people!

Anonymous said...

In response to the 7:59 AM post:

I believe the letter above written by Ms. Khiev didn't say ALL Khmers don't get involved in politics, she said MANY Khmers don't get involved in politics. Those are the ones who have something to say, but won't say them--they don't bother, you know what I mean?

Unknown said...

Oh and you did say "because we dislike politics and we don’t trust politicians." And that's based on...what, my friend? It's based on the way politics work (i.e. lies, corruption, persecution, threats, murder) in Cambodia. Hence, the reason why Ms. Khiev stated that many Khmers simply don't get involved in politics. "Fear" is interpreted as "I'd rather not get involved as I'd be setting myself up for things I don't wish for." Thanks for the two letter-writers in the PP Post! It's good to see the debate.

Anonymous said...

11:40pm "Fear?" there is nothing to fear but fear itself...someone once said.
Victoria is right when she wrote that statement. However we should not let fear stop us from participating in any activities.

Anonymous said...

"all of you are fucking tools. Mu Sochua ain't go fucking savior. She is just another fucking political puppet. You fucking tools keep on letting yourself played by these politicians from any side. Politics is for people that want power. Non-politicians got more things done without having to trick people like these fucking politicians.

I'm sick of this bitch Mu sochua or whatever the fuck her name is. She is using "democracy" as stepping stone to her political career. Fuck her and all the politicians. Politicians create more problems than they help solve. I can't believe how you people keep eating shit out of her ass. If you want to suck ass to some woman, pick a more qualified one at least. Pick someone who doesn't care only about their political careers. Haven't you idiots learn enough from Sihanouk? Something you old fucks should have learned is not to trust politicians. Yet, many of you are still willingy opening your mouth when these guys are sticking their hair smelly ass dicks in your face. If you're that really stupid, keep sucking the politician's dicks, man. You're really doing great service for your country by sucking your favorite politician's dick.

1:02 PM

OK....this guy has issues. He must be Vietnamese...haha! Yeah...people who actually have HOPE for Cambodia are getting fooled by politicians who just might have a teardrop of faith in their own people to rise. *sarcasm* Guy, we don't need that type of attitude and language over here. Maybe if you shut your dirty mouth and go help solve these issues you are bitching about, maybe -- just maybe you'll actually do something positive! I hope you're not here to put down our own people because you never got breast-fed by your mother. Go learn how to respect people's thoughts and ideas and put them in civil conversations.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that dude got fed by his father...but it's below the belt, if you know what I mean. HAHAHA! Loser, get out of here! If you're not here to respect ideas and thoughts in a civil way, then you shouldn't be here. After you go get some manners (from your mother), maybe we'll give you the time of day... :P

Anonymous said...

To the guy who wrote in Khmer, the reason why it's better to listen to Radio Free Asia is because there is more freedom regarding speech and expression (SEIREYPHEAP). One does not forget their Cambodia because he/she is a listener of the American-supporter radio. One is more inclined to listen to it because he/she feels that IS probably the way to go. Americans won't sit down and lie about Cambodia. I think the lying comes from Cambodia itself (i.e. Khmer government). Plus, because of RFA, you think people are that dense? I think not...

Anonymous said...

sorry, American-supported* radio. (typo!) Hehe...