Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kasit, Suthep to explain border row


The government will explain the situation on the Thai-Cambodian border in a television broadcast after the foreign minister returns from the United Nations, acting Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said on Thursday.

He was responding to the the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship's (UDD) accusation the government of not taking any action over roads were being constructed on a disputed 4.6-square-kilometre territory near Cambodia's Preah Vihear temple.

"I'll invite Foreign Minister Kasit (Piromya) to explain the border situation to the public with me after he returns from the United Nations General Assembly in New York," Mr Suthep, who is in charge of security affairs, said.

He said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had clear evidence to counter the red-shirts' accusation that the government was being passive.

"The red-clad leaders must be careful about raising this issue, because it could turn to hurt them in the end," he warned.

"The roads were built during the previous government. And even if there are roads in the border area it does not mean that the land belongs to Cambodia," he said.

Mr Suthep said Thai and Cambodian authorities should also meet to discuss the disputed maritime zone in the Gulf, where Phnom Penh has granted a concession to a French company to explore for petroleum in the area.

He said the two countries should discuss this so both could benefit from it, similar to the way Malaysia and Vietnam and discussed issues.


Anonymous said...

War is imminent between Cambodia and Thailand. The Thais never tasted the horror of war so maybe we Cambodians share them this horror for a couple of years at least. The Thais won't accept any thing.....we must solve this issue once and for all...forget about the International Community because ah Thais won't take any thing serious so only war will make them think hard so they can go on to make movies about this war and so on and on.....Be prepare my Khmer brothers/sisters....this time we fight against the real enemy of our ancestor.

Anonymous said...

Vietnam pushing khmer and Thai to start war...

Anonymous said...

រដ្ឋាភិបាលសៀមកំពុងដើរគេចវះ​នូវអ្វីដែលខ្លួនបានប្រាប់ភិភពលោកថា នឹងខំប្រឹងប្រែងរកដំណោះស្រាយរឿងព្រំដែនជាមួយកម្ពុជា អោយបានឆាប់ដោយសន្តិវិធីមិនប្រើអំពើរហឹង្សាឡើយ ការពិត​នេះជាស្បៃរបាំងពួកវា
តែប៉ណ្ណោះ។ ជាការពិតណាស់វាកំពុងងាកចេញទុករឿងនេះអោយអូសបន្លាយ ១ ដោយយល់ថា
ខ្មែរនិងតាមអង្វរវា​​​ ២ ដោយល់ថានិងផ្ដល់ប្រយោជន៍
ជាវិជ្ជមានដល់ថៃ ទាំងនយោបាយ ទាំងសេដ្ឋកិច្ច​នឹងយោធា ។ តែពួកនេះបានកំពុងយល់ច្រឡំខ្លាំង ៗរហូតដល់គ្រោះថ្នាក់ដល់ជាតិសៀមទាំងមូល ដោយប្រើល្បិចយកក្រុមប្រជាជនសៀម នឹងថៃមកញ្ញោះញង់ខ្មែរយើងទាំងបំពានឥតខ្មាសអៀន  ដើម្បីបំរើបំណងប៉ុនប៉ងរំលោភយកទឹកដីខ្មែរយើង ។
ជាទិស​ទៅមុខ សៀមនិងប្រើវិធានការពីរសិនក្នុង
ចំណោមបី ។ ១ វានិងព្យាយាមជៀសអោយផុតអ្វីដែលទាក់ទងដោះស្រាយទំនាស់ជាមួយខ្មែរតាមផ្លូវប្បាប់ ២ ពេលដែលមហិច្ចិតាវាពុំបានសំរេច វានិងបន្តរប្រើកម្លាំងក្រុមអាយលឿងអោយរំខានខ្មែរតាមគ្រប់រូបភាពដែលវារំលោភធ្វើទៅបាន ដោយដកឈ្មោះដ្ឋាភិបាលសៀមចេញពីមហិច្ចិតានេះអោយដាច់ស្រឡះជៀសក្តីអាម៉ាស់។ ៣ សៀមនិងប្រថុយធ្វើសង្រាមជាមួយខ្មែរ ដើម្បីសាកល្បងអាវុទ្ធរបស់វាដែលបានប្រមូលទុកយូរមក ហើយនិងត្រូវចំណាយជីវិតរបស់បងប្អូនខ្មែរលើយើងអោយបាញ់សម្លាប់គ្នាឯងជំនួសពួកវា ។
ជាទីបំផុត បើសង្រ្គាមនិងកើតមានតាមបណ្ដោយព្រំដែនខ្មែរមែននោះ ជាទីក្រុងរបស់សឿមទេដែលនិងផ្ទុះសង្រាមខ្លាំងជាង ជាសៀមទេដែលត្ឬូវខាតបង់កំរិតខ្ពស់នោះ ។ ឥឡូវនេះសៀមកំពុងអេះអុញ ហើយមានតែរករឿងបង្ករទំនាស់ប៉ុណ្ណោះទើបសៀមមានញើសចេញ ។


Anonymous said...

Vietnam had ordered khmer not to repair the roads inside khmer territory? what ta hell are they thinking?