Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ketsana Continues Deadly Damage Into Vietnam


Typhoon Ketsana, which killed nearly 250 people in the Philippines, and submerged most of the capital Manila, has hit central Vietnam, producing floods and landslides which have killed over 30 people and forced some 200,000 Vietnamese from their homes.

Ketsana hit the Philippines as a tropical storm on Saturday, triggering some of the worst flooding in more than four decades, flooding Manila and 25 provinces nearby. At the height of Ketsana's power, a whole month's worth of rain, 40 centimetres (16 inches), fell in six hours on Manila.

The typhoon is weakening as it moves inland towards Laos and Cambodia, although both countries are warning of heavy flooding.

In Vietnam, World Vision staff report that thousands of people have been evacuated to safety in the coastal areas in Quang Tri province amid heavy rain and reports of flooding, with winds gusting up to 204km per hour, while the Government has shut down airports, schools and power as part of its early warning procedures in the Danang area.

World Vision has 90 staff in the area operating 12 community-level projects working with more than 25,000 children and their families, within the storm path.

Some 200,000 people had been evacuated from low lying areas to safer higher places, including to school buildings and community centres and the Ministry of Defence is on standby for rescue and logistics, while INGOs are coordinating together to handle the response and the Government has asked the international agencies to be on standby.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has rushed emergency relief supplies in the Philippines to the affected children and their families as the death toll from the tropical storm climbs to over 240.

The country's worst flooding in four decades has affected more than a million people, with 226,000 Filipinos forced from their homes into 200 evacuation centres, according to the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC).

UNICEF voiced concern over the storm's long-term effects on children, including health risks posed by the widespread flooding, and the agency is braced for two tropical storms forecasted to strike the same area on Thursday or Friday.


Anonymous said...

Good that we have Vietnam block the strong wind for Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I praised Typhoon Ketsna, Katrina or may be powerful Sunami continue to wipe out Vietnam all year around, this way will stop them from swallowing khmer lands, esapcially HANOI PART!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget they approaching us nearly chasing all of our citizens out of Tonle Sap where we mainly lived for generals. Let's us prepared for TsuNAMESE getting on our way.


Anonymous said...

If not for Vietnamese you guys would have been rotten and turn into dust already. You guys have lacked of appreciation, so shut you foul language and just keep eating your Bro Hoc, I live today because of Vietnamese liberation, my name was on the list waiting to be executed by Pot Pot until Viet came in, so thank you Viet, USA.

Anonymous said...

Good people don't wish anything bad happening even to their worst enemies. So, people who have such wish just be careful it will be back fire on themselves, it is called "Karma" or "what goes around will come around", so, try to speak no evil and act no evil regardless of what condition you are in. The power of love can over take the power of hatred in the end. Hate can lead into a result of disaster where as love can into a more productive approach to life. So, if you want to know more, please try to read more about the wisdom of life...either form Buddhism or the bible if you are a peace guys

Anonymous said...

whatever, just make sure youn don't ask cambodia for favor like give khmer land to you or let illegal youn criminals come steal and live illegally in cambodia. that's all. cambodia now have rule of law and can deport youn for illegal activity, etc... this is not the dark ages anymore, you know. and stop abusing khmer krom people, ok!