Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Minister who baptized Khmer Rouge defendant says conversion genuine

Sep 15, 2009

Phnom Penh - The Christian minister who baptized Comrade Duch, not knowing he was the former head of the Khmer Rouge's S-21 execution centre, told a war crimes tribunal Tuesday that Duch's conversion from Buddhism was sincere rather than a pragmatic decision to gain forgiveness in this life.

'I am proud of him for his willingness to accept his crime and punishment,' Christopher LaPel told the court in Phnom Penh.

Duch, whose real name is Kaing Guek Eav, is on trial for crimes against humanity and breaches of the Geneva Convention before the UN-Cambodian tribunal. At least 15,000 people were tortured and executed at S-21 in the 1970s. Just a handful survived the prison.

LaPel, a Cambodian-American, said he met Duch in Cambodia in 1995 and baptized him into his Protestant church two weeks later.

At the time, Duch was using the name Hang Pin and hiding from his Khmer Rouge past. LaPel said he had no idea of Duch's history but recalled him saying that what he had done in his life 'couldn't be forgiven.'

LaPel said baptism had changed Duch from a man with 'no joy, no peace, no purpose in life.'

'After he got baptized, he was a completely different person,' LaPel testified. 'His heart wanted to share the word of God to his friends and family.'

It was not until 1999 that LaPel learned his convert had been the Khmer Rouge's chief torturer.

LaPel told the court that several of his own friends had been killed at S-21 and his parents and two siblings also died during the Khmer Rouge regime.

But he said he had forgiven Duch for his actions as head of S-21.

'I hate the sin, but I love the sinner,' LaPel said.

The prosecution asked LaPel whether he felt Duch was sincere about his conversion, pointing out that psychologists who assessed him felt the defendant, who was once a mathematics teacher, had converted because of pragmatism and logical deduction.

The prosecutor explained that while Christianity brings the possibility of instant forgiveness, Buddhism - the predominant religion in Cambodia - would require numerous cycles of rebirth to undo Duch's crimes.

LaPel, who has been allowed to visit Duch in detention and pray with him, agreed that true converts are entitled to forgiveness but said he is convinced Duch's conversion is genuine.

'On one occasion [in 2008], Mr Kaing Guek Eav told me he was sorry for the crimes that he did in the past and that he did not rejoice for what he had done,' LaPel said. 'And that he felt sorry for me and for the Cambodian people.'

Duch's trial was expected to end this month with sentencing due to be handed down in 2010. Cambodia does not have the death penalty, so Duch, 67, faces a maximum term of life in prison.

He has admitted guilt and apologized for his crimes, but his attorneys have sought to prove his role in the torture and executions was minimal because, they said, he was only acting on orders.

Four other former Khmer Rouge are in detention awaiting trial, and judges are investigating a further two.

Around 2 million people are thought to have died from execution, overwork and starvation under the Khmer Rouge regime, known as Democratic Kampuchea, which ruled Cambodia during 1975-79.


Anonymous said...

Believing in god, may help Duch to be in peace mentally... but he has to be responsible for his past action.

The rhetoric between PM Hun Sen and International judges has not help, but cursed to the justice for Cambodian people. Preventing from trying other criminals during Khmer Rouge era means that the victims will never have justice.

Anonymous said...

About Me! I Don't realy particular care concerning Khmer Rouge's case.

Yes! I can assure you that I was a Khmer Rouged cadre, I jointed the soldier on May 1974 in the jungle I was 16 year old of age and also, my uncle jointed Khmer Rouge soldier since 1970 when we captured Angkor Wat temple and the vicinity were closed. During the Vietnam invaded 1979 I immediately ran to Thailand I had a Thai wife and letter on devoice her because she refused to live in Cambodia with me. She loved me because the way I looked and attracted to her. I was a young good-looking Black Khmer man that time. I learned English all years around. I was a young Cambodian smart led who had been helped and saved people lives even thought I was a Khmer Rouge cadre. I hate Chackrupot Americ because they bombed and did not help my country. Khmer Rouges NOT all were uneducated as to what you and other people state here in this forum. Currently, I live in Cambodia, I work at night shift sometime day shift thus I am able to communicate with you guy here (KI Media news) and enjoy providing any comments, suggestions and respect to the people. We all Khmers (Khmer Rouge), stop accusing too much on Khmer Rouge, it’s not going to any good. I wish the country could turn back to day one again, because I hate people.

Note: if you write long sentence like a whole book, I don’t have time to read it. Thanks)

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...

I told you before, ah pleu, that you should never write your silly comment longer thatn two lines. Because when you write it long like this one, your English is so messy that it enable us to understand what you really mean.

No doubt about the fact that you were and are still one of the Khmer Rouge, who can escape punishment. You don't need to give us a full account of your Khmer Rouge involvement. Only fools do not know that you are a Khmer Rouge.

You don't need to tell us that you are smart. Smart peole don't uot much. Not only your complexion is black but your heart also is. You fit real good in the category of Hun Sen, as you like boasting. You are educated or not, people can tell it easily by reading your comments. Cut down some of your cockiness, will you, ah pleu?

Anonymous said...

. . .let me add a little bit more comment relating to your divorce: If you are good and kind to her, ah pleu, it does matter where you live she will always be with you through thick and thin.

Anonymous said...

correction: it does not matter...

Anonymous said...

About Me! I Don't realy particular care concerning Khmer Rouge's case.

Yes! I can assure you that I was a Khmer Rouged cadre, I jointed the soldier on May 1974 in the jungle I was 16 year old of age and also, my uncle jointed Khmer Rouge soldier since 1970 when we captured Angkor Wat temple and the vicinity were closed. During the Vietnam invaded 1979 I immediately ran to Thailand I had a Thai wife and letter on devoice her because she refused to live in Cambodia with me. She did not loved me because the way I looked and attracted to her. I was a young good-looking white Khmer man that time. I learned English all years around. I was a young Cambodian smart led who had been helped and saved people lives even thought I was a Khmer Rouge cadre. I love Chackrupot Americ because they bombed and did help my country. Khmer Rouges all were uneducated like what you and other people state here in this forum. Currently, I live in Cambodia, I don't work at night shift sometime day shift thus I am able to communicate with you guy here (KI Media news) and enjoy providing any comments, suggestions and respect to the people. We all Khmers (Khmer Rouge), don't stop accusing too much on Khmer Rouge, it’s going to be good. I wish the country could turn back to day one again, because I love people.

Note: if you write short sentence like a whole book, I don’t have time to read it. Thanks)

Angkorian Krama Man

9:46 PM

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love you guy my KHMER brothers/sisters out there all over the world. Keep on writing KHMER script and showed our KHMER people those who don't know how to read/write/speak. Believe me some of those kids that born abroad don't know not even 1 KHMER script. Most kids from abroad speak majority of English, French, German, nor Dutch.

I've learnt so fast every times open this up. I called my dad/mom read it for me. That how I learnt it very fast. GO to YOUTUBE and GOOGLE and you will learn alot more than you think. I taught myself from computer no class has taken.