13 September 2009
By San Suwith
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer
"...(Mu Sochua) is a traitor to her oath taken before she occupied her position as a Member of Parliament, she swore that she will not allow any foreign countries to disrupt, or to issue political orders both inside and outside the country..." - Phay Siphan, mouthpiece of the Council of Sinisters
Kampot SRP MP Mu Sochua indicated that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will send a high level US delegation to visit Cambodia in the near future. Furthermore, the US State Department will also review the ability of linking various conditions to aid provided by this Superpower to Cambodia.
Mrs. Mu Sochua made this statement one day after giving her testimony to the US Congress Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission (TLHRC), and after her discussion meeting with Mrs. Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, on 11 September 2009. She indicated that Mrs. Clinton, the wife of former US President Bill Clinton, is always following up on the Cambodian MP’s situation.
Mrs. Mu Sochua indicated also that Mrs. Clinton accepted her request for the US to play a more active role than before in the review of human rights violations in Cambodia: “Following the testimony at the US Congress, as a member of Parliament who was victimized by the unfair sentencing from the Cambodia court, US Secretary of state Hillary Clinton allowed me to meet her. During the meeting, she immediately raised about the US special attention paid on my case, as well as on the current human rights situation in Cambodia. I asked Mrs. Clinton to send a high level delegation, led by the US special ambassador, set up by her when she came into office. Mrs. Clinton gave a positive answer to my request.”
Mrs. Mu Sochua said that the US will send a letter through Hor 5 Hong when the latter will visit New York at the end of September. This letter relates to the various conditions, in particular, the human rights conditions, that the US attach to its aids.
The high level US delegation that will visit Cambodia to review the human rights condition and the application of the law, will be led by Mrs. Melanne Verveer, President Barack Obama's ambassador at-large for global women's issues. Mrs. Mu Sochua indicated that she personally knew Mrs. Verveer when she was involved in women’s and children’s issues more than 10 years ago.
This US delegation will be accompanied by a deputy director of the US Department of State, as well as by other high ranking US State Department officials.
Phay Siphan, spokesman for the Council of Ministers, said that Cambodia and the US are equal in front of international law.
While harshly attacking MP Mu Sochua, Phay Siphan added that relying on foreign countries to interfere in Cambodia’s internal affairs is a betrayal of the oath taken in front of the throne: “I see that showing a good example to the Cambodian people, just like what the world sees also, is that the rule of law must be respected. Mrs. Mu Sochua did not abide by this, in particular she is a traitor to her oath taken before she occupied her position as a Member of Parliament, she swore that she will not allow any foreign countries to disrupt, or to issue political orders both inside and outside the country. I want to tell her that, at this time, we are building the rule of law, and not just the rule of law, we are also building independence and sovereignty because the Cambodian people just left a pool of blood and tears. I have a question: is Mrs. Mu Sochua participating in the building of the rule of law and the building of independence for this nation or not? Or is Mrs. Mu Sochua thinking about the past, when Cambodians was experiencing with US and the politicians of that era brought tens of thousands tons of bombs to drop on our kingdom of Cambodia? Recently, Mrs. Hillary Clinton said herself that there is a good relationship and cooperation between Cambodia and the US.”
We are the owner of Cambodia,not those khmer rouge Sihanouk,Hun sen,Ieng Sary,Vietcong who are the murders of innocent people khmer.
Hurry up ECCC and security for all people khmer every where.
Never again!
"One blind man leads many blind men"Our Buddha
If you are not blind,please wake up!
There are not any Ben laden alquaida in Cambodia.You have law to send 20 Warships to Cambodia to insure khmer life and ECCC life.
May Buddha bless you.
phay siphan is insane in the membrance!
stop twisting things around for you have no backbone to speak against right and wrong.
Abraham Lincoln, US President said:
The Government of the People, by the People, for the People.
Hun Sen's cliques' proverb: The Government of Hun Sen's CPP, by Hun Sen's cronies, for Hun Sen's nepotism.
CPP is like the Hell of Party, which all vampires are afraid of lights. In other words, they are afraid of the truths. That's why Murderous Hun Sen doesn't want more KR leaders including Hun Sen himself to be tried by ECCC.
Wherever Hun Sen goes, he talks arrogantly, aggressively, rudely and brutally, who doesn't want anyone to ask him a question. In his heart is full of anger,crook, flame, fire and so on...
All Khmer must rise to oust Hun Sen's CPP before Cambodia is being wiped out by illegal 10 000 000 Yuon migrants.
Khmer must rise......!
I undoubtedly agree with you, my beloved 7:00PM that the CPP is like the Hell of Party, which all the virpires are afraid of lights.
Unfortuantely, in Cambodia is still continuously hellishly gloomy, where is only a few candle lights frightingly burning. In order to win, the candle lights must patriotically be burnth as a sun!
I think ah Phay Sipheh's accusation of Mrs Mu being a traitor is absolute nonsene while she is pursuing freedom, democracy, and social justice for Khmer people who have mltreated by Hun Sen's dictatorial government. He should accuse Hun Sen as a traitor for selling Cambodia to Yuons just for his personal gain. "Traitor" is the appropriate word Phay Siphan sould use to pain Hun Sen, not Mrs. Mu. Of all the Khmer rulers, Hun Sen is the most dangerous and most destructive dictator who has used absolute power to oppress the innocent Khmer people for so long, and it's about time for this blind dog to be stopped.
I know that Phay Siphan must bark that way to prove that his work as
a government spokesman bears fruits for Hun Sen, otherwise he won't be given a dried bone to lick, but his accusation ges too far beyond reasonable. It's beyond believe that some people lack complete decency as to say something stupid like that. What a dandruffed dog is he! He used to live the most democratic country in the world, but does seem to understand anything about freedom and social justice, which all people in the world are longing to have the most.
correction: It's beyond belief . . .
Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca
Phay Siphan has done a good job
by preventing traitor Mu Suchua from running office forever, according on Cambodia constitution. Way to go Phay Siphan.
New Phally
Tell me WHO are not traitor(s) living in Cambodia?
Simple fact, when you are corrupted, you are already a traitor. All those people know themselves very well. People can deny and lie but they can't hide to themselves.
How could you buy all kinds of luxurious items: cars, houses, and others with salary you made.
Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca
I want to make sure Council Ministry keep their words not allow Mu Suchua to run for office forever,what ever happen, right H.E Sok An.
New Phally
Phay Siphan is a dog of dogs.
Khmer Long Beach
Phay Siphan is a mokey and he don't known anithing.
To Khmer Rouge supporters
Ah PPU aka Ah Anthony
Ah New Phally
Ah Khmer-Australian
Ah Krama Man
Ah Thana
Ah Thes Meas
Ah Mercedez Benz (Identity Thief)
You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Please do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.
In a democratic country, all public servants should stay neutral. They have to leave all politicians to fight to their full term in the parliament. Any order by Prime Minister or minister of the government to harrash or to create fear to members of the oppostion is an attempt to create a coup against democratic system. All public servants should stay out from siding themselve to support any party at all. They must work for the interest of the country and not for any political party.Each elected public man and woman has their madate limited and has their term limited.
Areak Prey
Phay Siphek a spoke person for CPP is a U.S citizen, (dual citizenship) swear under oath to be a good citizen; is that O.K those crooks including him who earned $200 to $1000 a month owned a Luxury car, big house here and there is that wampire sucking blood from Khmers Nak Krar Roham;
Khmers Women never selling Sex now for food, only Vietnam before and now.
Open your eye, Frog in deep hole.
"A blind dog will one day step on it's own shit"
New Phally
New Phally Ex. KR cadre, he is so fatigued baking Donut day & night in Long Beach; in public showing he's married man, but in papers he was seperated from his wife so that she's be eligle for welfare;
CROOKS + HUN CROOKS in Cambodia= Body !!!
Phally will get OKNA soon like Phay Siphek PPU Spokeman.
Phally do not cheat Tax payers!!!!
DEAR Mr.New phally,I don't know how old you are, anyways I call you Bang.I don't know how long you been living in USA and when you left Cambodia and how many times you visited Cambodia. If I'm not wrong you must a supporter of CPP. Aren't you?. you are Khmer, I'm Khmer, I love Khmer, so you do, right?. Bang, I'm not a member to any party, but I'm a favor to SR party, I swear I'm really not SR's member party.Bang,whatever the government(CPP) did if It is wrong I disagree and if It is right I agree.Don't talk about corruptions, illegal Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia, lawless, killing journalists...Let's talk about human right or freedom of speech or democracy in Cambodia. Do you think there are freedom of speech or real democracy in Cambodia?. I should not blame to the government or CPP if there are not these such issues happened.Mrs Mou Sokhor and others are the victims of defamation, victims of speaking out of the truth or victims of fighting for democracy for Cambodians and Cambodia.Bang, In Cambodia today one man controls the power about 30years, I totally disagree with this,and when people can't say the truth or can't say about powerful person or the leader did something wrong...Do bang like that way? do you like justice? Do you like freedom of speech and democracy? Do you want Cambodians and cambodia live in a modern and real democray?...
Khmer leaders from generation to generation always label as trators for those who have different opinion. As means to silence oppostion those leaders do not hesitate to use state resources under their disposals to put their opponents in jail or to kill them completely. Consequently, our country become smaller in size with less population to face with our giant neighbors: the Siams and the Viets. Sooner or later we will not have country to call home.
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