Monday, September 21, 2009



Khmer ordinary said...

May your soul rest in peace, Ven. Masarin, for sacrifying your life to save the Buddhist temple, which you couldn't. Actually you should never need to do that since a Bddhist temple can be rebuilt while your precious life can't be.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear 57 y.o Ven. died from heart attack.

The Son of the Khmer Empire said...

It is really sad to hear this news. I do still remember the good memory during our stay in the Philippines in 2001. May his soul stay in peace.

Anonymous said...

He died of heart attack at 57.It told us that life style of free food and free shelter are all about.Able body should not be a monk and take advantage of all the believers.They all should go to work and earn a living like everyone else.Don't be such a lazy ass.

Anonymous said...


You are such an ignorant person...monks are not lazy, they work harder than lay people to study and teach Buddhism

Anonymous said...

I don't how old you are. If I'm not mistaken, you are about ten years old. If you are an old man to say something sich despicable and stupid, you must be a Khmer Rouge to the bone. The discipline of a Buddhist monk is quite diffrerent from all laymen. If a Buddhist monk needs to go work as everyone else, they violate their Buddhist discipline.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:22 AM is really a Khmer Rouge.

Chanroeun said...

I am so shocked to hear the death of ven. Masarin Visothea. He is an educated Buddhist monk who has devoted his life to promote the ethical and Buddhist education in Cambodia and abroad. He has published some books and I am sure his wisdom will inspire us ever.

May your soul rests in peace.