Sunday, September 20, 2009

Please help send this petition to your US Senators

Dear KI-Media Readers,

Please find below a template petition letter to send to US Senators to request their interventions to ensure human rights, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press in Cambodia. The template was originally written by Mr. Justin Sok who sent out this letter to US Senators from 50 US States.

Thank you!

[Insert your full name]
[Insert your Home Numbers, Street address]
[Insert City, State, and Zip Code]
[Insert your Email address]
[Insert your Phone Numbers]

[Insert current date]

The Honorable [Insert Senator’s full name]
[Insert local office district address (see bottom for a list)]

Subject: Petition to Ensure Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, and Freedom of the Press in Cambodia

Dear Senator [Insert Last name of Senator]:

There is on-going corruption in the form of illegal evictions, human trafficking, and threats made against innocent citizens, Buddhist monks have been physically beaten and jailed, and political activists, journalists, and elected officials from the opposition parties are being intimidated and blackmailed, and others have been threatened by lawsuits and jail. This has been the political situation in Cambodia.

In the recent past, the government of Cambodia was able to suppress the people’s freedom of expression and freedom of the press. Mr. Kem Sokha, then was the Chairman of the Cambodian Center of Human Rights (CCHR), and Mr. Yeng Virak, head of the Community Legal Education Center were arrested for allegedly defaming the Hun Sen government in connection with a banner displayed on International Human Rights Day, which read, "I will not vote for anyone who intimidates me." Mr. Mam Sonando, a vocal radio host of the Beehive Radio Station and a journalist and Mr. Rong Chhun, President of the Cambodian Independent Teacher’s Association, were arrested and allegedly charged with defaming Prime Minister Hun Sen in connection with the country's sensitive border issue. Mr. Cheam Channy, opposition parliamentarian, was arrested and charged with the false claim of forming a “secret army”. Mr. Dam Dith, Chief Editor for Moneaksekar Khmer newspaper was arrested and jailed and allegedly charged with defamation and disinformation. In addition, Mr. Sam Rainsy, President of the Sam Rainsy Party, was threatened to be stripped of his Parliamentary immunity and had a lawsuit filed against him on defamation and disinformation. President Sam Rainsy had to write a personal letter of apology to Prime Minister Hun Sen. There were also a number of leading democratic proponents and political activists that were thrown in jail, forced to seek refuge in exile, and others were assassinated, and still some were forced to pay the fines and write a personal letter of apology to the Cambodian government.

In the recent months, Prime Minister Hun Sen has, once again, allegedly orchestrated with the judicial system and his military police, unleashed a series of raids to make arrests and carry out a monstrous political assault on the social and political organizations including the non-governmental organizations, journalists, the opposition parties, community and political activists, teacher associations, union workers, student associations, and the general public. Mr. Hang Chakra, Editor in Chief for the Khmer Machas Srok Newspaper was arrested and thrown in jail. He was forced to write a personal letter of apology to Deputy Prime Minister Sok An. Mu Sochua, a member of Parliament for the opposition party has been charged with defamation by the ruling party for having stood up to defend her reputation. MP Mu Sochua has been stripped of her Parliamentary immunity. She was being fined and threatened with jail, should she refuse to pay the fines. Mr. Ho Vann, another Member of Parliament for the opposition party has also been stripped of his Parliamentary immunity. He is facing jail time and fines of more than $50,000.

Prime Minister Hun Sen and his high-ranking government officials are continuing to make threats to the general public, and the rights of the people are being infringed and suppressed. While he is playing the role of savior, Prime Minister Hun Sen, on the one hand, is deploying his high-ranking government officials to intimidate, arrest, jail and sue any individual who would dare to criticize him or his government. When the activists were arrested and jailed, Prime Minister Hun Sen and his officials would demand that the accused individuals pay fines and write a personal letter of apology, if they wish to avoid jail time.

America was built on the principles of democracy and the rights guaranteed in the First Amendment including freedom of expression and freedom of the press are among the fundamental touchstones of our democracy. America stands tall and defends individual freedom and protects our citizens under the Constitution. America is well-known as a country that is a fearless advocate of democratic principles and the protection of human rights around the world. As one of your constituents, a freedom-loving Cambodian-American citizen, I stand with my fellow Cambodian-Americans and Americans alike, petitioning to respectfully urge you Senator (Insert Last name of Senator) to enforce this Resolution to ensure human rights, freedom of expression, and freedom of the press in Cambodia. In order to ensure democratic progress in Cambodia, I call upon you Senator (Insert Last name of Senator) and our respected representatives to the United States government to raise this grave matter in Congress to call for congressional action to ensure that Prime Minister Hun Sen and his government officials will abide by the rule of law, to end Hun Sen government’s practices of silencing the dissident voices of the Cambodian people, and to put an end to the oppression of the people’s fundamental rights of expression, freedom of the press, assembly, and religious freedom. I appeal to our United States government to put a stop to the Hun Sen government’s raids and any other abuses made on the Cambodian people and to be made accountable for his government’s actions.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this important matter.


[Sign your name here]

[Insert your full name]


Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

Keep crying SRP, you were in wrong time, Place. Furthermore,CPP was a savior of Cambodia People, which were able to govern the country through prosperities, peace.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

As educated people and live in the modern world we have a lot of time to complain for every things.
Please Khmer brothers use your mind and brain and think, what is good for our country.
Not you all here or Mr. Hun Sen or Mrs. Mu Sochua or the US Senators or the US government will lost. The poor Khmer citizen will suffer more and more. You want to punish our innocent Khmers. I am also a Khmer and very disappointed about your idea.
With the US supports, the US Army able to help the Khmer citizen, to support the communications and help to build the roads, support healthcare, the Police forces and the Army force to secure and protect the country. All kind of helps will sure save more the Democracy in Cambodia and able to upgrade the situation in our country.

Anonymous said...

New Phally is making a fool of himself . Thousands of people got kicked out of their houses by the government , is that what you called prosperity ? Use your head to comment New Phaly .

Anonymous said...

4:30 PM

If all those things weren't satisfied your tiny prick, go and jack yourself off, you whinner piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Listen up! Pal

Per your request, leave Cambodia alone, don't fight with Khmer and Khme. I will not fill out and submit this request to Americ-Kang. KI-mEDIA, YOU CREATED MORE PROBLEM AGAIN.

Angkorian Krama Man

Khmer ordinary said...

Khmer ordinary said...

The fight for freedom, social justice, and democracy for defenseless Khmer people must go on. It must go on ceaselessly.

This despotic government must be stopped, otherwise Cambodia will become a second Laos soon. We as decent Khmers must stand up strong to challenge to Hun Sen's and his criminal clique's despicable game of turning Cambodia upside down.

If there are no Khmers living overseas strongly express their opinions or objection against Hun Sen and his criminal clique's evil acts, the defenseless Khmer poeple living inside the country must have been more severely maltreated. But, unfortuantely, some Khmer living overseas turn to be Khmer Rouge in disguise as Khmers not Rouge; until they bark so strongly to defend Hun Sen that we can tell they are actually Khmer Rouge, like Krama Man Krohorm Kor, New Phally, and Khmer Austarlia, etc. These Khmer Rouge won't change their absolute Khmer Rougeism, even until they face trial like ah Duch. Ah Duch won't change his doctrine too. If given a second chance, he will boublekill the innocent Khmers, because, to most Khmer Rouge, killing is fun.

Anyway I strongly hope that most Khmer not Rouge living overseas will continue their pursuit for social justice for their beloved defenseless compatriots.

Khmer ordinary said...

Anonymous Khmer odinary said...

It's not hard to understand what "common sense" is. When sense is common, it is common sense.

When one understands the other's need as one's own, that is one of the common senses.

If one wants to be happy, one realizes that the others must want to be happy too.

When ine has good food to eat, one thinks the others must want to eat good food too.

When one has a nice house to live, one thinks that the others must want to live in a house too.

If one treats the others the same way as one oneself wants to be treated, then one has a common sense. Let me leave space for folks to fill it.

People like Hun Sen, his families, his criminal cronies, New Phally, Krama Man, etc. lack common sense. Their sense is not common to most Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Krama Man, ah Kdor Ngorb. Stop barking, will ya? I repeat, it doesn't matter what, if you are nice guy, passionate, kind and understading, your wife would have stayed with you, ah pleu krupjeat! You are just as cruel, arrogant and igorant as Hun Sen, that's why you moron try very har to bark in defense of him. Keep barking, otherwise HunSen will hange you when you work bears no fruits for him.

Khmer ordinary said...

Khmer oridinary said...

If compared to Kuwait and Israel, Cambodia is none. What will the US get from a country that has been sqeezed by Yuons, Hun Sen and his families, and all of his crimnal clique? Cambodia is just like an orrange that has a very little juice left "crude oil". But crude oil will still benefit those crooks too when it is pumped out.

As being well-known as a country that strongly advocates and loves social justice, freedom, and democracy, the US must fulfil its role. How far or deep it will go, no one knows for sure yet. Just wait and see. Anyway, we cannot let Hun Sen keeps suppressing the defenseless Khmer people as he wanted to. As ignorant, cocky, arrogant, proud, and greedy for absolute power as he is, if freely allowed, he will be a second Pol Pot for sure, and one of his sons will be a third. The dictator must be stopped or abolished in the 21st century. To abolish such a despicable didtator, the freedom-living people living overseas must come together and struggle endlessly, because those who are living inside of the coury cannot voice their opinions at all.

Anonymous said...

Speaking in term of US's aid to foreign countries, the US made many mistakes in the past. This time the US might repeat it if the US's aid falls into the hand of the Hun Sen's government. It will benefits Hun Sen, not the needy as Mr American said above. Hun Sen will use the aid (I mean military aid)to feed his thousands of bodyguards( supposed 3,000 x 300=900,000/month).

Hun Sen cares more about protecting his power than his country. If he really cares about defending the country, with thousands of million dollars (lost in vane)his military would have been very well-equipped with modern weapon in the world. I wish that the US shouldn't repeat another mistake that makes Hun Sen ridicules at it.

Khmer ordinary said...

Three/fourth of Hun Sen's plan has been accomplished. And here is what Hun Sen needs to fulfil the rest: To make Cambodia become a military-ruled country, Hun Sen will promote Hun Maneth to be the military commander-in-chief. If in the near future the opposition party completely lose its voice, and if Hun Maneth fully succeeds as commander-in-chief with the help of Yuons, then the Hun Sen's offsprings will be solely the owner of Cambodia.

To stop Hun Sen from fulfilling his plan, the freedom-loving Khmers, excluding Hun Sen's some dandruffed dogs, must be resolute in their endeavour to pursue social justice, democracy, and freedom for their beloved defenseless compatriots.

Anonymous said...

This is the right approach to wake up your Lawmakers in Western developed country.
Without care about the the nonsense no class of PPU supporters,and recruiters maindset; believe or not those crooks living abraod like PHALLY and Family are mostly cheating welfare system to get Tax Payer, government moneys asssistance, he is a welfare Fraud, thanks to liberal welfare system in U.S, it will not be easy to get away in FRANCE; all khmers compatriots are sharing the pain of our Khmers NAKRAR please using media attention, and modern internet Technology, and more importantly to alert your Assembly Rep. about those corrupted violation humam right in Cambodia.
They PPU blood power and moneys could not buy your higher values, dignity, principle, evryone love dearly our homeland...the cambodia sake...
More and more people inside and outside feeling the pain from the tyranny of PPU in Cambodia..

Anonymous said...

To SRP members and to all the Cambodian nationalist: Please ignore and do not react to any comments made by CPP members as they are not dumb, they knew exactly what is right from wrong, but they just want to insinuate to needle you guys which is no different than during the Khmer Republic years.... whenever there is an accrochage with Vietcong, they just started a few shots and let the Republicans start firing or empty all their ammos before the Vietcong start assaulting on the government position.
So ignore them, and instead continue to discuss/debat issues with our folks to improve the situation of our fellow Cambodians and don't get carry on with those scumbags like New Phally and Krama Man.
P.S. If you know their actual name and address there is a website/links to the department of HEW (Health Education and Welfare) that you can report on any fraud. Let's get rid of them for good once for all and all for once!

Anonymous said...

To km former KR,you want lock up the door and kill more Khmer.We, as a Khmer can't leave you alone,no more.ពួកអាអែងអស់នេះហើយ
ដែលសម្លាប់ខ្មែរ កំទេចស្រុកដល់សូន្យ​ឥឡូវមកចង់ធ្វើបែបដដែលទៀតឬ?។អែងសមតែស្លាប់ទៅ ហើយទៅកើតជាប្រែត
កុំកើតមកជាខ្មែរទៀត។​ I knew that you are a Police officer and work at the Immigration Dept at Pochenton.
You are assigned to a Quick response to fight back in the intrnet.FBI in PP already know who you are?.You already see the report from congress,that mean they know every step you moved.
It's not MSH gave all the information but you are on their Black list.

Anonymous said...

Tngay ansar ah Hun Sen chit mouk dorl heuy!

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long Beach, Ca

Let's be clear SRP, you were the traitors, became sores loser, always fail to accomplish yours duties to serve Cambodia People. Therefore, you should understand, actually the world power are shifting to the east. As result,I would like to advise you to keep quiete during transition of power.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

Cash for Party People
Save Riels for People

Anonymous said...

Hi pal, I am back I couldn’t sleep to night, let chat.

To 8:39 PM,

There is no need to call me ‘Ah Kdor Ngorb’ and used offensive language by calling me nasty name. Let’s respect me, I am a lot older than you, my Thai wife I left her first, she stills keep calling me from time to time, she loved me too death even if I’d been beaten her up many time. Let forget it, this is my personal life I have been shared with you guy, and you turn out to be more cruel, rude to me. You guy here seem worse then Khmer Rouge regime.

To 8:03 PM,

If you don’t’ understand my English, I don’t care…sorry this in Cambodia not like you lived in abroad. Regarding this, you don’t have to advice, telling folk here ‘common sense’ etc. There’s no body is ‘Perfect’. Are you a teacher? Why can you come to Cambodia to open an English language school here? This would help our Cambodian people to learn. You must stop criticism to Samdech Deychu Hun Sen and family, you must leave them alone.

To 7:25 AM,

My job is classified, there is no need for you to trace or track down where I work or where I live. An FBI agent has nothing to do with me, I didn’t commit any crimes. I support my current government is better then other party who always caused problem. You sound very stupid. I suggest you should go to school and get more education and then come to work in our country that is better. Am I clear Pal?

Note: if you post long sentence like a book, I don’t have time to read it all. Thanks

Angkorian Krama Man

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

1:34 PM,

Oh Yes do so son and you probably get pay soon by Sam Rainsy and Mu Sochua.

Long sentence, I won't read it.

Angkorian Krama Man