Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Police turning a blind eye to gang rape

Monday, 28 September 2009
The Phnom Penh Post

Dear Editor,
Comment: I do agree with Soprach that government has repeatedly operated unsustainable policies. For instance, sex workers in the public will be legally charged but the sex consumers are flying free into the brothels. On the other hand, sex workers have been often raped or forced to have sex but they dare not take those actions to the police. So it is pathetic for those Cambodian sex workers who are facing free rape/sex, bribing the police, and charged of coming out to the street. In the meantime, the rich and company investors enjoy evicting the poor families and resell the lands...only Cambodia that the weak will become weaker, the poor will become poorer; the strong will become stronger, the rich will become richer, and the criminal perpetrators have happilily flied free in this land...Welcome to Cambodia!!

I am writing in response to your two articles: “Five men accused in Siem Reap gang rape” (September 22), which reported that a girl was raped by her boyfriend and four others; and “Seven men charged in girl’s rape and murder to face trial in Kampong Cham” (September 23), which reported that a girl was raped and killed by members of a youth gang, one of whom is her neighbour and who claimed he had fallen in love with her.

After reading the two articles, I experienced shock and felt so sad about the two victims, especially the child who was murdered after being raped. These brutal activities are not isolated cases but have been occurring regularly in the recent past and perhaps longer. In 2002, a study by PSI (Population Services International) on sexual relationships revealed sex workers in Phnom Penh were often victims of gang rape, or bauk (Khmer for “plus”) .

In 2003, a study by GAD/C (Gender and Development for Cambodia) revealed that female students were also sometimes victims of bauk. In 2004, a study by CARE International showed that bauk was not limited to Phnom Penh, but occurs across Cambodia. In 2009, a study by an independent researcher revealed that over 10 percent of a sample of young men not in a stable relationship had perpetrated bauk with a sex worker in the last three months.

We should urge the police and the courts to deal severely with the perpetrators of these two recent youth gang rape cases if they are found guilty. Note that the two cases seem copy-and-pasted from bauk cases that many youth perpetrators have learned and used against female sex workers.

In my opinion, police have failed to act in cases where sex workers have claimed they are gang raped. Not only do police fail to act in the event of bauk but sex-workers fear to bring charges, as they fear the police reaction – including arrest for “illegal business under the trafficking law”– even while the law remains silent on the issue of voluntary sex work.

In the past, when police cracked down on brothels, massage parlours, guest houses and hotels, police arrested the sex workers but allowed the men to go free.

The arrest of rapists and jail with so-called “re-education” is not sufficient. We call for the government, donors, youth workers and human rights groups to increase their interventions to change men’s attitude about bauk. Critically, the issue has to be raised through awareness in the school curriculum and outreach activities. We all have a responsibility to change the attitude of our young men so that violence against women and girls is actively discouraged.

Tong Sprach
Phnom Penh


Anonymous said...

i'll turn blind eye on you,if you get raped! hater!

khmergay said...

good site to read

free bloggertemplate said...

the template for your blogger

Anonymous said...

The government must condemn or imprison those for life with this inhumane act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good leaders will lead good citizen. Bad leaders will impacted into bad citizen and bad role model for the Nation.
In many civilised Nations, before each election each candidate has to go through public scruitinner to make sure that the potential member of parliament are from good citizen.
1-With Police clearance from all criminal activities.
2-No taxation problem.
3-No family problem

Areak Prey

Gang said...

Cambodian Police forces are very efficient.
True or false?

Anonymous said...

Cambodian police are at present Hun Sen slaves. They are not working for Cambodia Nation at all. The simple reason answer is that they are denying all political killings and have never arrested any drugs loard at all.

Anonymous said...

Are you crazy dump ass.Do you want government kill all gansters you know what happen later? The victims let the cop do it not for priminister do it.I mean you are jealusing with the man not for people dump ass.

Anonymous said...

If you go to Phnom Penh, you would find police everywhere with gun. But dailight robbery every where. Are these robberies from police or from real robbers? In contrast if you go to any other city on earth, you rarely see their police, but their city are 100 times safer than Phnom Penh. Why?
Police in Phnom Penh are earning $US 20 per month. But they need at least US$ 300 per month to live in poverty. How about some of them have spent US$ 100 a day on karaoke, Nice meal, a young girl, where all these moneys came from ?????? Even monkys would know that.

Anonymous said...

Those criminals must put away for along long time, to teach other not to commited this kind of crimes again, or send them to the frontline to rape Thais black soldies...

Anonymous said...

This is for the bad khmer officials, just remember, what goes around will come around+seven times panalties, and your life will be shorten, so make no mistake, even the air you breath will tell the truth about you, so don't you think that you can ever get away from injustice, be afraid to the truth, be no evil and act no evil! or else, you better believe it! the rightious will live forever and the wicked will pay the price.

Anonymous said...

It's evolution: Darwinism. The rape genes are still parts of us.

Men raped women to keep his Rape Genes surviving. so, the rape genes will continue.

Why do lust over beautiful women or handsome men?

Anonymous said...

Lust is part of emotion!

Rape is the act of malice to other humanbing, Babaruion or animal !

10:04Pm! would you do it to your mother to hold it on your gog gene?

Anonymous said...

"Porns" is destroying cambodian cultural these day, i urged our officials to keep hunting down those who distributing Porns on the cell phone...

Anonymous said...

Clans of Phnom Penh don't care so does Hun Sen. He loves every moment of it.