Friday, September 04, 2009

Retired King Flies to Beijing for Check-Up [-Chinese doctors to find all the illnesses of Cambodia's monarchy?]

By Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
03 September 2009

Former king Norodom Sihanouk left for Beijing Thursday, for routine medical check-ups to prevent a resurgence of cancer, according to a royal announcement.

King Norodom Sihamoni, who took the throne when his influential father abdicated in 2004, is accompanying the former monarch and former queen Monineath and will receive medical check-ups, as well.

Sihanouk is 86 and has suffered from various forms of cancer since 1993. He defeated a second round of the disease in 2005, and in June announced he had beat a third. He has undergone treatment for B-cell lymphoma, a cancer of the blood cells and the immune system.

His condition requires quarterly check-ups, and he only returned to Cambodian in July. He left the country from Siem Reap, with a departure that so “no problem at all,” said Um Daravuth, a royal cabinet member.

“He doesn’t have any more problems with cancer, but the Chinese doctors are wary he could undergo a fourth cancer, because the space of time where he had cancer between 1993 and 2009 became shorter and shorter,” Um Daravuth said.

The former king, who is revered among many Cambodians, continues to have treatment for “prevention,” Um Daravuth said.

According to a royal statement, Sihanouk is expected to return in February 2010.


Anonymous said...

He is fleeing from Khmer Rouge tribunal. Sihanouk was responsible for all the killing of all National army of Lon Nol regime of 200,000 men and women who have protected the country from second world war. He was also responsible for the killing of all educated khmers in 1975 on the arrival of his barbaric army in 17 April 1975.
Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

His Majesty was head of the democratically elected government of Cambodia. Marshall Lon Nol came to power throught a coup backed the US-the supposed defender of democracy. Ironic? Yet Most Kmere in the US don't realized this. They supported the US regardless of how many wars the US waged, coups they performed, or lives killed. Blind support for Uncle Sam need not apply here.

Anonymous said...

He will never die but will have new cancer every month!

Anonymous said...

4:08 AM !
Who elected Sihanouk to be head of the State Cambodia ? Don't be so sure about it . There was no general election in Cmabodia befor Lon Nol took over the country. If you want to prove me wrong , tell me when did Sihanouk get elected to be head of the Country and how many candidates were running .

Anonymous said...

4:08 AM,
Should Sihanouk did not interfere in Vietnam affairs by supporting Vietcong/North Vietnamese, providing war materials to them, let them use Cambodian territory to hide from American, then there would be no coup. Sihanouk claimed his country is neutral but he sided with Vietcong/North Vietnamese in fighting against United States. Come on don't twist history in favor of traitor king.

Anonymous said...

During Sangkum Reas Nium, Sihanouk has self appointed himself as head as State a position which no where in the world has this position. By self appointed himself as head of state, he has appointed his circle as Prime Minister. So during that time a tiny country like Cambodia, has a Queen ( his mother), a head of State ( himself ) and them another Prime Minister who was also through an appointment. THe removal of Sihanouk was not through a coup but through a democratic election of Cambodian Parliament. In any country in this modern day, any parliament can vote for no-confident to their leader for a snap election if there is no challenge from their own cabinet. A coup d'etat was organised by army. Recently Hun Sen has thread to opposition party by using arm forces to crush them. That is totally a thread of coup d'etat !!!!
Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

4:08 AM . Sihanouk got dethrone because he let Viet troop use Cambodia to be the bridge to fight South Vietnam ...former Kampucheakrom. That's why Sihanouk called Khmer people to join him and Khmer Rouge to fight Lon Nol . Sihanouk is the one who created all those messes . He needs to be in jail along with his old friends , Kiew Samporn , Eing Sary and a few more.

Anonymous said...

Robert Petit had met his family members in Siemreap city to see that his family members were not physically harmed.

It must be reminded that Robert Petit had asked the ECCC to put six more people on trial such as NORODOM SIHANOUK, HENG SAMRIN, CHEA SIM, HUN SEN, HO NAM HONG and KEAT CHHON.

HUN SEN representatives ordered Mr. Robert Petit to stop asking the ECCC to put more people to trial. If he doesn’t stop, he must resign, ordered HUN SEN people or else (Police HUN SEN threatened on the lives of Robert Petit’s family members).

We have witnesses to support the above facts.

Anonymous said...

China must not let king kong Sinorouk hiding in its country if it wants to wash its hand from involving of the three millions khmer death.

Anonymous said...

In order to serve new investigations properly;
The UN Backed KRT should be charged Mee Chea Leang, Ah Sok Anh and ah Om Yintien for obstructing of UN justice, otherwise the UN-KRT will not serve justice for all Cambodian's victims at all. And the Criminals are still living free and continues to kill more small khmer everyday.

True Khmer said...

All are right, except 4:08AM.

Anonymous said...

Bravo ! Bravo! All Khmer intelligences here!
Hello Areak prey long time no see?
From day to day Cambodian have learned a lot more about former king Sihaknuk that he doesn't know what he doing and accept no responsible for khmer and people he called koun chao .Thanks UN court that put the investigation for more khmer rouge leaders on to their court.
Lonalianist kid

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk, a dying worthless king. That's for sure!

[Sihanouk, un vaut rien roi mourrant. C'est sûr!]

Anonymous said...

I hope Sihanouk will die in China soon so all those people who died because of him can rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

4:08 am, you are not far from the truth. Lon Nol and his deputies were not democratically elected either. He came to power through a coup with a strong backing and green light from Uncle Sam with a promise of the forever protection and support for him and Cambodia which later turned out to be not quite the case, especially the Cambodia part. There was no general election after the coup and the Marshall laws kicked in. If this was not a coup and just a vote of no confidence in Prince Sihanouk’s leadership, why wasn't it done when the man was in the country? Why did Lon Nol and his cohorts wait until Prince Sihanouk was out of the country? Why didn't Lon Nol proceed with the vote of no confidence when Prince Sihanouk was in Cambodia? That vote of no confidence was also done after the deed (the coup) not before it. So it doesn't speak volume to a lot of people. Besides, Lon Nol knew that he did not have a strong enough home base support, but just the elite few in the cities, some students, and some army under him. That's why there was no en masses of students protested in every province in Cambodia except just in Phnom Penh and may be Battambang province too at a couple schools. Besides it was orchestrated by the military. The police stood back, did nothing and let the students did their rampage. Just like any country leader, the first and foremost concern is his/her own country security and interests before any other people or country's interests. The top security concern to Prince Sihanouk was to keep Cambodia out of the Vietnam war (the actual fighting) no matter what and Prince Sihanouk did just that up until 1970. No full blown war. The country was at peace and beautiful until 1970. After the wonderful coup, there were deaths and starvation everywhere. What Lon Nol did not know was Robert McNamara, the then US Secretary of Defense/War Manager, during that time already had conceded that the war in Vietnam was not winnable since 1968. He ultimately admitted later that the war was a mistake. That's why the US start to draw down the troops and the Vietnamization began from approximately that 1968 time frame on. Lon Nol was still blind to that fact two years later in 1970, unbelievable! So the drawn of Cambodia into the wider Vietnam war was in part to help the US withdrawal from the war that they started, eventhough indirectly. Well, it did complete in 1975 and who was left holding the bag, the mess and looking like a fool. Many Lon Nol's deputies, cabinets, and ministers finally realized it. But it was too late. Case and point and fact, just go and read the last farewell letter (can be found on the Internet) from Prince Sirik Matak, one of Lon Nol’s ministers, to the US ambassador to Cambodia at that time Jonh Gunther Dean. He told him straight out that he feels deceived, ashamed, and abandoned by the US. Many ministered refused to leave because they also felt duped and ashame. They were all executed by the Khmer Rouge. For Lon Nol, he conveniently resigned and left before the capitulation to safety in Hawaii. About the Khmer Rouge, the despicable bunch – ah prêt in the seventh hell, they were never strong enough until right around late 1972 to mid1973. Yet they managed to overrun the Khmer Republic by 1975. Wonder how? Hint – no more supports and ammunitions from Uncle Sam, needless to say foods and medicines. Heard the stories that some of those Lon Nol generals sold guns and ammunitions to the Khmer Rouge for monies. What!!!???? And corruption was rampant. That’s one of the why’s.

Now tell me who knows better than these Lon Nol’s ministered and cabinet members about the actualities. Who is going to argue with the US Secretary of Defense’s assessment and conclusion of the Vietnam war/war in Southeast Asia? Everybody is at fault and everybody was involved. Oh, don’t forget there is Laos too.

Looks like everybody except 4:08am needs to go back and dig deeper.

Anonymous said...

Dear poster 8:53AM,
Regardless of what arguments for you and Sianhouk want to take to cover up Sihanouk criminal warfare against his own people, the world is still against all your argument for Sihanouk to have;
1-Declared war against his own Nation by using vietcong to kill his own people.
2-All politicians must learn how to stand up and low down for the permanent peace and properity of their own Nation.
3-Sihanouk need to use political skill to gain back his popularity and his leadership and not by calling neigbhour to inflame war to his own Nation.
4-He needed to learn Mr Nelson Mandela how to restore peace and properity after having his power back.
5-He need to stand in front of the history for his destruction to Cambodia through his immature political skill.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Dear Areak Prey,

I think you are senior to me. But I would like to have some discussion.

The 18 March 1970 event was a coup d'Etat, as Cambodia was a monarchy. Parliament's vote to announce Khmer Republic was a coup d'Etat in legal terms.

The then Prince Sihanouk might have committed serious error to allow the Vietcong to be stationed in Cambodia, but it was difficult to control from the Cambodian side. He committed error by allowing Chinese shipment through Sihanoukville port (see the recent publicly released CIA history book on Georgetown Uni website).

While we judge history, we should look at the context. It was a difficult time for Cambodia to stay neutral.

I am amazed that after more than 30 years of war, Cambodians cannot tolerate with each other. They don't want to take credit that the government has ended this war.

30 years ago, many people supported the Khmer Rouge.

Anonymous said...

Hi 9:41 am,

Everything seems to be sensible and in context until your very last sentence "30 years ago, many people supported the Khmer Rouge". It really begs a question. 30 years ago from today, that puts it in 1979. Believe me, I use calculator just to be sure. Is this the time frame you are talking about? Because different time periods had different revelations and events.

Anonymous said...

The coup that happened in 1970 that was Sihaknuk planed(ask Inn Tam)
Why the rampant corrupt that Lon Nol military committed because in the name of Sihaknuk stirring up by the radio from Peking to weaken Lon Nol and benefit his soldier troop or khmer rouge that have vietcong back up,so in khmer miserable history today Sihaknuk the only person who face all the charges from UN court alone in-avoidable .
So stop believe with khmer killer Sihaknuk,it doesn't matter he does or he doesn't ,all his act was and is serving Viet interest.
Lonalianist kid

Anonymous said...

After all Sihanouk was the one who invited Vietcong/North Vietnamese to take over Cambodia so as to help him back in power, even though he know he can hardly trust them. After all Sihanouk was the one appealed to Khmers to go to the jungle to prepared themselves to fight against Khmers so he gained his throne back. After all Sihanouk was the leader of the Khmer Rouge when it murdered up to 2 million Khmers through forced overwork, starving, killing. He called Khmer people "Kaun Chau (my children)" but he the one who killed his people. To me, he is a criminal and he should be judged by the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

Angry Kaun Khmer said...

All Areak Prey's 5 coments are clueless and clueless.

1-Declared war against his own Nation by using vietcong to kill his own people.

Q: Did French employ the Vietnamese to control Cambodia and Laos? Have you seen the Vietnamese left Cambodia after French defeated? And who defeated the French?

2-All politicians must learn how to stand up and low down for the permanent peace and properity of their own Nation.

Q: How do you know King Sihanouk and his countrymen like Lon Nol didn't stand up? They met each others in Paris around 1970's then Lon Nol declared coup. Lon Nol and Dap Chhourn(a mafia of Siem Riep) worked together and they were contacted by the CIA (US based in Thailand). DAP Chhourn wanted to divide Cambodia to two, then he later was killed by Lon Nol. What PEACE are you referring to? Cambodia cannot have peace as long as the Vietnamese continue to eliminate Khmers; and as long as old people like you are still ignorant. Your generation is not only stubborn but clueless about what was happening in Cambodia.

3-Sihanouk need to use political skill to gain back his popularity and his leadership and not by calling neigbhour to inflame war to his own Nation.

Q: Again. Do you know when the Vietnamese left Cambodia? Just because they are Cambodians but does not mean they are Khmers or want to be Khmers. The King used his political skills taht's why we lost 1.7 if he left to enjoy his private life some where, there would not have had Khmers left.

4-He needed to learn Mr Nelson Mandela how to restore peace and properity after having his power back.

Q: Why comparing Mandella who fought against the White supremacy "apathy" with King Sihanouk who fought the enemy (Vietnamese) within?. Khmers are all clueless including you and old people in your generation, you cannot identify who were Viet pies or who were real Khmers, and why each time you spoke highly about your fake wisdom taht you don't have?

5-He need to stand in front of the history for his destruction to Cambodia through his immature political skill.

Q: Bullshit. I am sorry for showing a disrespect toward a Pritheacha, but again and again you and your generation don't deserve a respect. All your remarks are BS. A man who spoke of guillotine and wants to be an advisor to King Sihanouk who's educated in Military school in Paris?
Your generation NEED to take responsible for being so idiots and stop blaming.

Anonymous said...

Did your guys see every subject that related to Khmer King ah Youn El Chino and his networks (lonalian) online pop up.

Anonymous said...

DEar Poster 11:04AM,
Please let face with your challenge.
1-Did you knew that Sihanouk had approved Vietcong to instal their headquater inside khmer Land before 1970 from Kg Cham, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng and Ratanakiry and Mondolkiri? He even had supplied foods and amunitions from China through Kg Som and delivered to Vietcong by Sihanoukish?
On the 23rd April 1970, after he met with Vietcong leaders and Pathet laos leaders in Guangdong, he had declared war against Cambodian government by open green light to vietcong already installed inside Cambodian lands to attack Cambodian National army and killed Cambodian member of Parliament in Kg Cham?
2-Did you know that how many foreign leaders have been voted out from offices, how many of them had taken the stand like messer Sihanouk to declare war with their own Nation?
3-I don't talkj about Vietnamese civilian who have lived in Cambodia for generation. I talked about real vietcong with completed army uniform that Sihanouk had approved them into Cambodian land and hidded from CIA.
4-Working with USA or China was not a crime at all. I condemn for only those who has ordered to kill khmers.
5-If you have your short memory, you should ask RFA to send you copies of Sihanouk speeches before 1975. In each speeche he urged his barbaric army of Black uniform to kill those who didn't support his revolution against Lon Nol. But did you have heard about Khmer rouge tribunal for what Duch had killed Khmer inside his liberated areas? Cambodian peole have to suffer both from Sihanouk and from Pol Pot. Therefore they have no choice to live under the administration of Lon Nol who was more human than the rest of them.
Lon Nol has topped Sihanouk, it does mean that he was bad at all. As being leader of a destruction regime, he must account for his criminal acts.
Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Our ex-king Norodom Sihanouk is the only key person whom could open this true ECCC door and tell us the real story......If he does't shy a way to Beijing it would be a brellion Khmer's good nigth story.

Would you all agree?

Anonymous said...

No I disagree with a few clowns and you 11;37am in here.

Anonymous said...

1-Did you knew that Sihanouk had approved Vietcong to instal their headquater inside khmer Land before 1970 from Kg Cham, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng and Ratanakiry and Mondolkiri? He even had supplied foods and amunitions from China through Kg Som and delivered to Vietcong by Sihanoukish?
On the 23rd April 1970, after he met with Vietcong leaders and Pathet laos leaders in Guangdong, he had declared war against Cambodian government by open green light to vietcong already installed inside Cambodian lands to attack Cambodian National army and killed Cambodian member of Parliament in Kg Cham?

-What you read was a courtsey way, but practically Vietnamese have NEVER left Cambodia (stop denying). That's after Stalin ordered Mao to supervise Ho Chi Minh to take Cambodia and Laos, and that after China threatned Cambodia for flirting with the US, and that after Youn Rouge were created and recruited million Khmer peasants. (Those are all in new history book).

2-Did you know that how many foreign leaders have been voted out from offices, how many of them had taken the stand like messer Sihanouk to declare war with their own Nation?

-You sound so Vietnamese, and you refused to admit that the Vietnamese have never left Cambodia. You believed that they were there for generations, and how about the NEW FACES well trained speaking fluently Khmer lik the Vietnamese Ambassador in PP who were born in Vietnam then popped up in Cambodia claimed to be Khmers? Did you anyhow investigate them?
You sound so Vietnamese spy to us because you refused to admit the Viet spies existed in Cambodia and you want to persecute Khmer King so new faces can replace Khmers.

Keep your guillotine in place because we will fight you until the end if you and your radical extremists dare to lay hand on my people again.

3-I don't talk about Vietnamese civilian who have lived in Cambodia for generation. I talked about real vietcong with completed army uniform that Sihanouk had approved them into Cambodian land and hidded from CIA.

-Why don't you want to talk about SOME of those sleeping army? They were part of the Vietnamese weapons that send signals out. Were you one of them?

4-Working with USA or China was not a crime at all. I condemn for only those who has ordered to kill khmers.

-How do you know the King ordered to kill his own people? How do you know the King and Lon Nol did not work together to save Cambodia? If they didn't work together to save the country and why did Lon Nol
kill Dap Chhourn for wanting to divide Cambodia to two before he met with the King in Paris? About what?
If the Vietnamese could kill the entire Chinese army in Red River and sacrificed many lives of their own Vietnamese people, why cannot they do the same to Khmers whose country was under their controlled during French Colony even long before that?

5-If you have your short memory, you should ask RFA to send you copies of Sihanouk speeches before 1975. In each speeche he urged his barbaric army of Black uniform to kill those who didn't support his revolution against Lon Nol. But did you have heard about Khmer rouge tribunal for what Duch had killed Khmer inside his liberated areas? Cambodian peole have to suffer both from Sihanouk and from Pol Pot. Therefore they have no choice to live under the administration of Lon Nol who was more human than the rest of them.
Lon Nol has topped Sihanouk, it does mean that he was bad at all. As being leader of a destruction regime, he must account for his criminal acts.
Areak Prey

-I and my generation don't need the document of the King's speech from RFA to refresh our memories. Politicians will say everything to convince others to believe them though were parts of their strategies. And you have never been in military school like the King and who are you anyway to claim you knew everythings.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 11:45AM

Could you tell me more of what would you disagree in this master mind murder case to resolve in peace of two mllion khmers' death?.

Please come out and tell us khmer the truth.

Anonymous said...

This king is criminal. He encouraged his people to kill each other so that he can get his power/throne back.

He will go to hell when he dies.

Anonymous said...

9:41 am, "Prince Sihanouk might have committed serious error" well that depends on one's perspective. From your perspective (the US I presume), yes. But from the Prince's perspective and for Cambodia's interests, a resounding NO. Why? Here are the reasons. From the early 1960's on, there were a number of subversive activities originated from South Vietnam and Thailand (people know who was the strong backer in those two countries in that time) to undermine Prince Sihanouk and his rule. But he managed to discover and dwarfed them before they could take place. Ever since he became very suspicious and distrustful of those countries' agencies and governments including the backer's . Who wouldn't be? Now move up a few years, in 1968, McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, conceded that war would not be won in Vietnam and started the process of pulling out troops out of South Vietnam. It is highly probable that Prince Sihanouk somehow knew in that time the eventual pull out plan of the US in South Vietnam and leave for good. So let me ask you, who in the right mind given with what he knows, joins the side that is planning to eminently quit, go home, and leave him behind, the losing side? No, definitely not. And Yes, it was a gamble but at least he knew he would be with the winning side and Cambodia would be in tact and 2 millions of Cambodians would be still alive today. One thing has to be mentioned, with all indications, deep down in side he hardly trusted the Viet Mihn, Viet Cong, and Communist North Vietnamese either. Well, I let the 1975 outcome speaks for itself. Also don't forget approximately another 700,000 Cambodians were perished between 1970-75 in the fighting between Lon Nol and the Khmer Rouge. So we have lost about 2/5 of the population. If and only if the US just left South Vietnam without dragging Cambodia into that quitting and losing war. Over two millions of those Cambodians would be still around today. Because the US planned to leave the region anyway. God damn! that's a whole damn lot. Pissed, Pissed, Pissed,...

Yes, Price Sihanouk did try his best for Cambodia up until 1970. After that, everything went to hell in a handbasket. A new saga began. May those souls rest in peace!

Just want to add one more thing and with the least want to join the blame game, yes the older generation is still clueless and yet stubborn. With all indications, Prince Sihanouk did not invite the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese into Cambodia nor supply them with food and ammunition. The Chinese sent it to them.

Anonymous said...

Areak Prey
It doesn't matters people that try to defeat you with this kind of debate but I'm with you all the way and thank because I am still eyes witness of what Sihaknuk have done to the place that he called his country,why Sihaknuk called Viet to help to restore his power ,if viet all over the place in Cambodia? Why should he ask more Viet to enter Cambodia?
Why should he hide the Viet out while the USA chasing and kill them? But instead his own families feed vietcong with their own hand Sihaknuk confessed in you tube.
Our enemies are Viet while the USA killing Viet for us to survive why don't Sihaknuk turned the back twice to USA in1972 and 1965.
Lonalianist kid

Anonymous said...

I will grant Si-ah-nouk two wishes.
1: I will burn him to ashes, here on earth.

2: When he get's to where he's going, which is hell....they will burn him again just to be on the safe side.

Anonymous said...

Elchino-charlie vietcong (lonalian 1;13pm).
We already followed your networks.
You only popped up with something about Khmer King.

Anonymous said...

Take your medecine ah lop lop. Do you know where you live will face a great mudslide? Khmer is Preah Thorany Srob.
Don't wish others then you will face the consequences, your mad sick doggy.

Anonymous said...

it wasn't true ask om manarin ,pom peang and ez monique have they ever smuggled food ,medicine weapons through Rattanakiri province to youn?
It simple

Anonymous said...

Can you get a life ah 1;24pm?
Why are you too miserable creature? Is it how you live your life hating people against the fate?

Brush up ah. Life is too short. You won't live that long with this kind of miserable azzhole.

Do you when the person who has so much HATE and miserable like you after die will be in hell and never seen the light? Look at History channel about the haunting.

Everyone's fate is already made, and why are you too evil trying to hurt and harm others ?

Anonymous said...

1:20 El Chino provide a good service
1:20 mother the both very satify each other 16" long but 1:20 get jealous with El Chino have done very good for his mother,hey adult conciseness,will ya leave them alone?

Anonymous said...

what you mean hurt and harm ,how about ah jkout Sihaknuk sold country to youn pussy and help youn and khmer rouge killed two million khmer,and escape from justice ,is it right thing to do ?
MONUS AKATEI ai kvai or bulffalo?

Anonymous said...

Sure because you are Youn spies and that is why you advertize your item. Good elchino-charlie viecong 1;32pm. ROFL

hate hate hate hate hate revenge revenge fuck fuck...

Anonymous said...

1:07 PM,

The Chinese sent supply to Vietcong North Vietnamese through port of Kampong Som and Sihanouk was responsible for delivering. After the coup in 1970, Sihanouk joint hand with Vietcong/North Vietnamese by allowing them to invade cambodia under the pretext of helping Sihanouk get power/throne back. As it turned out Vietcong/North Vietnamese just used Sihanouk as pawn to help Pol Pot instead. With help from Sihanouk and Vietcong/North Vietnamese Army, Pol Pot could take over the country in 5 years. Within the 1st year of ruling in 1975, under the leadership of Sihanouk, anti-Sihanouk people, numbered thousands of thousands were rounded up brought to be killed. Hungry for power and revenge he undertook action that, ultimately, killed millions of his people whom he said he love too much. What bother me the most was he never admits what he did was wrong. Come on king, when you died you will go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you ah tmil youn kantorb 1;37pm. go and fuck your mama ah beisach.

Anonymous said...

Well, 1;41pm
You should have asked God to grant you power instead of King Sihanouk and se how would you do better.

Barking too much won't help.

Anonymous said...

The true is so hurt? Sorry can't help
but beside the truth,the true has never die but the liar started to fly,oh two million lives there not too easy to manipulate and lie BS
let the world help us to find the killer you are just shit head freakin out ,may be your uncle or father?

Anonymous said...

And the facts none of us know the truth 1;46pm. Everyone claims to know the truth, but the truth is being hidden. "I never slept with that woman" Bill Clinton.

Anonymous said...

1:50 the fact is are fucked Sihaknuk is the dealer we all lost with his game. Two million khmer death country in miserable and youn about to finish us the fact is Sihaknuk is the dumb leader you never seen

Anonymous said...

My dear fellow challengers,
What I like to see our Cambodian future is a citizen who can care to each other and will not foul by any so called leader to kill their own race. we must have our conscience and be a man with full integrity who can say what is wrong and what is right?
We must learn how to care how our fellow citizen from suffering further by our evils leaders who cared only their own power and their own greeds. Each of us can only be a man in this planet up to 90 years old the most. After 90 years old we will be returned to dust again. Therefore we need to allow and protect our fellow citizen to live to their full potential. I am really sorry to see them dying before they have reach to their full potential and especially some of them have died from very young age. We must pray together to get ridge of all evils monsters from our beloved Nation.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

If I were a Chinese doctor who treats Shihanouk, I would diagnose him to have:
-Autocratic Bulimia novosia
-concurrence cancer of internal insight/projectory feudal system.
-hypertension secondary to dependency of autofeeback from Phnom Penh regime.
-Separation anxiety and multiple internal/prjectory characters secondary to post movie roles.

The treatments would be:
-To return to old days of do himself.
-To provide substantial gratification for immediate decision
-To hold one self to highest power.
and the last but not least.
-to compliment of unlimited access to ways and means.

Then he will stay in Cambodia forever.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1:50 PM,
In the case of Sihanouk, only blind people claimed not to know the truth. We judged people through action. What Sihanouk did was the facts. Do you know why Sihanouk only stay in Cambodia and Communist countries such as China and North Korea? Because freedom of expression in those countries are forbidden and his surival victims in those countries are afraid to demonstrate against him; however, if he goes somewhere else such as to America, France, England, etc... things will not be worked out in his favor. Sihanouk is afraid to face the truth when he goes to free countries. That's why we have never seen his face.

Anonymous said...

The facts are not on the hands of King Sihanouk. You exaggerated too much.

-How could Lok Ta Areak Prey claims to be Buddhist if he spoke of using guillotines and disreagrds the fate or Kama? Is it how Buddhist supposed to act or behave?

I hate to say that your stupid comments knew nothing about China's strategies. You are listed as one of the stupidest ever live.

Anonymous said...

Our Pop(Papa) Areak Prey or our guillotine Pop won't answer your rational arguments my boy 12:28 PM.
He propbaly thinks we are clueless.

Anonymous said...

1:41 PM,

Even you said it yourself, the key words are in your second sentence of your post "After the coup in 1970". So here is the question. What if the coup did not take place and Sihanouk still remained in power, would the Khmer Rouge become strong enough to overpower him and take over Cambodia given the popularity and support from most of the people for him in Cambodia? Highly unlike that the Khmer Rouge could accomplish that goal, at least in those five years. Besides for those who don't know, the relationship between Prince Sihanouk and the US began to thaw and warm up during the waning years of the 60's, late 60's through the Australian ambassador in Phnom Penh in that time. He served as a go between for the US and Prince Sihanouk. As a result, things were getting better between the Prince and the US. Thanks to Australian ambassador Noel St. Clair Deschamps. Also on a few occasions, Prince Sihanouk himself even attempted to reach out to the US. But for whatever the reasons, they never got through to the other side.

So the likelihood that Price Sihanouk could be a US allied given or if he was not overthrown and still remained in power was strong. The outcome in Cambodia could be vastly different, in the very best sense, and needless to say who knows for the region and the Vietnam war over all. Keep in mind, he hardly trusted the commies before hand whether domestic or foreign (Viet Minh, Viet Cong, North Vietnamese). However, one fault with Prince Sihanouk during his reign, he never made sure that the Royal Cambodian military was strong enough to protect Cambodia and desist the intruders/invaders. And guess who was the Secretary of Defense during that time, General Lonnnn Nolllll. The wimp. It was his job to ensure that the military was capable and strong enough to protect the sovereignty and lands. Instead, soldiers went into the skirmish in flip flops with World War One bolt action rifles against the jungle and battle hardened with assault rifle Vietcongs and North Vietnamese. What did they spend time doing? I bet those generals and high ranking officers spent times womanizing, drinking expensive cognac, doing the twist dance, and parading around. So much for the French trained officers and generals.

So 1:41 PM, according to you Prince Sihanouk needs to own up and face up for what he did or did not do. OK. But that applies to others as well, Lon Nol, the US, Pol Pot and his associates, China, Vietnam, and may be Thailand too.

Anonymous said...

correction to 1:21 AM. Meant to say "at least not in those five years" not "at least in those five years".

Anonymous said...

1:21 AM,

If Sihanouk, after the 1970 coup, went into retirement somewhere, we would have saved about 2Million khmer life. As you know coup can happen anywhere in the world; However, we can hardly see any deposed leaders appealed their people to fight each others just so they could regain their power. As for the coup to take place, Sihanouk himself was to blame. Being neutral country, as he put it, he should not blindly sided with Vietcong/North Vietnam by providing them with shelter in Cambodian territory, helped facilitate delivery of supply from China to them, in the fight against U.S./South Vietnam. What Sihanouk did was detriment to American war effort. Do you think the American would let us live peacefully if our leader who claimed to be neutral while on the contrary, he sided with the American enemy?

Anonymous said...

Hello 1:21 am.
May I add some to your valuable post?

-The relationship between then Prince Sihanouk became sour could be after China reprimanded Cambodia for flirting with the US. Stalin determined to take Cambodia and Laos and he instructed China to help Vietnam to take Cambodia and Laos. Stalin made a comment he distrusted Ho Chi Minh and he made sure that China keeps Ho Chi Minh in one place?

Or could be

-After The meeting between Lon Nol and Prince Sihanouk in Paris sometime in 1970. Then the coup d'Etat. Lon Nol took Cambodia and Sihanouk went with China?

Or could be

-After Ho Chi Minh didn't acknowledge Cambodia's neutrality proposal plan or didn't respect Cambodia's territorial integrity?

Lon Nol regime was too corrupted, and his young brother Lon Non was a terror. May be the reason why KR won?

Anonymous said...

2:28 AM,
You are a champion of blaming. What a moron?

Anonymous said...

This to a moron 2:28am.
"Doers don't brag, braggarts don't do." MK Soni.

Anonymous said...

2:35AM and 2:55 AM,

It's not about blaming alone, it's also about responsibility and accountability. Everyone must be held accountable for his/her action. That's why Khmer Rouge Tribunal was established to find out the truth and punish those responsible for the death of as many 2 Million Khmers during the Pol Pot Reign. In order for justice to be served, Sihanouk who was Khmer Rouge leader at the time, cannot be excluded from being called to testify in court.

Anonymous said...

2:28 AM,
Sorry, I don't buy your argument. After the 1970 coup? The ball already started rolling and soon afterward out of control. How about NO COUP, NO DEPOSE in 1970 at all, nothing bad would had cascaded from that and 2 millions plus Cambodians would not perish; millions others were not broken and sent scattered across the globe. I bet Prince Sihanouk would appeal instead to his people to fight against the Khmer Rouge, Viet Cong, and North Vietnamese. Granted the US did not decide to leave Cambodia, South Vietnam, and Laos. You seem not to get that and stuck in first gear.

Your other argument is that Cambodia being a neutral country and didn't seem to stay neutral. Prince Sihanouk did in the Cambodia's best interest. That's what the head of state should do. His country and people come first. Besides, was there any treaty between the US and Cambodia ever signed at all before that time? None, zilch. Your later on statements in the post proves that you are soft and not able to stand up to anything, easily bullied (I think I know why). Just a reminder that we live in a gray world not so much just black and white. Case and point, the Iraq invasion, was it really the WMD? NOTTTTT.

You also say "What Sihanouk did was detriment to American war effort". Alright. How about Cambodia's security and interests, her very own survival. Not a least bit in your consideration at all. Just look at the outcome in 1975, even with the help of the Khmer Republic from the left flank, the US still took off. What do you have to say to that? I don't think, you are really a Cambodian. Eventhough you use us and we in your post. It ain't matter.....

I am not defending Prince Sihanouk in any way just stating what when down back then, what could have been and what would have been. Just like I already stated before he too screwed up and he knows it.

Anonymous said...


King Sihanouk was not a KR leader.
Justice will not be served on earth because the foreigners were involved.

Every nation is at war or crisis, there're lives involved, and this is not the 1st time or the last time for any country.

Let the experts and the politicians of those superpower nations and UN decided what to tackle next and you and a few of your bashers need to stop but keep watching the politics.

Spamvertising the same spams is dull.

Anonymous said...

Hi 2:34 AM,
Please fell free to add. I certainly don't claim that I know everything. Far from it as a matter fact. Just a few things though.

Yes, your could-be scenarios are plausible but only the actual players can tell the real truth. But even that, look at Duch is doing now. He is not telling the whole truth yet. May be he has more to come. I have no ideas. Your guess is as good as mine.

Just one thing though, please don't hurt our own brothers and sisters, our own nieces, nephews, aunts and uncles, and our own mothers and fathers.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

They're not losing their livelihood, They're losing their corrupt livelihood.

We made $1.00 a day just eat and die. We don't have any tv, karaoke, liquor, computer, internet, toy, bike, car, moto, laptop, running water and etc.
Our toilet would be digging dirt spot by spot for our poop around our shack. We worked sunrise till sunset and 7 a days a week to feed our whole family.


Anonymous said...

For those who have sacrified their lives blindly to their criminal king !!
You must understand that, from the first BC until now, we have more than 2500 years. In the past 2500, millions of people in Asian countries have only respected the Buddha. The Buddha has nothing ( No power, no moneys) he left his great life from a Prince into a monk. But people of all walk of lives included all the king of all countries have bow their head to respect to this Buddha.
Therefore, we can see that in this planet, noone is cared to criminal king at all. Only crooked people who cared criminal king and criminal leaders. You will face with bad karma for serving these criminals.
Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Why preaching of Lord Buddha when you yourself don't abide His teachings?
It is not you who has the authority to judge other people's Karma. Look at your very own Karma may be thicker than the King who was born to be a King and a Leader.

A mad man like you will face only darkness. You are so evil to preach of Buddha but vomit on His Law of Karma.

Don't bring Lord Buddha in your evil preachings.

Anonymous said...

Man this old boy Areak Prey is really whacked a big time. He is a self-righteous and proclaimed himself Buddha's spoke person. He gave himself the authority to judge other Karma, because he says so.

This is a scary scene. A sign of a fake Buddhist.

Anonymous said...

The title should read;
"Dethroned King fled to Beijing due to fear of prosecution."

Anonymous said...

Oh ah Youn spy 12;03am. You can come to Beijing and Cambodia anytime.

Anonymous said...

Areak Prey, all along it seems that you look at just a part of the story not the whole scheme of things. In order to make to argument valid, you have to look at the whole thing from stem to stern, the whole equation not just a single digit.