Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sacrava Political Cartoon: The Compliments

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

English is not a native language for Cambodian government. People always make a mistake in writing English or other languages. It's part of human beings. Using a mistake of one word as a pretext in insulting to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Cambodian government is an outrage.

Did KI-Media never made a mistake in writing English??

Khmer Australian

Anonymous said...

yes i fully agree.. what's more, that title was perhaps posted by the Ministry's website staff and was not in the official letter itself.. it's silly and cheap for KI and co. to take political advantage even on this small human error.. yawn

Heng Soy said...

You damn people never accept you weakness and a Kwak hun sen, and ah hor 5 hong idiot.

Khmer Syney

Anonymous said...

Khmer Long Beach agree with Khmer Sydney.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, me too! POLY, LBC.