Sunday, September 20, 2009

Someone is lying

Alternatives Watch – 20ix09
Op-Ed by Ung Bun Ang
Originally posted online

In the current episode of Cambodia politics, there are four potential liars: SRP parliamentarian Mu Sochua, Cambodian foreign affairs secretary of state Ouch Borith, US ambassador to Cambodia Carol Rodley, and US secretary of state Hillary Clinton. They all have reasons to lie.

Mu Sochua may lie as she could not afford to disappoint her supporters who have been hyped up by her rhetoric. Following her meeting with Clinton, Mu Sochua claims the US will, at the end of September, inform the Cambodian government that there will be conditions attached to US aid. Mu Sochua maintains that a high level US delegation led by Melanne Vereer – president Obama’s ambassador at-large for global women's issues – will visit Cambodia to assess human rights conditions. With such details, Mu Sochua is either telling the truth or a good liar.

But the claims prompt Cambodia’s Ouch Borith to brand Mu Sochua a liar. He asserts ambassador Rodley, whom he summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs to clarify what had transpired in the meeting between Hillary Clinton and Mu Sochua in Washington DC, has assured him the US secretary did not respond to any of Mu’s requests. Mu will thus be a liar if Ouch Borith accurately reports the outcome of his meeting with Rodley. He lies, however, if Rodley in fact confirms the parliamentarian’s claims.

There is a good reason for Ouch Borith to lie. Though the Cambodian government may not need the US aid, it could do with a public relations coup. A Mu Sochua run-away success will put a huge dent into the ego of prime minister Hun Sen, who has been mounting pressures on the parliamentarian to back down from their court tussle.

Or, ambassador Rodley could lie to Ouch Borith by not confirming the Mu Sochua claims. The US Administration has moved decisively in recent times to improve its relation with the Cambodia government with more aid and high level visits. US defence secretary and Cambodian defence minister are about to hold face-to-face meetings in Washington DC with undisclosed agenda. US energy giant Chevron has submitted an application to Cambodian authority for exploration rights in Cambodian maritime areas. Confirming Mu’s claims could jeopardise the efforts. Embassy spokesman John Johnson has declined to comment on the claims.

For the same reasons, secretary Clinton could just play lip service and lie to protect the US interest that must dwarf any personal regards she may have for Mu Sochua. She has not so far cared to clarify the matter, keeping all concerned up in the air.

It may be difficult to prove now who is lying as all have conformed to a requirement for a good lie: the meetings are one-to-one behind closed doors, and mum’s the word. But sooner or later, it will become clear who has lied. A major test comes if the US high level delegation actually visits Cambodia as claimed. Or, they may just send a lower level delegation, which is a compromise that makes everyone a liar.
Quotable Quote:

“Nixon is a shifty-eyed goddam liar...He's one of the few in the history of this country to run for high office talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time and lying out of both sides.” - Harry S. Truman (1884–1972), U.S. president. Referring to Richard Nixon.

A Lie or An Irony:

Duch, at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal hearing on 27 August 2009:

“… Another influence [on me] was from within the country. I used to have close and distant grandparents who were poor telling me, ‘you are a clever student, when you grow up you will definitely oppress me’. I was determined then that [I] would not let their foresight turn right.”

Duch did more than just oppressing them


Anonymous said...

It was just a private affair and both now tried to use the country Cambodia as their own personal purposes.
Cambodia will suffer again because of the stupidities of these crazy human Of course, they still have a great body to show up, but they have lost their good mind and brain.

Anonymous said...

The US only does what is in their best interest. China is their main competitor in the region right now. They obviously are behind China in the influence of the region.

Will the US back Hun Sen's government or back some opposition? Before the US only supported the opposition because the opposition is basically their dogs and look up to them like masters but now that China is giving something for the US to run for in regard to the influence of the region, the US has started to renew their support for the government in the bid to win or at least equal out the power influence.

The only reason why the US would do anything for the opposition now is that their strategy is to abandon the SE Asian to China, which I don't believe is their intention at all. Everything I say holds true, the US will kick the opposition to the side a little by little and support Hun Sen's government even more.

The US ain't concerned about justice and shit like that. They are only concerned about their influence and interest. If it is in their interest to work with the government, then kiss your already dying opposition party goodbye.

Khmer oridinary said...

If compared to Kuwait and Israel, Cambodia is none. What will the US get from a country that has been sqeezed by Yuons, Hun Sen and his families, and all of his crimnal clique? Cambodia is just like an orrange that has a very little juice left "crude oil". But crude oil will still benefit those crooks too when it is pumped out.

As being well-known as a country that strongly advocates and loves social justice, freedom, and democracy, the US must fulfil its role. How far or deep it will go, no one knows for sure yet. Just wait and see. Anyway, we cannot let Hun Sen keeps suppressing the defenseless Khmer people as he wanted to. As ignorant, cocky, arrogant, proud, and greedy for absolute power as he is, if freely allowed, he will be a second Pol Pot for sure, and one of his sons will be a third. The dictator must be stopped or abolished in the 21st century. To abolish such a despicable didtator, the freedom-living people living overseas must come together and struggle endlessly, because those who are living inside of the coury cannot voice their opinions at all.

Anonymous said...

"All politicians lie."

Anonymous said...

Each of us have our own opinions. I agree with 3;10Pm and 9:26Pm a little bit, but not much.

I don't believe why the west such as French or US would care about a small size of Cambodia or why they rather support Vietnam than Cambodia. They care about the smartness of ours. I knew the US and China knew Vietnamese are quietly invading Cambodia; why should they care? And the US knew that Chinese are quietly invading Vietnam (Read an article China shadow over Vietnam Repression); and Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung, the Prime Minister of today Vietnam is alleged to be of Chinese. There are two cards to play by the US and China; China will never let Vietnam go to sleep with the US.

If so then China already controls water. And what war strategies the Vietnamese could defeat Chinese as they did in Red River? None.

If Vietnam accepts to sleep with China, and who worries about Cambodia and Laos? Burma and all the asean nations will automatically be under China.

There're many reasons behind why the west would prefer to work with Vietnam even if they knew Vietnamese cheated French.

First Khmers' Will was already destroyed by the Vietnamese's object of war strategies.

Second Khmers lack of unification; and it is very difficult to unite when our will was already destroyed by the enemy.

How they could destroy our will; there're also other reasons behind: we're too arrogant and too proud about our ancient history and refused to adopt and adapt with others. We are so corrupted; and we still see ourselves as true nationalist people, but to the west they see us are nationalist people not by nature but by an offensive display of superiority of our ancient great civilization only.

To me when I read our Khmers keep insulting each others I am just saying to myself "No greatest God can save us", I just let the fate leads us. Because we are all in position being sefl-righteousness; and when other Khmers disagree with us, some of us would resort to cursing, insulting or calling them idiots, etc.

In short, this is a new cold war between the US and China; and they both are fighting for a new global economic power.

About who lies, don't try to figure out about politicians. If Mu Sochua can be useful for China, she will be automatically PM.
In America, American officials like Hillary're to learn to lie, that's how they all do.

Will history repeats itself? Last time the Vietnamese flirted with Communist and kicked the US out, now look at what China came up with? Mekong Dams, Red River Dams.
No humans can live without water.

Israel controls every drop of water in Gaza Strip and Israel is just a small state. And what now to those Muslims who think they can send a Muslim man OB into the White House could save Gaza Strip?
Not a chance.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for a typo 12;38Am
should be 'Will history repeat itself?'

Anonymous said...

to 12:38 Am, you are to deeplly thinking, the thought of you will let Hun sen still be a power. to me i will do what is right for khmer no matter what US interesting to. as long as we all khmer stand up to getter and do what we suppose to do and we will try hard to get to the end then we will see. if you put to much negative idea of your then you will stop the fight in the middle of the road. think like i think to day we might fell but who know tomrrow? think possitive if you set your mind in to one thing don't let other negative thought distract it.

Anonymous said...

3:10 PM,

You are correct, America is only looking after its interest. How about China or Viets? Are they looking after Cambodia's interest?

Anonymous said...

people will find out sooner or later! can't hide forever, you know!