Sunday, September 13, 2009

SRP MPs Mu Sochua and Ho Vann visit the Cambodia community in Long Beach, California

On September 12, 2009, SRP MP Mu Sochua (L) and SRP MP Ho Vann (R) visited the Cambodian community in Long Beach. At the start of the talk, Mrs. Mu Sochua asked the audience to light up a candle for justice (All photos sent by Reader M.P. from Long Beach)
Mrs. Mu Sochua addressing the crowd
Mrs. Mu Sochua watched a video with the attendants to the talk
MP Ho Vann watched a video with the crowd
SRP MP Mu Sochua
MP Ho Vann and MP Mu Sochua listened to questions asked by participants to the talk
Mrs. Mu Sochua replied to questions asked to her. Mrs. Mu Sochua clearly confirmed that she will be returning to Cambodia, her homeland, on September 21, 2009
Mr. Ho Vann listening to questions asked by the public.
MP Mu Sochua replied to questions asked by the public


Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town
Long beach, Ca

Mu Suchua has planted to return to Cambodia, she should be prepare for heavy bodyguard to protect herself for security concern. We should let her know that our top general, don't like her speech at all. Something happened to her, the Cambodia government will not take responsible.

New Phally

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk,Vietcong and others Kr created the problem for Khmer since 1970.We need you good friends in this world.

The UN predicts that by 2050 the world population will exceed nine billion. If this happens, then combined with increased affluence (as e.g. the footprints of China and India expand rapidly) the world footprint could rise to around 2.7gha/cap. Without a serious international attempt to bring the world population back towards sustainability, the earth will become increasingly depleted of biological resources and will require humanity to conform to a significantly reduced average footprint, perhaps as low as of 1.2 gha/cap, assuming no sufficiently rapid advances in, for example, food and renewable-energy technologies. Because rich nations will not want to reduce their comfortable lifestyles, this predicts an enormous increase in poverty and an incipient catastrophic population crash in the poorer nations.

Anonymous said...

New Phally , You must have known that Hun Sen has a plan to kill Mu Suchua when she goes back to Cambodia . I won't be surprised if he really wants to do that because he has done it many times befor . That's why they call Hun Sen a killer.

Anonymous said...


5:04 PM

Anonymous said...

New Phally
Mu Sochua has planted something in Cambodia .
What did she plant there ? Tomato ? Potato ? Pepper ? hahaha hahaha hahahaha

Anonymous said...

No Khmer people care about Mrs mu sok hua.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Mu Sochua, you did nothing wrong, you only try to save the democracy.
Cambodia is always your country and the country of all Khmer people.
2:44 PM
It is not only her plan, but also her duty and responsible as MP to go back to Cambodia. She will also not need bodyguard.

Anonymous said...

look at that last picture but isn't she kinda like manly looking?

I guess if you dont got the look, go into working your ass off but if you got the look, everything is served.

Anonymous said...

6:41:PM . is that what you concern of ? You are such a very smart guy .

Anonymous said...

To 5:10 PM !
If Khmer people don't care about Mu Sochua why do they pay @ 20.00just to see her ?
When Hor Nam Hong came to open a Cambodian Council in Philla , less than 40 people attended the ceremony even it was free to public . Can you see the different there ?
Are you talking from your heart or your head 5:10 PM ?

Anonymous said...

All those CPP big shots need alot of bodygards because they know that they are not very popular . Just look at Hun Sen . 3000 bodygards . No Prime Minister in the world that have 3000 bodygrds like Hun Sen .
I heard New Phally has been applying to be Hun Sen's bodygard too but he has no experience in fighting and killing innocent people that's why he didnt get that job .

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

New Phally has been telling people that he was an Adviser to the President of the National Assembly , but he don't even know the different between plant and plan, how can he advise ?

Anonymous said...

អ្នកមីង សុខហួរ ហ្វីៗដែលអ្នកមីងបានធ្វើគឺសុទ្ធតែប្រយោជន៍
សម្រាប់រាស្រ្ដខ្មែរ ខ្ញុំសុំគាំទ្រជានិច្ច៕

ពីខ្ញុំ កញ្ញា ចិន្ដា​ ចាក់អង្រែ

Anonymous said...

what the fuck does the bitch try to do. Instead of staying home to take care of business, she left the country to cause more problems. This bitch is nothing but a source of problem.

Anonymous said...

When you calling a women a bitch, same as call your mom the same thing azz 8:37 PM.

Anonymous said...

The reason why cambodia is messed up and still so currupted is people like hun sen, new phally and that guy 8:37 PM.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind ah New Phally, folks. Sometimes the three monkeys fucked his brain as his work bears no fruit for them. In another sense, he is righ: Mrs Mu has planted trees of democracy which are now steadily growing, despite some Hun Sen's dandruffed dog are trying to slow down or stop her endeavour. She's been living in a freedom-democracy-justice loving country long enough; she knows very well how they taste. She wants her Khmer compatriots, who have been under the opression of the blind mad dog for so long, have the same taste. She's very determined in her pursuit for freedom for Khmer people. Up with good! Down with the evils!

Anonymous said...

The reason cambodia is so messed up is because of people like this old wrinkled pussy MaJu. Instead of stay home and and face the legal system (and go to jail}, she left the country to ask for more trouble. Remember the Khmer Rouge?
That was how it all started. People left the country and asked for outside help. Who did they ask? China. This fucking old wrinkled pussy never learned. If the outside world has no simple for cambodia, we would have had another civil war again long time ago. This old pussy and Sam the mother fucker Rainsy are the real problem in cambodia.

Anonymous said...

new phally, you should know that mu have bo broblems with no body excepted Hun Sen if she is die no one else kill her excepted HUn Sen. UN might take hun as a holder of responsibillity for mu die. this show that Hun cronies are kr so they all should go to duck trail.

Anonymous said...

to common 8:37 PM if you think she is bitch how about you why you are here bitching about her for? so you are not difference see how simple is that. who cause trouble you or her?

Anonymous said...

It's really suck and ridiculous.We're living abroad and some of you probably got well educated, so you clearly know true and false.There are no real freedom of speech or real democracy in Cambodia.When people saying the truth, It's doesn't means He or She defame...If I say there are corruptions and illegal Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia, Do I defame the government?

Anonymous said...

. . .let me add just a little bit more relating to what ah New Plally said about "bodygards". Last night I watched Mrs Mu's dvd. Everyone who saw the activities of ah Hun Sen's police and military police treated the SRP MPs shook their head in disapproval of the way they acted: they look no better than wild animals. In short they looked just like ah Hun Sen's conduct.

To ah New Phally: Mrs Mu is not an arrested traitorous criminal that needs heavy protection like ah Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

to common 9:38 PM, didn't she face her problame already where is hun kwack when she go to court? where is he? did he face the problame when mu try to go there couple time when hun court call her. because Hun court shaw she is go out of country looking for help that is how they try to call her to court because they try to put a blem on her no body buy hun trick expted you common 9:38 PM. you are a dummy one as well as all cpp party.

Anonymous said...

to common 6:41 PM, don't she look more professional than ah kwack Hun ? the way she move speech and gesture all greate, she show that she have manner, good behavior moral person who is every educated and strong will no one like hun party can't treat her, no matter what. person like hun can't compare just have a peanut or penis doesn't mean that he is better than women. hun brain or Hun cpp party way lower than her. every time i see Hun and his cpp party on tv or on newspaper his behavior show that a very dummy un educated, no morallity, no brain nothing in him show that he is a pm for khmer exepted KR behavior.

Anonymous said...

ps for common 10:03pm, all cpp party behavior show as a lazy people all pig brain, especialist to the guy who work as the highest rank in the post office or minister. sluggy slump lazy no brain on his face as same as Hun. that can tell ah thai they don't give a shit to ah Hun officer

Anonymous said...

Hey, 8:02PM,
Heng Samrin and Chea Sim speak no English; Ah New Phally's English is more than good to be their adviser, dude.

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe all these critical of Hun Sen. Cambodia without Hun Sen is Cambodia of old-
Khmers fighting Khmers for supremacy. We all should abandon this concept. Lets move forward and develop the country what Hun Sen is doing instead leaving the country every time there is a problem like Sam and MaJu always do. by the way, I am not Phally.

Anonymous said...

Keep smiling and keep shining......
SRP supporters always love you.....
Our next Prime Minister of Cambodia

Khmer ordinary said...

Are you living in Cambodia or in any developed country?

The concept of pursuing for freedom, democracy, and social justice for Khmer people cannot be abandoned that easily. Hun Sen, who has used absolute power to extreme, must be stopped sooner or later. This blind mad dog has harmed and hurt Khmer people in general so much. He is a very useful of Vietnam. He has done everything for just himself, his families, and his cronies. If Hun Sen is allowed to stay in power much longer, Cambodia and her people will suffer without end. Why? Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge then and is still a Khmer Rouge now. His brain has soaked with absolutism. Of all the Khmer rulers, he is the most dangerous and destructive one who will turn Cambodia upside down. A ruler who has no compassion, sympathy, mercy, and kindness will never share equal happiness with people in general. Such an arrogant, cocky, and barbaric ruler is a dictator, and in the 21st century a dictator must be stopped. In the long run this blind mad dog will lose in disgrace.

Anonymous said...

correction: useful tool of Vietnam

Anonymous said...

All you bastards who want freedom in cambodia should go live in Singapore, thailand or vietnam.
What MaJu and Sam did in cambodia would have landed them jail in those countries. Now that is freedom for you.

Anonymous said...

yes,stupid common 11:19 PM, you are way to dum look at the develope country don't they fight each other to look for a good solution , every country are develope they alway discussing or fighting to find a better way for their poeople if no aguing there is brain pig like Hun group show up as lazy care nothing but themselt face show up all the question mark or dummy faces.

Anonymous said...

To Khmer Rouge supporters

Ah PPU aka Ah Anthony
Ah New Phally
Ah Khmer-Australian
Ah Krama Man
Ah Thana
Ah Thes Meas
Ah Mercedez Benz (Identity Thief) 

You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Please do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.