Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Suthep plans to meet Hun Sen

"The Thai army is also ready to counter if armed Cambodian troops enter Thai territory" - Thailand Second Army Region commander Lt Gen Wiboonsak Neephan

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Bangkok Post

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban plans to meet Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen to discuss the Thai-Cambodian border row after reports Mr Hun Sen has ordered his troops to shoot any trespassers in the disputed border area near Preah Vihear temple.

On Sept 19, yellow-shirt People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protesters rallied near the ancient temple, demanding the Cambodian government remove its people from the disputed border area.

"I believe Prime Minister Hun Sen could misunderstand the situation and I am ready to talk with him," Mr Suthep, who is charged of security affairs, said on Tuesday.

Mr Suthep said he did not know the Cambodian premier announced that he will not attend the Asean summit, scheduled for next month in Thailand and will not talk with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

"I believe this has nothing to do with former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, and I have ordered the Second Region Army commander to keep a close watch on the border area and to prevent clashes between both sides," Mr Suthep said.

The border situation near Preah Vihear temple was still normal, he said.

"The Thai army is also ready to counter if armed Cambodian troops enter Thai territory," Second Army Region commander Lt Gen Wiboonsak Neephan said.

However, the two sides had been trying to negotiate and work together continuously to ease the tension.

PM's deputy secretary-general Panithan Wattanayakorn said the government hoped Cambodia will stick to peaceful means to resolve the border row.


Anonymous said...

go to your land just to shit at ur land not to steal ur land a phler thai ery..

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

LOL. mr. suthep is so scare now. If you do not want to see thai people die in this border conflict, keep your people out of khmer territory.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr. Suthep is wasting his breath in meeting PM Hun Sen. He and his delegation should go to Abhisit's house instead to discuss Thai troops withdrawal along the border and leave Cambodia in peace!Next time, Mr. Suthep shows his dark Thai turtle head in PM Hun Sen's house. Maybe Madam Bun Rany Hun Sen should pee in his "Tom Yum Goong" soup!

Anonymous said...

Comrade Hor 5 Hong must be responsible to lodge grievance with ASEAN over Siam violation of Khmer territorial integrity and live/property losses at PAD's war perpetuating politics at Preah Vihear. Cambodia demands ASEAN must address Siam violation openly otherwise Cambodia will not take part in rescheduled ASEAN Summit under Siam Chairmanship.

Anonymous said...

just a clear message from pm hun sen that he got angry with the thia soilder who burn khmer kid alive ,there might be only 1 option left if the siam don't chang its attitude and pull the troop out that is war!!! let the khmer soilder teach them a lesson for not trying to steal khmer land againt.

Anonymous said...

So what now, this guy going to see Hun Sen again?

I wonder if Hun Sen still sweet talk with this Thai old fool.

Kick him out HUN SEN!!!

Anonymous said...

Last visit Rany served Nay Suthep,her somlor kokor truoy ma:hiass and may be next time she will serve him her specialty bok khdarm sar,eh???

Anonymous said...

Why bother talking with them since all it leaders one government after another government always said that "Gen Anupong said that all the border talks would be the responsibility of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Commission for the Demarcation of Land Boundararies".

HUN SEN must tell them to go back to Nunjao or Yunan!!

Anonymous said...

hey, siem thugs, cambodia did not started this, it's siem's problem, ok! of course, cambodia has the right to order shooting of invader into our khmer soil! so, stop provoking cambodia, ok! your size means nothing to us as there are a lot of smaller countries all over the world, ok. so, stop bullying cambodia!

Anonymous said...

don't forget siem is the instigator in all of this, ok! of course, naturally, cambodia retaliates siem!

Anonymous said...

the way i see it, the problem with siem people is that they interfere with their leaders respective role. take for example, pad thugs, interfere with the siem border commmittee who is really responsible for cooperative work with cambodian counterpart in order to properly demcarcate the unmarked borders with cambodia. but no, pad thugs had to interfere. so, siem is ineffective in their role of leadership, really! as simple as that, really!