Monday, September 14, 2009

[Thai Defense Minister] Prawit: [Thai] Army can protect sovereignty


The Thai army is fully capable of protecting the country's sovereignty and territory, and the situation in the disputed border near the ancient Preah Vihear temple is still normal, Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon said on Monday.

Gen Prawit said the Thai-Cambodian Joint Commission on Demarcation of the Land Boundary (JBC) meeting went smoothly. The commission was working under the agreement between the two countries.

Both sides were trying to find the best solution to the border dispute for the two countries, he said.

Speaking about the planned anti-government rally of the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) on Saturday, Gen Prawit said all sides must follow the law.

"The red-shirt demonstrators must know what they can or cannot do, while officials must act in accordance with the orders issued by the government and the Internal Security Operation Centre," the minister said.

The government would consider if the Internal Security Act should be used during the red-shirt rally this Saturday, he said.

The police would assess the situation and decide if they would obstruct red-shirt supporters from other provinces trying to enter Bangkok. The army was ready to reinforce the police if requested, he said.


Anonymous said...

If Thai cross over illegally, just shoot and burns them like gasoline, the same way they did to our people...

Anonymous said...

Cambodian government must stop playing soft and kissing ass with neighbors country, if they show no respects just shoot ta fuck out of them!! and burns them alive with gasoline...